Chapter 25 Mask
"What is this?" Lin Nian had already prepared for the collapse of the Three Views, but he didn't expect that after opening the box, what was placed inside was not a magical or mythical product, but a stone ghost mask the size of a human face.

"Let me introduce, this mask was unearthed in 1922 by the British archaeologist Marshall, who discovered the Mohenjo-daro site in the same year, so we suspect that this mask is in the Mohenjo-daro site He thought it was a product of the Indus Valley Civilization in 2600 BC, so he brought it back and kept it in the museum, but it was stolen in 1940, and it was stolen by us in Lenin in 1946 Gele found it." Toyama Masashi handed Lin Nian a magnifying glass: "Look at the traces of weathering on it, if there is no mistake in the age detection, this mask has been preserved for at least 4000 years!"

"With all due respect, I don't see what this mask has to do with the 'dragon'." Lin Nian took a magnifying glass and carefully observed the mask, but the history course he learned in high school did not have any knowledge related to cultural relic identification. , not to mention giving him a magnifying glass, it is no use giving him a microscope.

"No, now this mask is not what he really looks like. He is actually hiding some dark secrets that are not known." Masashi Toyama said: "Try the first drop of blood."

"Blood?" Lin Nian looked up at him.

Masashi Toyama did not explain, but just handed over a blood collection needle.

After Lin Nian took it, he hesitated for a while, but he stuck his finger and forced a drop of bright red blood to point at the stone ghost face in the box.

In Lin Nian's sight, the blood beads slowly rolled down in mid-air, changing in irregular shapes, and finally pulled by gravity to the center of the stone ghost face's eyebrows.


In the quiet study room, the sound of blood dripping was particularly heavy.

The next moment, the stone ghost face in the box suddenly trembled, and the lips of the mask began to open and close actively. After three seconds, the stone ghost face made a muffled sound, and the six spikes on the left and right sides exploded downward, placing the entire mask in the box. Hold up!
Lin Nian was frightened by the movement and took a few steps back. Masashi Toyama gently pressed his back to signal him to calm down: "Don't be afraid, as long as you don't rashly put it on your face, you are absolutely safe."

Lin Nian looked at Lin Xian, who was on the side, but found that Lin Xian was looking at the stone ghost face intently. The stone thorns that burst out from the back of the stone ghost face were not straight, but had a certain arc, with a total of twelve left and right. The bone spur has a long and short shape and wraps around the head of an adult, and the entire mask becomes the shape of a simple helmet.

"Is this mask a murder tool?" Lin Nian boldly took a few steps forward and looked at the stone ghost face whose lips were still opening and closing and asked: "If you wear this mask and stick to blood, these spikes will instantly pierce people's heads. Run through?"

"Yes, after our test, the speed of the stone thorns exploded after the blood on the face of the stone ghost reached an astonishing 380 meters per second, breaking the speed of sound. The material is even tougher, even if it is steel, he can pierce it in one breath." Toyama Masashi said: "If you don't believe it, you can try to break those stone thorns, and even if they are broken, we will not ask you for compensation."

"That's what you said." Lin Nian boldly stretched out his hand and touched a stone thorn behind the stone ghost face. The feeling of starting was very cold, with a smooth touch of jade. Only then did he realize that compared with the surface of the stone ghost face, these appeared later. There is no trace of weathering on the stone thorns, I really don't know where it has been hidden in the stone ghost face before.

Lin Nian squeezed the stone thorn with three fingers in his right hand and exerted a little force. The feedback from his hand was extremely hard. He increased his strength step by step, but found that the stone thorn did not even show any signs of deformation, and finally he had to give up: " What is the purpose of this mask? Murder?"

"Murder? Will someone wear such a suspicious mask on their face? And the trigger requires blood, and any other liquid will not work." Masashi Toyama smiled and shook his head: "I said before that this alchemy item has It was stolen in 1940, can you think of anything?"

1940 years?
Lin Nian was stunned for a moment but did not react, but Lin Xian looked at him and asked, "How many years to how many years was World War II?"


"Apply what you've learned. I've told you all the time. If you have a good memory, you should continue to consolidate your knowledge points." Lin Xian sighed.

Lin Nian felt embarrassed, touched his nose and asked Masashi Toyama, "What does this mask have to do with World War II?"

"After this mask was stolen in 1940, we found it again in 1946, and rediscovered that he was in St. Petersburg, which was Leningrad in the past." Yahito Toyama used a white handkerchief to gently wipe off the blood on the face of the stone ghost. , the twelve stone thorns bounced back instantly to restore calm: "What can you expect when you mention Leningrad?"

"Is it a temporary history class now?" Lin Nian said, "In the Battle of Leningrad, the Soviet Union won a landmark victory, and the German army was defeated."

"You have a good history. I suggest you choose Dragon Genealogy and Dragon Lineage Theory. Humanities and liberal arts subjects with a good memory have good results." Masashi Toyama smiled and looked at the ghost face and said, "Since you know that Leningrad is defending You must also know that this battle lasted for [-] days, and it is one of the longest battles in history."

"What does this mask have to do with that battle?"

"In fact, the real effect of this mask is not to kill people, but to make people who kill people." Masashi Toyama said.

"The one who made the murder?" Lin Nian was stunned.

"During the defense of Leningrad, there were hundreds of mysterious killings in Leningrad, some people claimed to have seen werewolves in the streets at night, others said they saw large hyenas, but whatever it was, the victims In the same end of the game, only the amputated arm and stump are left, and a large amount of meat is missing."

Lin Nian's expression changed slightly when he heard the word "meat": "You mean"

"When you put on a mask and drop a drop of blood, the living spirit in the mask will be awakened, and twelve stone thorns will pierce out at the same time, stabbing into twelve places of different shades in the human brain. It is cruel, but it does not kill you." Toyama Ya Shi said: "But this masked person will become another thing, a product closely related to dragons - Deadpool."

"Living? Deadpool?" Lin Nian looked at Manstein subconsciously. Manstein, who was standing in front of the bookcase with his hands behind his back, said nothing, just looked at him quietly.

"You can imagine that it is a kind of soul that resides in alchemy items, which is generally not harmful, while Deadpool is a product of an abnormally exceeding dragon bloodline. People who are alienated into Deadpool tend to be dragon-like in appearance, giving birth to With scales and claws, human ideology will be blurred, and the psychology will degenerate into a monster that only knows how to crave flesh. At the same time, it is also physiologically driven by a large amount of alienation, and indicators such as speed, endurance, and strength increase abnormally." Masashi Toyama explained. : "The werewolves and hyenas that the citizens of Leningrad claimed to see were them. For this reason, the local garrison imposed a curfew and searched the whole city to avoid public opinion. Firearms burned it, and we later speculated that the so-called werewolf was Deadpool made by Stone Ghost Face."

"Can this mask create the kind of monster you're talking about?" Lin Nian looked at the stone ghost face suddenly dangerous.

"Not necessarily." Masashi Toyama shook his head: "If it can be made indefinitely, our world will already belong to the **** now, and this mask has a lot of restrictions to make Deadpool. One of the conditions is to wear a mask. The people must be of mixed race."

"Mixed race." This is how many times Lin Nian has heard this word today.

"When the twelve stone thorns pierce the brain, they will forcibly release a large amount of brain stimulants. These stimulants will cause part of the dragon blood of the mixed race to be catalyzed and have the effect of hallucinogenic inducement of violent tendencies. This is the so-called 'Refined bloodline', but this technology is a completely degraded version that will cause irreversible damage to the brains of mixed races." Masashi Toyama looked a little bright.

"We suspect that this is the failed product of a certain second-generation or second-generation species. Perhaps his original intention was to create an alchemy item that could truly refine the bloodline. Perhaps the dragon that made the stone ghost face is the king of bronze and fire. The effect of the mask will expand a lot. But even so, it is rumored that the secret party was inspired to develop some techniques related to refining blood when they recovered the stone ghost after the end of World War II.”

"Teacher Masashi Toyama!" Manstein reminded aloud.

"Sorry, I seem to have said too much off-topic." Masashi Toyama reacted, showing an apologetic look to Lin Nian, turning around and closing the password box with the mask: "When the blood dries up, the living body will return to sleep, and the bone spur will also return to sleep. Take it back, so don't worry."

"So if there were more hybrids under the German army, Leningrad might have been breached by a large number of monsters from the inside, right?" Lin Nian said, looking at the closed black lockbox.

"It is very likely that there will always be some panic public opinion and rumors during wartime. Once these rumors are well documented, the nervous people will completely collapse! But unfortunately, mixed races are in the minority, and Leningrad defends it. There are at most two or three Deadpools produced during the war, and we think it is very likely that even the brutal German army could not bear the casualties of ordinary soldiers caused by a large number of failures, so we abandoned him." Toyama Masashi said.

"I'm beginning to believe your words." Lin Nian looked at Masashi Toyama and smiled: "Even if everything you said just now is false, I'm willing to admit that this is a wonderful story, and I will have the opportunity to tell you about it in the future. tell others."

"But our goal today is to make you truly believe in the existence of dragon civilization." Masashi Toyama also smiled and helped Lin Nian open the second black password box. On the black cushion in the box, there was a black pad in the opposite corner. A golden rod of fifty centimeters in length.

(End of this chapter)

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