Daddy Academy

Chapter 607 I wish you a smooth journey

Chapter 607 I wish you all the best

Looking at the little person in front of him, Zhang Tan felt both surprised and warm in his heart. In an instant, he felt that he had recovered from a cold.

He bent down, touched her little head and asked, "Aren't you going to see your aunt?"

In front of him was Xiaobai who had been going back and forth, and Bai Jianping chased after him out of breath, standing in the corridor leaning against the wall to breathe.

"You are sick, I want to take care of you." Xiao Bai said firmly.

No matter what Zhang Tan tried to persuade, Xiao Bai was determined to stay and take care of him who was sick.

Bai Jianping confirmed again and again that he could only leave by himself, leaving Xiaobai here with Zhang Tan.

He couldn't help thinking, this is the blood connection, even though Xiao Bai didn't know the real relationship between her and Zhang Tan, but the inner level made her worry about the person with her blood connection.Perhaps, this is an opportunity for their father and daughter to enhance their relationship.

Bai Jianping left, Xiaobai, with the help of Zhang Tan, made a video call to his aunt who was far away in the city of Cheng, and met Xiaobai.

"It's so chatty, I won't chat with you, goodbye, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

After finishing speaking, Xiaobai hung up the phone neatly, but in fact he was very reluctant and hid in the bathroom feeling sad.

Zhang Tan's cold recovered very quickly. He took medicine in the morning, covered himself with a quilt, and slept for a while. When he woke up, he was basically fine.

Xiaobai confirmed again and again, put his little hand on his forehead and touched it again and again, confirming that he is really healed!
Surprised and amazed, she wandered around the house.

"What are you looking for? Xiaobai." Zhang Tan asked.

"Mobile phone? My mobile phone?"

"Where do you have a mobile phone? You don't have a mobile phone, do you?"

"Where's your phone?"

"It's on the bedside table in the bedroom. Go and have a look, and bring it here for me."

Xiaobai ran to find the mobile phone, tapped it with her finger, but couldn't turn it on. This is not her strong point, so she handed it to Zhang Tan and said it was her mobile phone, please call uncle.

"Do you have something to say to your uncle?"

As Zhang Tan asked, he dialed Bai Jianping's number and handed the phone to Xiao Bai.

On the other side of the phone, Bai Jianping spoke first, and what he said made Xiaobai mad.

"Hello? Zhang Tan? What's the matter? Is Xiaobai disobedient?"


She took the phone away and carefully checked whether it was her uncle who dialed. The big characters showed that it was Bai Jianping, yes, she put the phone to her ear again, and said angrily: "Crooked~~~ Uncle, Bai Jianping—— Where do you live? What are you bawling about?..."

There was silence on the phone for a while, probably speechless.

Xiaobai continued to blah blah: "Crooked~~~Bai Jianping~ Come and pick me up, I want to go find my aunt and Xiaobai with you, Boss Zhang? Just make a clatter, I would have known better if I had known that I wouldn’t have stayed here chatter, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrru, please come back quickly, let Che Che turn around. Claw?? You won't come to pick me up? Why? You don't want to Xiaobai? Can’t turn back? Why can’t you turn back? Why don’t you talk to the driver uncle…”

After a phone call, Xiaobai was furious.

Zhang Tan's heart turned cold when he heard it, why does the little girl want to leave, what about love?

So, love goes away, doesn't it?

Xiaobai was downcast, her uncle didn't come back to pick her up, she lay on the sofa with big characters, feeling her body had been hollowed out.

Zhang Tan tried to comfort her: "Xiaobai, don't be like this, can't we celebrate the festival well? I won't treat you badly, follow me to eat hot and spicy food, and live a happy life."

Xiaobai lazily raised his eyelids, glanced at him, and pouted: "Yeah~~"

Originally, Zhang Tan spent the Mid-Autumn Festival alone, so he could deal with it casually, but now that he has Xiaobai, he can't be so sloppy, and life must have a sense of ritual.

He took Xiaobai with him and went to the mall to buy vegetables, snacks, and fruits. He also bought two pairs of lanterns, one pair hung in front of the door, and the other pair hung on the balcony. They were bright and majestic, like a home.

"Where's Li Baibai?" Xiaobai suddenly noticed that Lao Li was not here today. In the past, no matter when she came to the little red horse, she could see Li Baibai.

Zhang Tan told her: "Li Baibai's daughter is back, and his family is celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, so they won't come to work for these two days, rest at home, and get along well with his daughter."

Xiaobai let out a groan, thoughtful and preoccupied.

Zhang Tan found an opportunity to ask her, but the kid was still unwilling to say anything, pretending to read a picture book with a puffy face, and finally opened his mouth, it turned out that he was missing grandma.

Li Baibai has his daughter to accompany him to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and her uncle and aunt also celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival together, but her grandmother in her hometown is alone.

Thinking of this, Xiao Bai felt extremely sad, with sand in his eyes.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~~~~" Xi'er was bouncing around outside the courtyard and waving at her. Beside her was Tan Jin'er. "Xiaobai, why didn't you leave? Did your uncle throw you away?"

Xiaobai ran to open the door, let the little sisters of the Tan family come in, and told Xier seriously that she was not thrown away by her uncle, but she was thrown away by him, and then she picked up Boss Zhang because Boss Zhang was sick He looked dying, she couldn't bear it, so she planned to stay and take care of him.Under her careful care, Boss Zhang, who is dying, is alive and kicking, but thanks to her, after all, taking care of people is her strong point.

As a showpiece, Zhang Tan turned around 360 degrees and showed it to Xi'er. He was really healed. As for what he looked like before he was dying, he couldn't show it. She could only rely on her own imagination.

Tan Jin'er was concerned about Zhang Tan's condition, asked a few more questions, and learned that Zhang Tan was really recovered, so she came up with an idea: "In order to have a healthy and peaceful Mid-Autumn Festival, I think it's better to let Liuliu check it at night."

Xiaobai and Xi'er were shocked.

When Liuliu went to see a doctor, it was found out that she was pregnant with a baby at every turn.Even Lao Li was told by her that there was a baby in her stomach after one glance, and told her to leave the old man angrily.It was not Lao Li who really frightened the patients, but the director of the hospital.Once, Liuliu insisted on seeing a doctor for her, and after seeing her, she said that the principal’s aunt was pregnant with a baby, which shocked the principal’s aunt and tried her best to quell the rumor.Such rumors cannot be spread.

Xi'er invites Xiaobai to celebrate the festival with them tomorrow.

"Xiaomi and I are celebrating the festival, Xiaobai, you can come too." Xi'er said proudly.

Tan Jin'er has already discussed with Ding Jiamin, and tomorrow the two families will get together to have fun.Because I knew that Xiaobai was going to leave before, I didn't pull her in. Now that Xiaobai is staying, let's pull her in.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion, and everyone wants to spend the festival with their loved ones.

Under Cheng Cheng's coquetry, Meng Guangxin and his ex-wife finally agreed to celebrate the festival together, and this broken family can have a short reunion.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Tan Jin'er took Xi'er out early in the morning. The two were well dressed and carried a lot of things in their hands.

"Chong Ya, go and chat with Xiaomi." Xi'er couldn't wait to find Xiaomi. They were going to Xiaomi's house this time. Besides the reunion dinner at night, they also had many arrangements during the day.

"Xi'er went to see if Xiaobai's house is locked?" Tan Jin'er said.

Xi'er carried the things and ran swayingly, Tan Jin'er shouted behind her: "Put down the things and run."

Xi'er hiahiahia, without putting down her things, pushed the door of Xiaobai's house, turned her head and said loudly: "Sister, it's locked, Xi'er can't open it."

"That's locked, come back, let's go."


The silly Xiwawa ran back with the things, panting, the things were so heavy.

"Sister, did Xiaobai and Boss Zhang fly away?"

Tan Jin'er looked up at the sky, and there happened to be a small plane passing by in the distance, leaving a white line in the sky.

"Handy machine~~~" Xi'er pointed to the sky and shouted happily, "Xiaobai and Boss Zhang are playing on it."

"Well, they should be up there. I wish them the best of luck. Get to Sichuan as soon as possible, and Xiaobai will meet grandma sooner."

Xi'er immediately waved to the plane in the sky: "Bye bye Xiaobai, bye Boss Zhang, you guys have a good journey~~hiahiahia, grandma pig is in good health~~"

 Tomorrow's two chapters will be updated tomorrow, sleep tonight
(End of this chapter)

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