Chapter 923 Blue
Dirty braids, curly hair, earrings, caps turned upside down, hooded short-sleeved sweaters, and more than half of a natural hemp leaf crushed and dried in the hand all the time to smoke.

When these people are dressed together, they are the typical gang members that the people of Chicago usually avoid. Unemployed people are synonymous with them. If you insist on what they do for a living, it is probably engaged in petty theft, or Sell ​​the leaves.

Standing far away, Lin Nian could see the group of people surrounded by the wall of the bridge hole puffing, as if they were teasingly exhaling the leaf smoke from their mouths onto the faces of the people sitting down on the ground, kicking and kicking them from time to time. He touched the man's leg a few times and said something so disgusting that Lin Nian didn't even want to take the initiative to translate and understand, and then he hooked his shoulders and let out a roar of laughter.

Lin Nian lowered his head and exhaled softly, then walked over, the smell of scorched leather shoes became stronger the closer he got, he himself hated the smell of burnt tobacco, and he used to live in the housing complex with Lin Xian In his rented house, whenever he came home and smelled the slight smell of cigarettes, he would be furious. This was the only thing he would get angry with Lin Xian (Lin Nian believed that tobacco was bad for health).

So he stopped when he stood outside the bridge hole, that is, the distance was enough for the people inside to find him as an unexpected visitor.

"Hey, hey!" A black man in white clothes and white trousers with a black cross on his forehead bumped his elbow into the arm of a fat man whose belly was half the size of a pregnant woman, motioning him to look out of the bridge opening.

The five people, all male, aged between 25 and 35, all have "Nolaw" tattoos on their exposed skin and appear to belong to the same gang.

Lin Nian met the eyes of the five people and sized them up.

Three people are equipped with guns, which are hidden in the left waist, the back waist (the back observed when turning the back), and the front of the abdomen. The raised marks of foreign objects are basically pistols, but there is basically no one except the shooter. Will take a long gun to the streets, except in Texas.

"Hi! T's up! (Hey! What do you want to do?)" the black man in white with a tattoo on his forehead raised his head and shouted threateningly towards Lin Nian.

Normal passers-by had already hurriedly turned their heads and detoured at this time, but Lin Nian still stood there looking at them without saying a word, as if he was thinking about something.

"WHAT ARE YOU F-word WATCHING? (What the fuck are you watching?)" The black man in white took two steps forward, gradually amplified his voice, and increased his body movements, "Do you want to fight?" what?)"

Lin Nian looked at the black man in white and wondered if he should reply "Who care you?"He thinks probably not.

The black man in white took a few steps forward to reveal a gap, but soon the rest of the blacks immediately blocked the gap, preventing Lin Nian from seeing the crime scene inside.

As the black man in white walked towards Lin Nian, he turned his head and shook his eyebrows with his companion, probably wanting to let his companion see how he was trying to intimidate this frightened Asian for fun.

The black man in white walked up to Lin Nian, turned his head, raised his hand and rubbed it under his nose habitually, and looked at Lin Nian, who was taller than him, with a hippie smile, "My friend, there is no camera here."

"That's very easy to handle." Lin Nian said lightly.

"What did you say?"

"I mean, that would be a pity." Lin Nian said calmly.

The black man in white stared at Lin Nian for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his fist and punched Lin Nian in the face and on the bridge of the nose!
The fist was windy, and when it was close to the bridge of Lin Nian's nose, the force stopped. The black man in white retracted his fist and let out a Bruce Lee cry, but seeing that Lin Nian didn't take a step back, he immediately laughed out loud, and turned his head to his companion. They said, "Damn it, another idiot! Are all Asians so stupid these days?"

"Tell him to roll," the fat black man said loudly.

When the black man in white turned around and wanted to continue doing something, he suddenly found that Lin Nian was gone, and all he saw was the blue sky and white clouds in Chicago, but why did he see the blue sky and white clouds?In an instant, he inexplicably felt that he was falling downwards. He didn't make any movements of waving his hands in a daze, but he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and the blackness like ink quickly occupied his eyes.

"Damn it." The four black men in the bridge hole cursed immediately when they heard the crisp sound of the back of their heads hitting the concrete floor.

There is nothing too advanced in fighting skills. From the perspective of others, Lin Nian just staggered the black man in white and walked past him when he turned his head. He just kicked the opponent's heel by the way. The person who weighed 70 kilograms flew into the air and turned half a circle, and finally hit the back of his head on the ground!

A grown black male with a gun is just incapacitated.

Lin Nian walked into the bridge hole. In the dark and dim place, the four blacks suddenly saw some abnormal gold in the boy's pupils. A touch of gold caused a chill to rise from their tailbone inexplicably.

It was fear for no reason, and the source of the fear was just a pair of eyes.

Among the four blacks, the one who wore the peaked cap backwards was also the youngest and the bravest one. He went straight to Lin Nian and at the same time reached out to touch the gun stuck in his belly. Unfortunately, his actual combat awareness was as poor as his verbal quality, so he walked away. When Lin Nian was within the reach of his arms, he lifted his T-shirt and touched the handle of the gun.

The young black man pulled out the gun vigorously, but his wrist was caught by something. It was Lin Nian's hand. He grasped the wrist holding the handle of the gun and twisted it lightly, screaming like a girl. Zhong Na's wrist turned 180° half a circle upwards, and even brought out the gun he was holding.

It's a carbon black FN57 pistol, AKA cop killer, that's pretty hard to get for a street gang, if you can still get a 5.7mm armor piercing round, it's not that bad for street fire It is a nightmare for the police in normal pottery body armor.

Lin Nian let go of the hand that was holding the wrist. The young black man lost the ability to stand due to severe pain and fell to the ground. His nose and tears were a ball. Lin Nian took the pistol before it fell to the ground. The other three black brothers Seeing this scene, they subconsciously screamed and cursed, those with guns touched the guns, and those without guns backed away.

However, after Lin Nian got the pistol, he did not choose to raise the muzzle and shoot. Instead, he unloaded the magazine to see how full it was, and then pulled the chamber casually. The bullets flew out from the side port and fell. Clink on the ground.

The pistol with no bullets was thrown away. Under the panicked and incredulous gaze of the remaining three black men, Lin Nian changed the loaded magazine to his right hand and held it with his thumb against the slanted and exposed bullet tail on the top of the magazine. Aimed at the three blacks.

There was no warning or exhortation. When one of them drew out his pistol and was about to aim it at him, Lin Nian's thumb on the magazine hit the bottom of the bullet.

Deflagration and explosion spread in the bridge hole. In the light of the fire, the black man who was about to aim at Lin Nian fell to the ground without saying a word. A cloud of blood burst out from his left shoulder, and he fell to the ground before groaning.

It's crooked.

Lin Nian looked down at his hand, the magazine had been exploded, the bullets were scattered all over the place, and the blackened dragon scales on his right hand quietly disappeared back under the skin, in a state of constant blood Explosive and kinetic weapons with gunpowder are already hard to do him damage.

Even if he is targeted by a sniper rifle without knowing it, the moment the bullet touches his skin, the dragon scales will pop out of the outer layer of the skin for protection. The hardness of the body has already been strengthened to an unbelievable level, neither penetrating nor destructive bullets can affect the brain inside the skull.

Hot weapons have officially failed against Lin Nian, and the only thing that can work is probably the effect that the King of Bronze and Fire is forced to "knock back" when facing Frigga's bullets.

Lin Nian threw away the shattered magazine in his hand. Sure enough, firing bullets by hand is still unreliable. Without stable rifling positioning and barrel pressurization, it is impossible for the bullet to hit accurately. This time he clearly aimed at the opponent. hand.

But even if you hit the head, you shouldn't die. At most, the skull will be cracked, and the serious one will be a severe concussion.For the person who pointed the gun at him, Lin Nian had acted with discretion this time, mainly because there were other people present at the scene.

A gunshot exploded in the bridge hole again, and the last black man with a gun could have fired this shot no matter how slow his reaction was. , then the only option is to empty the magazine after pulling the trigger.

Then the gunshots rang out one after another, and the guns spewed out gun flames, but under the terrified gaze of the black man, the boy he aimed at walked towards him while waving the two pale fingers of his right hand that were raised together, every time When the muzzle fires, the two fingers wave once, the spark flashes once, and the ground beside it stirs up the plaster once.

Crackling explosions continued, and so did the plaster on the surrounding ground, until the white palm grabbed the muzzle of the gun, and the bullets continued to fire, ending in an explosion.

The shattered pistol fragments scattered all over the face of the black man with the gun, but a few fragments that flew towards his neck artery disappeared in the air, but even after receiving such a huge impact, he fell directly to the ground Covering his face in pain, he howled.

In the end, there was only one black man left, and he ran out of the bridge hole without looking back. His running posture was comparable to Bolt who challenged the limit, and his hands pawing back and forth seemed to be swimming in the air.

Lin Nian looked down at the boy who finally appeared by the wall in front of him, sitting down with his head in his arms and looking like a doormat, a black T-shirt covered in dust, dirt and filth, pale skin exposed on his neck, all kinds of things. His characteristics proved that he was the person Lin Nian was looking for. It seemed that he had suffered a lot before he came. Maybe he really shouldn't have played that basketball game. He would have been kicked less if he came earlier.

"Get up." Lin Nian looked at the quiet boy with his head in his arms and said, speaking in Mandarin, "It's time to go."

He has never been a person who can comfort others, and it is better to leave this kind of comfort to those who can do it.

The boy didn't answer Lin Nian, and remained motionless, as if he was still waiting for the upcoming scolding and beating.

"I was called by your sister." Lin Nian said.

As if he had hit on some key word, the boy holding his head moved slightly, lowered his hands covering his head, and slowly raised his head.

There was the sound of wind caused by cars whizzing past overhead, without the black people’s cover, the sunlight from the blue sky outside the bridge hole fell between Lin Nian and the boy in front of the corner, and the cool light illuminated each other’s faces with eyes.

The mixed races have always had the amazing same opinion on which eye color is the most beautiful. There should be great differences in aesthetics, but as for the most beautiful eye color, all mixed races agree that the golden pupil is the most beautiful eye color in the world. The most beautiful pupils.

The aesthetic students of the golden pupils in Kassel College also have their own different opinions. It is not that the purer the blood, the more beautiful the golden pupils are, just like the lanterns are not more beautiful than the higher the lumens.

Lin Nian is recognized as the most beautiful winner of golden pupils in the academy. Someone took pictures of Lin Nian's molten red pupils at the end of the Battle of Constantine. The color of gold, the coldness that was dyed at the end of the battlefield gave full marks to the emotion.

The pale gold in Lin Nian's eyes turned into a gleam, and his pupils reflected a pair of clear and translucent eyes like jewels. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the honor of his most beautiful pair of golden pupils would probably have to be given to others in the future. .The definition of the most beautiful eye color for the mixed races will also change.

Those pupils are not golden, but they are far more charming than golden. The deep blue, the blue of Lake Michigan blending with the sunny sky, reminds people of the pupils of the student union president, Cesar Gattuso, and they can’t help but make a comparison. , and found that the blue in front of my eyes was even more intoxicating, like ice melted in blue orange wine. That kind of wine must be very gentle in the mouth, but also has some astringent timidity.

Looking at the world through such eyes, the world must be a very gentle dark blue color, right?Lin Nian thought to himself.

But it's a pity that this dark blue world didn't treat him with the same tenderness, but made him suffer from the black-colored bullying and hurt in the depths of the water.If I was late, would the group of gangsters suddenly want to gouge out these eyes?
After all, it is human nature to see beautiful things and take them for oneself or abuse them wantonly.

It took Lin Nian ten seconds to move away from the dark blue pupils and put them on that face. To be honest, with such pupils, no one would pay attention to this immediately. The boy's face, so the second they regret missing this really nice face.

With willow eyebrows and drooping eyes, the features that should appear on women appeared on this boy, and he also looked very thin, even with a wide and fat black short-sleeved T-shirt, it could not hide his figure as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. Bruises from the beating appeared on his arms and neck.

"Did I do something wrong?" the boy looked at Lin Nian's face and asked softly.

She speaks softly and is very docile, like an immature lamb with mucous membranes on its body, it may tremble when it walks.And his question is also like a question that a lamb would ask, a newborn child's malicious question to the whole world.

Lin Nian didn't answer. For some reason, when he looked at the boy on the ground, some fine bubbles floated in his eyes, which melted in the ray of sunlight in front of him and refracted halos. In those halos, he could see his past.

Am I doing something wrong?
No, they just don't like you.

Then what should I do.

Find someone who likes you.

That girl also stood in front of the embarrassed little guy like herself, stretched out her hand, and said, "For example, I like you very much. My name is Lin Xian. What's your name?"
The foam shattered and fell into the blue lake in front of my eyes.Lin Nian took the initiative to look away, now is not the time to recall the past.

"I'm sorry." Lin Nian said, "I should have come here earlier. May I know your name?"

"My name is Xiawang." He said on the ground, then he looked up and saw the outstretched hand, and the pale golden eyes of the big boy in front of him.

"Lin Nian." The two hands were held together, and the boy pulled the other boy from the ground into the sunlight that was one meter between each other.

(End of this chapter)

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