Daddy Academy

Chapter 283 I'm Angry, Duck

Chapter 283 I'm Angry, Duck

It's mid-December, and "Women Thirty" finally ushered in the finale.

Huangjia Village, the home of Huang Berry.

"Why am I doing the dishes again??"

After the family finished eating, Aunt Huang and Huang Berry got off the table immediately and went to the living room to watch TV, leaving Uncle Huang to clean up the dishes.He was very dissatisfied.

Aunt Huang said: "I've served you for decades, what's wrong with you washing it once? Is there a need to yell like this?"

Uncle Huang thought about it, so he said to Huang Berry, "Berry, come and wash the dishes. I have served you for decades. Come and wash tonight."

Huang Berry: "Dad, I will serve you until you are 100 years old, but tonight, can you wash yourself well? Work harder. You have lost so many times in chess, and you have been contracted to wash dishes for more than 20 days."

"Why do I have to wash tonight?"

"I want to watch the finale of "Women Thirty"."

"I want to see too."

"I'm a woman, I'm about to go to the third, I don't want to see you? Dad, you're going to the sixth."

Uncle Huang thought for a while and said, "Then I will wash this time to offset the other 20 times."

"You robbed!!!"

"If you don't want to, forget it, come and wash the dishes."

"All right, all right~~~ I'm really going to take advantage of the fire to rob you. If it wasn't for the finale of "Women Thirty" tonight, I wouldn't bother you."

Uncle Huang comforted himself, saying that his daughter needs to be rich, and she will be old and unable to walk in the future, so he hopes that her daughter can help her.

Here, in the living room, Huang Berry finally persuaded her father to contract to wash the dishes, and she was proud of it. Although 20 times of dishwashing work had been canceled out, it didn’t matter. After watching TV, her father would be confused if he used a little aggressive method. Tried to challenge her, then lost all over again.

As parents, no matter how shrewd they are, they will capsize when they meet their children.

When Huang Berry was proud, Aunt Huang who was beside her suddenly said, "You also know that you are a woman and you are going to be in your third year, so let me ask you, can you bring your boyfriend home for Chinese New Year this year?"

Huang Berry got a headache: "I'm only 24 years old."

"Just when you said you were going to be three, I asked you, where is your boyfriend?"

"Mom, why do you keep urging me to get married? How deserted are you and Dad after I get married?"

"We will not be deserted. There are many little dolls in the Little Red Horse. It is so lively. Bring one back every day, 365 days a year, and it will not be the same every day."


The next day, Zhang Tan came to Pujiang Film Studio to attend the morning meeting with Zhang Tongshun and Gao Xiaolan.

It was the first time for the three to participate in this meeting together. In the past, during the filming of "Thirty Women", Zhang Tongshun did not participate, while Zhang Tan and Gao Xiaolan participated. After the filming ended, Zhang Tan did not participate, and Zhang Tongshun and Gao Xiaolan participated. Finally, in the last morning At the meeting, the three sat together in the conference room.

Everyone congratulated them one after another. Although the data is still in Minister Zhu Ruopu's mobile phone, with the popularity of "Women Thirty", the finale will only sprint higher, and it is impossible to fall.

Zhu Ruopu hurried into the meeting room with a smile on his face and a good mood.

He cut to the chase and first reported the ratings of "Women Thirty".

"...The audience rating is 2.01%, and the market share is 7%."

As soon as the voice fell, the meeting room immediately burst into discussions, followed by applause.

It broke 2, which is surprising and surprising.

There are not many TV series that can break 2 this year. To be exact, there are only two TV series in China this year, and "Women Thirty" is the third.

Zhu Ruopu also stopped to report, and specially applauded Zhang Tan and the three of them. It was the last time, the finale. Although it was a pity, this achievement was his best achievement since he was in charge of the film and television department.


After the morning meeting, Zhu Ruopu invited Zhang Tan and the other three to the office and chatted with them, mainly to congratulate them, and asked Zhang Tan about the filming of "The Hidden Corner" as well as Zhang Tongshun and Gao Xiaolan's future plans.

After coming out of the minister's office, Zhang Tan said to the two of them, "Let's have a meal together at noon. I know there is a very good Pujiang local restaurant nearby."

Zhang Tongshun was fine, while Gao Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, but still readily agreed.She had originally arranged for a noon meeting with the director and screenwriter of a new project, but Zhang Tan sent an invitation, and she had no choice but to postpone the meeting.

After drinking at noon, happy, Zhang Tongshun was drunk, Zhang Tan opened a room for him in a hotel near the hotel, let him sleep here, and lay down on the sofa for a while, and took a nap , didn't wake up until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that Zhang Tongshun was still snoring on the bed, Zhang Tan thought he was still drunk, so he got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. After he came out, he pushed him, planning to go back to the company if he didn't respond.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Tongshun opened his eyes suddenly, looked at him and said, "Are you awake?"

Zhang Tan was stunned, as if he had been robbed of his lines.

"Are you awake too?"

"In fact, I woke up early. I saw that you were drunk and sleeping deeply on the sofa. I was worried, so I stayed in the hotel and waited for you to wake up."


It seems that he was robbed of his lines again, so here comes the question, who is drunk?
Zhang Tongshun said: "You were drunk, and kept saying that you were not drunk or not. I was the one who carried you into the hotel."

Zhang Tan: "No, it's the other way around, you were the one who was drunk, and I carried you into the hotel."

"I will carry you."

"That's not right."

"Ask Gao Xiaolan, she knows the room she opened."


The dispute was unclear, neither of them admitted that they were drunk.

Zhang Tan was too lazy to argue, and said, "Brother, do you want to continue to sleep or go back to the company with me? I still have something to do in the company, so I have to go back first."

Zhang Tongshun: "I can't sleep anymore, and I'm not drunk, how can I sleep for so long."

"Then let's go back together."

"This won't work, you go first, we have to avoid suspicion."


"If acquaintances see us two big men checking out of the hotel, what will others think? You go first, I will be later, and the time will be staggered."

Zhang Tan felt that Zhang Tongshun was talking about it today.

"Then I'll go first."

"Is it okay? Don't need to support the wall?"

"I told you, I'm not drunk today."

"A drunk person never says he is drunk."

Zhang Tan turned back and closed the door, Zhang Tongshun immediately fell down, rubbed his temples, muttered that he was too old to drink, and lamented that time is not forgiving.

After a while, there was another rhythmless snoring in the room.

Zhang Tan came to the company to communicate with Sheng Xiaoxiao about "The Hidden Corner".I came late, but fortunately the matter was simple, and I finished it before I got off work at 05:30.

When he was about to leave, Sheng Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, I haven't congratulated you yet. The ratings of "Women Thirty" have exploded. You are now a celebrity in the circle."

Zhang Tan said: "I'm a newcomer, not a celebrity, it's still early."

"Don't be so humble. This year's best new screenwriter in the factory is none other than you. Even if you are the best screenwriter in the country, you should be able to compete for it."

Zhang Tan has never thought about this. Speaking of which, various TV drama awards across the country are about to start selections one after another.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "I dare not think about things that are too far away."

Sheng Xiaoxiao smiled, and didn't say anything more, because it was indeed a relatively distant matter.

"Oh, by the way, I heard from Director Liu the day before yesterday that you wrote a theme song for the TV series called "Little White Boat", right? We made a calculation, and Qian Finance will call you within two days."

After thanking Zhang Tan, he returned to the office and took his bag home, only to find Jiang Rong there unexpectedly.

Jiang Rong pulled him away, and said: "I heard that your "Women Thirty" has broken the ratings of 2, let's celebrate tonight, let's go, go drink, I called a few people from the animation department. Acquaintances, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Drinking again?Zhang Tan wanted to run away, but he couldn't. Fortunately, everyone heard that he drank a lot at noon, so they didn't persuade him to drink.

The next day, Zhang Tan received a text message reminding him that a sum of money had been credited to his salary card. This was a worry of happiness, as there were often unknown funds credited to the account, and he didn’t know what was going on without looking at the details.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Tan knew that it was the fee for "Little White Boat", which was what Sheng Xiaoxiao told him yesterday.

The amount of money was quite high in the industry, and Sheng Xiaoxiao and Liu Jinlu didn't treat him badly, and gave him enough.

Zhang Tan took out the money that night, went back to Huangjia Village, parked the car, walked back to the school, bought 40 red envelopes at the convenience store in the alley, and returned home, put stacks of cash on the table , Stuff money into each red envelope.

Someone is knocking on the door.

After half a year of training, practice makes perfect, Zhang Tan can tell whether the person coming is a child or an adult based on the strength of the knock on the door.

This must be a child.

When I opened the door, it turned out to be a child, Hiahia's Xi'er, and behind her was Xiaomi who was a little taller.

"Hiahiahia, my Malaysia."

As soon as Xi'er opened his mouth, Zhang Tan burst into flames.

"I found your money, my Malaysia, hiahiahia~~~~"

She turned around and said to Xiaomi: "Xiaomi, let me go~~"

Only then did Zhang Tan notice that Xi'er's hands were cut behind her back, and Xiaomi seemed to be holding her down.

Xiaomi let Xi'er go, Xi'er rubbed her little wrist, felt in her trouser pocket, spread her little hand, and there was an extra hundred yuan bill in her hand.

"Boss Zhang's money~~hiahia!"

"Mine?" Zhang Tan was surprised, when did he lose the money?

Xi'er nodded again and again, and said, "I really wanted to not give it to you, but Xiaomi saw it, and Xiaomi said she would not pay back the money to Boss Zhang, so she reported the letter and made me mad~~~ She still arrested me, hum~~ ~ It’s good that Xiaobai is here.”

She was rambling on, seeing Xiaomi staring at her intently, she was embarrassed, fumbled in her trouser pocket again, and took out a hundred-yuan bill again with a smile: "hiahia, there is another one, I'm so good~~~"

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(End of this chapter)

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