Daddy Academy

Chapter 548

Chapter 548

Xi'er was sad for a while, and with the arrival of durian, hiahiahia ran wildly in the yard in a short while. The more children came, the happier she was. So many people play with her, why is she sad.

Just as Zhang Tan thought that all the girlfriends classes had come, Xiao Bai was the only one left, why hasn't Xiao Bai come yet?Could it be that she got lost on the road, she saw Xiao Bai dawdling into the little red horse, her uncle said something to her, and turned to go to work.

"Xiaobai~~~" Xiaomi beckoned her to come and play, who has more pigtails than anyone else.

Today, not only Liuliu, Xi'er, and Dudu had pigtails, but also Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng.

This time, Liuliu braided 10 braids in order to compete for the first place; Xier still had 4 braids, as long as she was happy and did not compete with the children; Dudu braided 12 braids in order to maintain the first place, which still surpassed Liuliu. hiahiahia laughed in front of Liuliu, then was dragged into the grove by Liuliu and pinched her face, almost didn't cry.

Xiaomi has 4, and Chengcheng has 1!
Cheng Cheng's braid was tied on his forehead and hung down for her to pull and pull.

She also doesn't like to compete with other children, she just thinks it's fun to break into the small group of girlfriends.

Now, only Xiaobai has not come yet, Dudu was a little worried, whether Xiaobai would take her first place, until the moment she saw Xiaobai, she was completely relieved.

Xiaobai just tied two braids with horns soaring to the sky! ! !For the two older ones, the children all came together to watch curiously.

"Hiahiahia, what a big braid."

Xi'er stretched out her hand to grab it, but Xiao Bai slapped her hand off, and reprimanded: "Gua Wazi, what are you doing!"

"Hahaha, Xiaobai, your little braid is so funny~~~hahaha, it's such a laughing baby." Liuliu was even more unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

"Get away! The fart is black, if you laugh again, I'll give you earwax." Xiao Bai threatened.

Liuliu was not bluffed, only Dudu and Cheng Cheng were bluffed, and the two youngest little ones quickly covered their little mouths to prevent themselves from laughing again.

"Hahahaha~~~~ah~~ don't kill me, don't kill me—"

Liuliu was still laughing, but immediately turned pale with fright, was dragged into the grove by Xiaobai, and with a flower arranging foot, she was knocked down.

"Hey... Xiaobai hit me—" The pomegranate gas exploded on the spot, and he got up angrily, with a lot of grass clippings on his braid, staring at Xiaobai, as if he wanted to pounce on him for his dignity. However, she turned to Boss Zhang who was watching the show in the distance: "Boss Zhang, look at Xiaobai, she hit me—I'm going to die~~~Please help me~"

Zhang Tan said from a distance not to fight, and left.

Liuliu was completely desperate, thought for a while, took out a gummy bear from his pocket, and gave it to Xiaobai to eat.

Xiaobai glanced at it, and left in disgust. The gummy bears had been left for an unknown amount of time, and they had turned black. Whoever ate them would be poisoned. This melon must be trying to poison her, so she won't be fooled.

Seeing Xiaobai walking towards her, Dudu was frightened and quickly said: "*&%¥%¥#%%¥dudu."

"Go away little one."

Xiaobai only bullies annoying durians, not the weak.She was in a terrible mood today, because her uncle Bai Jianping tossed her hair all morning, but failed to tie a small braid, and finally made her two messy horn braids. The braids were disheveled in the wind, like a scarecrow.

She was furious.

"Class is on, class is on, don't hang around outside, come to class quickly."

Xin Xiaoguang stood at the door of the studio and yelled that if this group of melons were left alone, they could wander around the yard all day without even thinking about going to class.

Everyone went, only Xiao Bai found Zhang Tan, looking aggrieved.

"Your braid is very characteristic, but it's a bit messy, do you want me to comb it for you?" Zhang Tan is a close friend, Xiao Bai is waiting for this sentence.

Ten minutes later, Xiaobai looked at herself in the mirror and smiled secretly. She became the most beloved little person in the world again.

"I've already tied 8 braids for you, do you want more?" Zhang Tan asked, he knew that the kids had more braids than anyone else these days.

"Yes! I want 100 braids."

Xiaobai is full of pride, not only wants to conquer the children of Little Red Horse, but also conquers children all over the world.

Zhang Tan didn't give her 100 strips, the minister really couldn't do it.He tied 14 for Xiaobai, 2 more than the most Dudu, enough to send Xiaobai to class.

During the recess, Zhang Tan came to wander around the studio, Liu Liu secretly found him, and gave him the blackened fudge, just for one thing, can you tie 100 small braids for her?

Just as Zhang Tan was about to speak, he suddenly glanced at Dudu at the corner, shrinking his head and looking this way. Seeing Liuliu, he didn't dare to come over. He didn't know what his plan was.


"That's the case with Zhang Tan. Minister, what instructions do you have?"

He Miao, director of the editorial department of the Office of the Film and Television Department of Pujiang Film Studio, was reporting Zhang Tan's situation to Minister Zhu Ruopu.

Zhu Ruopu rubbed the corners of his eyes and said: "His contract makes the company not binding on him. The two of us are in the nature of cooperation. It's good that he can tell us. Let's leave it at that, but don't treat him as an outsider. The office is still reserved for him. Anyway, he grew up in the factory. If he really wants to cooperate in the future, he will miss the old relationship. Find a time to make an appointment for me. We have a meal together, and you come too. Call Lao Cai."

He Miao nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make an appointment with Zhang Tan when I get back. The Ministry is now strong and strong, and it's not all a bad thing for Zhang Tan to leave. It's good for young people to venture outside. If you stumble, you'll know when you come back." If you are good, you will be more obedient."

Zhu Ruopu asked: "How many people are there in the screenwriting department now?"

"18, most of them are experienced, all types are covered."

"I also need to find a time to chat with everyone and hold a meeting. These people have been in the industry for many years, and their thinking is still outside the thinking. I have to teach them. I heard that Zhang Yuan has a very personality. In particular, it is a good thing to have character, but you still have to take care of what should be taken care of.”

"Oh, I know, I will do it according to your wishes."

After He Miao left, he returned to his office. Just as he sat down and had a sip of tea, he suddenly saw a file folder on his desk, which contained three manuscripts on A4 paper. The topmost manuscript had two large characters on it, which read: "The Wind" was signed by Zhang Tan.

He picked up the phone and called Zhang Tan's office, but no one answered, so he called the front desk and asked, "Did Zhang Tan come to my office just now?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang came 10 minutes ago. You were not here, so he gave me a document and I put it on your desk."

"Oh, well, that's all right."

He Miao put down the phone and flipped through the manuscripts. He didn't expect Zhang Tan to really come. After doing the math, it's been exactly a week since today, and he really sent three scripts.

He flipped through it casually, and after reading it for a few minutes, someone knocked on the door and asked him to talk about something, so he closed the script and put it in the pile of documents.

The minister had already agreed on Zhang Tan's matter. The previous agreement between him and Zhang Tan was actually not important. Everyone was just going through the motions, so he didn't pay much attention to these three scripts.

When he saw "The Wind" just now, he laughed inwardly. Zhang Tan still couldn't forget spy movies. The last time "Latent" was passed, this time he took another one. This person is really strong.

These three scripts are very simple, only the outline of the story and the outline of the plot, and there are no characters or plots. If he really reads it, he can't see too much content. He just thinks it is a bit new and special. Whether it is good or not, I can't download it for the time being. conclusion.

Of course, if he is really interested, he can ask Zhang Tan for a more detailed script, and the industry rules are like this.It's just that He Miao doesn't pay much attention to the script now, and forgets it after putting it in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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