Daily Life at Hogwarts

Chapter 491 Exam Week

Chapter 491 Exam Week

The arrival of June means that the exam is finally here for students.

Professors no longer give them homework assignments, and even class time is all used to review what the professors think is important.

The revision surprise before the exam is so important that students have to force their brains to work hard, and even Fred and George are studying hard to avoid failing the exam.

In fact, as long as you have a good brain and are willing to study hard, you will definitely have no problem passing the final exam.

After all, the professors gave the painting the key points.

As the exam date approached, everyone had to spend a lot of time reviewing in the stuffy castle, and their tempers became more and more irritable.

Percy Weasley is the best example, he is about to participate in the 0. w. Ls (Common Wizarding Level) exam.Anyone who dared to disturb the tranquility of the common room at night would be severely punished.

There are always a few unlucky ones who like to provoke authority, and they are treated like chickens and slaughtered by monkeys. At present, Mr. "Chicken" is reviewing his homework in Professor McGonagall's office.

"There is something wrong with this exam timetable!"

After reading Albert's exam timetable, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan couldn't help but say, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake in copying these times?"

The three of them thought it was ridiculous, because Albert had twelve subjects to take the test, and his test form read:


Morning: 9 o'clock, metamorphosis. At 9 o'clock, arithmetic divination.

Noon: 1 o'clock, spells. 1 o'clock, ancient runes.


"How can you sit in two examination rooms at the same time?"

"Are you really going to let the 'clone' take the exam instead of yourself?"

"Of course." Facing the questioning of the Weasley twins, Albert answered very simply.

"Are you sure you have enough brains?"

"Of course it is enough, and the exam is not too difficult!" Albert tapped his head with his fingers, and reminded with a smile: "You should worry about yourself. If you fail, you will definitely be repeated."

"This is it again."

Threats of repeating a grade were useless.

In fact, there are really not many students who will be repeated.

Except for the unlucky ones who got caught in every exam.

"I'm going out for a stroll, you guys do your best!" Albert stretched his waist, ready to take Tom out for a walk. The fat cat Tom hadn't exercised for a long time, and his body began to develop horizontally again, becoming fatter and fatter.

The main thing, of course, was that Percy didn't want Tom in the common room and put a distracting hat on him.

It's been so boring lately, nothing interesting happened.

According to the information learned from Hermione, Harry did not go to Dumbledore to expose Snape.

As for Quirrell, since he drank the blood of the unicorn, he has been silently lurking, waiting for the best time.

Of course, it is also possible that he was too busy.

After all, it is not easy even for Quirrell, who is excellent in theory, to produce five test papers by himself.

However, one thing is certain, the unicorn's blood did not restore Quirrell, and his face was still ugly, as if he had suffered a serious illness.

Albert actually wanted to get Quirrell into the school hospital and let Madam Pomfrey treat him.

It's a pity, for the sake of the next plot development, I still refrained from messing around.

With the passing of time, the exam is imminent.Students in grades [-] and [-] will be tested earlier than other students.

at 0. w. Two days before the Ls exam, Albert saw Dumbledore slowly walking into the school with a group of examiners, some of whom were his old acquaintances.

"Are you actually nervous?"

Albert looked at Isobel with a smile, feeling a little unbelievable.

"Of course, no one will not be nervous during the exam." Isobel and Albert walked slowly by the lake, watching the figure disappearing at the gate of the castle and said: "After all, so much effort has been put in , everyone hopes to get a good result."

"You have Legilimency, it's not easy to get a perfect score in the exam."

"Will you use Legilimency to get full marks in the test?" Isobel asked back.

"will not!"

Also, a genius has the pride of a genius after all.

Although Albert said that he couldn't, he didn't take it seriously. Although he really didn't know how to use Legilimency to cheat, he already had a more advanced panel cheating method.

Although he has also worked hard to review it.

Therefore, as a member of cheating in exams, Albert seldom talked about his grades.

"Haven't you already reviewed it?" Albert teased, "Or, are you going to get full marks in all the exams?"

In the past few days, Albert has been helping Isobel to review. Can he not know the level of the other party?

Beginning the second week of June, students in grades [-] and [-] began taking early exams.

The auditorium has been redecorated. Fortunately, there are not many students in the two grades. Except for the written test, the school has spare time to stuff all the exams into the auditorium, and restore the auditorium to its original state before the meal time, and even let everyone There is no special feeling.

Except that after breakfast, the other grades went to class, and the seventh and fifth graders wandered aimlessly in the hall.

Entering the third week of June, the exam week for other students has also begun, and they only have one week to complete this exam.

Before lunch on Monday, the third-grade students came out of the Transfiguration Class, all of them disheartened and unable to walk vigorously.Everyone compared their scores with each other and lamented that the content of the test was too difficult.

In the transformation test, they need to complete a written test first, and then go to the stage one by one to complete the practical test assigned by Professor McGonagall: turning a teapot into a turtle.

Practical exams in Transfiguration are notoriously difficult, especially the conversion spells that turn non-living things into living things.

Although it has been learned and practiced in class, many students are unable to complete this conversion spell well.

Because they have never tried to turn a teapot into a turtle, it is clear at a glance whether everyone has used the transformation spell solidly.

Albert even saw that when everyone came to the stage to try to turn the teapot into a turtle, there were more or less problems, such as the turtle spitting steam, the tail was still the spout, or the shell still had patterns on it.

Albert's tortoise was the most perfect. It was really no different from a tortoise. He even walked around the podium. Everyone could tell from the smile on Professor McGonagall that she was very satisfied.

Lee Jordan often ridiculed that Fred and George's tortoises still spit a little steam from their mouths. Although his tortoises are not as perfect as Albert's, they still look pretty good, so he is known by most tortoises as having all sorts of problems. The student has been sanctioned, who made that guy like to talk nonsense?

The content of the arithmetic and divination test is to fill in the chart. It is necessary to fill in the form on the parchment sent by Professor Victor, but there are a lot of places to fill in that form.

If you didn't do your homework before, congratulations, you just exploded on the spot.

The spell assessment in the afternoon is similar to the transformation assessment, with papers and a simple practice assessment.

Professor Flitwick did test everyone's happiness spell.

However, there are always surprises at the practical exam, with two Hufflepuffs laughing out loud at each other using happy charms.

Fred also said in all seriousness that they were hurting each other, prompting a burst of laughter after the exam.

The ancient rune is a bit like a simplified version of the English test paper I did in my previous life. Most of the content is various translations. The most difficult part is translating a piece of ancient rune.

Albert handed in the ancient rune test in just 10 minutes.

The next morning, I took the test on protection of magical creatures. The content of the test was very simple. Candidates needed to accurately identify the hedgehog hidden in a group of hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are almost identical to hedgehogs.

They need to take turns feeding them milk.

Well, thorns are a very suspicious animal, and they can't drink milk either.

When you feed the thorns milk, it will be considered that you want to poison them, and the magical thorns on your body will stand up.

That afternoon, they tested potions.

The Potions exam that Snape was following was an absolute disaster.

Think about Snape standing next to you watching, holding a notebook, watching you prepare potions, ready to fail you at any time.

Several Hufflepuffs were stared at by Snape because of this, which almost caused the sobriety agent to make a major mistake.

For the astronomy test at midnight, everyone went to the highest floor.They need to observe the starry sky by themselves, and then mark the positions of the observed stars, planets, and even constellations on the blank astrological map sent.

This is probably one of the few courses that requires practice, but as long as the homework is done carefully after class, it is not too difficult to get a high score.

The History of Magic exam was taken on Wednesday morning. As long as you memorize the key knowledge carefully, it is not difficult to get a high score in this exam. Albert can easily complete the entire test paper.

In the herbal medicine test on Wednesday afternoon, they need to stay in the greenhouse under the sun to take care of the herbs. This is probably the most patient and hard-working test among all the tests.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts exam on Thursday morning, Professor Quirrell's exam was as boring as his class.They need to answer how to deal with some magical creatures, and write out the spells and precautions.Several of Albert's roommates were very dissatisfied with the defense against the dark arts exam, thinking that their true level could not be displayed in the exam.

On Thursday afternoons, Divination and Muggle Studies are required.

The content of the Muggle Studies exam is to write the name and purpose of the objects in the painting.

Well, another easy test.

However, the only problem with this test is that wizards don't know much about Muggles, so sometimes there are some inexplicable things in the answers of the test, which is easy to make jokes that Muggles don't understand Muggle research.

As for the divination class exam, it was also very simple, that is, one by one the students went to Professor Trelawney's classroom to observe the crystal ball.In fact, to put it bluntly, Professor Trelawney asked them to try to make a prophecy.

"Hi, dear," she said softly, "what did you see."

"I saw Professor Quirrell leave us forever." Albert leaned over to look at the crystal ball, and instead of making a prediction, he pretended that he had already made a prediction.

"Professor Quirrell?"

"he died."

Albert pretended to look at the crystal ball again, "I also saw Harry Potter, they seem to be in a dark place."

"It's such a sad story, I think we will know the result soon, right!" Professor Trelawney looked at the crystal ball, and all he saw was a billowing white mist.

In fact, Professor Trelawney is not sure whether Albert has the ability to predict. This time is undoubtedly a good opportunity for her.

(End of this chapter)

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