Daddy Academy

Chapter 616 The Pretentious Child

Chapter 616 The Pretentious Child
Liuliu and Dudu vainly planned to frame Cheng Cheng, although Cheng Cheng looked dumbfounded, but Xiaobai could guess it, she asked, "Is it Cheng Cheng?"

Liuliu nodded.This little villain is a little better than talking nonsense with her eyes open, because she didn't speak.

"Is it Cheng Cheng?" Xiaobai asked Dudu.

Dudu panicked, scratched his itchy chin, and said, "*&...&...¥¥%¥%"

Xiaobai asked Cheng Cheng: "Cheng Cheng, do you know where the radio and the pillow are?"

Cheng Cheng nodded and said, "It was Li Baibai."

Xiaobai immediately looked at Liuliu and Dudu, and Liuliu sighed quickly: "Li Baibai must be very sad, hey duck, it's not good, good guy, Cheng Cheng, you are a good guy, Li Baibai is going to cry."

Xiaobai asked Cheng Cheng: "Did you steal Cheng Cheng?"

Cheng Cheng shook his head.

Liuliu nodded.

Dudu little villain followed suit and nodded.

Cheng Cheng came to the door and said to the door: "Li Baibai, here."

Then, Lao Li appeared.

Surprised, Liuliu and Dudu went into the room one after the other.

Lao Li had met Mr. Jiang before, and knew that this was Xiaobai's grandma, who was specially picked up by Zhang Tan from Sichuan.

He is six years younger than Mr. Jiang, so he can be regarded as the same age. The two of them talked a lot together and chatted well.In addition, Aunt Huang, the director of the school, talked with her.

After dinner in the evening, Zhang Tan accompanied Teacher Jiang to visit the children on the first floor, and distributed the snacks and fruits they bought to everyone. The children thanked Grandma Xiaobai one bite at a time.

"Sit in a row and share the fruit~~~" Xiaobai stood at the feet of grandma and shouted, asking everyone to line up and get one by one.

Teacher Jiang smiled very happily, so many children are very cute.Xiaobai stood beside her and introduced every child who came forward to her, who is this, who is that, and those who don't know him will say that he is a good boy, until all the children are introduced.

Luo Zikang was sitting on the steps outside the classroom. He was lonely and cold, watching the autumn wind blowing away the fallen leaves. All the children had been bribed by Xiao Bai, and he was left with only himself.

Ding Xiaohai also betrayed him, went to get Xiaobai's snacks and fruit, and called Xiaobai's grandma.

Ding Xiaohai told him to go too, but he didn't go, he wouldn't go.

If he is not welcome, he will not take the initiative to ask for it, and he will not accept it if it is offered to him!Especially there is a bear drink in it, which is what he hates the most.

He sat on the steps, he didn't want to look, but he couldn't help listening, his ears were filled with the chirping voices of the children, calling for Grandma Xiaobai.

Feeling irritable, he got up and walked around in the yard, got into the grove, and looked out at the bustling West Chang'an Avenue through the fence, with people coming and going.

"Who is there?"

Suddenly Lao Li's voice sounded, and the flashlight shot over, hitting Luo Zikang's bald head, reflecting bursts of light.

"Yo-ho, boy, bounce back!"

Lao Li shifted the flashlight slightly, moved it away from Luo Zikang's bald head, landed on him, and finally saw him clearly.

"Luo Zikang, why are you here? Everyone in the classroom is eating delicious food, why don't you go quickly."

"I'm not going." Luo Zikang looked at him, then turned his head and continued to look at the street.

Lao Li asked him again: "Come over for tea?"

"I don't drink."

"It's delicious, come and taste it, the taste of life."

"The taste of mulberry leaves."


Old Li looked up to the sky and sighed, the melon child of the white chrysanthemum flower led the children of the little red horse astray. It was obviously a tea ceremony that has been passed down for thousands of years, but now it is eating mulberry leaves.

He told Luo Zikang to go back early, and left. He sat down on the rocking chair in the yard and made tea, but half of his mind was in the grove, paying attention to Luo Zikang.He thought that Luo Zikang was going to linger in there until ten o'clock in the evening to go to bed, but he didn't think that after a while, Luo Zikang came out with his bald head.

Although it is already after the Mid-Autumn Festival and the weather is getting cooler, there are quite a lot of mosquitoes in the grove.

Just as Luo Zikang came out, he was wandering outside the classroom. Seeing that Xiaobai and her grandma were still there, and they were talking to the children, he didn't go in, but sat down on the steps. The moon is not round enough tonight.

I don't know how long it took before the noise in his ears finally stopped. He was just about to get up and go back to the classroom. It was time to go to bed when suddenly a person sat down beside him. He turned his head and was startled. It was a white-haired man. Grandma, he knows, Xiaobai's grandma.

He was at a loss and didn't know whether to get up and walk, or continue to sit and pretend he didn't see it.He didn't understand why Xiaobai's grandma was sitting here.

"Your name is Luo Zikang, right?" Mr. Jiang asked with a kind smile, with a friendly look, which made Luo Zikang relieve some of his guard, nodded, and hummed.

"Why don't you come to get fruits and snacks?"

"……I do not want to eat."

"That's it, but I brought it for you, can you take it first? You have to wake up after going to bed at night, and you will be hungry then, and it's just right to eat at that time."

Teacher Jiang put Luo Zikang's small gift by his hand on the ground.

Luo Zikang said stubbornly: "I don't want it, I hate drinking bear drinks."

Teacher Jiang: "I know, Xiaobai told me, so there is no bear drink in it, don't worry."

Luo Zikang didn't speak for a while, not knowing what he was thinking, but in the end he stubbornly said that he didn't want it.

Teacher Jiang said: "Not all of them are for you. There are also some for your grandfather. They are vegetarian cakes from Nanputuo and tea cakes from Jiujiang. They are very suitable for the elderly. It is very hard for your grandfather to pick you up so late."

This time Luo Zikang was silent and did not speak for a long time.

Teacher Jiang left after putting down his things.

Luo Zikang opened his mouth, wanting to stop her and tell her to take the things back, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Teacher Jiang's figure disappeared into the classroom. Luo Zikang turned his eyes away and looked at the small snack box on the floor, wondering what he was thinking.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Luo Zikang's grandfather came to pick him up.

Luo Zikang has not fallen asleep, lying on the bed with his eyes open, hearing all kinds of strange sounds, such as grinding teeth, farting, turning over, talking in sleep, and occasionally crying or laughing.

He couldn't lie down for a long time, and was disturbed by these infinitely amplified voices. When he heard Teacher Xiaoman calling him, he immediately turned over, put on his clothes and shoes, and was about to leave when he remembered the things under the pillow and reached out to take them. When it came out, it was a small snack box.

"Be gentle, everyone is still sleeping." Teacher Xiaoman said.

When Luo Zikang passed Liuliu's crib, he paused for a moment, staring at this sleeping talker, grinding his teeth and farting, really wanting to pull her out of his sleep.

"What's wrong?" Teacher Xiaoman asked.

"Liu Liu is farting." Luo Zikang complained.

Teacher Xiaoman couldn't laugh or cry: "Then what can we do?"

Luo Zikang thought that there was really nothing he could do, so he had no choice but to leave.

PS: Only after I finished writing did I realize that I missed Xi'er!My poor hi doll.Then send Xiwawa to ask everyone for a monthly ticket. During the double monthly ticket period, ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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