Fist of Fantasy

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

"It's not new, it's old."

There were two people sitting in the command room of the Lan regiment.

Lei Donglan, who was on the main seat, sat still, neither getting up nor showing any intention of showing the seat to the visitors.

She put her hand on the shoulder of the person beside her, and introduced to the braided woman:

"My junior brother, I heard that I dug up a lot of broken things here, so I came here to search for treasures during my annual leave, and I also gave me a hand to help out.

Junior Brother, this is Director Nanyan sent by Konghaihuat Group to participate in this project. "

"It's not about participating, it's about hosting and grasping the general manager.

Captain Lei, there is only half a month left before the date of handing over the tomb, and the few corpse beasts in the tomb have not been cleared away, and you still have time to receive friends who come to travel. The working method of your hunting group must be changed.

I came today to talk to you about the next plan and..."

Nan Yan put the whiskey bottle in her hand on the table with a bang, and pulled away the chair opposite Lei Donglan while she was talking. She was about to sit down, but saw Lei Donglan's bald junior brother smiled and stood up, stretching out his arms with great enthusiasm. The right hand came over.

Reluctantly, Nan Yan stretched out her hand, ready to shake him politely and say a few words of nonsense.

"Hi Director Nan, it's a pleasure to meet you...

My surname is Liang, Liang De. This time I am here for both vacation and work. I think I will stay for a few more days. Please take care of me and forgive me. "

Both vacation and work, and this magical position of the quantum state?

Nan Yan took Liang De's hand and said:

"It's a pleasure to meet you. You're welcome. I don't know where Mr. Liang is employed?"

"Hahahahaha, I can't talk about being high. I work in the Thunder Evil Sect and make a small Fist of Fantasy for a living. This time, I came here mainly to..."

Nan Yan's face changed drastically after hearing the words "Fist of Imagination", two jagged dust waves burst out from under her feet, and she quickly pulled her hand back several meters away. Wipe constantly.

"Sky... Fist of Illusion?!"

A wisp of white smoke came out of Liang De's palm due to the violent friction, but the enthusiastic smile on his face did not diminish by half.

"Yes, Fist of Illusion.

Director Nan, I take the liberty to ask, are you married?Are you in love?Is there anyone you like now? "

Liang De rubbed his hands excitedly, his eyes were shining, like the three aunts and six wives who captured older unmarried young people during the Spring Festival.

Two dust waves more than one foot high suddenly exploded!

Nan Yan turned around and ran, rushing out of the tent of the combat command room without looking back.

"Director Nan, don't you want to talk to me about the next work plan?"

Lei Donglan's voice came from the tent, and flew into Nan Yan's ears through the dust waves and explosions.

"next time!"

Liang De sat back beside Lei Donglan, shook his head and said:

"The company's reputation is really bad, and even my amiable personal temperament can't save it.

Damn, Mr. Fengxian's novels are so popular, and everyone obviously likes to read them, but they just refuse to make some sacrifices for literature. I think this literary work is getting more and more difficult to do. "

"What's going on down here?"

After Nan Yan walked away, Lei Donglan lowered the connection strength of the Golden Snake Resonance Method, and Liang De's split body immediately sat on the chair. passed it on.

The huge rock ball named by Liang De as "the wheel of local method history" rampaged all the way, the wheel passed by, and the sound of guns rumbled. fan-shaped herd.

None of the fungus corpses dared to use their best burrowing ability to escape, because dozens of the fastest digging beasts had already paid the price with their lives.

Under the ground, it has become hell.

In the tomb, wherever possible to dig into, there are countless black shadows in the shape of drills shuttling through it. These live drills, which are as hard as steel, are wrapped with crazy animal nature. crumbs.

Not only that, those drill bits rotated and sprayed concentrated fuel around at high speed, and not a single fungal spore could survive the raging flames.

The only way left for the fungal corpse beasts is to flee on the surface.

Many corpse beasts took the initiative to discard the excess parts during their escape, throwing their heads and butts away, leaving only four hooves and a ball of mycelium entangled with them.

The mutilated corpse beasts are like green wigs galloping with long legs, chasing by rolling rock balls faster and faster, but still unable to escape the journey of history.

The fungal corpses in the distance were bombarded and burned by rock balls, and the light blue homing bombs pouring down like a waterfall attacked everywhere like groups of piranhas. The body was smashed to pieces, and the cyan mycelium was also scorched black and carbonized by the hellish high temperature.

The nearby fungal corpse beast was crushed and stuck by the rolling rock ball, and its four hooves kicked wildly, but it was of no avail.

The shark-like gap on the surface of the rock ball eats and chews, swallows the corpses that are stuck by the golden snake, and smoothly sends them into the three-dimensional minefield that refreshes every 5 milliseconds inside the rock ball.

In the minefield, the extremely corrosive fantasy sea shade thunder smashes the bones into gold, and the fungal corpses trapped in the minefield are melted into yellow-green strong acid, and then sprayed to the fleeing corpses through the barrel on the surface of the rock ball, killing them. A large piece of exposed mycelium is dead, which can be said to be taken from the civilians and used by the people, forming a virtuous development of the circulatory system.

According to the tomb robbery notes of Taoist Qianshan, this real tomb has seven floors.

This is the third floor of the real tomb. According to the records left by Dongxuanzi, this floor is the place where he first encountered a fungal corpse.

When Liang De broke in here, he found that the tomb had already been destroyed by the raging fungus corpses and beasts, leaving only ruins and tiles, and there was no value for development.

On the top of the real tomb, Lei Donglan used his natural divine power to cover him, while those fungal corpses were only good at digging and running, and their defense and survivability were average, so they didn't need any high-intensity attack methods to kill them.

He simply let go, intending to gather all the corpses and beasts in the real tomb here, and fight a meat grinder annihilation battle.

Brother Xian hasn't spoken for a long time... Is the live broadcast interrupted? Forget it, don't care about her.

"Senior Sister, my main body kicked off and crushed on the third floor, and the avatar that drilled down to scout has almost reached the seventh floor.

The tomb buildings on the first six floors were almost destroyed by these fungi, and no high-value funeral objects were found in the open. "

Lei Donglan's warrior spirituality scanned the screen sent back by Liang De, and sent a message:

"Continue to go on, among the funerary objects that Dong Xuanzi found were too many products that did not belong to this world, this tomb will not be that simple.

Also, this extraordinary fungus cannot completely rely on the vitality of heaven and earth to survive. The population has grown to such a large size, either there is a sustainable food source, or it came from outside the tomb.

If it is not found on the first six floors, it is on the seventh floor.

You switch the main body to the seventh floor, set the coordinates for the portal in the boundary, and pay attention to the anomalies in space when investigating. "


Behind the fleeing beast herd, the driver Liang De stopped the wheel of local history, and the vision from countless fragments merged into a complete picture in the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit.

"What's wrong, why does this ghost thing seem to be hitting more and more..."


On the seventh floor of Nantiaoshan Zhenzhen Tomb, a four-color mixed Martial Arts Primordial Spirit randomly found a drill-shaped split and attached it. The drill stopped digging, and a head, torso, and hands grew out of the turbulent amber flames. foot.

Not long after, a standard Liang De crawled on the wall of the tomb like a gecko.

This hexagonal tomb is located at the core of the seventh floor, and it is the only place in this real tomb that he has not explored.

He didn't dare to land rashly, so he climbed along the wall to the ceiling, turned his head 180 degrees and looked down.

With the martial artist's spiritual sense in full swing, the tomb was filled with buzzing noises, and the strong interference made it impossible for him to fully see the situation in the tomb only through his spiritual sense.

The source of those weird noises was the seven formations engraved on the floor of the tomb.

Among them, six smaller circular magic circles are placed on the six corners of the tomb, guarding the triangular magic circle in the center of the tomb.

Of the six circular magic circles, only one is functioning normally.

Liang De carefully distinguished and found that all the noise in the tomb came from the circular array in operation.

It was the clattering motion of something he couldn't see, manifested as noise in psychic perception.

"Noise" was continuously poured into the guarded triangular array, and strange arcs flickered in the triangular array. Those strange arcs raised their heads and broke free from the shackles of the two-dimensional plane. Intertwined and turned into dense moss-colored hyphae, and then drilled into the holes on the edge of the triangular array.

"Those extraordinary fungi parasitic on the tomb-suppressing corpse beasts are not accidental products... they are the means left by the real tomb owner himself.

Why, thinking that the tomb-slayer beast is too obedient and the tomb is too quiet, he purposely raised some mischievous little things to plan his own tomb? "

Liang De raised his hand to the bridge of his nose, ready to help his non-existent glasses to test the magic circle on the ground.


He was surprised to find that the outstretched fingertips did not touch the bridge of the pair of glasses.

The glasses are the handiwork of Qing Jie, and it is impossible to disappear suddenly if there is a problem.

So... it's me?

Liang De was in a trance, trembling, and suddenly found himself standing in the center of a circle. This silent circle began to emit subtle noises, and the invisible source of the noise began to penetrate into his consciousness.

He looked up and saw a pair of eyes staring at him.

That was himself lying on the ceiling of the tomb.

The body that was occupied by some kind of alien smiled at him, and the eyeballs twitched in the sockets.

The neck turned 180 degrees returned to its original position. Liang De, who was trapped in the magic circle, watched his body being pierced by others, and climbed out of the tomb on all fours.

Then he couldn't see anything.

The golden snake resonance with Lei Donglan was not broken, but he could only hear the continuous noise of the magic circle, and there was nothing on Lei Donglan's end.

Liang De tried to vibrate the Martial Dao Yuanshen to send a message to Lei Donglan, but found that there was no medium to vibrate.

Martial Dao Primordial Spirit gone?

No, it should be there, my soul has been integrated into the Martial Dao Primordial Spirit, so I can't lose it, and it's impossible to lose it!

He knew that his Martial Dao Primordial Spirit and the things in it were still there, but he couldn't manipulate them no matter what.

In this circular circle, he seemed to have only pure consciousness left.

... I can think, I am still there.

But nothing to do but think and listen to the noise.

It seems that there is only a disembodied consciousness, and I can't see myself, I can't feel myself, so how can I escape?

I seem to be imprisoned in this circular circle, but this cognition is only based on the information I collected before I lost my warrior spiritual sense and body perception.

But that information is not necessarily true.

I couldn't touch the non-existent glasses, which means that at least from that moment on, my perception has been beyond count.

When did the perception and thinking interference start... When I couldn't hear Brother Xian's voice on the third floor but didn't confirm it?

Yeah, I've never been quite right since then.

Normally, how could I directly use the main body to explore the core tomb... It is obvious that the front-line drill has not thoroughly searched and reconnaissance the seventh floor, and this tomb is obviously weird, it is impossible to do such a thing with my martial arts.

Is the one who told me to switch the main body to the seventh floor really the elder sister?

Liang De's consciousness was thinking in the irregular noise, but he only had consciousness, and he couldn't do anything except think, even if he had some guesses, he couldn't verify it.

He is like a computer that has lost all available peripherals such as keyboard, mouse, webcam, headset, microphone, touchpad, etc., and can't do anything by itself.

I don't know how long it has passed... Liang De's "consciousness" has no sense of time, no pulse and heartbeat, no rhythm of soul, and he has lost the ability to judge time.

In a void, there is only the "hearing" of that weird noise.

Is this really auditory?

Liang De's consciousness tried to "listen", imagining the existence of his consciousness in a form, and using this form to touch and interfere with those noises.

Nothing exists, but I need a grasping tool for the void world... The old man said that in the void, you can use fakes to cultivate the real, but what is fake and what is real, is this "I" real or fake?

Liang De tried hard to imagine the pure consciousness as something tangible, and slowly, he felt those irregular noises aligning themselves.

It is not the noise, but the source of the noise is moving, and that source is becoming regular.

Are the sources of the noise conscious intelligent beings?

Liang De used his remaining "hearing" to distinguish, groping like a blind man, stumbling to catch up with the changes in the noise.

When his consciousness finally caught up with the changes in the noise, he was swaying with the source of the noise in his imagination.

He "sees" it.

He regained his "sight" from the regular noise, and saw the magic circle that trapped him, and another circular magic circle that was running outside the magic circle.

An unusually strong noise came from another magic circle.

Through the bond of noise, Liang De "saw" the moss-colored mycelia tangled in the magic circle, and the old man in green shirt with a cane at the end of the mycelium.

While "seeing" the old man in blue, he knew that the old man in blue also "saw" him at the same time.

The old man in the green shirt waved the crutch in his hand, jumped up in the mycelium and "yelled" loudly at him:

"Boy, you were so happy beating me, you were imprisoned too!"

 1. Thanks to Xiao Xiaodan for the rewards, thanks to Anyan Tianfeng, Universal Dumplings, Stardawn, koduck, Cinno, and Wujiangui for their rewards, and thank you for your subscription and voting support. 2. Today, I found out that there is an updated and stable badge for Lahip Fist on the page of Qidian APP, and I feel very complicated... 3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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