Chapter 1003

"Ah!" With a pitiful scream, Lu Mingfei woke up from his dream, and jumped up from the bed.

Maybe a year or two ago he had a nightmare, and he could only scream and roll off the bed and fell to the ground, but it is different now, after having a nightmare, he can already jump up like a carp with a standard posture He drew his sword and looked around in a daze.

In a squatting position, Lu Mingfei stood on the bed with some lingering fears. He had just woken up from his sleep and his mind was still a little muddled. His eyes that had been closed for a long time suddenly received light, causing everything in front of him to be a bit white. During the ten or so seconds when his sight was restored, that extremely clear nightmare still remained in his mind.

Unlike the countless vague and painful memories of the past, even if Lu Mingfei has woken up from the nightmare this time, he still remembers every detail and every sentence of the conversation very clearly.

He clearly remembered that he had returned to Baidi City, which had been buried in the Nibelungen under the deep water. Every immemorial word on the bronze pillars of that temple was so impressive, and the more memorable ones were even more impressive. It is the person in the candle that can only illuminate a corner of the temple.

The memory flooded up, and Lu Mingfei began to try his best to recall all the details of that dream. Different from the muddled nightmares of the past, this time the experience was just like the real one. He had never experienced that delicate feeling in other dreams. Yes, he still clearly remembers that he saw the man who should have been buried forever in the cage made of bronze and fire come back, and came to his dream to let him sit with him.
God damn sit down!
After waking up, Lu Mingfei felt his hair stand on end for no reason. With the development of this supernatural horror movie, do dragons have souls and ghosts in the world view?There is no such subject in Kassel College!Although there are electives that can be taken from the second grade, which seem to be quite paradoxical, "Genomics" and "Star Classics", it is said that they all have ancient inheritance.

The former geomancy study was born out of "Green Witchcraft · Living Man's Book" written by Jin Xianshi, and the latter astrological study can even be traced to Gan De, the oldest weaver of star tables and discoverer of age stars in the pre-Qin period.In general, even the most outrageous theories in the academy have a "scientific basis".

But "psychology" and "exorcism"?
I'm sorry, if you really ask this way with the course selection list at the beginning of school, the dean will only look at you with contempt, but forgive me that you are still a student of this college, and will still hold your hand with you kindly Sit down, slowly popularize science and say that Kassel College has always been a high-level elite institution that strictly abides by materialism. If you want to learn soul calling or exorcising ghosts, I am afraid you have to go to the seminary next door to exchange and study. If you need it, I can give it to you. Write a letter of recommendation for an exchange student!But in exchange, you have to ensure that your grade point this semester can be above 3.8
hell!Lu Mingfei always sneered at those guys who talked about the basic concepts of popular science materialism and kept saying that matter determines consciousness. What do you think!Why can dragons exist, but ghosts cannot?Could it be that dragons who can use the power of words and spirits to tamper with the cornerstone of the world's rules, and even use alchemy matrices to create "small worlds" are no more nonsense than ghosts?
At least before today, Lu Mingfei thought so.

Sitting on the bed, Lu Mingfei really wanted to slap himself to death who believed in "Since the world already has weird things like dragons, there must be even weirder mysteries".How do you say that?Ask for a hammer to get a hammer. Oh no, it's a cocoon!
You see, don't they say that only those who believe in ghosts can see ghosts? Then I bumped into ghosts myself!

Lu Mingfei is still not quite sure whether he is having a nightmare or really seeing a ghost. The duration of that dream is very short. Now he recalls, from the beginning to the end, he probably returned to that temple many times, but This time, the unchanging nightmare suddenly changed.

The man in white, or His Royal Highness Norton, actually took the initiative to talk to him, and asked him to sit down together, and chatted deeply for a while.

Alright alright.Lu Mingfei admitted that the dragon slayer drank and talked with the dead dragon king, and there was a strange feeling of "His Royal Highness, sit down and listen to me to tell you something close to me", but he suddenly saw in his dream that he was already dead. An old friend of mine, it was unavoidable for the first time to get a little emotional, abandoning all fears, ignoring many positions, and chatting with each other a lot on their own.

The first thing Lu Mingfei asked this old friend was, how did it feel when he died?
Will it hurt, will it hurt for a long time?What is the world like after death? Is there really a bull's head and a horse's face?Or is it that the mythological system of dragon beliefs is a different set, and what comes to pick him up are other things like dragons in charge of death. The sickle and the king of death?Shouldn't there be something full of Western fantasy flavor?
The man in white answered him, Lu Mingfei, death is not terrible. For dragons, death is tantamount to eternal sleep, but just like other creatures, for dragons, death is also a long, long dream. A dream with no end in sight. In the dream, you will feel that you are falling infinitely in the dark. You can’t hear the wind or see the light in your ears. There are only eternal dreams and loneliness. This is what every dragon has experienced. We regard it as a curse, and embrace this curse in countless reincarnations.

Lu Mingfei felt relieved when he heard this poetic answer. He thought that the other party would scold him severely, but it didn't.This made him feel more guilty, and he couldn't help asking: Did you really forget that you were the Dragon King before?Old Tang, can I call you Old Tang?Forget it, I'll call you Old Tang, anyway, I'm the biggest dreamer now.Old Tang, did the "Old Tang" I know really exist?Or "Old Tang" was dead when you recovered your memory.

The man in white looked at the candle for a long time before saying to Lu Mingfei:
"In fact, most dragons don't lose their memory after they are born, but when you fall in that darkness for too long, until you forget that you are falling, you will gradually disintegrate in the darkness. Your Soul, body, and memory are gradually deconstructed by the darkness until you forget who you are, and often a new life will come.

By chance, you saw the light, so you opened your eyes and saw a brand new land. You stepped on the soil of the new world and thought you had completed your new life, but in fact, you were incomplete at that time, and your soul was still boundless. Falling in the dark, coming straight for you, until they find you, at which point you can be said to have completed your "birth."

"So, Old Tang is Norton, and Norton is Old Tang? Old Tang is not dead, he has always existed. It's just that what we did to Norton really made him go too far, so he decided to join forces with Norton Together to overthrow us?"

The man in white didn't answer Lu Mingfei's question, but remained silent.

Afterwards, Lu Mingfei talked a lot with this old man, and he said, do you know?Old Tang, after you died, I suffered from insomnia for several days, and I couldn’t sleep well. Every night when I closed my eyes, I saw you being pierced like a blood gourd by those iron piercings. Mingfei, you deserve to die!I didn’t feel better until I saw a psychiatrist later. Oh, I’m not blaming you. After all, you lost your life. I just couldn’t sleep well. If you have a debtor, don't come to me, go to Lin Nian first
The man in white didn't react when he heard Lin Nian's name, he just listened to Lu Mingfei's complaints.

Lu Mingfei told him: After you left, Old Tang, I went to New York and found your house, which was the rented house. To be honest, your rented house is really messy. The room I used to live with my cousin Some fight.
By the way, I'm sorry that your cat died. It must have starved to death. It died in the cage. It's so stupid. The cage is open and I don't know how to go out to find food. Your house is so messy that two nests of mice will surely be found. Come.
Oh, by the way, Old Tang, I told your landlord that you had something to return to China, so I returned the house to you, and gave me a lot of refunded rent. I donated all the money to the orphanage where you grew up.

Also, when I leave, I will give you your computer mainframe and leave, you don't mind, do you?Don't worry, I won't check your browser records, I will take out the hard drive as a souvenir or something, and I promise I will never peek at the contents inside.

Lu Mingfei couldn't remember how many things he said. At that time, he said everything he had held back for too long like pouring beans. When he spoke seriously, the man in white listened carefully. He never expressed his likes and dislikes about anything, and Lu Mingfei didn't care. He spoke faster and louder, but his emotions became more and more turbulent.

Until the end, the man in white interrupted him when he was talking about the second part of "StarCraft", whether he should buy a copy to burn for him, and told him, Lu Mingfei, you should go, there are people outside looking for you.

At that time, Lu Mingfei raised his head and met those molten red golden pupils. It was as if he was pushed suddenly through the air. The consciousness of his brain was immersed in deep water, and he fell infinitely. Then suddenly he saw When the light came on, I felt the weightlessness, and I woke up after a struggle.

When he woke up again, he was already on the bed, recalling everything that happened in the dream like now.

So far, I don't know the so-called nightmare has been recalled.

Whether the man in white is a ghost, whether His Highness Norton missed the last train on the first seven days, and waited a year to come to him to ask for his life is not discussed for the time being.Lu Mingfei felt that there were other things that he should pay more attention to than the nightmare.

"Where the hell is this?"

On the bed, the sound of gurgling water rang in my ears, Lu Mingfei turned his head in a squatting position, and his whole body was momentarily sluggish.Because he got up from the bed, he naturally thought that he woke up in the dormitory, but it was not the case, he was now in a "green and wild" environment.

Near the bed where Lu Mingfei was staying, there were dense clusters of rich green plants, and strange-shaped mossy stones were submerged in clear puddles at most five or six steps away from him. Recalling his weak botanical knowledge, he began to compare them one by one. Among these plants, he tried to compare the ones he could probably recognize, including the Amazon jade lotus in the puddle and the staghorn fern with large leaves drooping naturally, but these are not all plants in the tropical rainforest, but most of the nearby vegetation is indeed the same. Does it match the plant characteristics of the Amazon rainforest?
The more Lu Mingfei looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He felt that something was wrong. Didn’t he take a nap next to the football field before? Why did he travel to the Amazon rainforest when he woke up?

He wanted to stand up, but bumped into something. He looked up and saw a grayish-yellow dead wood stretching over the top of his bed. He caught a glimpse of the grain of the dead wood from the corner of his eye, and the botany teacher's earnest teaching came to his mind. Maybe it's sunken wood?Generally, people who raise lizards and snakes like to get such a piece of wood for their pets to climb and entangle.

uh. snake?
Lu Mingfei's pupils dilated, and for a moment he felt that he was dying, so he stood up abruptly. Then he bumped into the solid sinker tree, stood up straight with his head covered, and then walked towards the vegetation that blocked his view. Look - sure enough, he saw a huge glass in the distance!

Hell, this is not the Amazon forest, this is a small ecological exhibition area!He's in a zoo cage for an exhibit!
Who is this playing a prank on him?Lu Mingfei felt that this matter was outrageous, his mother opened the door for Outrageous, outrageous!But compared to anger and bewilderment, he seemed to have overlooked a more important thing.

If this is indeed an ecological exhibition area similar to a zoo, then there must be a wooden sign with an introduction to the exhibition on the wall outside the large glass.If there is such a wooden sign outside, there is a high probability that the name on the wooden sign will not be "Lu Mingfei" - after all, if there is a zoo that exhibits a rare creature named "Lu Mingfei", then it belongs to "Lu Mingfei". Ming Fei's ecological warehouse must be a small room of [-] to [-] square meters filled with fried chicken, Coke and PS game disks, not the beautiful Amazon jungle.

So as far as the conclusion is concerned, there is no need for a conclusion, because Lu Mingfei has already heard a strange sound coming from above his head.

He looked up, then froze.

At the end of the sinking wood that was shaking violently before him, he met a pair of orange pupils, and along the pupils stretched to the surroundings were dark green scales that were as bright as water, running down the oval head It is covered with the thick and long snake body with primitive wild beauty that is thicker than the torso of an adult.

Looking at the oval black and ochre-colored markings on both sides of the muscular snake, Lu Mingfei felt that if he was not mistaken, it was an adult Amazon anaconda, the kind that can reach a length of 12 meters. The kind of dangerous thing that can hang buffaloes and crocodiles, I heard that its mouth can open up and down to 180° to swallow a crocodile in one gulp.

This adult Amazonian anaconda seemed to be awakened by the sound of Lu Mingfei bumping into the sinking wood just now, and now it has locked on to the guy who disturbed him and wants to give him a long-term death.

Oh, so that's the case, I dreamed that His Royal Highness Norton didn't want me to complete some self-salvation, but that His Royal Highness Norton was inspired by the sky not long after I was killed, and came here specially to laugh at my horrible death method of being melted by stomach acid!Lu Mingfei felt the nerves in his brain were going one by one, which was the alarm when the crisis struck.

No, I, Lu Mingfei, have been the Dragon King at least now, and I have beaten four generations of people head-on. How can I be easily defeated by the anaconda?What to lose after losing to Anaconda?Lose the polar bear?No more faces.

"Yanling Lunar Eclipse! Activate!" Lu Mingfei shook his voice.

Golden pupil, ignite!

Word spirit, chant!

Lunar eclipse, successfully launched!
The copy ninja Lu Mingfei turned his majestic golden pupils to scan the ecological warehouse, and found no one who could be copied for him!

very good!Eclipse!closure!
Lu Mingfei, who watched the Amazon anaconda swimming towards him along the sinking wood, showed an extremely broken smile.

Now it's obvious that I am, but I really want to send it.

(End of this chapter)

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