Nightmare wake up

Chapter 83 Thank you for your support

Chapter 83 Thank you for your support

Thanks to the brain-disabled party for bowing, laughing and not saying a word, I think you are a pit, the Archbishop-Artanis for the reward.

感谢盐鹿、查无此人~~~、lwv44、书友20190418195033672、vx177、李德水、青衣古道、最劣的酒、雅思不上8分不改名、却依缓弦歌别绪、欢乐乐乐、TEMPLE、我爱LH、qxpzl、繁华落尽丶无言、花落流水气滚液流、李宝叔、我觉得你是坑、方圆六百里、梳山有路、点兔丶Chino、郭云龙1、TYeee、灿禾、权天下、书友20191019234446380、dlsdyc、yyy无言独上、书友20190418195033672、落叶飞花逐流水、书友20171823065106030、七月热死人、寂静的静静、ysq我老婆、南桥溪水、爱你的月季、书友20190330204727738、恋琛儿、拔刀吧诸位,绘梨衣是我的、妞123、A蒹葭、从心猫猫虫、阔别已久的爱、味连、暴瘦八斤、悔我当初报琼瑶、听雨眠、万物有灵蚊子除外、akb9999、混沌化太一、东郭先生爱种田、走蛇、无以天夕、人生如梦Q、chen316、你说的我听不懂、小柳幼、林一冬、精神科的高冷病友、书友20161229183947833、剑灵斩魂、凌雲听風、书友20180627192843339、yi身布衣、剑桥123、书友20190108203034149、EKJoker23、三羊开钛、吾名小里昂、书友20190526154053614、汉堡包啊、逆臣造反了、微肖的风、欧金伯、叫我道士、天青人梦、魑魅空壳、保全人生、书友2020031012956564、书友20190114225941863、书友20190424174050469、书友20171731225500483、撩夜痕、EtherealSoul、择夜一、书友160821201834509、照抄year、落枫知秋痕、羊驼拉里、閑古鳥、书友160504084726628、不走心的人、戴帽子的小鱼、书友20191001164416836、哦那个秋风落叶、墨散灵犀、夜刀神刹夜、书友20170628032914185、何为超脱、这个名字被我占用了、烟波HM、DemeonDemeon、纸牌之天王、网络.过客、书友20170823065106303、书友20180627192843339、摩擦生热、书友20191130101135659、书友20170201204218302、李念青、书友131208145550822、lmxy、20191001164416836、算来景只如斯、心若不恋何以念、yuuufan、影响不大0408、秦何在、天赐万物以养人、剑灵斩魂、咕咕寂、书友140301140500843、傲月寒阳、bin红茶、三情六欲、乌雀月三更、羽翼的夜、小恐龙吡啵、獄歌、我可能只是只沙雕、冥.殇儿、Cxzhhhh、醉尘陌然、黑夜KH、夜雨墨浓、哦天呐、布魯將、比利·X、走蛇、945502.qdcn、坠入幻乡、凰曹盗备v、暗中观察不说话、奇爵、治愈之章、幸存浮生、尹嫌嫌、欢乐的Ripples、longerd、玄幻飞机、吾名琉辰、鸢顾xjz、书友20191001164416836、周纳柏、书友2019012515034057、失癔天使、唐问初、书友20180826000013414、臻臻臻臻23、微肖的枫、书友20171204205318760、书友160220223023004、无风起浪丶、玥焉、奋斗的蜗牛521、夜影迷踪、书友20190706003312005、txbiss、书友160217014416785、三斤酒量、独守·纳空梦、最爱蕾丝裤、湖南小学生、物理矢量图、书友20190724151527796、夏白雨、致命de光明、亚弥—Messiah、琉璃の鸠、当解放变成无奈、司予、平凡的仙、银色战车镇魂曲、书友150907183501793、清晴月、BoBo、72craft、蛇s蛇、宰龙匠、莫斯特、理論者、一只孤独的山羊、龙龙O_o、书友20200324045038266、浅眠入梦、露pp外星人、秦徕、看多了眼花书海泛舟ort、为韧泯服务、书友160501002715869、余光年小风睡酒、你好余笙瑶瑶想睡觉、单行道、童话再美也是故事Kw802、涂山雅雅宫下藤花、汪山乞木木、蒹葭色以是黄昏后、the one689489960Alre、书友20180829194038834、风月未归、扶风、莫离不离、傻开心的静静我是秦王!、cjhs7101471、20122020
This is a friend who has supported the referral ticket for this book, there are new friends, and there are many friends who have been chasing after "Black Mist Area".

Thank you all!

The book was not well written and the grades were poor.
Old sleepers are also human, and their hearts will also have ups and downs, resulting in a very low mood recently, sitting in front of the computer often for two or three hours without a word.

Of course, it's also because my wife's shop is relatively busy, and now I rely on my wife to support me. I have to take care of the family's financial resources, and I have to spend time with my children, which makes me exhausted.

I always look at the previous chapters involuntarily, trying to find out where there is a problem, but I feel that it is useless. After summarizing and summarizing, I can only find some reasons that I can see:
The plot is too peaceful and the rhythm is too slow, and the plot itself is not attractive enough by just relying on the setting. There may be other poisonous points that have not been found, which needs to be pointed out.

In the era of fast food, it cannot capture the hearts of readers.

This is also a failure.
Lao Shui thinks he is a mature person, can recognize the reality clearly, even if he fails, he has to accept it calmly.

Internet writing is a very difficult road, depending on many aspects, the author's writing skills, the tension of the story, the setting of the plot and characters, the hot spots of readers' attention, and so on.
There is no other choice!

Just go down and gradually improve.

There are many friends who have been voting for "Awakening Nightmare". Every morning when they see the familiar names in the writer's assistant, their hearts are very warm.
This is the only support from the old sleep during this period of time, and this is how he gritted his teeth and passed the trough period of the previous period.

Thank you for your company during this time!Even if this book is not well written, there are still people who support it, read it, and vote for it.

After a week, everything finally got better.
After I figured it out, the mess of those grades was thrown aside.

Nothing else, just do it!
If I don't insist, who can tell me to insist?

I will write it down well, that is the sentence, even if one person reads it, it will not be too much supervision.

Thanks again everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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