Chapter 905 The Son of God

The wild bushes at the end of the path are the snow field in front of the hunter's hut. From there to here, the distance is probably less than 100 meters, but the little girl stopped in the end because someone didn't want her to go back there again. room.

Lieutenant Colonel Andrei looked at this girl who had a lot of leisure time. It would be a shame to join the Lenin Young Pioneers in the Soviet Union, but few parents would like to send their young children to such a chaotic place with their private lives. It's synonymous with 'casual sex parties' (demographic arms race).

The children who were supposed to be pampering in the summer camp, or the age of playing snow on the streets of Moscow are now standing in front of themselves with a bone dagger. Moscow evening fiery chaos.

His eyes stopped on the bone dagger in the girl's hand. He said it was a bone dagger, but in fact it was a bone claw that was forcibly broken from the hand of some kind of creature. It was as slender as a sickle. It was not difficult to guess the origin of this thing.

"Are you here to kill me?" Lieutenant Colonel Andrei asked.

The girl nodded.

"I am not the master of the Nibelungen."

"I know." The girl said, "There is no difference."

Lieutenant Colonel Andre looked at the girl again, then nodded, "Yes, there is no difference."

Regardless of whether the KGB lieutenant colonel was the instigator of the distorted space that enveloped this vast coniferous forest, there is still no difference in the final outcome.If the girl wanted to take the little boy away alone, the lieutenant colonel would always stand in their way.

This is a conflict of different positions. Behind the lieutenant colonel is the last hope of the Soviet Union yesterday. Even if it is as small as dust, the lieutenant colonel will reach out and hold on to it. This is the belief of a real soldier under the red flag. The military uniform, which was also not taken off in Siberia, has proved everything.

"Before we start, can you tell me what happened in Black Swan Harbor?" Lieutenant Colonel Andre asked calmly, looking at the girl.

The girl was silent for a few seconds, looking at the tall and burly middle-aged man, she said softly, "Everyone is dead, doctor, everyone."

"Doctor. Are you talking about Dr. Herzog?" Lieutenant Colonel Andrei asked, and was confirmed by the girl's nod.

"You know Doctor."

"His name was mentioned in the 'Red Book' at the bottom of bunker No. 42. If I guessed correctly, he should be the person in charge of Black Swan Harbor?" Andre said slowly.

"Bunker 42?" the little girl looked up at Andre and asked.

Bunker No. 42, even in the Soviet Union, few people know of its existence. This project is absolutely confidential. The construction workers rotate regularly, and the construction work is also carried out at night. The excavated earth and stones and the required building materials, All are transported through the tunnel of the Taganka metro station.From the ground, this secret project cannot be found at all, and even the construction team itself does not know what project they are really building.

On the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei received an order to go to a building three kilometers away from the Kremlin, from the elevator in the building to a facility at a depth of 65 meters underground.

When the elevator stopped, Lieutenant Colonel Andre appeared in front of a nuclear war shelter that had not yet been activated.

The person who brought him here told him that the purpose of building No. 42 bunker was to provide a temporary shelter for the Soviet high-level and the military in case of a nuclear attack on Moscow, so that they could continue to live and command the war here. .

Therefore, the construction task of bunker No. 42 is extremely complicated. Inside the bunker, ventilation systems, communication systems, and a complete life support system are all available, and a large amount of food, drinking water, and fuel are also stored.

Lieutenant Colonel Andre passed through those dazzling areas one by one, and finally stopped at the area that can be called the lowest level in bunker No. 42. He remembered that it was blocked by a two-meter-thick iron gate , after keying in the password, the complex mechanical transmission opened the door, and behind the door was a well-equipped archive.

The purpose of Lieutenant Colonel Andrei that time was a document in the archives, a secret plan called the 'Red Book'. He found the folder of the Red Book in the deepest part of the archives, opened it , he was attracted by the scribbled handwriting on the back of the case.

"I think that if that day really comes, the sky over the Kremlin wall will be black, and there will be no more melting red at sunset, and our enemies will come in the dark night, exhausting all their abilities To stain our flag of faith and honor, and to discredit our great achievements.

They will blaspheme the Bolshevik Revolution, vilify our great men and leaders, ridicule that everything about us is mud washed away by the flood, and maybe even the 'October Revolution' will be questioned about its correctness. These are all predictable , my friend, because history is always written only by the victors, and you know it.

And I, we, the meaning of existence, is to postpone the arrival of this day infinitely to the future until we reach the end of the universe.

—Ilya Ivanov, Jung von Herzog"

Andre's finger brushed the cursive signature. He recognized this person's name because he had seen him on the KGB anti-revolutionary list. Or the former anti-revolutionary list, but he had never heard of the word No.2. , looks like a German name, why did it appear in the classified Soviet archives?
First name, Ilya Ivanov.

A well-known artificial insemination expert in the Soviet Union. He has bred various hybrid animals and is well-known in the biological world. But what really made him famous was that he appeared in the newspapers of "Russian Times" and "Pravda" in 1974 , he tried in the newspapers to conduct 'human-ape hybridization' experiments at the ape breeding base in Suhu, the Soviet Union, to make genetic soldiers against the Axis.

Ape hybrid.This experiment that extremely challenged the bottom line of human morality was grandly placed in front of everyone, so Ilya Ivanov was naturally stigmatized as annihilation of humanity and moral depravity, and no one knew what was going on in his head , I only think that he is a lunatic whose brain is occupied by madness and chaos. Thousands of people jointly requested the Soviet Academy of Sciences to put this lunatic in a lunatic asylum.

However, what was unexpected was that the Soviet government agreed to this application for the experiment, and approved the funds to allow Ilya Ivanov to find suitable chimpanzees suitable for the ape hybrid experiment and carry out artificial insemination to cultivate offspring.

Andre was not surprised. Everything that was grotesque and subverted the imagination had the right to be on the stage when the "Truman Doctrine" was introduced in March 1947. The hybridization of man and ape may challenge the moral limit in the eyes of others, but in other In the eyes of some people, they only see the "possibility" behind this plan.

Turning to the first page of the red book, Andre saw a yellowed photo of a lush forest with a black stone statue of ape standing at a right angle.

There is a handwritten note under the photo:

"Experimental Diary, October 1975, 10.

The laboratory is located in Abkhazia, at the junction of Georgia and the motherland. The motherland promises that during the experimental stage, funds will be issued and approved every six months, and the secret police of the KGB will go to check the progress of the experiment. The name given to the experimental project is to conduct hybridization experiments in a zoo, which is not much different from my original idea. "

Andre continued to scroll back, and soon saw a photo that faded to black and white, but the content was more dazzling than blood, making people want to vomit.

The content of the photo is a chimpanzee giving birth in a laboratory. Surrounding the operating table are doctors in white coats holding notebooks. They bend forward slightly and cover their mouths and noses with notebooks, carefully observing the delivery process. During the process, the brutality of the beast and the coldness of science are mixed in the black and white negatives, forming a different kind of cruelty.

"Experimental Diary, October 1975, 12.

Our final result is to get a new species of orangutan for the motherland.Their height will be about 1.9 to 2.3 meters, and they will be covered with brown-black hair. They will be thrown into the salt mine to work at first, with great strength and tirelessness. "This is the comment under the photo.

Andrei continued to turn the pages. The photos faithfully recorded every progress of this man-ape hybrid experiment, but more approval than the progress of the experiment made him feel that this was more like the diary of Dr. Ilya Ivanov during that period Book.

"January 1976, 1. In the new year, we are conducting a brand new base sequence test. The survival rate of the fetus is still zero. The examiners who came to check and allocate funds are very dissatisfied. I don't know what they are anxious about. , and this is where the research begins."

"February 1976, 2. There are no articles criticizing me in Pravda. Is the motherland involved in the control of public opinion? Or is people's sense of justice and criticism always like this for 20 minutes? I am in the dark for the time being. In the dark. The fetal survival rate is still zero."

"March 1976, 3. I caught three of my assistants in the lab playing poker, Texas Hold'em, a new American game that I heard was popular over there in Las Vegas. I caught the lazy They confiscated the playing cards and severely reprimanded them that the laboratory is a sacred place and cannot be profaned, if they want to play cards, go to the dormitory to play!"

"March 1976, 3. I heard aides whispering that I only got angry yesterday because I only knew how to play 'dumb poker' (a simple poker game from the Soviet era)."

"March 1976, 3. The experiment was not going well. The success rate of embryo implantation in the normal process was still zero. I wondered if there was something wrong with the direction of my experiment. If I wanted to start from another direction, maybe I You have to find colleagues in the same field in different directions for inspiration.”

"March 1976, 3. Morning. I wrote a letter consulting cross-species artificial insemination to my old friend in Germany, who is the best biological scientist I know, in genetics, pathology, regenerative biology He has unique insights. I was his supporter in college, but I haven’t heard his name in the academic circle these years. Did he give up academic research?
afternoon.I found that group of assistants playing poker again, damn it, I have to tell the people in charge of supplies to bring in less of these entertainment products, Americans rely on these cultural invasions to gradually eat away at our revolutionary spirit. "

"March 1976, 3. Assistant Andrew taught me how to play Texas Hold'em."

"March 1976, 3. Playing cards."

"March 1976, 3. Playing cards."

"April 1976, 4. At noon. The KGB inspection officer raided our laboratory, found those few assistants who were lazy playing cards and reported to me. It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with the zero embryo survival rate and conducted a The serious criticism that lasted half an hour, said that he was considering suspending our experiment to the superior, which is not good, and we have to find a way to discuss with the assistants how to appease him
afternoon.Andrew's assistant suggested that I bribe the inspector with funds. It's crazy, there is not much funding for the experiment, how could it be used to bribe officials, and he is the KGB!Secret Police! "

"April 1976, 4. Andrew taught the examiner Texas Hold'em, and he heard that he would play cards with us in the afternoon. How did he do it?"

"April 1976, 4. Whoever invented Texas Hold'em is a genius. Playing with the censors."

"May 1976, 5. The inspector left in the morning. He said that he would postpone our review and assessment, and by the way, apply to the superior for the early release of the experimental funds for the second half of the year. Hey, don't say it, playing cards really has a weird magic."

Are you sure it wasn't because you lost too much playing cards and made the examiner happy?
Andre, who turned here, paused.

He roughly turned back a few pages and found that dozens of report notes were full of words about playing cards, and there were even scenes of several white coats playing poker in the laboratory in a majestic photo.

In the photo, the chimpanzee on the operating table was disemboweled, and the twisted and weird dead baby was left aside. The scientists in white robes on the table were holding pokers and smiling, with chips piled high in front of them. The two appeared in the same space and were black and white White cut, forming a strong visual contrast.

He flicked through the records with a blank expression, until he suddenly stopped at an October report.

"On October 1976, 10, I played cards in the morning. I received a letter at noon. When I saw the sender on the envelope, I almost forgot the help letter I wrote half a year ago. Really got a reply.

Jung von Herzog, my dear friend, my mentor in life.

I really wanted to cut his head open like a chimpanzee uterus to see what kind of ideas are inside - he actually reminded me that embryos could be edited with the technology of molecular scissors.

But my knowledge in genetic molecular science is not enough to complete this project, I have to write back to seek more detailed technical support, he majored in genetics in college, he will definitely help me out. "

Jung von Herzog.

Andrei said the name silently.

He continued to turn the page, and he saw a fuzzy black fetus with long hair lying in the corner, but on the photo, a huge cross was drawn with a red oil-based pen.

"November 1976, 11. A historic breakthrough! The first chimpanzee artificial insemination embryo was successfully born. Although it only survived for 21 seconds, it was a huge breakthrough from zero to some, using the gene recombination of the target gene and the carrier DNA is feasible! This achievement even breaks through human-ape hybridization, which is an excellent new species operation for breeding animals and plants!"

"November 1976, 11. Everything was going in a good direction. The inspector was shocked when he saw the abandoned fetuses in the freezer. He decided to report the progress of the experiment to his superiors. Perhaps our experiment funding can be leapfrogged." increase."

"November 1976, 11. Continuing with the embryo implantation experiment. Playing cards in the afternoon, everyone dares to showhand after funding is available."

"January 1977, 1. Another new year, playing cards."

"February 1977, 2. I haven't waited for Dr. Herzog's reply. Did something happen to him?"

"On March 1977, 3, embryonic cultivation with molecular scissors hit a bottleneck. The maximum survival time of fetuses after leaving the womb reached three days. Sure enough, there are specialties in the field, but the person who invented molecular scissors is simply a genius. "

"April 1977, 4, according to half a year's observation, it is expected that the final results of human-ape hybridization will be affected by the maternal genes, and their growth rate will be very fast (note: just like the amazing growth rate of large dogs surpassing humans), so their Lifespan is destined to be condensed, which is a good thing. If local wars break out in the future and we continue to invest in manpower, we can produce a large number of orangutan warriors, short-lived orangutan warriors."

"On May 1977, 5, I received a reply from Dr. Herzog, but it was a pity that he could not come to my laboratory to help me, but he still provided me with the gene editing method by letter. I pointed out that 'homologous recombination' is a possible way for my experiment to succeed, but the disadvantage is that the efficiency may be very low and the error tolerance rate is too poor.

I really hope he can come to my lab, but unfortunately he can't, he said he has devoted himself to a secret project, and is stationed in a port in the far north for a long time?A port in the far north?Siberia?It's hard for me to imagine that there is a place in the backcountry that can accommodate cutting-edge scientific research talents like Dr. Herzog.

At the end of his reply, Dr. Herzog thanked me very sincerely for asking him about the secret experiment of molecular scissors-human-ape hybridization. He said that when he provided me with the answer of 'molecular scissors', he also used this method by analogy. Feasible for the experiment he was undergoing, and had a huge breakthrough.

When writing this letter, he is drinking vodka in a glass carved from solid ice with a history of more than 1 years. I hope that when I read this letter, I can also pour a glass of strong wine. Thousands of kilometers away, Letters in hand, we toasted and drank, just as we gathered at this very moment to applaud the beauty of science.

It's a great idea. The Red Label vodka is also great. Sure enough, scientific research should be tasted with spirits. "

"June 1977, 6. The experiment was successful." The accompanying picture is a picture of a fetus that can't help but feel physically sick, held in the arms of a female assistant, covered in black skin covered in mucus Lanugo, deformed, terrifying, but full of twisted possibilities.

Andre continued to turn the pages, and the subsequent records were all about the growth of this fetus, mixed with a lot of joy and annoyance of winning and losing in poker games, and on a certain day of the month, he caught the Andrew assistant who taught him Texas Hold'em cheating at the poker table , he was very angry and dealt with this matter seriously.

Ivanov did not allow his subordinates to have corrupt characters, so he downgraded the position of assistant to a data observer outside the operating room, and the matter passed.

As he continued to turn the pages, Andre's fingers suddenly stopped because he saw a photo that took his breath away.

In the photo, behind the black curved iron fence, a giant black creature is squatting in the corner. The photo only captures his back view, and the shadow of the terrible back muscles that cannot be covered by the hair can make people feel a kind of primitive With a sense of fear, one can imagine how terrifying the monster in the corner will be when it really stands up. The human body will be torn apart like a doll under his exaggerated arms and muscles.

"The human-ape hybrid project has been announced as a success. We have made breakthroughs in new areas other than nuclear weapons. We have taken the lead in the arms race again." This is the accompanying text under the picture, which is a bit scribbled, and one can imagine the excitement of the writer's fingers trembling at that time appearance.

"September 1977, 9. The Moscow leadership team will visit the laboratory tomorrow, and they must hurry up and put away the playing cards. The officials don't want us to use their embezzled funds to gamble."

"September 1977, 9. In the morning, let's play two rounds."

Andre's eyes stopped here, because he found that there was no afternoon part in the records of this day, so he turned the page. Then he saw the insanely written words, and he frowned. It took him a lot of effort to distinguish the scribbled What is written in the handwriting.

And what these crazy words brought about was an equally crazy mistake.

"1977 Damn! Damn! Damn! Who the hell didn't lock the cage while feeding 'один' (No. 1)! That bastard screwed up everything! 13 people died! The leadership inspection team in Moscow was torn to the skirt of the little girl Damn! Who the hell made such a mistake at this juncture! 'Soviet swearing'!
The leadership in Moscow is going to re-evaluate the feasibility of my experiment!They think that the product of human-ape hybridization is completely uncontrollable, how could it be uncontrollable! Number 1 has always been docile!Unless someone provokes him! "

There is no picture, but Andre can imagine the tragedy at that time. The red lights flashed wildly in the closed laboratory in the forest, and the giant nearly 2 meters high screamed and shredded the experimental personnel in the facility amidst the harsh alarm. Limbs, blood splattered on the wall, and the bones broke into the flesh. But in the end this tragedy was terminated.

"September 1977, 9. We recovered the body of number 11. He was sieved, his skull was pierced, his chest and lungs were pierced, and even then he did a 1-minute mop while he resisted the gunfire. Killing a large number of security guards and the ape hybridization project is a success, no matter how the judgment is handed down by Moscow, this experiment is a success!"

"October 1977, 10. The human-ape hybrid project was announced to be terminated, the funding chain was interrupted, and all personnel will be cleared out of the laboratory after a week.

They informed me that I would be brought to a secret court for trial. The reason was that there was a big man in the leadership team who had an accident that day and had a relationship with the marshal. The marshal was very angry.

What a group of short-sighted people. It is only a few lives, but the possibility of the "Super Hybrid" project has been suspended. Why can no one see the final appearance of the human-ape hybrid project?That will be a black one, enough to destroy the army of the super country on the other side of the ocean! "

"December 1977, 12. I was sentenced to exile and deprived of all political rights and experimental results. The place of exile is Kazakhstan, a place where birds don't shit."

"December 1977, 12. What a miracle, I actually received a reply letter from Dr. Herzog the day before I left. It seems that his laboratory is indeed far away from me, and every letter is separated by half a year. Long.

Herzog seemed to know about my predicament through some channels. He expressed regret and anger, thinking that the suspension of the human-ape hybrid project must be hindered by someone.But soon he said in the second half of the letter that if I want, I can sit with him.There is some similarity between the human-ape hybrid project and his experimental project. Maybe I, who successfully created chimpanzee and human offspring, can help him.

I also hope that I can share the same roof with my old classmates and close friends to explore the ultimate secrets of genes and biology, but unfortunately he doesn’t seem to know that I was sentenced to exile. Kazakhstan may be my final dying place. I am full of hope. Regretfully gave him a reply, and told him that when I wrote this letter, I was drinking the third bottle of red brand vodka, may my spirit be with him, and may the future of the motherland remain prosperous. "

"December 1977, 12. On the road, secretly escorted. The KGB secret police are really interesting. They always like to meet late at night. This research record may end here."

Andrew paused when he turned the pages here, because the Red Book project was indeed coming to the end, but there were still a few pages left. Just as he was about to turn the pages, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the heavy iron door of the archive room Footsteps? Bunker No. 42 was supposed to be top secret among top secrets, why would anyone else appear here.

Andrew held the red book with one hand, and gently touched Makarov in the holster around his waist, but the fingers holding the red book still flipped the pages nimbly. Sure enough, this nearly diary research report still had a follow-up.

"December 1977, 12. The temperature is getting colder and colder. Why does the KGB always like to wear hoods on people? I really can't figure it out. Exile is not execution, and I am not on the counter-revolutionary list."

"December 1977th, 12. Damn. I'm sure I'm not on my way to Kazakhstan, although I haven't been to Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan isn't that cold. I can feel my snot when I have a runny nose." It's freezing!"

"December 1977th, 12. I reached the end of my exile. But is this really the exile granted to me by the verdict? Outside the truck was a field of ice and snow, and the secret police who escorted me told me that this was... North Siberia.

Siberia.I seem to understand something.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, I saw a figure pulling a dog sled. He came from the northeast, standing on the sled and waving a whip. Xue's meticulously combed silver hair told me his real age, and I might have already guessed his identity.

A true best friend will always give you a firm hand when you go to the bottom of the abyss, Dr. Herzog, my friend, my best friend, my mentor, although I don’t know how you did it, but I saw you When the sled came towards me with open arms, I knew that my scientific research had not come to an end, but had just begun. "

"December 1977, 12. We took a dog sled through the vast snow field. At the end I saw a black fortress, Black Swan Harbor. Herzog told me the name of the fortress calmly. I could hear him Furui Wubo’s voice was full of pride and conceit, so I puffed out my chest proudly, because I knew that would be my new birthplace.”

Andre heard footsteps getting closer. It seems that the destination is indeed this file room. He doesn't know who is coming, but he only knows that the only ones who can appear here at this time are his enemies. So he hid in the darkness, while waiting for the enemy to approach, he continued to quietly flip through the pages of the red book.

He can't guarantee that the red book can be completely preserved in the next battle, so he needs to read it beforehand and memorize every key information.

"December 1977, 12. Dr. Herzog took me to visit the entire Black Swan Harbor, which belonged to his kingdom, and I was soon dormant by this complete and huge fortress-like facility. Shame on the smugness of the laboratory in that forest.

Dr. Herzog smiled and patted me on the shoulder, saying that the harsh environment will always produce crazy spirits, and the only advantage of the laboratory living at the end of the world is that 'the sky is high and the emperor is far away'. He used the phrase He spoke Chinese, which is very convoluted and artistic. I just remembered that he had taken multicultural courses in college.

He showed me his experimental products, a group of children like snow elves, yes human experiments, this is the subject of Black Swan Harbor, I expressed [-]% envy and jealousy, because in the inland of the motherland Within the scope, human experimentation is prohibited, and human-ape hybridization experiments are only using embryos implanted into chimpanzees as mothers to barely bypass the ethics of human experimentation.

I really should have come to Black Swan Harbor earlier, everything Dr. Herzog showed me was something I dreamed of. "

"December 1977, 12. I asked Dr. Herzog about his research project in detail, and he told me I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready? I delivered chimpanzees at birth, and I still have What is not ready?
But he still consulted me about the situation of many human-ape hybrid experiments within one day. Fortunately, Moscow confiscated almost all my experimental records, but they only forgot this red book. I lent the red book to He Erzog, and had him sign the front page of the book. "

At this time, Andre also knew how the name after Dr. Ilya came from on the front page. He turned the page and listened to the footsteps that had stopped at the door of the archives room.

"December 1977, 12. The group of children in Black Swan Harbor. It is unbelievable that they have the power of God! A miracle that truly belongs to God! Who would have thought that a real miracle would be born in remote Siberia? Herzog Doctor, do you know what you are doing? You are creating the human dream!

The human-ape hybrid experiment can be completely forgotten. Now I am a believer in God. Sure enough, the ultimate end of scientific research is theology, and God is also a miracle created by science and belongs to human beings. "

"December 1977, 12. My God, Dr. Herzog told me that group of kids, those 20 kids, were failures!

They can chant 'songs' to bring about the miracle of Moses dividing the Red Sea, and they are so powerful that they can open mountains and crack rocks. Failed products?So the perfect ultimate weapon is just a failure?This makes me, who was once the person in charge of the human-ape hybrid project, have no face to stay here!

The doctor said that after the courier in Verkhoyansk sent my letter that day, he learned the details of the human-ape hybrid project and had a new idea.

Originally, he only wanted to create a super soldier carrying the 'God' gene, but my experimental subject gave him a new inspiration, an inspiration that can subvert the world.

Tomorrow, at twelve o'clock tonight, he said he would take me to see something. "

"December 1977, 12.

In the depths of the mine tunnel under the bronze statue of Lenin, I saw the ultimate of things like 'creatures' in this world.

I asked the doctor if I was in front of a dead god?

The doctor said no, the thing in front of me is not a god, she has her own name, a great creature that exclusively occupies the third branch of the evolutionary tree.

dragon. "

Reading the handwriting trembling like wild grass due to madness, Andre heard someone walking in, walking straight towards him, with firm steps.

"December 1977, 12. It was like a dream. The doctor asked me to calm down for a while."

"December 1977, 12. Why doesn't anyone play Texas Hold'em in such a big port?"

"December 1977, 12.

Dr. Herzog told me that the human-ape hybrid experiment is not as bad as I imagined. On the contrary, the doctor regards it as a classic, a creative idea from zero to one, from nothing to something, and I am the founder of this idea , so I have the qualifications to accompany him to the 'throne' (I think I did not mishear him to use the word 'throne'), and we are mentors on this road.

I am humbled and admired by his humility and greatness, and I am willing to be his most loyal assistant and walk this road that I had no chance to touch or even dream of.

Two years ago, he had been struggling with how to create stable super soldiers with 'God' genes, after my letter, he suddenly realized how small and ignorant he was, who had 'God' 'He, why didn't he directly create the direct descendants of the next 'God'?
Yes, Dr. Herzog told me his ultimate ideal standing on the ice and holding up the spirits, which made me so stunned that I even forgot the ideal of drinking together.

He wants to use the "god" under his feet to create offspring, a masterpiece born of the fusion of science and fantasy-like ultimate creatures, a fantasy that carries the ultimate end of biological genetics.

I questioned the 'god' under our feet, only remains of wreckage, she even lost her womb, how to accomplish your goal, doctor?

The doctor told me that "God" will not die, and there is a "cocoon" hidden deep in her, and that "cocoon" is the most perfect womb and the most perfect breeding ground in this world.

This plan is called 'Project Butterfly'. "

"December 1977, 12. The doctor showed me the human genetic samples in his freezer, where all the outstanding human genetic samples from all over the world were collected, from African robust blacks to pure Aryans, and He is a knowledgeable and wise man of the yellow race, and these genetic samples have been screened and evolved by dragon species, and are provided by a mysterious organization that he cannot disclose his name.

But the doctor mentioned that all the members of this organization are super fighters like those children, possessing mysterious powers, and their base seems to be in Rome, Italy, which reminds me of the Vatican. That organization is definitely not a crusader Bar? "

"December 1977, 12. The doctor told me that there were already super soldiers in the world we live in. They were called 'hybrids' by the doctor. They were characterized by golden snake-like pupils and special glands. The body and chemicals that make their pupils secrete glowing hormones are the best way to tell them apart.

He said that he must select the most perfect hybrid gene for editing. As the descendants of gods, every item must be perfect, and they only have one chance.

Twins, preferably multiples, both male and female.

This is the ultimate goal of this plan, so as to ensure the perfect continuation of the bloodline, and the genetic defects of the offspring of inbreeding will not appear on the heirs of God. This is the result of thousands of simulated inferences by the doctor. What we created is not A new race, but a new ethnic group!

This ethnic group will improve the genetics of the Soviet Union and bring every people in the Soviet Union to a new evolutionary path!The whole world will tremble under the red flag! "

The footsteps were getting closer, and Andre turned to the last page.

"January 1978, 1. Morning. The experimental details of the ape hybrid project have been compiled. I hope my plan can help the butterfly project. I can't wait to start this great experiment.

afternoon.I finally taught the group of nurses Texas Hold'em, and someone played cards with me. "

There is nothing behind it, or what should have been there, but was torn off, leaving only jagged confetti.

But this is enough. Andre closed the red book. He already knew the ultimate secret in bunker No. 42. He also knew what the task assigned to him by the KGB was and why he was appointed to carry out this task. up.

This is the hope about whether the motherland can rise again, and it is also the last spark of fire before the dark night, but no one has dared to hold him up before, because if you don't pay attention, the fire will burn the whole world.

But today, on the evening of December 1991, 12, the leaders of Moscow ordered Andrei to go to the far north to find that handful of fire. The collapse of the motherland did not come without a price. Burn to ashes.

Andre closed the notebook and put him back in the overcoat of the military uniform, and walked out from behind the file rack. On the straight dark path, he raised his head and saw the incoming enemy.

The other party raised the gun in his hand, and looked at the golden eyes at the end of the aisle in surprise.

The enemy moved, but Andre chanted a poetic language, just like the 'hymn' recorded in the red book.

Word Spirit·Entropy Reduction

The invisible field expanded rapidly, covering a large area of ​​coniferous forest in an instant. At the end of the path, the girl with burning red golden eyes disappeared, and a huge murderous intent enveloped Andre!
(End of this chapter)

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