old dream

Chapter 315 Smell and Bait

Chapter 315 Smell and Bait

In these days, the infestation of the Garden Palace has not abated.Instead, it intensified as the weather warmed.

A steady stream of bedbugs came out of nowhere, and then crawled everywhere, and the maids and maids could only spend more time cleaning them, because if they moved a little slower, they would not be able to keep up with the proliferation of bedbugs speed.But even so, transparent insect shells, corpses, and fine ash-like insect dung still quietly piled up in various places.Although there is no peculiar smell yet, there will always be servants cleaning up piles of filth in casual corners.

Therefore, Edmund could only allow the servants to clean up the bugs regardless of the occasion, including the most confidential reception rooms.This will inevitably damage the dignity of the court, but it is better than waiting for the bedbug to break out.

Even now, there are still a large group of maids shuttling among the Grand Duke's working secretaries, wearing white silk gloves, and some even holding shiny tweezers.They were careful and meticulous, picking up sesame-sized bedbugs from the folds of the curtain and the walls, with gentle and graceful movements, as if they were doing embroidery.Because those expensive fabrics and furniture can't stand a little bit of fumigation, so we can only use this most primitive way to remove pests.

In this way, even though the Garden Palace invested the most manpower and material resources, the palace was still the most severely damaged by bedbugs in the city.Even with it, even the surrounding miles will be affected, and there will be more bedbugs in each building.

Even though they also attract the largest number of pigeons in the city, the situation has not improved.

It was found that the farther away from the Garden Palace, the fewer the bedbugs.Therefore, some people fabricated some groundless and unreasonable rumors.

For example, the bedbugs actually crawled out from somewhere in the Garden Palace.

Maybe every midnight when no one is around, the dirty thoughts of the principality's bureaucrats will quietly trickle down from a hole, and then they will be transformed into lively black bugs when blown by the wind.

So even the innocent white dove, after eating these bugs, became as greedy as a mouse.

After Melita finished talking about Mrs. Tuwana, she moved to the side and waited with her head down.Another spy stepped forward, half-kneeling on the ground and began to explain his duties, but the Grand Duke obviously lacked interest.

He didn't look at the spy in front of him, but turned to the side, as if he was thinking deeply, but he was actually looking at the movements of the maids.

In this drawing room, as able lady-in-charge of the Garden Palace, Bernice directed the war against bedbugs.

Bernice Kuhn, this time Edmund did not forget her name.

Because I basically didn't pay attention to it before, it felt like this person appeared out of nowhere.

Getting rid of bedbugs is supposed to be a simple matter, but in this palace, no matter how small it is, it becomes complicated.Some valances require several people to work together to remove them, and when reinstalling, they have to follow a cumbersome sequence.And because several rows of writing desks and the documents on them cannot be moved, they can only do this in a small space.

Bernice walked back and forth among several groups of maids, passing by the Grand Duke from time to time.Her body exudes a warm breath, and if you get close, you can smell a grass-like fragrance.Edmund was a little distracted by the smell, because it felt a little familiar.

Perhaps at some point, Bernice secretly used the Grand Duchess's soap.

Seems rebellious, but innocuous.The Grand Duke found that he was not disgusted with this matter, but was a little surprised that Bernice still had the mind to take care of these details.There seemed to be a flame of life burning in her body.In addition to running around taking care of this huge garden palace, the Grand Duke found out not long ago that Bernice was still running a clothing store outside.

How much energy is hidden in her thin body?

And those things that are about to overflow from Bernice are exactly what they are losing more and more, a kind of agility and vitality.

The wife who has been with Edmund for a long time will only stay in her own room forever, and the servants will take care of everything.Besides turning the rosary and reading the Bible all day long, I don't even know how to use the toilet myself.

So it was almost the other extreme of Bernice that gave Edmund a strange feeling.

"Well, well, let's do this first."

The Grand Duke was absent-mindedly dealing with the news reported by the spies. It was not very important information in the first place. It was roughly that some foreigners from a small country in the west of the central mainland were killed by someone in Danalo for no reason.

Of pagan origin they worshiped the "glades" and the spirits who dwelt in the high crowns of the holy trees.These ancient kingdoms have accepted civilization on the surface, but in fact they are still continuing the ignorant and ancient pagan traditions, of course, including these people who came to Danaro a few years ago.

But because they couldn't make any waves, they let it go.

Or even if he just dies in a foreign land like this, no one cares.There is no need to express condolences to those kingdoms, and even their embassies will spontaneously calm down.

In the colonial system of the alliance, there is a qualitative difference in status between the duchies and those puppet regimes.

Although the "Spirit of the Crown" in their mouths has a special meaning to the young Principality.But this is already another matter, and it has basically nothing to do with those foolish people.

The reports of all the secret agents have been completed, and the Grand Duke withdrew his thoughts, making sure that he still had a general grasp of the situation in Danaro.

The deployment of the "Sylvanus" theater ceremony has been completed, and the mammoth has arranged its manpower along the opponent's assassination sequence.And in the case of guessing that the other party may be Yemin, the setting of a large-scale background sound interference device has been added.

Although he never took this matter to heart, the Grand Duke still made the most thorough preparations to ensure nothing would go wrong.

In contrast, it was the disappearance of Colin in Stade that bothered him more.

The City of Silence remained in that city forever, because it was outside the scope of the narrative agency, and no clues could be analyzed from the limited traces of witchcraft.

So what happened to Colin on the night of the winter solstice?Could it be that he had killed the nearly immortal Herwig?

And is there any connection between him as a nightman mixed blood and the nightman who performed the ceremony in the theater of General Vanus?

Although the bootlegging trade of the Stade Institute has accounted for an increasing proportion of the grand duke's financial resources, the grand duke still did not choose to startle the snake.His people were only quietly dealing with Union Bank to obtain a record of the activity of an anonymous account.Although the discussion has not yet been fully concluded, under the increasing pressure, the other party has shown signs of letting go.

In addition, the Grand Duke did not intervene in the Stade institution on the surface, but temporarily retained its original organizational structure.The purpose is to use it as bait in a trap.

If Colin was still alive somewhere, he could be there when the Grand Duke needed him.

(End of this chapter)

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