old dream

Chapter 252 The Blooming Land

Chapter 252 The Blooming Land

The complexity and scale of the deciphering ceremony are far above the previous frequency modulation.

At this time, Ke Lin was at the end of his strength, but he was still able to lead the cracking ceremony.Because in this matter, no one's intentions are stronger than his.This is obsession, which has been deeply engraved as instinct, and will not be forgotten or dissipated even if you fall into a deep sleep or coma.

The majestic spirit essence flowing from the three celestial body passages has terrifying power. They once drove the stars to move, but now they are driving the ritual components.The delicate seals that had been shrouded in the shell of the heart for a long time finally lost their balance, as if they could hear the clicks of layers of locks being gradually opened, and they began to disintegrate one after another.

Colin didn't have the chance to watch the wonderful illusion caused by the cracking ceremony, because at this time, he was already swallowed by the flood of memories.The memories that have just escaped the seal are too fresh and strong, retaining every detail like a specimen, too complete, making it hard to tell which side is the present and which side is the memory.

As the seals were loosened, he found himself hiding in a narrow cave.

A bonfire had just been extinguished, and it was slowly emitting green smoke.Around the campfire are scattered tin cans that have been pried open, and there are animal furs that have been peeled off in the corners.

The body stood up without authorization, and walked out along the wet rock wall.After seeing the scene outside the cave, Colin realized that this was a valley.At this time, a man poked his head out from the middle of the river. He waved the fish he just caught in his hand to Colin from a distance, and then swam towards the shore with one hand.

After the last victory in the year [-] of the new calendar, Lenz Dallozzo seemed to have exhausted all his luck. After successive defeats, he could only take a few people to hide in an unnamed valley in the south of Nale.They have been living here for three months, supplies are exhausted, sanitation is poor, and various diseases have begun to spread.But they are still waiting, even though everyone knows there will be no foreign aid.

They are waiting for something else.

"Ten people are going to blind their left eyes and use them as sacrifices to you." Lenz said to Colin from a distance.

Sacrifice to me?Colin was a little puzzled by the words.Because none of the memory fragments obtained before mentioned anything that was close to sacrifice.

The clues could not be connected, so Colin became a little anxious, and also faintly noticed something ominous.

Lenz was drenched, his thin shirt sticking to his skin.He threw the fish in his hand far ashore, and trudged out of the river beach:

"But this time I stopped them."

"At the beginning, I planned to sacrifice that child's life, just to achieve the plan." He looked at "Colin" and said, "But now I have regretted it."

"Colin" who was standing opposite Lenz didn't respond, as if he couldn't understand the language in Lenz's mouth.

"Because the defeat is already settled." Lenz twisted his clothes and said to himself.

He stretched out his hands to straighten his wet hair, and stared at "Colin" who was staring closely in front of him, but seemed to be another person behind the other's eyes.

For example, after regaining the memory, the self that came back from the future.

So the person who was in control of my body at the time.Colin thought silently.

Not me.

"I will do everything possible to seal his influence." Lenz smiled, and said somewhat bleakly:
"I hope you are an incompetent person who can accept ignorance calmly and spend your life in peace.

"But unfortunately, I have no chance to entrust you with anything."

"Because if you get the chance to see it again," Lenz said:
"That means it's too late."



Nancy walked into the old factory building, her arms were still dripping with blood.

Herwig died half a minute ago, and Nancy paid a heavy price.There were two deep and visible bone wounds on his left arm and back respectively, and his steps were no longer as quiet and stable as before.

Ji Li'an stood by the position, nervously observing the operation of the ceremony.It wasn't until Nancy came into view that she noticed the uninvited guest beside her.

Seeing this woman covered in blood but appearing as if nothing had happened, Ji Li'an was stunned for a long time before recovering.


She pulled out the pistol for self-defense from her waist in a panic, but was speechless.The hands that held the gun for the first time trembled uncontrollably, and even the front sight was still out of alignment.

Nancy didn't pay attention to the guard in Ji Lian's eyes, and completely ignored the shaking muzzle, even though it was pointing at herself.

She just calmly looked at the large-scale cracking ceremony in operation, with a complex look in her eyes, as if she was in awe, but also as if she was quietly hiding the sadness in her eyes.

For the fragility and insignificance of free will, and for the confusion that will accompany you throughout your life.

"Did Colin tell you why he was so desperate to break the seal?" Nancy asked lightly.

Ji Li'an faintly felt that the person in front of her was a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her.After finding that the other party was not hostile, she thought for a while and replied carefully:

"...Because of obsession?"

"More specifically?"

"If you don't know the cause of the past, you are not really alive."

But obviously not enough.Nancy chuckled slightly and said:
"Actually, you have also noticed this kind of sickness, but in the end you only regard it as the nature of the other party."

"……What's the meaning?"

"Have you ever thought that maybe even he misunderstood the thoughts in his head and the real motivation for doing this?" Nancy turned her head slightly and said:
"Humans have always been very good at giving explanations to their behavior, but that's also possible, just a story told to oneself."

We are the most familiar stranger to ourselves.

At this time, Ji Lian finally recognized Nancy, who had seen each other when she was in the convent school.

"You must want to treat him as a unified entity." Nancy said: "But in this matter, there are two Colin from beginning to end, one is the real him, and the other..." She After a slight pause, he turned his head to look at the ceremony of breaking the seal.

After Nancy's call, Ji Lian finally thought of a certain possibility.She gradually began to feel suffocated, showing a blank expression:

"...It's a parasite."

"Much more terrible than that," said Nancy:

"If you were incompetent or sloppy, you might have saved his life."

"But unfortunately, you are too outstanding." She smiled and lowered her gaze.



Why is there such a strong obsession without asking why?

The core of all sealed memories is just an image.But it is only possible to perceive this after regaining the memory, Colin thought numbly.

Without imaging, there can be no meaningful communication.Lenz couldn't drive him back to the virtual world, but he could erase all the impressions related to him in his memory.But he couldn't provide any reminder because of this, because all the memories related to that thing would spread further, causing him to gradually recall the image of him.

Therefore, in the remaining memory, it is impossible for Colin to perceive the danger.

In that familiar frequency, the fire still burns on the calm water.But now, that illusion is beginning to fade.The vast land is uplifted, and numerous lives emerge and disappear in an instant.On a field of flowers that looked like a lost paradise, a figure with a huge stag's horn was sitting sideways, tending to a vast number of sweet fruits and rotting corpses all over the ground.

The earth in full bloom, the pale goddess of life and death.

Boyd El Weiss.

(End of this chapter)

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