absurd deduction game

Chapter 100 I predicted your prediction

Chapter 100 I predicted your prediction
In the camp, the atmosphere gradually became tense.

It was raining heavily, and the field survival experts guarded the fire. This move was not very useful on the Necronomicon Island, where there were no beasts and bugs, and the lighting was well-equipped, but they did it to hide their anxiety and give Find something to do yourself.

Some of the people who stayed watched Wu Runhao holding the walkie-talkie, his face getting worse and worse, and finally walked back and forth in the tent.

There is only one reason - the two groups also lost contact.

It has been more than 40 minutes since the second team reported safety through the walkie-talkie last time. Wu Runhao stipulated that they should contact each other every half an hour, but Long Zhou, the leader of the second team, did not abide by this rule.

It's hard not to think that something happened to the second group.

Because today Wu Runhao confirmed that he was carrying a real walkie-talkie under the logistical check in every possible way.

After another 10 minutes, Wu Runhao couldn't sit still at all, he got out of the tent, and now stared at the jungle in a daze beside the small flag in the camp.

Everyone knows why Boss Wu is so worried... Brother-in-law Fang Xiaoyu is in the island exploration team!

This little brother-in-law is also, he has to go to the most dangerous front line, so why not go back to the ship and stay with Boss Fang?

If something goes wrong with Fang Xiaoyu, the love that Boss Wu has been chasing for so long and finally succeeds, I am afraid it will be set back three years.

Of course, what everyone is most concerned about now is not the relationship between Boss Wu and Boss Fang, but whether the second group can return safely.

No one wants the Necronomicon to be too dangerous, which will put their work in a huge dilemma.

At this moment, Wu Runhao's walkie-talkie finally responded.

Wu Runhao hurriedly listened carefully, his face half nervous and half relieved.

The rough voice of Longzhou came from the walkie-talkie.

Several individuals were paying attention to this scene, hiding in the corner and listening to the wall. They could not hear clearly and only vaguely captured a few key words.

"The second group... in distress..."

"Dead... Missing... Help..."

"Fang Xiaoyu...Medical...I'm fine..."

"Illusion...waiting in place..."

After Wu Runhao heard it, he was glad that Fang Xiaoyu was all right, but he felt heartache for the sacrificed team members.

He immediately called the leader of the fourth group of the armed team and entered the tent to explain the task.

"The second group is in danger and is asking for help from the camp. The situation is like this. Four members of the second group and the supernatural researcher Song Quan have died, and five members are missing. The second group leader Long Zhou, the medical team A Bai and... and The cameraman Fang Xiaoyu was still awake, and they asked me to send someone to help them find the five missing team members."

After describing the situation very quickly, Wu Runhao said with a serious face: "I will send you to meet them now, and search and rescue the missing within the time permitting. But your first task is to meet with Longzhou and the others, and put that The three were brought back safely."

"Remember, search and rescue comes second, and the safety of those three people comes first! Do you understand?"

"Understood, then we'll set off now." The fourth group leader sullenly exuded a sense of urgency from head to toe.

It has only been two days since I landed on the island, and accidents have continued. It can be said that the lethality of the "necromancers" on the island is much higher than the initial project risk assessment results.

But today is better than yesterday. At least the second group has sent a signal for help. They have the opportunity to save people and bring back a precious record of island exploration.

And just outside Wu Runhao's tent, the ghoul grinned.

He has heard the casualties of the island exploration team today. Before, he smelled the smell of sacrifices on Longzhou and a medical staff, and both of them were in the island exploration team today.

Therefore, with such a large casualty, there must be something that the two players are engaged in, maybe it is a battle between players, so the victorious side is definitely not full at this time, in that case...why didn't he take advantage of it? When other people's sacrifice ability is exhausted, go to a oriole behind?

The experimenter can only stay in the camp, which is too restrictive for ghouls. He has decided to leave quietly with the four groups.

Then don't come back.

He can hide in the jungle and stop the players in the island exploration team from returning to the camp today, and then continue to ambush.

Anyway, there will be an island exploration team every day. Even if there is no deducer in the team, it is not bad to attack one to make yourself addicted, and then you only need to push the pot to the undead of the Necronomicon Island.

With one less experimenter, one can also use the undead to secretly attack or encounter hallucinations to explain, and it can also create a little panic and chaos in the camp, so that the hidden deducers can take the initiative to reveal themselves.

Thinking like this, when the four groups entered the jungle fully armed, the ghouls avoided all eyes and left the camp together with their excellent concealment ability.

It's not that he can't get out himself, but this time there are four groups of people as locators, which is more convenient.

Oh, the deducers in the island exploration team must never have imagined that after they were exhausted from fighting, they would be attacked by me as soon as they put down their vigilance?As the ghoul thought about it, he felt that the competitive deduction game was simply his paradise.


"So [-]% of the ghouls will keep up with the four groups and plan to raid to take advantage of it."

At the other end of the gully, Yu Xing leaned against the tree trunk and finally found the umbrella from his backpack. Although he was soaked all over, he managed to stop the rain pouring on his face.

Yu Xing's sentence is already a summary. Before this sentence, he analyzed the psychological activities of the ghouls left in the camp.

all hit.

Very unfortunate for the ghoul - what he is about to face is not the snipe and mussel competing for the fisherman's profit, nor the mantis catching the cicada or the oriole, but waiting for the rabbit.

The prophet's corpse was dragged by Carlos and Nightmare and thrown into the big gully. Yu Xing also studied the corpses on the tree during this time, and had a vague guess about the existence of this island. .

After Carlos and Nightmare returned from "destruction and destruction", Yu Xing made the next deployment. He planned to solve all the hidden dangers today, and he could experience the plot in three days.

"The ghouls will find us before the fourth group after we have determined our approximate location, and we will fight quickly at that time." Yu Xing said.

Nightmare holds the walkie-talkie in his hand, and is suspicious.

She contacted the camp just now at Xing's behest, and asked Wu Runhao for support.

Wu Runhao agreed to send four groups to help, but fortunately, is he so sure that the ghouls will come together?
"Don't worry, can't you see how this guy has control over people's hearts?" Carlos threw the flashlight in a boring way. His fingers were very nimble, probably because of his occupation, and he dazzled the simple flashlight. .

He glanced at Yu Xing, who had a "weak" face and pretended to protect the camera, and said casually, "I've heard people say that people who can read the minds of lunatics are one step away from lunatics. Line. People who can predict perverted behavior are also perverts themselves.”

"San, what kind are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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