Chapter 70 Phone
East City.

Kristina wanted to cry without tears.

I was informed yesterday that I was honored to be a member of the "Silver Hand".

As for the real situation, Kristina felt that she was "forced" - no one asked her opinion, and no one gave her a choice.

In this way, he became a member of the "Special Action Team" of the East City Public Security Bureau.

Kristina originally wanted to refuse, but was powerless to resist...

How do you think, how do you think this is like a "rape" case!
Even she couldn't figure it out herself, who somehow awakened her contract ability, how could a "rookie" who was unfamiliar with contract ability know that the high-level public security bureau knew that she couldn't help but assign her name to the special operations team.

More importantly, you cannot quit after becoming a "Silver Hand".

The director has emphasized this several times!
If you betray, you will be chased and killed by the "Silver Hands" that spread throughout the entire Shouyang Province and the entire continent in the future.

Chrisna was terrified this time...

Kristina had to sign her name and raise her hand to the federal flag to swear, thinking the opposite of the oath.

As for today, it is a day of confusion and fatigue!
Today, the special operations team received a full day of training in the secret meeting room of the Sheriff's Department.


It turns out that the contractors are hierarchical;

It turns out that Pandora is not just a scientific institution, it controls the contractor world;
It turns out that the core of the contractor is the source stone and the word of the source, and I have never heard of these magical things.

However, Kristina did not have the novelty of opening the door to the new world, nor the excitement of learning that the contract ability could be upgraded, but felt unparalleled suffering.

For no other reason, she didn't want to be the "Hand of Silver", and she didn't like these teammates she added for no reason...

Needless to say, Mr. Director, his serene eyes were always swirling around him, his eyes were rude without any concealment, as if he wanted to rush over and shred his uniform.

As for those new players who came out for no reason...

everyone is a contractor;
Except for themselves, they were not security guards in the first place;
Everyone... seems to be a little strange, no, not only strange, but "fierce"!
These guys always feel like fugitives in wanted photos:
There is a bald man with only one eye left;

There is also a woman with heavy makeup wearing an empty top, exposing a large area of ​​skin on her chest;
There are even tattooed youths who listen to the training while smoking without anyone else.

They don't look like good people at all!

Sitting in the training room, I am as fragile as a small flower, and the surrounding tigers and wolves can easily pull it out, and I can make myself...
This feeling is very bad!
Every second was a torment, and Krisna was annoyed more than once for why she had inexplicably crossed over and came to this world.

it is finally over.

Kristina was the first to leave the training room after hearing the word "dismissed" and returned to the sheriff's office, which she was familiar with.

That nasty Rob is smirking at himself... Compared to the players he doesn't like, he's as beautiful as an angel.

Without any pause, Kristina packed her things and went home with a gloomy expression.

At the door... The contractor's mentor, Yan Qiu, was still sitting in the car, waiting for him.

With a deeper understanding of her "mentor" identity, Krisna had to carefully pretend that nothing happened, greeted Yan Qiu with a bright smile, and got into the car.

The establishment of the Silver Hand is a bit like copying Pandora's Punisher team...

In other words, it appears to be aimed at the Ombudsman's team of punishers;
My current position is different from that of Yan Qiu, so I can't say anything to Yan Qiu.

Otherwise, this is equivalent to betrayal, causing a lot of trouble for himself and Yan Qiu at the same time...

Although the relationship between Yan Qiu's mentor and herself is good, Krisna doesn't think that the relationship between the two has reached the level where they can trust each other's life and death. Even if they tell Yan Qiu, will the other party take a huge risk to help him?Or, are you capable of helping yourself?

Kristina has absolutely no confidence in this...  
Yan Qiu is a very responsible contractor mentor. He insists on waiting outside the police station every day, ready to deal with the dilemma that he cannot pay the price, and drives himself home after get off work, even if the distance is only less than one kilometer.

Even in order not to be too far away from himself, Yan Qiu rented a house in the residential area of ​​the staff of the Public Security Bureau, in order to better perform his duties as a "contractor's mentor".

That's right, it's just a duty... Chrisna, who was sitting in the car, made up her mind secretly that she couldn't delay her decision.

Yan Qiu is a good person.

When they finally got home, Krisna and Yan Qiu said goodbye, went back to their bedroom, threw themselves on the bed, and vented their depression for the past two days.

I have absolutely no appetite for food...

Is being an exiled contractor the only way out?
No, no, the Ombudsman already has its own files, which is too risky...

Kristina just kept lying on the bed, not wanting to move at all.

I really want to sleep like this, sleep until dawn tomorrow, and wake up to find that all the unhappiness is a dream.

Just when she was about to fall asleep in a daze, the urgent phone rang suddenly.

Krisna was suddenly jolted and struggled to sit up.

By the way, there is Mr. Shen, and what other "compatriots" are there!

Left my phone in the paper today!
Without stopping, Krisna didn't care about her numb legs from staying still for a long time, staggered to the living room, and answered the phone.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, Krisna could feel the sound of her heartbeat, and felt that the palm of her hand holding the microphone was sweating. She carefully put the microphone to her mouth and hesitated for a second:


"Are you He Man?" The voice in the microphone was straightforward, without any restraint at all.

Kristina nearly threw the phone out.


The voice is a little immature, not like the voice of a self-proclaimed "Mr."

Kristina carefully brought the receiver to her ear again, forcing her to remain calm:
"who are you?"

"Haha, you really are He Man!" An excited and green voice came from the phone, speaking very fast: "I actually changed the name of the phone address to 'Qidian Novel Company', so that the address would not be revealed, Good for you!"

"Guess who I am?" The voice in the microphone was full of the second feeling:

"I'm Guo Kai! I saw your message today!"

"Are you also a transmigrator?"

"Me too, we're a gang!"

Chrisna resisted the urge to hang up the phone...

This idiot child also saw his message in the newspaper?That should be the case... Kristina wanted to cry a little.

I'm not waiting for you at all!
I just want to keep my distance from you forever!

Forget about it... I forgot Ouyang Ao.

Ouyang Ao in the microphone didn't know what Krisna was thinking. He had a sense of excitement when he saw his fellow villagers, and he talked endlessly:
"You should know why I contacted you!"

"We are all traversers, all from the earth. In this world, I think we should form a traverser organization!"

"Since I've crossed over, of course I have to do something!"

"Organization is necessary to do things... Well, I've already thought about it, and I'm going to be the boss of our traveler organization."


Where are you, you are the boss?

I have a big head now, okay?
You seem to have just been taken away a few days ago, and have you forgotten so quickly?
Krisna said coldly to the microphone, "I refuse..."

The voice in the microphone stopped abruptly, and it seemed that Ouyang Ao on the other end was a little caught off guard by this answer, which was unexpected...

The silence lasted a long time.

"Please don't contact me in the future..." Krisna added another sentence in silence, and she was about to hang up when she raised her hand.

"You dare!!!" A furious voice came from the phone:

"You dare to hang up my phone?"

"If you dare to hang up on me, I will contact the telephone office to find out who you are."

"Report you as a traveler!"

Kristina couldn't bear it anymore, as if she wanted to vent her anger over the past two days, and put the microphone to her mouth again:
"If you report me as a traveler, and if I get caught, I will report you as a traveler too!"

The voice on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly again...

As if the loophole was not found, after being caught by Krisna, she was speechless.

Kristina was furious, and she gritted her teeth into the microphone and said:

"and also…"

"You're not my boyfriend, why don't I dare to hang up on you!"


Then, the microphone was smashed heavily on the phone.


Hearing the blind tone on the phone, Ouyang Ao was a little sluggish.

I finally found an opportunity to sneak into my father's study, and after locking the door, I tried to call my fellow villager.

...As someone who has read countless Long Aotian novels, he thinks that he is the arrogant genius in terms of intelligence, emotion, looks, and European grace.

What happened to your boss?
Can't it?
You are so mentally ill!Your whole family is mentally ill!
mental illness...

Thinking of these three words, Ouyang Ao shivered for no reason, and went to the door again to check whether the door was locked.

You are cruel!Heman!
You know I'm afraid to report...

It doesn't matter, I have a way to take care of you...

Well, you have to know who she is.

After making up his mind, Ouyang Ao charged the delicate phone again and connected it to the telephone exchange.

"Hey, is there a reception desk? Find me the address of 'Qidian Novel Company', preferably a phone contact..."


"What? You don't offer this business? You have to!"


"Why do you ask this? I'm going to arrange for someone to come check the water meter of 'Qidian Novel Company'!"

"Do not talk nonsense…"


Kristina was dizzy by the madness of this middle-aged teenager.

After slowing down for a while, he drank two glasses of cold water in a row, and then calmed down the violently heaving chest.

Just when I was about to go back to bed and lie down...

The phone rang rapidly again.

"Is it over yet?"

Kristina frowned, and the anxiety that had just calmed down was ignited again.

No mercy this time!

Direct scolding!

Christina picked up the phone.

"Hello, is that Ms. Man?"

The sound in the mic is slightly magnetic, peaceful, steady, and beautiful…

(End of this chapter)

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