Daddy Academy

Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Fanning the Flames (23)

Wu Shiying was full of suffocation and had nowhere to vent. She went back to the little red horse and came to Building 1. Oh, it was so lively inside, all kinds of small milk sounds were heard, and there were children running past screaming at her feet. Suddenly, a very small one The little friend ran over, looked at her curiously with his little face raised, clicked, looked up and fell to the ground without looking at the road.

Wu Shiying quickly helped her up, and asked with concern: "Little friend, did you hurt from the fall?"

The child must not have hurt from the fall, because she didn't care, but looked at her hiahia and laughed, showing her small mouth with missing front teeth, and yelled at the other children: "Xiaobai~~Xiaobai—come and see, it's Boss Zhang My fat female friend is here, I found out, hiahiahia, it hurts so much when I fell."

da da da~~~
da da da da da~~~~
A nest of children ran over to watch her.

Wu Shiying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she wanted to explain, but she had nothing to explain to the children, and Zhang Tan was next to her, saying she wasn't his girlfriend, how embarrassing, it's better to pretend that she didn't hear it, and just let it be.

Children, the more you explain to them, the more confused things will become.

Xi'er called out a lot of melons, and then she was concerned that she was hurting from the fall. She opened her small hand, looked it up in front of her eyes, and muttered: "My hands are broken, it's okay, I don't hurt, I'm strong, it's okay Yes, um, it's all right."

After muttering, I squeezed into the group of children, squeezed to the front, and yelled for credit: "It's this young lady, it's her, I was the first to find out, she is Boss Zhang's fat female friend, she is so beautiful, I kind of like her , who can make her like me too? She is not as beautiful as my sister."

Zhang Tan took two steps forward, grabbed the dolls with his big hand, grabbed the little friend Tan Xier, grabbed her little hand, looked it over carefully, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Xi'er looked at him with big bright eyes, shook her head and said it didn't hurt.

"It really doesn't hurt? The skin is broken and bleeding, you can see for yourself."

Xi'er looked at it with wide eyes, nodded and said it hurt.

Zhang Tan said with a smile: "Then just now you said that it doesn't hurt, go, I will take you to apply the medicine."

When Xi'er heard this, she immediately yelled, "I don't want an injection~~~"

"No injections, just rubbing medicine, it doesn't hurt at all."

He took Xi'er away, and at the same time said to Xiaobai in the crowd, "Xiaobai, tell the children to go away. This is Miss Wu. She is your little teacher who teaches you how to draw. You have to protect her."

Seeing Zhang Tan, Wu Shiying left just like that, and left her among the children to watch, she was no longer angry, all straight men of steel are like this, no wonder he is so handsome but has no girlfriend!
Our female compatriots look at the connotation!

"Go away ~ go away~~~ Liuliu, you crawl away—"

The kid named Xiaobai drove the kids away, Zhang Tan was right in one thing, she was indeed a bit aggressive.

A little girl with two braids was protesting: "Xiaobai, why do I have to crawl away! I won't crawl away~~~"

Liuliu was very unconvinced, the other children walked away, but she crawled away, why is that duck~~~~~
Xiaobai: "Liu Liu, you go away."

"Okay." Liuliu ran away happily.

After driving away the children, Xiao Bai waved to Wu Shiying: "Come here~~ Come here quickly."

Emmmmm~~~ This action is like an adult recruiting a child, or a child recruiting a small animal.This is how she recruited the big orange cat to eat at home.

Wu Shiying stood still for a while, Xiaobai waved again: "Come on, come on, what are you afraid of, I'm a good baby."

The little milk voice Trump is quite interesting, Wu Shiying thought of Zhang Tan's warning when he was eating, if Xiaobai said something unpleasant, please don't worry, in the final analysis, this is a good doll, just a little silly.She followed, wondering where Xiao Bai was going to take her.

"Miss, you sit here."

Xiaobai took her to a row of small stools and let her sit on one of them. In front of her was a big TV, which was playing cartoons. A mouse was dying like crazy, but a cat just couldn't kill it. , "Tom and Jerry".

She wanted to ask Xiaobai, calling her to come and see this?I saw Xiaobai sitting down beside her, upright, with his little face raised, and a silly smile on his face.

No need to ask, that's what Xiaobai meant. This hospitality is really unique, comparable to Boss Zhang's scarf.

Xiaobai turned to look at her, and said with a smile, ""The Windmill and the False Sophistication" is so cute."

Wu Shiying didn't understand. At this time, a kid came to the other side. Oh, I know him. It's the one with the braided horns. It seems to be called Liuliu.

Liuliu looked at her and laughed, and sat down on her left.When others watch cartoons, she stares at her without taking her eyes off. Wu Shiying couldn't stand this kind of stare that was eager to stick to her face, and asked, "What's wrong, kid?"

The durian thief looked around, stretched out his head to look at Xiaobai, saw that Xiaobai was foolishly indulging in "The Windmill and the Fake Sophistication", and whispered to Wu Shiying: "Miss sister, Boss Zhang has a fat girlfriend." .”


"I've seen Boss Zhang's fat female friend, it's not you, ho ho ho~~~~"

Of course she knew about Boss Zhang's fat female friend, and she was the one who assisted her. She was a little matchmaker, but she didn't know it.


Zhang Tan didn't know that there was a bold kid fanning the flames. He was rubbing the potion on Xi'er at the moment, and Teacher Xiao Liu told Xi'er not to touch the water tonight.

Xi'er obediently nodded and said yes, and watched curiously as Boss Zhang gently rubbed the potion on her, and then put on the band-aid.

"I will tell you about the pain in the future." Zhang Tan said.

"Are you going to tell me if my sister is not here?"

"Of course."

"Okay, I'll talk to Boss Zhang later."

"Okay, that's fine, you go and play."

"I'm going to find Liuliu." Xi'er skipped away.

When Zhang Tan found Wu Shiying, she was watching cartoons, she was quite absorbed.

"Go to my house." Zhang Tan said, taking Xiao Bai with him at the same time.

Wu Shiying came to Zhang Tan's house for the first time, except for the exquisite decoration, everything was quite ordinary, not like a rich man's style at all.

In their eyes in the studio, Zhang Tan is out-and-out rich. He is the screenwriter of "Unlucky Bear" and "Woman Thirty". He still publishes books, but after he joined the studio, he realized that he has such a large piece of land in the city center, which is priceless, which shows that the family is rich.

And his demeanor is also in line with the standard of a rich man. When the studio was just established and a project was not done, he organized them to gather for a week.For other bosses, it is serious to launch projects as soon as possible. Only after making achievements and making money can they organize everyone to travel.

However, when he came to Zhang Tan's house at this moment, he found that his life was quite simple.

When Wu Shiying came back from her thoughts, Xiaobai gave her a picture.

"Did you draw this? It's really good."

Xiaobai nodded, his lips moved, trying to say something, but in the end he didn't.

 There will be another chapter, but it won't be until the early hours of the morning, everyone, go to bed first, and read it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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