Daddy Academy

Chapter 405

Chapter 405

Zhang Tan, Liu Jinlu, and Sheng Xiaoxiao were discussing the new project in the office, and the company had decided to continue with the three of them as a team, but in fact, after the news of the new project spread, many people were eager to take over.

As popular as "The Hidden Corner" is now, there are as many people who want to take over the sequel.He Miao and Zhu Ruopu rejected many self-recommended people, and some had a deep relationship, so they had to ask the company leaders to come forward.

This is picking peaches. Everyone knows that "The Hidden Corner 2" will definitely be popular, even if it's just a gimmick, the starting point is much higher than other dramas.

In the end, the company withstood the pressure and directly announced the main creative team members of Zhang Tan and others.They figured it out clearly that the filming of "The Hidden Corner 2" was not just for the sake of making money, the quality must be guaranteed first, you can't just turn around and smash the brand, Zhang Tan and others are there, you don't need it, you have to replace it First of all, let Zhang Tan what they think, and secondly, what will other people in the company think, once the hearts of the people are dispersed, the team will not be easy to lead. The film and television department has been in business for more than ten years. Think with your ass.

Zhang Tan and Liu Jinlu were discussing the new script. He had been thinking about the story of the new project for the past few days.

He wasn't caught up in the sequel gimmick, and he didn't even want to use a name like "The Hidden Corner 2" at all, although it could leverage a lot.

After pondering for two days, Zhang Tan came up with an idea. Facing Liu Jinlu's question, he said, "I want to tell a story about a prosecutor."

"Prosecutor?" Both Liu Jinlu and Sheng Xiaoxiao glanced at him. There are not many TV dramas about prosecutors on the market, so they searched quickly in their minds. Over the past few decades, the TV dramas about prosecutors that can impress them all I can count on my hands.

"Tell me quickly." Liu Jinlu asked. He likes suspense stories, and he spends all his energy on this. If he is asked to make a romantic TV series, he might make a suspenseful horror movie. went.

"This story revolves around a suicide case. I thought it was a simple case, but after digging through the cocoons, I found out that there is a huge secret hidden..." Zhang Tan said.

Liu Jinlu interrupted in dissatisfaction: "What's the point? Is this a human language? Just get to the point."

"That's how your TV series are filmed, it's tempting." Zhang Tan retorted.

"Then Mr. Sheng and I want to listen to you talk for two days and two nights?"

The story Zhang Tan wants to tell is "The Silent Truth", which is similar in style to "The Hidden Corner". It is also a suspense drama, but it is darker and crueler.Although the story is heavy, it does not affect its quality. There is no doubt that it is a good story. Even in Zhang Tan’s memory, after this drama was filmed, it was called by the media as the best TV drama in the country that year. More than "The Hidden Corner".

I spent a whole morning discussing the script with Liu Jinlu and Sheng Xiaoxiao, and in the afternoon Zhang Tan started to write the script by hand. I wrote the outline of the story before, half of the biographies of the characters were written, and now I am continuing to write.After finishing the biographies, Zhang Tan didn't rush to write the episode scripts, but reported the work progress to He Miao and showed him the scripts in his hand.

He Miao took the time to read it in the afternoon and praised it greatly. He said that if people use it in the right field, Zhang Tan is suitable for writing suspense stories. This "The Silent Truth" is great, even more popular than "The Hidden Corner". Of course, this is his personal preference.

He called Zhang Tan to understand the situation in more detail, and finally let him do it. The only thing to pay attention to is to grasp the scale and not touch the red line.

When Zhang Tan came out, he informed Liu Jinlu and Sheng Xiaoxiao of the news, and the three of them began to select suitable actors. Of course, they didn't need to hire them now, because the script hadn't come out yet, but they could look for them first.

For the next three days, Zhang Tan devoted himself to refining the script, and after writing everything and handing it in, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Su Lan called to inquire about "Latent", she didn't know that the script had been eliminated, Zhang Tan never told her.

After all, she was involved, so Su Lan was very concerned.

Zhang Tan told her that Pujiang Film Studio had selected another script. However, other companies contacted and expressed interest, but he didn't have time to discuss it in detail recently.

Su Lan was quite disappointed, but most of all she felt sorry for Zhang Tan and complained about the injustice. Why don't you want such a good script!

As for what Zhang Tan said about other companies being interested, she should take it as Zhang Tan's comforting words.

"However, although the project "Latent" has been shelved for the time being, I am currently working on another project, which can be understood as a sister chapter of "The Hidden Corner". It is a brand new story and has no plot connection with it. Now The project has already been approved.”

Su Lan was happy for him, "I knew you were the best."

Ask what the story of the new project is.


Bai Jianping left the film crew early today, and the kindergarten called and said that the parents should come, because Xiao Bai used the silkworm baby to scare the children.

When he arrived at the kindergarten, Xiaobai was holding a glass bottle of fish maw, and was in the teacher's office, listening to the teacher Balabala's education, while staring at the silkworms eating mulberry leaves, with relish.

"Teacher, hello, what's the matter?" Bai Jianping asked.

The little teacher was in a daze for a while, but didn't fully understand.

"Oh, hello teacher, I'm asking what bad things my Xiaobai has done?" Bai Jianping said in Mandarin.

Before the teacher could answer, Xiaobai had already said first: "Claw? I didn't do anything bad, why are you instigating me for the claw~~~"

"Then why did you, old silk, call me to live here?"

"She doesn't know you."

"What do you mean?"

"She wants to be healthy for you."

"See where I live?"

"Get to know you."

"...You are so precious."

"I'm not arrogant, Laosi just wants to know you, why don't you make friends, uncle, hurry up and shake hands with Laosi."

"I hold a hammer!"

"It's not easy to chat. Uncle, you used swear words in the kindergarten. You are terrible. You will be arrested by the police uncle."


The teacher listened to the two of them bickering with a confused face, but didn't understand.

The reason why Bai Jianping was called today is because Xiaobai brought the silkworm baby to the kindergarten again. The other children were afraid of this and wanted to go home.

Bai Jianping promised the teacher that he would not bring Silkworm Baby to the kindergarten next time, and then took Xiaobai home first.

After leaving the office door, Xiaobai asked confusedly: "There is no get out of class, why should I go back?"

"You're a little too skinny."

"I'm screaming, I'm so good, I'm a good baby, why doesn't Laosi like me, why do so many people don't like me."

"There are so many people, there are only a few."

"Hmph! I'm going to say goodbye to Xiaomi."

Xiaobai went to the classroom to say goodbye to Xiaomi, and then followed Bai Jianping home.

There was still an hour before school ended today. Seeing that it was still early, Bai Jianping bought groceries on the way and prepared to cook when he got home.

He called Xiaobai to help, but Xiaobai was busy, and was feeding mulberry leaves to the silkworm baby.

"You feed the silkworm baby well all day long, so why don't you feed me well anytime?"

"Claws?" Xiaobai said in shock, "Uncle, your claws and silkworm baby grab leaves and eat?"

"...Come on, wash the beans for me."

Xiao Bai refused, she was lying on the window, looking at the little boy downstairs.

"Look, Uncle, it's that big baby." Xiao Bai pointed to the little boy downstairs and said to Bai Jianping. She remembered that it was the little boy from the next door to them.

At this moment, the little boy was holding a fish tank, and there were three little golden fishes in the fish tank, and they were running in a panic, chasing five dogs behind him.

When Xiaobai found him, he was being chased by dogs. He ran into the narrow alley downstairs in a panic, and disappeared. After a while, there was a sound from the corridor outside the door, and Xiaobai ran to the door. He opened half of the door, leaned his body sideways, stretched out half of his head, and secretly looked at the little boy at the end of the corridor.

Beside him, and his father.The little boy was crying and his father was encouraging him not to be afraid of the dog, but when the little boy heard the barking of the dog downstairs, he showed a frightened expression.

"Xiaobai, what are you looking at, come and pick beans for me." Bai Jianping's urging voice came from the kitchen again.

Xiaobai closed the door, came to the kitchen angrily, sat on the small bench picking beans angrily, and muttered in his mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Jianping asked, he thought that Xiao Bai might be scolding him.

"The weather is fine today, are we covered in the sun?"

"Don't have sun."

"Yes! I exposed my doll, ha, I will collect my doll."

When going out in the morning, Xiaobai washed the doll and hung it in the corridor to dry.

Xiaobai dropped the beans, ran to collect the doll, opened the door, and ran into the little boy outside.

A little beauty doll fell to the ground.

Xiao Bai's eyes fell on the little beauty doll, and he recognized that it was hers. Why is it in the hands of a little boy?

"Where do you live?" Xiaobai asked fiercely, "You stole my doll?"

The little boy's face was flushed and he hesitated, not knowing how to explain it.

"You son of a bitch, you stole my doll! This is my doll, why don't you take it away? Come here."

The little boy was so embarrassed that he turned around and ran away, but before he could run two steps, Xiao Bai caught up with him, and with a flower arranging foot, he tripped and fell over.

"Steal my doll, let you know how powerful I am, hehe~~~ Did you steal my quilt too? Criticize baby~~"

(End of this chapter)

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