Nightmare wake up

Chapter 63 Yuan Ming?

Chapter 63 Yuan Ming?

In the battle just now, three of the four enemies were killed and one escaped.

Seeing several people gathered together, Vera said solemnly:
"We did an amazing thing! We fought an amazing fight!"

"There were four enemies. We killed two orange-level contractors, one white-level, and one red-level escaped."

Water controllers and demons are orange, white coats are white, and the shadow that escapes is red...

With this configuration, the strength is already close to the Punisher's six people and one cat.

Except for Captain Vera, who was the main force, was slightly injured and Aubrey collapsed, Rebecca and Uncle Cat were only slightly affected, and the others were almost unscathed;
Such a victory is almost perfect.

You must know that although the Punisher has three more people than the opponent, they include Unpredictable, Uncle Cat and Douglas, who have little combat power.

For the first time, Mo Wei, who saw the contractor fighting, looked at the uniform of the Supervision Office inside the windbreaker. There were only two shallow scratches left on his chest, and even the clothes could not be cut, and his heart was suddenly numb and thankful...

If not for this "tough" uniform;
If the shadow is stabbing the unshielded neck with a "dagger"... I can't think of it.

We must increase our strength as soon as possible!
After pondering for a few seconds, Unpredictable retracted his divergent thoughts and said to Vera and the others: "The shadow who escaped is someone who knows us!"

"I read his mind and can be sure he knows us!"

"Unfortunately... At that time, I subconsciously said 'You know us', which is equivalent to paying the price and ending the contract ability, and I couldn't hear more information to confirm my identity." Mo Wei said a little annoyed.

Vera smiled at Moqi, and said comfortingly: "But fortunately you paid the price. If he escaped first, how would you pay the price?"

Uh... this is, Mo Wei realized another danger that he hadn't discovered just now.

If this person ran away first, wouldn't he be able to pay the price... The price is that the other party must hear the "truth"!
This is equivalent to waiting for death, or becoming a ghost.

Still not cautious enough, newcomer... Unpredictable shivered.

"Shadow-class red-level contractor..." Luo Qing said stiffly, "Could it be Ghost Shadow Yuan Ming?"

"It should be him!" Uncle Cat nodded firmly, the hair on his forehead was deeply twisted into a Sichuan character:
"Know us, the shadow-type contract ability, and it is a red-level... A contracter registered in Hot Spring City, that is, a ghost."

"Isn't Yuan Ming the hand of silver? How could he be with these murderers?"

After speculating along the line of thought, everyone present suddenly came to an astonishing fact...

Yuan Ming, the security inspector after Baiyin, was the murderer of Li Gang and Mills Federo?
At the scene where Mills Federo was killed, it was the Public Security Bureau who received the report first and asked Yuan Ming to take someone to the blocked scene.

This is equivalent to the security guard himself being the murderer!

Instead, he also killed Li Gang, the deputy director of the Public Security Department!

The logic is a bit confusing...

"Can you arrest Yuan Ming?" Luo Qing asked in a stiffer tone.

"I just played against him, it was a draw..." After speaking, he emphasized again.

He has a mysterious hostility to "Ghost Shadow", and has never told anyone why he is hostile to Yuan Ming.

"I'm afraid not!" Vera sighed: "He is now an inspector of the Public Security Bureau, and public arrests will be troublesome..."

"Also, the speculation about the identity of the shadow just now is just speculation."

"We have no evidence!"

This is a bit like the original investigation of Chief of Sheriff Pence Rodman. If he could directly arrest and interrogate him, he would not have to ask Unpredictable to help him investigate secretly.

Confirming that the shadow just now was Yuan Ming's result was just a guess that Moqi accidentally read the other party's mind, and there was no direct evidence...

The punisher belongs to Pandora;

The Sheriff's Office belongs to the federal government;
Direct arrest is equivalent to Pandora's arrest of official personnel without evidence, and there will be a lot of trouble in the follow-up. Several people present as official personnel are well aware of this.

It can only be done through secret investigation, just like the investigation of Pence Rodman... but it is estimated that the original method is also difficult to replicate on Yuan Ming——

Pence Rodman is just an ordinary person, who can be controlled by contract ability; Yuan Ming is a contract person, so his vigilance will be higher, and his anti-reconnaissance ability and combat ability are not weak...

For example, if he wanted to escape, no one of the seven people present could stop him.

For a time, the bottleneck of the matter suddenly silenced several people present...

Mo Cai thought for a few seconds and looked at Vera:
"The first question we need to determine is... Did Yuan Ming participate in the killing of Mills Federo and Li Gang? If he personally participated..."

"You can try it with a search ruler!"

Vera's sea-blue eyes lit up, and she immediately understood the unpredictable logic.

Finding the four murderers in front of you was found through a search ruler;

At this time, the three murderers are dead, and the search ruler will no longer point to these three people. If the search ruler is still used to search for the murderer, it will only point to Yuan Ming who escaped.

If it points to Yuan Ming, this is evidence in itself!

Immediately follow the direction of Sou Cun Chi to search for Yuan Ming and take him directly.

Even if the Sheriff's Office would inquire in the future, there would be a justifiable reason for arrest.

Without any hesitation, Vera again placed the search ruler on Li Gang's body wreckage to provide the source of the contract items.

Vera's orange-level strength is not greatly affected by the search ruler, it can be said to be minimal.

However, the results were unexpected.

The cross arm of the search ruler wandered around, but in the end there was no fixed direction.

"This shows that the three people who committed the crime are the three we killed. Yuan Ming did not personally participate..." Mo Qi stared at Sou Cun Chi, frowning and said:

"Yuan Ming is with them. It is very likely that he is only a contact person, an informant, or the identity of the main messenger, depending on his motives."

"The problem is complicated... What is Yuan Ming's motive for doing this?"

"No matter what, the investigation still has to be investigated. Find a way to continue investigating Yuan Ming." Luo Qing's voice was slurred, and he insisted in muttering.

"Of course we need to investigate... But first, report the situation tonight! See what Pandora's upper class means." Vera nodded at Luo Qing:

"Stop talking, pay the price with peace of mind... How is the price paid by the rest of you?"

Uncle Cat nodded indifferently. It was the easiest for him to pay the price. He had already squatted on the ground to finish it... But he didn't know which piece of memory he lost;

Rebecca was silent, waving to indicate that she was fine, don't worry;

Douglas said he could pay the price only when he returned to the city.

Seeing Luo Qing leaning on the stone motionless, Vera explained: "Luo Qing's original sin is ALS, and the price is that he cannot move for a period of time after using the contract ability. The length of time ... depends on the degree of the ability to use."

"It will take about an hour this time, and it's still 40 minutes away."

Ability is that the body turns into green smoke, and the price is that the body loses its ability to move... Ability and price are a strange logical combination.

Luo Qing moved his stiff facial muscles, trying to make a self-deprecating smile, leaking air everywhere in his mouth:

"So when I'm on a mission, it's best to have teammates with me... Otherwise, I'll use the contract... ability and have no means of self-defense for a period of time."

"If you face the enemy alone, once you are defeated, the result can only be death..."

After the body turns into green smoke, it will gradually be troubled by the original sin "gradual freezing disease", and the body will gradually lose its ability to move, unless it remains in a static state for a period of time... If you can't kill your opponent at the stage of using the contract ability, you will definitely be killed. Opponent kills.

Vera patted his immobile shoulder and motioned him not to speak too hard: "Fortunately we won this time... I will always be by your side to help you!"

This sentence is so ambiguous...

The unpredictable people who knew the inside story were stunned at the same time.

Are you responding to Luo Qing's secret love?
Luo Qing's eyes widened, the stiff facial muscles made the ecstatic expression out of shape, both exaggerated and hideous, and even the "gradual freezing syndrome" couldn't stop the flushing on his face.

Red and purple!

Aubrey Bacon, who didn't know "the details", wondered about Luo Qing's changes, and thought that everyone was surprised at the price of Luo Qing, he laughed:
"My price is easier to pay."

After he finished speaking, he reached out and touched the top of his smooth and identifiable head, and the straw hat he was wearing didn't know where it fell;

Touching the few remaining temples, Aubrey violently pulled off a few hairs:

"The original sin is alopecia, and the price is the loss of a few hairs..."

Except for Luo Qing who was still in ecstatic excitement, the other four people and one cat had black lines all over their heads...

Your remaining hair... the price is easy to pay?
I'm afraid it won't be long before you completely bid farewell to the contract ability.

Moqi lowered his head and pondered for a few seconds, then tentatively asked, "Captain Aubrey, can hair only be hair? There are also leg hair, armpit hair, and..."

Aubrey Bacon glanced at the unpredictable expression with a strange expression, and stated solemnly:

"Only hair remains."


While Luo Qing was still paying the price, Vera contacted the Supervision Office.

With such a big commotion, the Ombudsman must be involved in handling it.

Before long, several cars arrived with inspectors and sealed off the ruined site.

Before the bodies of the three contractors were encapsulated, Mo Wei saw the precipitation of Originium...

The Originium, like a gem, slowly formed at the position of the corpse's heart, suspended without gravity, and was crystal clear.

The man who turned into a demon had two orange-level Originium stones, three red-level Originium stones, and three white-level Originium stones on his chest…

Eight Originium Stones!

Like a downed monster in the game, the "big explosion" that drops Originium.

The Originium from the other two corpses has not yet been clearly seen. Vera has completed the packaging and put all the Originium in Pandora's standard iron box... The corpses were brought back by the inspector to verify their identities.

According to the regulations, Originium is to be turned over to Pandora...

Unexpectedly, there is no way to complain about this.

The follow-up matters were handled by the ordinary inspectors on the second floor of the Supervision Department, and Vera immediately drove everyone back.

In any case, the two cases have progressed in stages...

(End of this chapter)

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