Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 612 Gifts

Chapter 612 Gifts
Sometimes gossip is scary!
Hermione's disappearance soon set off a storm in Hogwarts school. Everyone said that Hermione was attacked by the heir of Slytherin and was brutally petrified.

In many cases, similar words are said too much, and they become true.

In the end, it was Professor McGonagall who stood up and explained Hermione's situation to everyone to suppress the panic storm that had just emerged.

It turned out it wasn't an attack.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't think there will be any more trouble."

Lockhart said to everyone in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, "Now, everyone is staring at this matter. At this time, it is necessary to take a lot of risks to open the secret room."

Admittedly, Lockhart was right.

He winked at everyone, showed a signature smile, and continued: "Actually, I have found some clues, and I believe that I will be able to find the location of the entrance to the Slytherin chamber soon."

"Professor, you really found the location of the secret room." Some students couldn't help asking.

"Clues found in the attack 50 years ago." Lockhart explained, "Unfortunately, I still haven't found a way to open the entrance to the secret room."

"Professor, where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?"

"I can't tell you yet, because I'm not sure where the entrance is."

Lockhart put his finger up to his mouth, and said mysteriously, "The heir must have realized that it is only a matter of time before the secret chamber is opened. Before I start to deal with him, it is wise to stop and hide it now."


Mr Gilderoy Lockhart credited himself with preventing attacks that should have happened.He didn't know the location of the secret room at all, and those words in class were completely lies used to bluff people.

Except for the girl and a few admirers, no one really took Lockhart's words to heart.

As for stopping the heir of Slytherin's attack?
Naturally, Albert hid Riddle's diary, which made Tom no longer control others to continue making trouble.

However, Albert wondered if Lockhart would be the first to be unlucky after he released Tom.

Anyway, Lockhart likes to brag, and it would be nice to draw fire for him.

Being attacked, you don't even need to think about the reason.

Lockhart discovered the secret entrance to the heir of Slytherin, but was silenced by the other party.

Albert didn't really care what this unlucky guy would look like in the end.

Anyway, forgetting everything and becoming a fool is actually the same as dying.


Albert's truth is: Lockhart is an outsider, life and death have nothing to do with him.

He never denied that he was a selfish and cold-blooded guy.

After class, Fred took out a piece of pie from his pocket and said to several bad friends around him, "If there is any truth to what Lockhart said, I will eat this pie whole. go down."

"Don't you just want to eat pie?" Albert said angrily, "There's no need to find so many reasons and excuses for yourself, or you just have that pie left, afraid that someone will follow you grab?"

"Well, if one of Lockhart's words is true, I'll swallow Ron's pet Scabbers." Fred took a bite of the big pie and asked inarticulately, "By the way, you want to eat it?" ?"

All three of them looked disgusted.

Still, George reached out and snatched the pie, breaking it in half.

"What's Scabbers?" asked Lee Jordan.

"A mouse."

George went on: "Percy's pet, which was later given to Ron."

"So, you want to eat rats?"

"Swallow mice alive?"

"Stop making trouble." Fred couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Come and help."

"Not long ago, I heard Lockhart tell Professor McGonagall that the school needs to boost morale." Lee Jordan said suddenly, "He seems to have a way to boost morale?"

"Probably... Valentine's Day!" Albert thought for a while and said, "February [-] is coming soon. However, I always feel that Lockhart will mess up Valentine's Day. I heard that he has given A case of sending hundreds of Valentine’s Day cards by myself.”

"It's really like his style!" George suggested with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, "I think you should send him the cheese you bought last time. If possible, it's best to pack it so that he can think That's chocolate."

"You can ask the house elf to help pack it." Fred also smiled maliciously, "It will definitely be very delicious when he bites it down."

"Don't forget, last time Lockhart ate chocolate mixed with a love potion." Albert coughed, interrupting the dreams of several people. He didn't think that a guy who had a similar experience would dare to eat a stranger sent chocolate.

"Oh, you're right." Lee Jordan also thought of this incident, and he would never eat things sent by others.


Well, they often eat, who makes Albert receive more gifts.Most of those things went into the mouths of Albert's three roommates.

"Why don't you give our Potions Master a copy too." Fred suggested, "You know, I think he's quite pitiful, he's quite old, and he doesn't have anyone he likes, and he must have never confiscated it." Chocolate for Valentine's Day!"

"This is a good deed, and we should support it. After all, it's not easy for Professor Snape to be single for so many years." Albert said solemnly.

"I think it's good to use the beeswax of the heartworm. The professor will definitely feel tears after eating it." George felt a little excited when he thought of that scene.

"Don't think about it, Snape will definitely not eat that kind of unknown food." Albert couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "No one would eat that kind of thing, we will send him ordinary chocolate anonymously , he won’t eat it anyway, he must be suspicious and think that the chocolate has been added.”

"If you think of chocolate as a small gift from a book fan, Lockhart may be interested. Well, you can prepare a set of Valentine's Day chocolates with various strange effects."

"I don't think anyone would buy this kind of thing unless he wants to break up with his girlfriend." Lee Jordan noticed Fred and George's bright eyes and reminded them angrily, although they don't have a girlfriend now either. .

"How do you know that no one will buy it, and you don't have a girlfriend, so what can you know!" Fred and George gave Lee Jordan a kidney shot without mercy.

The Weasley twins acted as soon as they said they would. They used the chocolate brought by Albert and added some potion ingredients to make various styles of chocolate.

For example, if you eat it, you will be sad, big and small, have a cold and fever, diarrhea, and nosebleeds... Well, they have moved their research results to it.

Make sure that giving it to your lover can effectively guarantee that the other party will break up with him.

In their words, what we sell is not chocolate, but breakups.

When you want to get rid of your girlfriend, you only need to give the other party a piece of chocolate to easily achieve your goal.

What we are selling is not chocolate, but breakups.

"I think if this continues, you will definitely not be able to find a girlfriend in the future." Lee Jordan looked at the exquisite chocolate in front of him, picked up a piece of Laughing Chocolate and bit his mouth, and couldn't help muttering.

"You should worry about yourself first!" George reached out and patted Lee Jordan on the shoulder. "If it doesn't work, go to Albert and don't mess things up."

(End of this chapter)

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