Nightmare wake up

Chapter 89 The Old Man

Chapter 89 The Old Man
However, the situation at hand is a little more complicated.

The melon seeds are ordinary melon seeds, and the white porcelain cups are also ordinary white porcelain cups, and there are no iron melon seeds and magnets.

The root of the problem should be... the ring on the old man's right hand!
This is a simple and unpretentious golden ring. Under the faint red light, there are extremely weak fluctuations of the source of symbols.

This is a contract item ring!
This old man is a contractor!
The core of the deception appears on this ring, and Maggie has already determined it, but he is not sure about the specific ability of this ring.

It may be space manipulation, which can control melon seeds to be covered under the lid of a white porcelain cup; or space type, similar to a "warehouse", allowing melon seeds to appear in the cup out of thin air; There is a problem with vision... In short, the root of the deception has been found.

Unexpectedly looked up at the old man again... This guy's hair is already gray, his face is full of wrinkles, and he looks like a worldly expert with a calm expression, which has a profound feeling...

This is a contract item, and it is actually used for street tricks!Playing for a long time and winning such a silver dollar and two silver dollars... With this contract item, why not make money?

The old man seemed to be aware of the unpredictable gaze, raised the corners of his mouth, and raised a beating expression of victory:

"Guess! Guess!"

"Your ten silver dollars are mine!"

Mo Qi waved his hand and said slowly, "I guess it's okay, but I want to open the lid of the cup!"


Vera Alexandra, who had extinguished the cigarette butt, read the information in the "newsletter" and saw Douglas's last message, her face froze.

Nightclubs only open at night... Unexpectedly, this kid skips work!

Depend on!
Only then did Vera realize that she seemed to be fooled by the new team members, and immediately laughed and scolded: "Stinky boy!"

However, there is no need to forcibly pull him back. This kid will definitely use some reasonable excuse to prepare in advance.

Getting up, Vera pushed open the door of the office, quietly walked along the corridor to the 304 team member's office, and secretly glanced inside.

It was found that Douglas, Rebecca and Luo Qing were playing cards around the table.

She pressed the earring and sent out the communication:

"Luo Qing, Rebecca, Douglas, what are you three doing?"

The three people in the office received the message at the same time.

However, no one put down the cards in their hands, they all held the playing cards in their hands and replied:
Douglas: "Captain, I'm sorting out previous cases."

This is just a lie...

Rebecca: "Read the newspaper!"

This is disdain to lie...

Luo Qing: "Vera, I'm going to the basement floor to practice marksmanship and improve myself..."

This is... the most shameless.

Vera sighed silently:
"There is no one to worry about..."

At this moment, Luo Qing and Rebecca in the office suddenly cheered, and Douglas' face turned ashen, and handed the silver dollar in his hand to the two...

Another round is over, some people are happy and some are sad!
Vera's brows turned into an upside-down character, and she activated the communication earrings again: "Uncle Cat, what are you doing?"

Uncle Cat: "On the roof opposite the Public Security Bureau, Yuan Ming hasn't come out since he entered in the morning..."

Vera turned to look at the bright weather outside the window:

"That is to say... You have nothing to do right now, and you finished the task while basking in the sun on the roof?"

Uncle Cat: "How do you know..."

Vera turned to look at the end of the corridor with a pale face.

Carlisle at the front desk was sitting on a chair, propping her chin on her elbow, holding a pen in her mouth, drooling in a daze...

This group of irresponsible problem subordinates... Vera was too lazy to take another look, and turned around and went back to the office.

I want to be quiet, read the newspaper, drink tea, and fiddle with my new weapon...

Suddenly, she stopped.

There was a gap in the door of Room 303, which was the doll's room.

Opening the door suspiciously, Xiaobai was sitting in front of the metal disc, searching with his eyes...

"Xiao Bai, what are you searching for?" Vera asked.

Xiaobai raised his almost colorless pupils to look at Vera, and replied softly, "Bad man!"

Or the puppet is more reliable...

Vera Alexandra pondered for a while: "Can you find Unpredictable? Help me see where he is? What is he doing?"

A trace of incomprehensible doubts flashed in Xiaobai's pupils, but he took his hands off the "eyes of the sky", and did not mean to search for the unpredictable.

"Why, can't you find it?" Vera saw Xiaobai's movement to stop searching, thinking that the other party didn't understand.

Xiaobai pondered for a few seconds and replied directly:
"He's on the edge of the city center guessing melon seeds with a contractor."

Guess the seeds with the contractor? !Vera pursed her lips and made up a scene...

Moqi discovered the contractor who set up a stall on the roadside to cheat money, and went forward to investigate the identity of the target...

If it is an exiled contractor, Maggie will prepare to fight, subdue the target, and bring it back to the third floor of the Supervision Office...

Sure enough, this kid is not like the others. He still knows how to perform his duties as a punisher at all times... Vera Alexandra felt a little more balanced in her heart, and was once again encouraged by the "diligent" work of the new team members.

"What level is the unpredictable target?" Vera asked with a little worry after finishing her brainstorming.

Xiaobai stared at Vera dully, and after a long time, he said softly:
"I can't see through... The other party's level is very high, higher than all of us."

Vera instantly froze on the spot.

You must know that an orange-level puppet can easily identify any level below the green level through the eyes of the sky...


"Are you here?" The old man was taken aback.

"Yes, I have to open it." Mo Qi insisted.

The old man stroked the beard on his chin, gave Mogua a meaningful look, and said with a smile:

"Young man, do you think I'm out of a thousand?"

"Do you think...I secretly changed the number of seeds in the cup like magic? Think I can't cheat as long as I don't touch the porcelain cup?"

Mo Qi smiled and said indifferently: "Isn't it?"

Even if the ring is a contract item, the old man can't change the number of melon seeds out of thin air. Whether it is the ability of manipulation or the ability of space, it is impossible to do this without touching the white porcelain cup.

Fu Yuan is invisible and intangible, it is not so simple to control, at least not as accurate as imagined, and there is no trace... For example, if using "warehouse", Maou is confident that it can be manipulated through Fu Yuan, and in the hand In the case of a white porcelain cup, let the melon seeds in the "warehouse" ring just fall silently into the cup, but if you leave a certain distance, then you can't tell... The melon seeds from the warehouse may fall on the ground, which may It is difficult to fall outside, and it is difficult to accurately fall inside the cup!
The old man was greatly surprised, but still kept smiling, stared at the unpredictable for a few seconds, and said:

"But, according to your logic... When I covered the cup just now, my hand had already touched the cup. Don't you worry that I changed the number of melon seeds at that time?"

"Don't worry!" Mo Qi and the old man looked at each other and said plainly:

"I's the melon seeds in the cup now!"

"Interesting...hahahaha!" The old man laughed.

After he finished speaking, he raised his hands, turned them over, signaled that there was nothing in them, and then crossed them around his chest.

"It's very interesting, the old man will play a game with you!"

"It's up to you, I won't touch the cup from now on."

I thought that with such a condition, the old man would think that he was dismantled and fled... Unpredictable could not help frowning - there is no doubt that this old man should consider that I am a contractor.

How dare you continue to play according to the proposed conditions without knowing my abilities?

At this time, the old man sat upright with his arms around his arms, with a smile of the presence of the old god.

Seeing the unpredictable thinking, the old man urged: "Go!"

Unexpectedly, he replied, "Don't worry!"

Pointing to the ground, Fu Yuan flows and drills into the old man's body along the ground...

"There are Fuyuan fluctuations! This kid is really a contractor. He should have the ability to see through contracts. He can see the number of melon seeds in it. That's why he is so confident..."

"Hehe, I'm still too young, it's too tender to play routines with me... I use "annihilation" to suspend all contract abilities in this area."

"See what you can do?"

"When I closed the cup just now, I used the ring to turn the melon seeds into eight, and he will soon find out that his contract can..."

Under the unpredictable calm face, he was both surprised and happy in his heart.

Surprisingly, the old man not only guessed that he is a contractor, but also has other means... He actually has "annihilation", which is one of the twenty origin words of the Ombudsman.

Moreover, while using the mind-reading technique, the surrounding rune source fluctuations all disappeared... I don't know how the old man secretly launched "annihilation".

This made the voice of the other party that Mo Wei heard stopped abruptly in the middle of it!

Fortunately, he did not guess that his contract ability was mind reading, and a few seconds later, he had already heard the information he wanted.

... Mo Wei smiled and said with certainty:

Under the surprised eyes of the old man, he reached out and lifted the lid of the cup, picked up the cup, and shook the melon seeds out of the cup:
"One, two... seven, eight!"

"A total of eight!"

There were melon seeds scattered on the ground, no more or no less, exactly eight!
The old man's face stiffened, his smile solidified, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Then, he heard an unpredictable and calm explanation:
"You guessed that I am a contractor and want to use annihilation to disperse my ability... Unfortunately, you are one step late."

"When you closed the lid of the cup, you used the ring to turn the melon seeds into eight!"

"Is it right?"

The old man didn't know that this was paying the price, he just felt that the young man in front of him was pretending to win money, and he was silent...

Unexpectedly picked up his ten silver dollar bill, put it in the pocket of the windbreaker, and stretched out his hand to the old man:

"Ten silver dollars."

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched, and the image of an expert in the world vanished, and his face was full of flattering smiles:

"The old man sat here for a long time before he cheated... No, it's less than 5 silver dollars to win. Would you mind being sympathetic to the young man? Forget it..."

"It's not easy for an old man to make money. You are a good young man in the Federation. Can you spare me?"

God is such a good young man... Does this change the debt?
...I hate this kind of roadside stall the most, and there is no gambling product! Unexpectedly stretched his hand forward again, decisively:

Staring at the unpredictable palm, knowing that this kid would not give in, the flattering smile on the old man's face disappeared, suddenly dancing and shouting to the pedestrians in the street in panic:


"This kid is going to rob me of my money... rob the old man's money!"

"Everyone, come and help..."

Unexpectedly stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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