Chapter 937
The cold canned 'Dr Pepper' (Dr. Pepper, the best-selling caramel carbonated drink produced by [-]-Up Company) was taken out of the ice bucket and handed to Vileva Helsinki. The flow of water was in the palm of Bai Nen's hand, and it was a little refreshing before drinking it.

Lin Nian watched the slender fingers snap the tab open, and made a "呲", which reminded me of a leather pouch with a small hole pierced through it, and the darkness hidden in the shade, which no one knows, all It spewed out along the way.Foam and black water spread and flow down from Bai Nen's hands, even the gurgling voices were shrill and distorted, in short, they lost their original appearance, so there was no need to listen carefully.

Wei Lewa, who was sitting sideways under the parasol, raised her neck and took a long sip of soda under Lin Nian's watchful eyes. After she put it down, she let out a long breath. The princess on the ice and snow is so cold even in the scorching sun. The skin looks so cool even with sweat.

She turned her head and saw that Lin Nian was also holding a glass bottle of Coca-Cola, so she raised the can to Lin Nian, roughly to clink glasses.And her movements are also very interesting, with her right arm level with her shoulders and her wine glass straight out.

This is an orthodox toasting gesture. In the Nordic culture, a complete toasting gesture often means that you have no hidden weapons, because in those years, everyone lived in suits and leather shoes, and the unseemly knives and guns were hidden in decent clothes. Under the clothes, once you stretch out your hands, the indecentness inside will be exposed.

Wei Lewa didn't speak, and sat so loosely on the green and blue picnic mat. Beside her, Xiawang thoughtfully watched his sister play volleyball in the distance. He always knew how to be alone when there were many people. , reassuring too much.

How long has it been since I saw this girl.Lin Nian thought to himself, and soon got the answer.He remembered it clearly—he remembered everything he was supposed to remember, but the date when he last saw the girl Vileva Helsinki probably wouldn't be forgotten by many forgetful people.

On August 2010, 8, the Constantine sniper campaign has gone through a total of 21 days so far, which is close to a year.

A lot of bad things happened that day, but the end result was probably mostly good.

It’s like people lifting a huge piece of glass and smashing a corner by accident, but it is generally intact, even if the debris that fell to the ground remains forever in the black puddles on the corner of the street—know the general!The mixed-race people are always general-minded people and don't care about discarded leftovers.

Seeing that Lin Nian flicked off the cap of the Coke bottle with his thumb, there was no bubbles coming out, and the liquid inside was so calm that people questioned whether the black ones were carbonated sodas or other impostors. There were only a few bubbles in them Only the surge can prove that it is indeed such a thing.

"Cheers." The drink can and the glass bottle in Wei Lewa's hand collided lightly, the voice was not so crisp, and it was dull as expected.

"Why cheers?" Lin Nianqian asked after taking a sip of the cold soda.It is worth mentioning that his question focuses on "cheers for what", rather than the common "why" in interrogative sentences.

Because Lin Nian could see that the girl's toast was something to celebrate, not just a casual toast that can be seen everywhere: "Although I don't know why, but I think we should cheer!" The kind of catharsis is unknown. Pleasant behavior, Lin Nian thinks the toast she said has meaning, she is indeed toasting to celebrate something, and that event must make her feel happy, she wants to share it with herself but it is not easy to say it directly , so the expression is so formal and implicit.

"In order to finally be able to drink my favorite drink after nearly a year." Wei Lewa turned the 'Dr Pepper' purple and black printed jar with her right hand.

She said: "When I was a child in Finland, I liked to drink soda drinks, Bonne Bilberry juice, Fazer oatmeal drink, but my favorite is soda, carbonated soda. Finland often snows, and it is easy to accumulate at once, so most of my country The doors of homes are all opened to the inside, and if anyone installs the door to the outside, then they must be out of luck, after all, it is common to see the way to work blocked by the thick snow that exceeds the gate."

"It's the first time I've heard that, and it's very novel," Lin Nian said.

"If you have time, you can really come to Finland once, and go to Helsinki. Although Finland often sees snow, it is generally not cold because of the warm North Atlantic current, or it is warmer than other places on the earth at the same latitude. There are On snowy days, the air is also fresh and dry, and there is no feeling of humidity and coldness, so I have also developed the habit of drinking iced drinks in a heated room since I was a child. Do you know how to freeze drinks in Finland?"

Lin Nian shook his head.

"We don't use a freezer, even though we have one in every house, after all Finland has hot days too. I don't know about others, but I grew up burying drinks, sometimes Coke and sometimes blueberry drinks, in the snow outside the door for him to Freeze it naturally." She said while sipping her drink, "But my maid often goes to hide my frozen drinks because she listens to my mother to take care of me and thinks it's unhygienic."

"But the drink is packed in a drink bottle." Lin Nian pointed out this point.

"Yeah, but she thinks the snow is dirty and will stain the drink cans, and I never like straws when drinking drinks. When my mouth touches the drink bottle, I will eat the dirty things in the snow. She often uses the dog Shit in the snow came to scare me, saying that a child got leukemia from drinking dirty canned drinks, but I never listened to that.” Wei Lewa shrugged.

Lin Nian didn't know what to say, so he said "um", and then fell silent.

The girl chatted about the past, and some strange things, what the boy should do is to be silent and listen, this is what Lin Nian learned from Su Xiaoqiang.

The two years of getting along has not been smooth sailing, even the girl who likes Lin Nian so much actually has her own temper.

For example, why did Su Xiaoqiang's answer to Su Xiaoqiang's topic in the chat not get good results?Why Su Xiaoqiang chatted enthusiastically about his troubles in Kassel College, but he got some perfunctory thanks and hugs for his targeted suggestions.He knew that she still loved her at that time, but the girl's emotions must be lower than before, which led to a result-he did something wrong.

So when he returned to the dormitory after an occasional date that was not successful, he spent most of his time discussing these emotional issues with Lu Mingfei, a love expert, and Fingel, a professor of love.

Finally, under the discussion of professors and experts, he got the answer, that is, those girls are experts from Venus, and many boys are also Mars transformation masters. Boys don’t need to ask questions about girls. The story makes suggestions, what they need is to listen, and only to listen.

Besides, he and Wei Lewa are just chatting, no matter what happened in the past, the chatting between acquaintances who reunited after a long absence, since it is small talk, any topic is fine, talk about school, talk about feelings, talk about politics, of course, and talk about the past fun.

Wei Lewa looked at the quiet Lin Nian, seemed very happy with the boy's reaction, took a sip of her drink and asked, "Do you think I'm capricious?"

"Children are like this." Lin Nian said, "When I was a child, some people told me to wash apples before eating, but I never did it, because I think I was taught that raw water is not drinkable, so apples washed with raw water Why can we eat it? The teacher taught us not to drink raw water, but he didn’t teach us not to eat apples, so we have to wash apples with raw water before eating, which is unreasonable.”

Wei Lewa was stunned for a moment, and suddenly she was amused: "You were really superb when you were young, have you told your thoughts to the person who reminded you? How did he react?"

"I said it, she said it confidently, and then she randomly picked some fruits from the fruit basket and dried them with a layer of white vinegar. When I ate them, my teeth were almost sour. I ran into the kitchen angrily and asked her why she did this Yes, she said that white vinegar can be drunk, and unwashed apples can also be eaten, why can’t apples be eaten after washing them with white vinegar?”

"Is this a sneaky change of concept? And the sneaky change is not very clever, there is a feeling of strong words." Wei Lewa commented.

"That's what I said too. Don't say when she's chopping vegetables: Oh, why don't you wash them before eating?" Lin Nian said. There should be more to the story of the buried drink, right?"

"Of course there are. But I think the starting point of our rebellion may be different." Wei Lewa shook the drink can and said, "You are against the people who care about you because of the 'axis'. My words are half and half Right? There's an 'axis' component in it, because I do like iced drinks with snow, because I think the drink that comes out of snow has a winter taste, and the freezer just tastes like the freezer. And the other half, probably, is that I just want to drink with That maid is right."

"I don't like her. She doesn't let me do what I want to do. She doesn't let me bury drinks, so I hide drinks everywhere in the snow in the manor. She limits the amount of drinks I drink every day to protect my teeth. I hid the beverage can in the thermos and poured out white water. When she was gone, I opened the thermos and took out the beverage can to have a good drink." Wei Lewa smiled, "I feel naive now, just drink the beverage For one thing at least I was the one who paid the price, and to this day I hate dentists."

"You hate that maid?"

"I hated it when I was a child, because when I was a child, I thought she was my mother's answering bug, so I liked to fight against her,"

"You don't like your mother?" Lin Nian paused.

"I can't say I don't like it." Wei Lewa thought for a while and shook her head, "Every child has a rebellious period, and mine came earlier, and it may be because of family environment factors. Children will always feel that Adults don’t care about themselves and do some angry behaviors inexplicably, but in fact my mother didn’t care about me at that time.”

"She hit you and scolded you?"

"No, I don't see her more than three times a year, she's always out and about, in regular contact with the royal families of neighboring countries, with 'old money' (old dignitaries, representatives of the real 'upper class' ) exchange needs, regularly organize gatherings to maintain our family’s status and influence in the upper class, this is the most important thing in her life, and there is no one.” Wei Lewa said.

Lin Nian remembered that Mandy once mentioned this girl’s prominent life experience to him. In his imagination, Villeva should go to the Swedish royal family every day to exchange equestrian and etiquette with princesses and princes. It is hard to imagine that the other party chatted about the past What I mentioned at the time was fighting wits with the maid, burying carbonated drinks everywhere in the snow, a feeling that Cesar Gattuso mentioned to him secretly playing PS game consoles.

"She doesn't care about me, so I like to make trouble, but she doesn't give me a chance to make trouble at all, she just fills my life with various courses, so I make trouble with people around me who are related to her, the maid is an example, Every maid has been troubled by me, crying and calling my mother to tell my mother how much I went too far." Wei Lewa said indifferently,

"Every time I hear my mother's angry reprimand on the phone, I feel very happy, even better than drinking three cans of iced soda."

Lin Nian thought about the scene. The red-eyed maid stood by the telephone in the corridor of the manor. The little girl with platinum hair and gorgeous clothes was holding the receiver and defiantly scorned her mother's scolding. The look of a victorious rooster is worthy of a cold soda.

So Lin Nian opened her a new bottle of soda, still 'Dr Pepper'.

"Thank you." Wei Lewa took it and thanked him politely.

"Your mother scolding you means she still loves you." Lin Nian said.

"Yeah, she still loves me, even though she neglected my growth because of many things. But she is still unshakable every year when I celebrate my birthday, her birthday, and my father's death day, she comes back to the manor and I have a meal together.

"Those three days of each year are indeed the happiest time for me. Even on the anniversary of my father's death, I was so happy when I could sit with her on the lawn outside the manor, watch the stars and remember my relatives. At least during those three days and 72 hours, I I know she loves me." She said.

Lin Nian just wanted to nod and say something, but was stopped by the words that were as refreshing as a drink in her mouth.

"But I would rather she not love me." Wei Lewa said lightly.

Lin Nian looked up at her, the girl's expression was still the same, but there was some indifference in her eyes.He didn't speak, wait for the next article.

Before the conversation started, when he opened the can of soda money, he knew that some bubbles and voices would come out. The total amount of gas remains the same, it just exits in a different and more gradual manner.

"Now that I think about it, if she didn't care about me at all, didn't care about me at all, and completely ignored me, maybe my life would be much easier in the future?" Wei Lewa looked sideways at the beach and said, "In that case If so, when she knelt in front of me that day and begged me to save the Helsinki family, I could laugh at her cruelly and then turn around and leave, right?"

Lin Nian gently pinched the Coke bottle with his fingers and turned it around, but remained silent.

"I still remember very clearly that one day suddenly, I saw her car driving from the path beside the pasture to the iron gate of the manor from the window of my room. That day was not the most important three times a year. Any day of the day, so I was very happy, but I was forced to look unhappy, and went to the gate of the manor to ask why she came back suddenly? Is the Swedish royal palace on fire at the aunt’s side? She didn’t know anything Didn't say anything, just took my hand and walked into the manor.

"I should have had a hunch that something was wrong, but I was young, about 14 or 15 years old, and I was only thinking about how to prove that I didn't need her love. Until I came back, I realized that I was already standing in the side hall of my father's portrait, and she asked all the servants to wait outside the manor, saying that there was something to inform me."

Lin Nian looked at Wei Lewa, but Wei Lewa didn't look anywhere, drinking soda, her eyes were full of reminiscence, and the waves of Lake Michigan in the distance fell in her eyes, but it reflected the whiteness of the pasture outside the manor in her memory one slice.

"I still remember that it was cloudy and rainy that day. It was the first time that the weather in Finland would make me feel wet and cold. I wanted to close the curtains in the side hall, but when I turned around, I heard her ask me:

"Vileva, my daughter, are you willing to dedicate your life to the family, as firewood to continue to illuminate the inheritance of the Helsinki family?" Vileva said quietly.

"I don't quite understand." Lin Nian said.

"The Helsinki family has offended someone they shouldn't have offended. A self-righteous old aristocrat has met a real power. It was a mistake by a woman who wanted to push her deceased husband's family to a new peak." Vileva said slowly, "The answer is that the glass family, which had already inevitably gone downhill, was smashed to pieces by a heavy hammer just because the glass family had a slight relationship with the neighboring royal family in the upper class to save face."

Lin Nian seemed to have remembered something, looked at Wei Lewa, but did not speak.

"So the Helsinki family collapsed, everything from business, family relations, and even high-society communication. My mother told me that now is the time of the family's survival, and it is also the tension of the pride that your father entrusted to me At this time, the enemies we unfortunately encountered are too powerful, we can only bow our heads and beg for their forgiveness, and give us the respect and glory we deserve to reproduce the family that your father expected during his lifetime."

"I knew at the time that something terrible had happened, but I still held back my fear and told her, Mom, respect and glory are never obtained by prayer."

Wei Lewa was silent for a long time when she said this, and Lin Nian never urged her. The noise on the beach was everywhere in her ears, but neither of them could hear it. The air under the umbrella seemed to have returned to the manor on a rainy day. In front of the portrait of the man in front of him, there was such a dead silence, and there was an uncomfortable clammy feeling in his bones.

Wei Lewa looked up and said, "At that time she replied to me, no, you are wrong, you are too young, too young, and you have seen too few things. There are indeed such a small group of people in this world. When Their displeased eyes fell on you. When they want to punish you with thunder, all you can do is pray and forgive, because once you fight back, what you get will not be respect and glory, but I don't want to be with you now. The humiliation that age tells."

She paused and said, "I said what do they want? She said they want you and your blood. They said that the only value of the Helsinki family may be in you, and they want to get control over your future. "

Dominion over the future.It's better to say that the high-ranking people in the Helsinki ladies want everything that a 14- or 15-year-old young and beautiful girl has, from the platinum hair, to the clear and bright green pupils, to the delicate and tall Qiong nose, to the slight smile. Large breasts and straight white legs, every hair from head to toe and every drop of pure girlish blood, the "ownership" of this woman named Vileva Helsinki.

What a terrible word that is, taking away your own future.Lin Nian could imagine the bewilderment of that immature girl at that time, the dirty associations of "dominance" welling up in his mind when standing in front of his mother, and then the fear also rose up, his teeth trembled, and his black emotions froze. The pores of the whole body were filled inch by inch, and the damp and cold feeling of the rainy day was sealed in the blood vessels and muscles until the nerves and bones died together, and the pain was uncontrollable.

"I refused." Wei Lewa said, "I took a step back in fear, bumped into the table, and said loudly what crazy things are you talking about? You come back three days a year, and suddenly came back today. I thought you brought me something Gift, what are you going to surprise me with, is this what you surprised me with? You son of a bitch! I was a little bit out of my mouth at the time, maybe it was worse than that, but I can't remember why now Talk."

Lin Nian nodded.

"I thought she was going to slap me, I even expected her to viciously and unreasonably pull my clothes, abuse me, force me, but he didn't.

Wei Lewa said calmly: "Because when I came back to my senses, I found her kneeling down."

"The woman who used to be so proud, so graceful and luxurious, the woman who held the airs of a mother in front of you suddenly collapsed. It was like the most important piece of wood was removed from the scaffolding of a high-rise building, and with a bang, all the thousands of days and thousands of days All the frames that Ye had built fell apart and fell to the ground, broken and broken, a mess.

"She said, I beg you, Vileva, save your father's family, which is the only thing he is proud of left in this world."

"Your father should be proud of you, not your family." Lin Nian said flatly.Yes, he really shouldn't have suggested it, but he did it anyway.

"It's a pity that I know that my father is not such a person." Vileva said slowly, "My father thinks that family honor is more important than everything else. For the sake of family honor, he even licks other people's shoes. He and some members of the Swedish royal family Even if the person is much older than him, he is willing to do this because it can maintain the family's status in society."

Lin Nian stopped talking and listened quietly, occasionally taking a sip of soda.

"My mother loves that man, a little crazy, that's why she doesn't go home for three days a year even if she loves me. Sometimes I can't tell whether she loves me more or loves my family more.

"I think I probably don't want to know the answer to this question, because she loves the family not because she really loves those honors and money. I know that what she really loves is her dead husband, my father. So I really want to cruelly Go ask her do you love me more or your husband more?"

Wei Lewa said in a low voice: "She knelt down and begged me, and I hit her with everything I had at hand, because I knew that if I didn't do this, I couldn't arouse her anger, and the situation would really turn to something that couldn't be changed." The ending. But she still let me down, she knelt there and looked at me, her forehead was smashed and bled and she didn't get up. I asked her if you used me as a tool? Am I the meat you raised since you were young? Pig? What did I do wrong and you want to treat me like this? If you don’t love me, why would you praise me as your daughter when I won the figure skating prize? Do you believe that I will jump from here and commit suicide? !

"She didn't say anything, she just knelt there and looked at me, probably crying, so I cried a lot too. At the end we hugged each other and cried, it was stupid to think about it, but after crying I packed my bags Leaving the manor in the Bentley I've always wanted to ride in since I was a kid. Oh forgot to mention, my mother's car was an old Bentley and it was my dad's favorite car all the way up to his After her death, my mother insisted on taking it to work and travel, even though it was too old and had a lot of problems.

"The funny thing is, I used to watch my mother leave in that car and think that one day I'd be leaving the estate in that car too, which in my mind represented maturity and independence. And then I did get in that car and leave. But not in the form I want." Wei Lewa actually laughed when she said this, as if she was amused by the conflict between her fantasy and reality, just like Mentos thrown into a Coke bottle. It's the same, at least Vileva Helsinki's mood in the car at that time was indeed broken like a black tide.

"The group of dignitaries, the so-called untouchable big shots in your mother's mouth, their purpose should not be so vulgar." Lin Nian said while avoiding her smile.

"Indeed, at first I thought my future would be bad, worse than "La Traviata", but then I realized that what they were looking at was indeed what they said to my mother at the beginning, in my world at that time. The abstract, the incomprehensible, the wonderful."

"Bloodline." Wei Lewa dexterously stood the half-full beverage can on the top of the index finger and spun it quickly. This ingenuity caused the eyes of those peeping here to widen in surprise. Many people who tried to imitate even put the beverage fell on him.

"I'm actually a mixed race. There have been mixed races in the history of the Helsinki family, and my generation's descent has reached a gratifying level." Vileva said, "The forces behind that powerful man want the Helsinki family to become their vassal. They have no shortage of thugs, but they lack fans who have a certain impression in the real high society in Europe.

"They never have too much right to speak in society, and they see in me the excellent bloodlines they agree with. They think that people with bloodlines are inherently high-level, and only high-level people are worthy of control. Authority. So they promised me in a big dark room that if I would do things for them and see them as my 'eyes', the Helsinki family would usher in a pinnacle that their ancestors could not have imagined."

"You agree." Lin Nian said.

"I agree, there is no reason to disagree, I thought my future would be terrible, to be a plaything in the hands of big men, a slave without dignity-don't underestimate the fantasy of 14 and 15-year-old girls about sexual darkness, I even collapsed at the most when trying to tear yourself apart"

Wei Lewa didn't say the following, because Lin Nian reached out and put two fingers on her lips, and his eyes silently fell on Xia Wang, who was gnawing on the watermelon rind behind her.

"I'm sorry, I made a slip of the tongue." Wei Lewa nodded in apology.

"It's okay." Lin Nian shook his head, "I probably understand what you want to say and what you want to celebrate. But you should know that this is not over yet. You have reached a contract with some people. Even if you fail once, But the contract will continue to be honored."

"I know it, and I'm not complaining to you now." Wei Lewa nodded slightly.

She's just apologizing.Lin Nian knew it in his heart, but he just shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't accept these apologies, but that he was concerned about the whole thing, what happened to this girl, what she did afterwards, and the story of the role he played in it. Feeling mixed emotions.

He won't promise this girl what he can do, because he knows that there are some things that he can't intervene in. It's not a limitation of ability, but a matter of position.

For the time being, he only listened to a story today, the story of a girl whom he didn't know much about but suddenly disappeared from his life.

Maybe in the future he will have a position to intervene in the story, but that is also a possibility in the future.

"So what are you going to do now?" Lin Nian asked after taking a sip of the Coke that still had more than half left.

"What are you doing?" Wei Lewa's words were a few beats slower, she looked at Lin Nian and raised her glass again, "Since it was a chance encounter on the beach, of course it was to reminisce, drink, and then play. I was also stranded in Chicago, the subway Workers don't care about the glory of the Helsinki family, I think they don't even care about the glory of the Gattuso family, provided that the student council president is also left here, but as far as I know he is still drifting and fishing in the Aegean Sea."

"So what were you celebrating before?" Lin Nian returned to the original topic.

"Of course, this is to celebrate that I can drink carbonated drinks unscrupulously again!"

Wei Lewa suddenly smiled until there were only slits in her eyes, and she clinked glasses with Lin Nian generously, "You forgot? Didn't I get injured in the Battle of Constantine before? Some unscrupulous guy shot me and shot me with a gun. The deadly mercury-core alchemy warhead, if you hadn't come in time, I would have died. Even if I didn't die in the hospital, it would be terrible.

"Maybe I have to thank some people for thinking that I was still useful, so they spared no expense to drag me back from 'Hella' (Death). In order to avoid abdominal distension, intestinal peristalsis and bone decalcification, the doctor told me to grow Can't drink carbonated drinks for a long time until heals up."

"So you are healed now." Lin Nian looked at the open wound on Wei Lewa's body. Although he praised the scars as a man's medal, these two scars matched Wei Lewa's temperament when they appeared on Wei Lewa's body Still has an almost twisted aesthetic.

"I'm cured, and I can drink as much as I want every day." Wei Lewa didn't hide her body, even stretched slightly to show the young girl's coquettish attitude, and couldn't help laughing when Lin Nian took the initiative to avoid her eyes.

"But it will definitely be busy later." She sighed softly.

Lin Nian looked at her side face that seemed to reveal something but didn't seem to say anything, and nodded, "Then I probably understand what you mean."

"What do you understand?" Wei Lewa suddenly laughed dumbfounded, and waved her hand holding the drink, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to become a traitor out of nowhere, we just met by chance and reminiscing about the old days. My friend heard you say such ambiguous words, beware of her jealousy!"

"She's not going to eat this kind of flying vinegar."

"It's hard to say. She can guarantee that you will not change your mind, but can she guarantee that you will not have a one-night stand?"

Lin Nian didn't talk to him, and said in his heart that regardless of how much pornographic waste 14- and 15-year-old girls have, but the bad things in the heads of 18- and 19-year-old girls must be getting better day by day-simple theorem of gathering sand to form a tower!
Wei Lewa stared at Lin Nian and said suddenly, "It seems that I am not the only one who encountered bad things."

Lin Nian was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding what she meant.

Wei Lewa sat upright and said, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I haven't seen you for a year, and you've changed a lot," Wei Lewa said.

"for example."

"It's colder, more like an unsmiling man. According to the words of the elderly who like to express their emotions, it is a boy who has grown into a man again." Wei Lewa said, "Even if this growth is nothing Good thing. So, sorry."

"I don't understand what you mean." Lin Nian shook his head, "So I'm sorry that I can't accept your apology."

Wei Lewa looked at him, didn't say anything, just shook her head with a slow smile, stretched out her hand and jumped over him to get a new bottle of soda.

It was also at this time that the whistle was blown on the beach volleyball court. Lin Nian turned his head and looked over, and saw that the score was 21:20 in the end, and Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei actually lost the game.

Even though Lu Mingfei was strong for a while, Xia Mi and Su Xiaoqiang's toughness was beyond their imagination, and they finally won the game by scoring two points in a row. Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei were looking at each other on the court, their expressions were It's a comedy in the sun, and I don't know who is holding who to the beach for a Japanese-style run.

"It feels so good."

Wei Lewa looked at Xia Mi and Su Xiaoqiang and said with a smile: "Is that girl next to your girlfriend a freshman? She has a good face and can beat the president in sports (Vilewa Helsinki was in Lionheart during her leave of school. The membership of the club has not been revoked), and it seems to be a good potential stock."

"Freshman, we met at the train station, let's act together temporarily." Lin Nian replied.

"It looks very energetic, it seems that they have encountered a new challenge." Wei Lewa said, under her gesture, Lin Nian glimpsed two new faces walking on the sidelines. No, To say there are two new faces is probably inaccurate.

Because the two faces were almost identical when Lin Nian glanced at them, he thought he was dazzled, but with his eyesight, it is impossible to have double vision, and after looking carefully at them again, he realized that it was actually a person walking towards the beach. For the beautiful female twins, the looks above the horizontal line are almost carved out of the same mold, the only difference is their temperament.

One is elegant and not very outstanding, but the other has a completely different enchanting and exquisite charm. When the two appear together, there is a strange feeling of harmony, just like the vines and flowers of roses are entwined, and the green and green are entwined. The blending beauty of the conflict between red and red.

And the two of them seemed to be talking to Su Xiaoqiang and Xia Mi, wanting to play a beach volleyball match.

 ps: Try to change a small punctuation habit. When a large speech is divided into several paragraphs, the speech content in the first few paragraphs only has front quotes, cancels back quotes, and only adds back quotes at the end of the last paragraph.

(End of this chapter)

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