Chapter 867 Invasion (10000 words)
"Hi, this is EL AL, what can I do for you?"

"I'd like to book two direct flights to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv within today's time."


"I need a 2pm flight."

"Do you need a first-class ticket or an economy-class ticket? There are still three separate seats in the economy class of flight ELY2 departing at 305:[-] p.m., and six seats in the first-class cabin."

"For first class, the two seats should be as close together as possible, preferably across the aisle."

"Okay, no problem. Two first-class tickets for Flight 305 from BJ to Tel Aviv at 5:24 p.m. Friday, May 2, right ma'am?"


"Please tell me your name and contact information."

"Bar Lukas, Zhao Langjun, the contact information is this phone number."

"Please provide your passport information and credit card information. Okay ma'am, the ticket has been booked for you. If the flight is cancelled, I will inform you as soon as possible. EL AL wishes you a happy day."

The phone hangs up. Bar·Lukas, the brunette woman who could also be called Bar put down her phone and looked at the man who put the paper bag of documents into the carbon black lockbox.

A lockbox with a length of half a meter and a thickness of [-] centimeters is placed horizontally on the conference table. It has carbon black and silver edges, a ten-digit random number mechanical combination lock, a physical padlock, an electronic fingerprint lock, and a dark lock hidden inside the black handle. buckle.

The man put the resealed document paper bag into the combination box, closed the box lid and checked every security, then picked up the handcuffs on the side of his hand and handcuffed the box to his wrist, adding the last most powerful and reliable insurance.

"The flight takes off at 2 p.m., half an hour later we need to rush to the north of the city, take a direct flight to China Capital International Airport at Binhai Airport, which is still in normal operation, and wait at the destination for six hours before connecting. If the flight does not There is a delay, and we expect to arrive at [-]am China time and [-]pm Jerusalem time. The headquarters will block the entire airport and citizens within one kilometer along the route, and documents will be handed over at the end of the runway."

The brunette woman Bar is not only a top-notch stunner in appearance and figure, but also an excellent secretary in arranging and handling miscellaneous things. This is why men are willing to take her by their side, in addition to solving some necessary problems on a daily basis , he always needs someone to help him deal with daily chores by himself.

Not every sexy and capable woman can become a man's entourage. In Solomon's Temple, a person like Bar is also the owner's 'position', a finished product that has undergone professional training and bloodline selection, although the bloodline is bound to be far away. A man, but she can at least have the position of 'retainer' certified by the Temple.

"You did a good job. God wills it" The man never hesitated to praise his subordinates, whether it was Ba Er or Tang Wei who was a 'temporary worker', he always believed that even the most sinister Utilization, as long as the superficial skills are impeccable, then these inferior products that should be discarded can also burn oil and coal-like heat for themselves.

"God's will." Bar also read out this sentence full of teachings, solemn and solemn.

That was the slogan of the Knights Templar when they charged on the battlefield during the Crusades a hundred years ago. Fanatical faith will rise to the extreme when the spear and shield painted with red octagonal crosses strike each other. From the perspective of the enemy Every time I hear this slogan, the iron cavalry has already stepped through the blood mud and brought the red mud leading to justice.

"The abandoned pawn named Tang Wei rejected your offer to become the representative of this temporary organization. Do we need to find a new representative before we leave and continue to search for the 'Holy Mother' in this city?" Bar asked.

"He was never the only choice. He was chosen because the reason why he was controlled by us was more pure and powerful, and the possibility of betrayal was relatively minimal. He is a filial son. I don't hate filial sons, because people who value family affection are better used by us. After this operation, the upline who originally managed this organization will be completely removed, and the agent can be assigned at will, because it is no longer important here." The man lowered his head to check the handcuffs, adjusted them to a comfortable angle, and said calmly,
"In this temporarily drafted downline in this city, most of the people who gather together are just huddling together for warmth, or yearning for strength. There has never been the constitution and beliefs of the Temple Society as the skeleton, so it can be predicted When troubles come, it will be a state of disunity. Now that the Secret Party and the Orthodoxy have their eyes on us, it is a colossus that even the Templars need to avoid for a while, so the destruction of this temporary organization as a warning is doomed."

"That 'Madonna'."

Ba'er didn't say anything, but she actually understood the man's thoughts in her heart. In the process of the 'Hive''s rapid growth and large-scale recruitment of members, it has basically screened out the candidates who may have blood in the entire city. .After the initial screening of nearly 500 million bases, the political leaders and the upper class were controlled for the second fine screening. Until now, no suspected candidates have been found.

The possibility of the 'Holy Mother' being in this city has been greatly reduced. There is no need to continue the search at the risk of being approached by the Secret Party and the Orthodox.If the documents of the 'Utero' project hadn't been lost to this city, the man would not have even ventured to visit this place in person, and all the actions of the 'Hive' should have been remotely controlled by the Temple.

Solomon's Temple is a secret organization from the beginning to the end. It is different from the secret party and the orthodox rulers who are in front of the stage. They are more like assassins who work hard and darkly. All actions are for ideals and justice.So this means that their size is bound to be unable to compare with the real behemoths.But always hiding in the dark and acting in the dark also gave them some things that the secret party and orthodoxy could not get in front of the stage, such as 'forbidden power' and 'lost technology'.

"There is no need to confront the secret party and the orthodox right now. They know our existence, but they don't know our background, so they won't act rashly. This temporary organization left to them will give them a kind of lizard with a broken tail. Preserving the false appearance will benefit the continued development of the Temple Society." The man said, "After the real 'Son of God' is born in our hands, the Temple Society will truly have the capital to fight against the secret party and the orthodoxy."

"After all, let's not talk about orthodoxy, the current secret party can be said to be in full swing." The man's tone suddenly became quiet, "Even the 'Lord of Fire' of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (people in different regions have different opinions about the four monarchs) Title) died in their hands, no matter whether this news is true or not, they must have the terrifying combat power to properly deal with the next generation."

"I heard that the Lord of Fire died at the hands of an independent entity, a hybrid - a super hybrid code-named 'butcher'. It is quite notorious in the international hybrid community, directly killing and destroying Many political enemies of the Secret Party. The mixed-race families in Somalia drifting on the sea were destroyed in his hands, just because of the 'Freya wine glass' they salvaged in the Mandeb Strait in the past 30 years." Barlow Said loudly.

(Freya Wine Cup: A cup that symbolizes the goddess of fertility and desire, recorded in Class B of the Frozen Sea Fragment, it is said that the wine utensils are polished out of keel, and the alchemy matrix engraved on the wall of the cup can refine blood. Abnormal wine The actual size of the table utensils and the Freya wine glass is five meters high and two meters wide, and it is regarded as a mythical artifact for the purification of the relatives of ancient dragons.)
"This is the first time I've heard of it. However, the style of the Secret Party has always been like this, so the Temple needs to go dormant." The man said lightly, "The real horror of organizations such as the Secret Party and the Orthodox lies in their background and their impact on the world. The control of economy, trade and political power, those with power sitting on the high table can determine the fate of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people at a meeting, and they can easily decide to manipulate currency interest rates and import tariffs to destroy a country economically. Moderately developed countries, this is where they are really scary."

"If it is said that the power of a single body is not enough for Tao, the so-called super hybrid is just a false name, and the rumor that a single body killed the first generation dragon king is just a means for them to establish an 'iron fist symbol' to stabilize authority, just like the movie The captain of the United States who performed on the stage in the theater." The man raised one hand, and asked Bar to arrange the cufflinks for him, "In terms of individual strength, any 'knight' of the Knights Templar under Solomon's Templar will never Don't be afraid of anyone, creatures like hybrids have an upper limit, but 'knights' never have an upper limit."

"This is an inevitable fact." In front of the man, Bar, who was fixing the cufflinks for him, bowed her head and her tone was also full of affirmation. Her candle-lit eyes looked at the man full of conviction and devotion, which was the belief in absolute power. and unwavering.

"This city can be put aside for burial for the time being. Now the Holy Temple will turn its attention to the eastern coastal area of ​​the country, where we will harvest a stable mother who has been observed and raised by the organization and has reached the fertile period. It is also the Chen family. The third qualified person under Miss and Our Lady." The man looked sideways at the sky lined with light ink in the morning and dusk, and in that direction was the north of the coastal city.

"Will there be any problems?" Baer asked in a low voice. The file of the secret party document means that the Utero plan has been leaked, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no obstacles to the closing of the other side's operations.

"There will be no problem. The mother's body has been monitored since she was born. In an 'accident', she has undergone several years of training in the palace. She has already taken sufficient protection measures on her body. She was 18 years old. It is time to pick the fruit." The man said, "The Temple will attach great importance to this, and the 'knight' sent He is also the current chief and my younger brother. The Temple will have confidence in him, and I have confidence in him. The Yangcheng Lake in Kunshan is perfect for building a "spiritual domain", and his chief strength will be 100% No one can stop him, even if he is the trump card of the so-called secret party, when the orthodox Yue comes into contact with him, he will be liquidated."

"That couldn't be better." Ba'er breathed a sigh of relief. The man's younger brother, she's a 'squire' who has known her name for a long time. The chief knight named Zhao Xuzhen is the strongest single combat power of the Knights of Solomon's Temple .

"As an older brother, I can't cause trouble for him." The man looked down at the 50Kg explosion-proof lockbox in his hand, then looked out the window at the heavy rain that had not stopped until the early morning, and said flatly, "Once this document Large-scale leaks will inevitably bring resistance to his actions, and must be safely sent back to the organization."

"But it's really a coincidence." Ba'er also looked at the city in the dark and rainy, "The documents will be sent to the city where the 'Holy Mother' used to live. Fortunately, this city already has our tentacles. Everything can be carried out." It went so well."

"." The man did not speak after listening to Ba'er's words. He looked at the heavy rain outside the glass curtain wall for a long time before saying, "Let's go to the airport on the way, we don't have much time."

He doesn't like coincidences.He didn't say this, because it's like divination. People who believe in divination and horoscopes are actually people who are not confident and need illusions to bring them confidence and courage.As a person with self-confidence and strength, Zhao Langjun never superstitiously believes in self-comforting things. There is no so-called liking, and naturally there should be no disliking.

But many things that happen now are incomparably coincidental.It was a coincidence that the secret party handed over 'Utero' to this city; it was a coincidence that he planned to take back the documents by himself, but he did not expect that the offline organization would actually get them first; it was a coincidence that the earthquake at the right time destroyed Many of their tracks are also coincidental. All the coincidences are somewhat frightening.

In the conference room, a loud mobile phone rang, and the two people who were about to leave stopped.

Ba'er picked up the phone and looked at the incoming call on the screen of the phone. It was an unknown number. Looking at the order of the numbers and the title, it could be confirmed that it was a domestic or local phone number.

She frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and connected the phone after the man nodded.

She holds the phone to her ear.

"Moses, Moshe, is Mr. Zhao Langjun, the 'Knight of Fujing' from Solomon's Temple Church, online?" A cheerful female voice just rang out on the phone, out of season and out of style, and two people in the conference room heard this voice Instant revulsion and gratuitous disgust as they smell teasing.

Ba'er raised her head and looked at the man. While the man was slightly frowning (with his hearing, she could hear everything on the call) she put down the phone and put it on the conference table.

The man raised his hand to signal Ba'er to continue talking, but he remained silent.

"I'm his secretary, may I ask who you are?" Ba'er looked down at the phone and spoke calmly, trying to avoid any suspicion or hostility.

"You can call me 007 temporarily." On the other end of the phone was a very entertaining female voice, calling herself by the well-known code name of James Bond.

"May I ask how Ms. 007 knew about our phone number, and what purpose did she call?" Bar continued to ask, and at the same time walked slowly to the main seat in the conference room, and lightly kicked a black button on the bottom of the table. The sirens and red lights that mean martial law will be activated in all floors under their manual control below the 21st floor, and the entire building will be sealed off in a short time.

No matter who the person on the other end of the phone is claiming to be 007, if they can accurately call and reveal their identity, it means that their location and current situation are very likely to be exposed.

"Purpose? Of course you know what our purpose is." 007 said, "Can you cooperate with the lockbox in the hands of the handsome and tall Mr. Knight next to you and give it to us for safekeeping? This is very important to us."

The man turned his head to look at the glass curtain wall. From the outside, he could only see the city in the wind and rain. There were black and straight buildings in the distance. It is conceivable that somewhere in those buildings there is a cunning woman looking through a high-powered telescope. watch over them.

But he didn't choose to close the thick flannel curtains at the first time, but calmly picked up the phone on the table, turned off the speakerphone and put it to his ear, silently walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and observed the whole rainy black city and said ,"who are you?"

"Free people. People without faith." 007 said, the changing tone of her voice reminded people of shrugging her shoulders indifferently while speaking, "Does it really matter who I am? Maybe it's important to care about your safety now. Really important question, Mr. Knight of the Solomon Temple, I have been entrusted to give you an ultimatum, we will launch a general attack on your building in 10 minutes, if possible, please show kindness and dismiss you and you The irrelevant people outside the mobile gun mounts, that is, the poor people in the 'hive' at your mercy, they don't need to die in a massacre that has nothing to do with them."

"It seems that you know a lot." The man's expression didn't change, and his eyes slowly moved out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if he really wanted to find that despicable and cowardly female thief hiding in those black building shadows.

"You're too much of an award. Spies rely on intelligence for a living. I still have a lot of basic information. At the same time, I'm sorry to tell you that from my perspective, almost everything you do in this city Everything is dancing on the red line, and you may step on a landmine anytime and anywhere, but miraculously, you have been fine until now." 007 said, "Walking at night for a long time will hit ghosts, Mr. Knight. You Playing with the secret party, the secret party will naturally eliminate you, the premise is to find an opportunity, and now you just provide this opportunity."

"You are from the Secret Party." The man confirmed the identity of 007.

"Who knows?" 007 laughed, "I can speak Chinese so well, I might be an orthodox person who backs up the Secret Party! But no matter what my identity is, the purpose now is the same, which is to announce your death. Since you stepped into this building yesterday, your life has begun to count down, and you have entered the symbolic period of "the last 60 seconds". Countdown to life, right?"

"So it was a threatening call?"

"No, it's a pre-war declaration." 007 said earnestly, "It is contemptible to go to war without declaring it, just like what you have been doing all the time. If you insist that he wants to kill you, you must first tell you that he is going to kill you, so that you are ready to buy a coffin, write a suicide note, and prepare for the last shot with relatives, friends, and gun mounts."

"Really." The man's expression didn't change much, and he was still as calm as water. "I'm very interested in what you said about the general attack in 10 minutes. Can you tell me what form you will attack us? Or are you planning to come?" A surprise attack."

"Surprise attack? No, that's not his style!" 007 seemed to have been greatly humiliated, screaming at the table, and both Ba'er and the man could almost imagine her flushed face, "Who do you look down on? He is the king of dragons. I went to the meeting alone, so why would you still engage in a sneak attack if you killed a Templar knight? Otherwise, what is the point of this pre-war declaration, giving unrelated people the opportunity to withdraw from the battlefield?"

Ba'er and the man suddenly looked at each other, and there was an inexplicable color in their eyes, because the amount of information in the conversation on the other end of the phone was so great that they couldn't help thinking whether the other party was bluffing or making up random things. .
"In short, your death is imminent. But there is a saying that is good, if God closes your door, he will definitely open a window for you." The tone of the woman on the other end of the phone suddenly calmed down again, and the difference in tone was terrifying. It makes people mistakenly think that there are two people talking back and forth, or two different personalities, as if the escape just now is entirely acting. If this is the case, the man will think that the person on the other end of the phone will be a perfect actor.

"I can also give you a choice. You will repeat all the information about the 'Holy Mother' that you talked about in the conference room before, and all the news that the Solomon Temple will control the 'Holy Mother' in this call. I He will show you a way out so that you can avoid his massacre."

The voice of the woman on the other side of the phone is very calm, and it is also full of a sense of charity from the superior, which adds a bit of convincingness. People can easily understand that she did not mean any joke in it. She is really making a suggestion, and then looking for it. I have to think about the man on the phone.

"It seems that you know how to read lips. You read a lot of conversations between me and my secretary when you were watching from outside." The man didn't care about the woman's threat, and he didn't consider the woman's proposal at all, but deduced the meeting room from the sidelines. All previous conversations in the media leaked.

"It seems to be rejected." 007 said.

"I can't let anyone who knows about the Templar's plans leave alive," the man said. "I found you."

His eyes were fixed on the direction of 3 o'clock, and he visually observed a residential building 700 meters away in a straight line. After passing through the black wind and rain, his eyes were nailed to that 'point' like an eagle, where was a glass, The lights inside were not turned on. If someone was really there, they must have made the call in the dark, and they were so cautious that it was outrageous.

"Yes, as expected of a knight, I underestimated you. So what if you found me?" 007's voice jumped out again.

The man turned back from the floor-to-ceiling windows, his golden pupils were boiling hot, he no longer responded to the woman on the phone, because he never answered questions from dead people.

The moment before he hung up the phone, there was a huge explosion of fried wheat, the roar of wind and rain, and the roar of monsters roaring like thunder!At the same time, an explosion occurred on the residential building 700 meters away from the floor-to-ceiling windows. There was no fire, only the walls of the entire floor and the shocking scene where the glass shattered outwards, as if an unparalleled force swept across that area. One floor, destroy everything inside in the heavy rain!

The sexy stunner standing by the conference table in the meeting room of Runde Building looked at the scene in the distance in the heavy rain with slightly open red lips. No matter how many times she would be shocked and attracted by the beauty of this berserk power, psychologically and physically Every time I go, I will feel a sense of admiration that is far better than the orgasm, making my flesh and blood thighs not trembling slightly.

The man didn't look at the shocking scene in the distance behind him, his expression was a little heavy, and he walked towards the door of the meeting room with the lockbox in one hand. Ba'er quickly pushed him to open the door and followed him into the room where the emergency red light was already full. Photo hallway.

In any case, their location and intelligence were indeed exposed, and they would not really wait 10 minutes to confirm whether the so-called "war declaration" on the other end of the phone was true.The safety of the files in the lockbox is their primary consideration, so that unnecessary battles can be avoided, and what they should do is to ensure the safety of the files.

"The emergency alarm has been triggered, and the entire building should be completely under martial law now. This building has been the property of the Temple Society since half a year ago. We have arranged a lot of strategic deployments in the building when necessary." Bar told Run behind the man to the direct elevator at the end of the corridor.

"Are there enough personnel reserves in this building now?"

"If there is an organized and disciplined enemy attack, it should be able to stop it for a period of time. In this offline organization, except for the cadres who wander around the city to search for mixed races, all the remaining ones who are injected with the 'leech potion' can be used. The soldiers are all here. According to the data left to us by the previous leader, Block A of the Runde Building has three prayer warriors who can release the 'Prayer' (word spirit), and ten can barely ignite the 'Shenhuo' ( Golden pupil), the rest are injected with diluted leech medicine, and only have some security guards with enhanced physical strength." Bar said quickly.

"It's also time for them to sacrifice their lives for God. Although they didn't have such beliefs before they died, they died for our beliefs after all, so I bless them." The man speeded up his steps expressionlessly.

"I suspect that the person on the other end of the phone is just intimidating. She is not even a member of the secret party or the orthodox party. She is just a third-party force who knows the existence of the document and wants to bluff and get some benefits from us." My son bowed his head and analyzed, "Our spies have been hiding around this building, and any suspicious groups of forces approaching this building will be warned in advance, but I didn't receive any warning before that. "

"This city is officially entering the abandonment process. Inform the temple that all connections will be abandoned to prevent our enemies from getting more information about us." The man stood in front of the elevator and pressed the call button.

"The car is ready downstairs. There is no problem with the traffic at this time, and we can arrive at Chengbei Airport within 10 minutes," Bar said.

"Arrive in 10 minutes, at all costs." The elevator door in front of the man opened, and he and Ba'er walked into the elevator at the same time, but suddenly he stopped and stood in front of the elevator door.

Before Ba'er could react when she walked into the elevator, the back collar of the secretary's shirt was pulled back by a huge force, dragging her out of the elevator.The metal floor of the elevator parked in front of her suddenly turned fiery red, reminiscent of a red-hot soldering iron, and a threatening heat wave twisted the air like a substance, like an invisible fire hand strangling towards her. Two throats.

The man pulled his secretary's arm back tens of meters, and saw that the elevator was sent to the upper part of the elevator shaft in the roar of fire like a rocket that had been ignited. It is a raging high-temperature flame.The entire elevator shaft was instantly filled with violent flame elements, and the fire light shot out from the elevator shaft illuminated the entire corridor on the 21st floor. The high temperature of thousands of degrees destroyed all the equipment of the elevator, and at the same time destroyed the corridor where the man was. The temperature has risen to an unbearably hot 50°C, which is just the aftermath of watching.

It is conceivable that if the man and Ba'er get into this elevator, they will end up as roast ducks in the oven together, and the person who brought the flames to the sky must be unqualified as a cook, because after the oven falls to the ground, The only thing that can be peeled off is black charcoal in the shape of a roast duck.

"Someone blocked our retreat, the attack is real!"

Bar opened her eyes wide and stared at the elevator shaft where the flames were slowly receding, and she couldn't believe it. It was not difficult for her to guess that it was not caused by a 'flamethrower' or a 'flame pressure bomb'.There is no flamethrower that can spray flames vertically up to the 21st floor and then blast a tonnage elevator, and there is no bomb that can explode without making any movement, leaving only manic flames - this is the "Prayer" Power, the destructive power released by Long Wen's rules and the four elements!
"'Dragon Flame' in the prayer?" The man's complexion finally changed, and he looked at the interior of the elevator shaft that was hot as lava, and he was a little confused. In his impression, the prayer of 'Dragon Flame' was quite close. In the history of the knight order, there is only one knight who can control its power. According to the records, that knight is still a very powerful chief knight.

The attack was real. The enemy blocked the elevator, the fastest way to escape, and forced them to leave through a safe way. This meant that the two sides would inevitably meet and fight.

Without the man's order, Ba'er, who had calmed down from the panic between life and death, had already picked up her mobile phone and called the security guard on the lower floor of the building. Her most urgent task now is to find out whether the enemy's attack has begun. Which step has it come to? Is the so-called 10-minute pre-war declaration a cover, or is it that the man's killing of the woman on the other end of the phone is directly sounding the clarion call for this battle.

The bottom security guard dialed out, but no one answered.She hung up the phone and dialed the upper floor again, but still no one answered, hung up again and dialed again. The repeated behavior only got a monotonous response from no one answering, which also made Bar's expression more and more ugly. She realized that the enemy The attack came quickly and violently, and the defensive measures they thought they could withstand for a while began to fall apart at a speed far exceeding their budget.

Hidden in the dark, the mixed-race legion attacked?Or the secret party and the orthodox beheading force?If it is the former, then there is nothing to be afraid of, and if it is the latter, it is more threatening.The giant wheels cannot be driven in the gutter, and if the place where they are now becomes a battlefield, it is extremely unfavorable for the "knight" of the man to play. The real power of the "knight" needs to be unleashed on the open ground, and when this power is fully displayed When it's wonderful, both the legion and the elite troops are nothing but chickens and dogs.

"What should I do?" Ba'er looked at the man, now she can't make up her mind, the situation has escalated, it should be the real person who decides what to do next.

The man stared blankly at the melting elevator shaft for a long time, then turned around with the handcuffed lockbox and walked to the conference room on the other side of the corridor.

Seeing the man's actions, Ba'er also understood.

The man is ready to invite you into the urn.

On the 15th floor of Block A of Runde Building, the door of the emergency corridor was pushed open, and a large number of security guards rushed into the corridor from the floor, on the 16th floor above, and from the 17th floor up to the 20th floor. Emergency corridor doors were knocked open one after another.

Dozens or hundreds of fierce men rushed into the corridor, which was not wide at all, making the supposedly quiet and narrow space crowded with people with their heads up and their heads down, a large amount of adrenaline and hormones The secretion filled the space with a strong wild smell.

Looking around, you can see the scene that makes the gun control law faceless. Almost one of every five security guards is holding a black metal gun, all of which are Israeli standard guns, which should be managed by the country's military and police forces. It appeared majestically in their hands, and its armed level reminded people of the BSC (Blackwater Security Consulting Company) in the United States.

Crowded in the emergency passageway, hundreds of people move down quickly. The armed person loads the gun, checks the ammunition, closes the safety and hangs it on the back again, and uses a specially modified million-volt high-voltage electric baton that is enough to kill and sharp daggers.

In a narrow space, short-range and high-destructive weapons such as electric batons and daggers are much better than firearms. For example, the Israeli-made Uzi with a high rate of fire is likely to be counterproductive once it is used in this situation. Its power and light weapons The title of the God of God has become a vain name at the moment. In comparison, it is not even as good as the electric baton, which looks frustrating, but it is still a short-handed weapon with quite a gold content.

Everyone looked very serious. Half a minute ago, they got an alarm from the 21st floor of the building, which meant that they had been invaded. Whether it was a drill or something, they were trained and knew that once the alarm became a fact, Then what kind of difficult enemy should they encounter.

After a large number of security guards rushed into the emergency corridor, they first heard thunderous gunshots and piercing screams from the bottom of the building, and these voices came up step by step from dozens of floors below. Cursing, gunshots and hissing one after another, but after a short moment, the diving seemed to fall into silence, only the footsteps of the security guards approaching downwards in the corridor and the friction of clothes corners remained.

The smell of sweat between people in the corridor is getting stronger, which means that the tension is rising.

The security team downstairs is finished.

The most basic defense deployment plan of Block A of Runde Building is the first security team on the ground floor, guarding the emergency corridor and the elevator. Now that the elevator has been destroyed by unknown flames, the enemy must have come up from the emergency passage.The distance from the ground floor to the fifteenth floor was unarmed, and it was not until the fifteenth floor that they started to fight every step of the way. Now the opponent has stabbed the entire hornet's nest at once, and all the people in the building can only be squeezed into this space to fight. .

The security force pushed forward to the No.13 floor, and suddenly the whole team stopped and seemed to have encountered an enemy, which puzzled the brothers behind the corridor—the screams and gunshots downstairs were quiet It took less than ten seconds to come down, and the other party came up from the ground floor in ten seconds?Just kidding, it takes half a minute to climb these dozens of floors.

The brother who was at the front of the main force and also signaled the hundreds of people behind to stop stood motionless in the stairwell, signaling for everyone to be quiet. In the corridor that gradually became silent but still had many overlapping heavy breathing sounds, everyone started to move. Hearing a footstep, it wasn't sharp but it was a bit of a scratching sound.

The brother at the front realized after listening for a while, isn't this the sound of his slippers stepping on the ground at home? Could it be that the enemy is wearing slippers to invade their fully armed security building?Isn't that ridiculous?

However, at the next moment, when a right foot wearing slippers with well-defined toes can be seen from the corner of the stairs below, when stepping on the corner platform leading to the thirteenth floor, the brother knew that this was really not a lie, because there were more Damn, as the slippers came into view, a kitchen knife shining brightly under the white light on the stairs also appeared in the eyes of a group of people guarding the stairwell.

It was a half-grown boy wearing a T-shirt and stepping on slippers, holding a second-hand new Shibazi as a kitchen knife, with 'SBZZ' engraved on the metal handle, who was often teased The logo translated as 'stupid mentally retarded'.But now every man who saw this scene couldn't laugh, because the kitchen knife was completely red with blood, and the silver-white kitchen knife surface and the bright red blood formed an amazing collision, and every drop dripped on the floor. The blood dripping on it makes people feel creepy.

The boy's body was even more scarlet. The red on the T-shirt was the same as splashed ink art, but no one would find it beautiful, because the moment when real blood stained the clothes, no matter what shape caught the eye, it would only make people feel horrified and dazzling.He used this kitchen knife to hack all the way up from the ground floor.This idea appeared in everyone's mind.

The boy stood at the corner without moving, and the dozen or so buddies guarding the corridor did not shoot. This was a rather weird scene, but it just happened, no one moved, no one knew what they were waiting for, Seeing the intruder should pull the trigger and kill him when the distance between the two sides is at perfect range!But there was no gunshot after all.

Everyone stared at the boy's scorching red pupils, and they stopped breathing. The fiery emotions that were originally in response to the enemy were like frying oil in a pot, but a bowl of chopped green onions fell to the ground.My mind went blank.

"The people downstairs are already dead, get the hell out of here if you don't want to die together." The pair of lava pupils stared at them, and his voice sounded like molten iron corroding meat. "But if you decide to shoot, then Well, aim a bit, because if you hit it wrong, you will die."

(End of this chapter)

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