Chapter 34
Made up his mind, Unpredictable returned to the room, ready to test his contract ability.

Since you can transmit spiritual fluctuations through objects, no, Fu Yuan, you must also be familiar with the specific indicators of ability.

After a few days of use, Mogua can already control the contract ability to send and receive, holding his hand on the table, a thought, and spirituality suddenly arises.

Fu Yuan began to flow from the palm of the hand, like an extension of the arm on the table, and moved forward quickly under the control of consciousness, and soon reached the end of the table, flowing down the side of the desk.

Before getting close to the ground, Fu Yuan energy reached the limit distance, and could no longer move forward.

The table is not long enough...

Unpredictable did the same on the floor and recorded the distance of the mark, which was about two steps in length, about 1.8 meters.

This is the limit of the length of Fu Yuan's extension now!
In other words, you can use "telepathy" on the target through contact with the target within a range of 1.8 meters!
Beyond this distance, it is impossible to reach...

Walking to the kitchen, Unpredictable turned on the faucet, put his hand on the flowing water column, and found that the liquid can also spread the source of symbols, about the same distance as on the floor.

After several attempts, there was no headache, which means that "paying the price" lies in the "successful" activation of the ability, not the "activation" of the ability.

Concentrating his mind, lying on the bed unpredictably, recalling the thoughts he had read over the past few days, whether it was Luo Qing, Jessica Yang, or even the Chief of Sheriff Pence Rodman, everyone was hiding in their hearts. A secret not known to the outside world.
In other words, the true self is hidden in my heart...


In the bathroom, the old cat had given up resistance, no longer struggling and screaming, and squatted in the bathtub with no love, letting Luo Sheng wash his hair.

"Look, get used to it!" Luo Sheng raised his middle finger and tapped Uncle Cat's forehead lightly:

"Is it comfortable to take a bath?"

"Meow..." The old cat barked reluctantly, saying MMP in his heart.

"Since you appeared, the unpredictable situation has gotten better day by day..." Luo Sheng seemed to be talking to a cat, but also to himself: "I don't know if it's really because of you, but..."

"I decided to take good care of you!"

"Meow~~~" Uncle Cat called again, his voice was quite high, as if showing off.

"It's so good, I'll give you dried fish tomorrow! Cats love to eat the most fishy dried fish..."

The old cat shuddered and almost jumped out of the bathtub.


the next day.

Unpredictable woke up very early, and when he saw the 28-hour clock hanging on the wall, he immediately thought of it.

There are 28 origin stones, and a day in this world has 28 hours. Is there any connection?

I have no idea what to do...

The distance to the Supervision Office is not too close, so in order not to be late, Mo Xie had to take the old cat out, bought two burritos at the roadside stall, filled his stomach with one person and one cat, and boarded the tram again.

After just one stop, the newsboys gathered around and held up the newspaper in their hands:

"Outside the number! Outside the number!"

"The Hot Springs Sheriff's Department's parade was not handled well, and the director Pence Rodman stepped down!"

Mo Qi had been waiting to read the daily newspaper, and shouted to the outside, "Come here for a copy of the Iron Man Morning Post."

Spreading out the newspaper, the local headline of Hot Spring City, "Hot Spring City Public Security Director was dismissed".

"On August 8th, federal time, the Ministry of Public Security of Shouyang Province ordered that Hot Spring City Public Security Director Pence Rodman was dismissed due to improper maintenance of public security at the parade..."

The entire article is describing the mistake in the work arrangement of the Hot Springs Public Security Department during the federal parade, which caused chaos in the city, and several streets were beaten, smashed, looted and burned.

Pence Rodman has been removed, and a new sheriff is on the way.

To be held accountable?

The march was a black-box operation by federal radicals, and Pence Rodman was fired, apparently because of a leak the night before.

He was the one who dug out the inside story of the Federation!
Halo... Unpredictable let out a secret cry and realized a key question - since Pence Rodman was dismissed, it means that the radicals in the federal government already knew that he had leaked the news.

According to Uncle Cat's guess, after Vera reported the situation, Pandora should have communicated with the federal government, which forced the federal government to step back and stopped the parade.

The federal government knows to punish the Chief of Public Security of Hot Springs City, and of course knows that Pence has a problem, and the source of this information can only be Pandora, which means... Pandora did not conceal from the other party that it was the action of the Punisher team in Hot Springs. .

The federal government knew it was the Hot Springs Punisher!

While the radicals won't necessarily retaliate, and Unpredictable doesn't have to worry about it, there's still a feeling of stripping naked in the sun.

Pandora is also true, doesn't it know how to hide and protect grassroots subordinates?Mo Qi gritted his teeth and murmured for a while.

This may be because Pandora has to provide real evidence in order to identify the conspiracy; it may also be because Pandora thinks that he is powerful and does not have to worry about the radicals' retaliation; or... Pandora does not care about the safety of grassroots personnel.

Still have to be careful!
Although joining the Ombudsman means inevitably getting involved in some incidents, Moqi still warns himself that he must be careful enough—safety comes from prudence, not contractual ability.

Your own contract ability itself has no combat power...

There are not only supernatural beings in this world, but even ordinary ironmen do not ban guns, their survivability is worrying!

Unexpectedly realized that this is not a small problem...

After thinking for a while, he turned the newspaper to the last page he wanted to read.

He Man's name appeared again!
In the small squares scattered all over the missing person notices, there are two short questions:

"Have you all become special?"

"Do you want to establish contact? ... He Man."

The first sentence seems a bit inexplicable. What does it mean that everyone becomes "special"?
However, after two seconds of ignorance, Mo Wei immediately grasped the true meaning of this sentence and was surprised.

The meaning of "special" should refer to "contract ability"!
Other than that, I can't think of any other explanation!

Unexpectedly shocked, He Man also awakened the contract ability?

It is estimated that yes, it is precisely because He Man has also become a contractor that he will ask such a question.

So... what about the other traversers?What about Shen Hua?What about Lu Zijian and the others?
Not all traversers have awakened the contract ability!

Unpredictable and heart-pounding, doesn’t that mean that everyone in this time-travel has awakened the ability to contract?

Even in the novelist's writing, group wear events are not common, and everyone in the group wears awakens the contract ability at the same time, the probability of accident is almost zero!

The accidental appearance of this small probability event must have an inevitable reason - some event, some mysterious power, or some other unknown factor caused this group of people to pass through and awaken this group of people at the same time!

That's the only way to say it!
"Meow~~" Uncle Cat in his arms called out when he noticed the change in his unpredictable expression.

There are many people in the car, and Uncle Cat can't speak at this time.

Mo Wei came back to his senses and realized that Uncle Cat was asking, so he spread the hot spring city page in front of the old cat and said in a low voice:

"Pence Rodman has stepped down."

"Meow~~~" Uncle Cat called again with a long tone, and the group seemed to be asleep in his arms.

This is to wait until no one is there... Moqi probably understands what Uncle Cat means, and at the same time, he is glad that Uncle Cat didn't realize that he was lying.

Re-opening the newspaper, Unpredictable read He Man's message again, and became more and more certain that the other party should have awakened the ability to contract...

As for the second question... This question is not unexpected, I thought about it last night.

After these people find out that they are not the only transmigrators, they should seek contact with each other. From He Man's inquiry, we can know that at least she does not reject it...

And her mentality should represent the general mentality of the transmigrators.

I don't know what other people's attitudes are, so I can only wait for tomorrow's newspaper... Mo Wei sighed with emotion, the communication efficiency of newspaper messages is too low, and it takes a long time to go back and forth for a little thing.

Just as he was closing the newspaper, Mo Qi suddenly found something unusual and hurriedly opened the newspaper again.

On the last page, whether it’s the missing person notice on the right page, or the advertisements and recruitment information on the left page, they are usually separated by small squares into one space, and each small square is a piece of content—continuous attention After several days of newspapers, Maggie was very sure of this.

In today's newspapers, in the lower left corner of the page of advertisements and job postings, several small squares have been merged into one large cell, densely packed with text.

"How could this be..." The abnormal situation immediately attracted unpredictable attention, and his eyes fell on the words "merge cells".

"Have you come to this world too?
I'm here too!
It's amazing to think of contacting in this way!

Let me tell you, the young master is Guo Kai, he is 14 years old this year, and he has become the son of the province here!
Bullshit! ! !
Now I'm announcing one thing - starting today, I'm the boss of our group, and you all have to listen to me!

Why should you listen to me?

Let me tell you, first, Lao Tzu is now the son of the province, and he has the power and power. Even the "Tiemin Morning Post" has to leave a message for Xiaoye to change the page. What you see is the evidence!

second!Young Master is awake, haha!
Please reply to me within three days!"

The whole paragraph is only more than 200 words, but it "proudly" occupies all the nearby nine cells, and the line spacing has reached an exaggerated level.

As for the content, the "Long Aotian"-style tone full of Xiaobaiwen's flavor was unscrupulously published in the newspapers, making Moqi petrochemical on the spot!

This Nima...

Junior high school student?

"Shab pen!!!" The embarrassed goosebumps made Moqi's whole body icy cold, and he couldn't help scolding in his heart.

This is undoubtedly a member of the group wearer, but there is obviously a huge problem with IQ!


The province is the largest official position in a province. After crossing the border, it becomes the son of the province. It does have great capital, but it's not right for you to show off. Haven't you seen the news of the bullshit?
It took a full minute for the violent psychological fluctuations to calm down, and Mo Ke was able to think about the consequences of this "Guo Kai" brainless pretense.

Newspaper messages will no longer be safe...

He Man, Shen Hua, Lu Zijian, Liu Yuhang... The first few people who left messages are facing huge risks!
(End of this chapter)

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