Chapter 911 The third day

If Hunter's Chalet is a play, every character should have his part.

The old hunter is the guide, the one who guides the beginning of the story.

Adam is the mediator or catalyst, pushing the story forward when it's deadlocked.

The lieutenant colonel is the villain on the bright side, and his straightforward purpose promotes the development of the whole story.

This should be a fairly simple story, in the mind of the informant: the little girl forced to the hunter's hut by the blizzard fights wits and courage with the iron-blooded KGB lieutenant colonel, and discovers the lieutenant colonel with the help of Adam who is eager to help her He finally made up his mind to show his fangs and kill the lieutenant colonel in the blizzard.

That's pretty much the script, yet at the outset, the story takes some odd twists.

As the guide, the old hunter Aryan first met a girl who was carrying her younger brother, but a female hunter who appeared out of nowhere.Before the informant had time to intervene in the situation in the wooden house, the brothers and sisters Vika and Dusha strayed into the stage again, and directly shot and killed the guide in the story.

Although it was unexpected, but fortunately, the follow-up of the uneasy siblings and the huntress also played a role in intensifying the conflict, and the informant was very happy to see the diversification and complexity of the story.

But in the final analysis, in the eyes of the informant, whether it is a bandit sibling or a huntress, they are all tolerable existences. All conflicts that occur and are limited to the framework after all, they are all stable factors that can be controlled - they cannot jump. Take off the stage and tear down the red curtain, smashing the spotlight.

Facts have proved that everything is exactly as he expected. Vika and Dusha, as the promoters of the conflict, directly replaced the original villain, the lieutenant colonel, while the work of mediator fell to the lieutenant colonel instead. The antagonist, the Huntress, becomes the catalyst for the détente again, even better than his Adam.

All of this caused Adam to lose his due catalyst role and be marginalized-this is a bad phenomenon, because excessive marginalization will inevitably cause him to lose his position on the stage, and a piece of wood is stuck on the stage Doing nothing will make it stand out.

Therefore, the role of Adam can only be forcibly downgraded to an "ordinary person who strayed into it" and watched the entire stage play as a bystander.

Although he didn't just do nothing, for example, he used the method of "mechanical descending" to recruit Deadpool to force the situation, oppressing everyone's spirit to the limit and breaking out conflicts.

All the contradictions have developed to the present, although they have already deviated from the script he wrote, but fortunately, they have stabilized within that framework when it is about to reach the finale at the last moment.

Lieutenant Colonel Andre died, and so did the bandit brothers and sisters. The little girl's true potential was also forced out, and her threat was reduced to the lowest level. It is a pity that in the end, the perfectly constructed stage and the carefully arranged frame were broken after all.

A long sword blazing with white flames fell from the sky and smashed the entire stage, tearing open the bright red curtain that was closed when the play ended.

Forty dead souls, forty newly constructed Deadpool, white burning meteor piercing through their brain centers, this scene is as beautiful as

In the fire rain that Sodom bathed in the "Bible Genesis", each column of burning meteorites is an arrow that condenses strength.

If arrows are often used in the Old Testament as a metaphor for the punishment and warning that God will execute, the woman walking out of the forest with a bow in her left hand and an arrow in her right hand is undoubtedly the agent of justice who stopped all this Sin City.

Adam is problematic, what about the huntress?
There is no doubt that she has a problem, Adam knows, Andre knows, they all know this, but they just didn't expect her to be so good at hiding.

'Holy Judgment', which is powerful enough to break the frame and stage, was hidden until the end.

"It's surprising, but not too surprising." The man who was the thread bearer, all the threads in his hands were cut off at this time, leaving only the burly body of a lieutenant colonel standing on the edge of the snowfield Looking at the huntress who walked out, she seemed a little dull.

"Although I understand what nonsense literature is, it always lacks the taste of jujube trees ("Autumn Leaves" was created in 1924) when you say it from your mouth, so I don't do any reading comprehension." Huntress Bian said Walking in the snow, while slowly twisting out the last arrow from the quiver behind his back, the golden pupil looked at the man in human skin leisurely.

"Jujube tree? I thought the Yakuts would only understand Soviet culture at best."

"You know the tricks, you."

"You are not Yakut." The man said, looking at the fair-skinned woman who walked up to the little girl and then stopped, but she could still clearly see the yellow-skinned Asian woman.

"Does it matter?"

The huntress put the arrow on the wooden bow. It was just such a simple action, but it made people feel the suffocation feeling like a light on the back. It was the huge word spirit shrinking and condensing the fragile arrow on the wooden bow. Yagami, it was not difficult to see that the arrow was temporarily cut from a tree branch, but after being stretched by the bowstring, no one would doubt its chilling nature.

The man was silent for a while and asked, "Which side are you from? The Orthodox? The Holy See? The True One Sect? The Secret Party?"

He named several names in a row, but there was no disturbance in the hunter's golden pupils.

The man shut up, and after a few seconds of thinking, he looked up again, "You're right, it doesn't matter who you are."

The huntress wants to save this little girl and take her away from the hands of the Soviet Union or the Temple. In this case, it doesn't matter what kind of power she is or who she is. There are many powers and people who hope to get the future of the world's prairie fire. However, the Templars and the Soviet Union are just one of them. Their fundamental goals are in conflict, and there is no possibility of any negotiation, and they cannot be reconciled.

"'Holy Judgment', I thought that there would be no second hybrid with this speech spirit in this world." The man looked at the Deadpools on the ground whose heads were pierced with white aura arrows, "You and" Henkel' what's the relationship?"

"It doesn't matter." The huntress said, "But I'm also curious about the relationship between you and 'Cinderella'."

"It doesn't matter."

"That's probably just a coincidence."

"You can't take her away, even if you kill these puppets, you can't hurt me." The man said suddenly, "The prerequisite for the 'Holy Judgment' must be to find the target."

"That's not what you need to worry about for me." The huntress smiled, "I just came out to help delay the time."

The conversation was over, and the fingers pulling the bowstring were released.

Still draw and release the bow so perfectly, the man probably understands why the female huntress is so accurate in archery, and people with the 'Holy Judgment' are always so handy in shooting.

It is recorded in history that the users who have the spirit of speech can be traced back to ancient China. It is mentioned in "Shenyijing Donghuangjing" that "Heng and a jade girl throw a pot, every thousand and two hundred corrections, there is no one who can get in and out, and the sky is The "噫噗" is really true, and it is the earliest allusion to observe the word "Holy Judgment".

If you go out, you must hit, break evil and break obstacles.

All the dead servants who were crucified on the ground are no longer affected by any word spirits, and all powers have been neutralized in the field of the "Holy Judgment", and countless invisible "threads" have been melted by the white light.

The white holy cross bloomed on the burly corpse of the man who was lifting the thread. The arrow was transparent and powerful. After piercing through the tough chest, it directly penetrated the coniferous tree behind it. The huge force shocked the snow on the tree and fell, giving The wooden arrows with incredible strength even penetrated the thick coniferous trees completely through both.

The power of the 'Holy Judgment' interrupted the speech spirit on the burly body, and the body returned to the snow and no longer had any life.

There was a long-lost silence in the snow.

The huntress put down the wooden bow in her hand, and the quiver behind her was also empty.

"Should I say that I'm lucky? If there is another Deadpool, I might have to fight hand-to-hand." The huntress touched the empty quiver, as if talking to herself or following her side all the time. Silence talking to the girl watching everything.

The little girl didn't answer her, but another voice answered her.

"Then maybe you should prepare an extra arrow just in case."

The voice came from the cabin, old and decayed.

The huntress paused for a moment, with a look of irritation on her face, as if she was blaming herself for missing this point.

On the broken steps of the wooden house, through the open door, a figure came out, undoubtedly Ariane, with golden eyes, but he no longer had the wisdom and kindness he once had.

"The old father of the venerable opponent also wants to become a doll to die? Can he have the most basic morals?" The huntress looked at him with some sarcasm and said.

"Morality and the bottom line are reserved for those who are able to do a job well. If you hadn't made a sudden attack to tear up the written script and replay it, who would have come to this point?" He stood on the stairs and looked down at the huntress in the snow. whispered.

"Although I'm not good at close combat, do you think I can kill this old man you manipulated?" The huntress looked back at those golden eyes.

"I thought you felt sorry for this old man. After all, for him, you still confronted that pair of brothers and sisters. Maybe it was all acting skills? You are an excellent actor."

"Until now, it seems that you are still able to handle it with ease. It seems that you are sure that you can get rid of us even if you don't show your face?"

"'We'?" The man chewed the word for a while, looking at the huntress with a gentle and calm gaze, "Why do you think Eve would accept you for rejecting me? Abandoning the temple would embrace a place where I don't know. Hyenas here? You have this illusion, it's stupid beyond words."

"Do you think so?" The huntress looked at the girl beside her who had been standing quietly in the middle of the snow from the very beginning, a little surprised, "Do you think I came to this place where no shit is just to take her away?" of?"

".What do you mean?"

"I mean, idiot, you misunderstood one thing from the very beginning." The huntress lightly raised her hand and placed it on the little girl's head, looking sideways at her lava pupils and said, "...we , but an accomplice!"

"Are you from Black Swan Harbor?" The old man controlled by the man had no expression on his face, but he could hear some fluctuations in his voice and emotions.

"People from Black Swan Harbor? No, of course I'm not from that dirty hell." The huntress said, "The reason why I say I'm an accomplice is... I just came to pick her up as agreed!"

"Lie." The man said lightly, "All the children in Black Swan Harbor are test-tube babies bred by genes. They were born in Black Swan Harbor without father or mother. Naturally, they don't know people from the outside world and cannot communicate with outsiders. Forces, especially the results of the 'Butterfly Project', Dr. Herzog will not allow them to have so-called 'friends', you want to confuse me through lies, so as to cover up your real purpose?"

"You see through it." The huntress said with a smile.

The man didn't show any pleasure in debunking the lie, but he just watched the huntress with deeper eyes.

He was quite sure what purpose this woman was hiding.
Or, come to think of it, there was an eerie, harmonious relationship between her and this little girl from the start?

No, harmony is not the exact word.



It's not possible, but.
The man suddenly said, "You hid that little boy?"

He looked at the face of the huntress in the snow. The other person's expression was full of peace, and in those golden pupils, there was a fleeting hint of banter.

Words of Spirit · Sacred Judgment.This word spirit does have the power to isolate the domain, and only this special power can make him lose an important goal in this piece of Nibelungen that he basically completely controls.

Now it all makes sense.

But this also ushered in a strange fact, abandoning all the impossible, the last option must be the truth - the little girl trusts the huntress.

This kind of trust is unimaginable, and it should never exist. This is not the trust that is handed over in a temporary battle, but a deeper trust that transcends everything. The proof of this trust is that the little girl sent her brother, that One of her twins in the "Butterfly Project", half of her soul-like existence was delivered to the huntress for safekeeping.

"This is impossible."

Finally, the situation was out of the man's control. Even when the "Holy Judgment" of the huntress appeared, the man's emotions were not so turbulent. The huntresses on the stage were just products that surprised him.

But the "trust" between the huntress and the little girl is what he is really afraid of.

The unknowable and incomprehensible are hidden dangers and fear.

"However, you people from the Temple Society are really interesting. Every time I meet you, I can feel the suffocating confidence and pride." The huntress said, "But it is understandable, after all, you can carry out tasks independently. The lackeys of the temple all have that joking 'canonisation'."

"Am I right?" She looked at the man, "Your Excellency 'Knight' of the Templar Order?"

"Who the hell are you?" Even though he didn't want to, the man still asked this question. He knew that he would not receive an answer, but he still asked it.

"A person who delays time." The huntress bowed for the man, "Actually, in a way, I am the same person as you. A 'knight', kills all lunatics who dare to offend the king, and waits until the horn of counterattack Blowing again, the time has come for the smoke to ignite again."

The deadpool and corpses pierced by arrows on the snow are burning with white flames. Those sealed by the "Holy Judgment" can only be dead forever. The finale that the man should have put on the stage came to an abrupt end. If the huntress does not die, this drama will never reach its end.

"Are you still unwilling to reveal your cards? Or do you want to tell me that this piece of Nibelung root is naturally formed?" Can cats and puppies put an end to this drama?"

"Since you know the Temple Society and my identity, I'm curious." The man looked at the huntress, the flames in his golden pupils fluttered, and his figure was as dull as thunder. The devastation endured?"

Suddenly there was applause in the snow, it was the Huntress applauding, she said, "Good line, now we are finally on track."

It was a strong irony. Faced with this irony, the man was not angry, but kept silent.

"Well, since you choose to destroy." The man said, "Then I will destroy you as you wish."

He closed his golden pupils, and in the darkness in another place, a huge creature opened those bright and huge eyes like gas lamps.

When facing the enemies of Solomon's Temple, what should we really fear and worry about?
Is it the blood of the enemy?Or the spirit of the enemy?Or is it the resources of that huge force and the impenetrable information network?

No, neither.

When the huntress came to the northern border of Siberia, she was already prepared to meet the backbone of the Templars. When the blizzard came and felt the expansion of the Nibelungen, she also knew that she would face what kind of enemy.

But when this kind of enemy really rises from the snow, the sense of shock is still playful and careless and cannot be concealed.

She despises the Templar 'knights', but cannot ignore the power they wield.

dragon power.

The long-lost blizzard came again, it came so impatiently, Xiaoxue was howled by the strong wind, and the whole world became white in an instant.

An ancient voice resounded in the vast white coniferous forest, so old and desolate, as if it had spanned the years beyond the Siberian permafrost, like thunder and the roar of the wind.The white dragon in the Vikoyansk Mountains rolled down again, as if responding to the arrival of the ancient voice.

The hunter's cabin disappeared and a mountain took its place.

It was originally a small snow mound, and then it swelled and rose into a hill, and then the top of the mountain collapsed and knocked off all the white snow, revealing the huge thing inside.

The huntress in the snow took a step back under the cry of the blizzard, which was awe and courtesy to the creature.

The blizzard three days ago was brought by him. He is the incarnation of disaster weather. This prehistoric survivor is ferocious and stalwart, and like the blizzard, he has the ultimate beauty in front of the sharp destruction. Beautiful, majestic and awe-inspiring, white frost covered his snake-like neck, and the crushed ice between the scales was squeezed into powder and fell into snow.

He spread his large white wings, and the substantial air shock wave shook the surrounding blizzard away, turning into ethereal light snow and falling slowly, his body standing tens of meters tall in the blizzard, his raised neck facing the pale sky Let out a mighty and majestic roar!
". Corpse Dragon!"

The huntress held her breath, and her gaze stayed on the body of the huge thing. Even the frosty freezing could not cover up the signs of decay. The dark golden bone cage corpse exposed from the wound told the world that this great creature had passed away. He died, and it was the canonized 'knight' who came to his perfect body.

The huge domain covered everything, filling the entire Nibelungen, and a gap was opened in the sky. That was the world outside the Nibelungen, as dark as night.

The whole world was trembling at the appearance of that huge white figure, and he suddenly retracted his wings again, and prostrated himself on the ground, his huge white wings folded like a shield in front of that tiny black figure.

The man controlling the old hunter's body stood in front of the white dragon, looking at the huntress as if staring at an invisible speck of dust in the snow.

"I see," said the huntress. "That's why you have control over the Nibelungen, and are free to mobilize those deadpools to hunt her down. So you really have been in charge of a... dragon from beginning to end. Although he is gone."

"Well, let's see you," he said before the white giant.

(End of this chapter)

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