Daddy Academy

Chapter 2130

Chapter 2130
Xiao Xiaobai made a "bang bang chicken" yesterday, pretending to make a big cock in it.

But now I can't find it.

She drilled everywhere, searched everywhere, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally found her small wooden bowl in the dog hole under Xi'er's reminder. The small wooden bowl contained delicious "Bang Bang Chicken".

I don't know which conscientious person actually put her dick in the dog hole! !
Little Bairen is small, but she also knows that this is a huge insult to her!

Holding a stick chicken, she stood in the yard yelling loudly, jittering, and she looked very angry, and the problem was very serious.

She couldn't find who did it, so she had no choice but to go crazy for a while. She wanted to let it go, but the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she couldn't just let it go!
She was the only one in this yard, she was so angry, but no one knew she was so angry!
Can't let it go!
So she ran to the backyard, everyone was busy in the backyard, even Xiaobai and Xi'er were there, she stood in the yard, sending out another output, chattering, with a stern face, serious and dignified.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were already used to it, and no one paid any attention to her.

Zhang Tan took time out to take a look while he was busy, but Xiao Xiaobai followed him and yelled at him.

"What's Xiaobai angry about?" Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai in a low voice.

Xiaobai is busy, queuing up to fry her autumn guaizi, and asked Secretary Xi to tell him.

Secretary Xi really likes to do this: "Xiao Xiaobai's sticky chicken yesterday was put in the dog hole. She was very angry, and she didn't know who did it."

"Oh~ so, she doesn't know who did it, right?"

Xi'er shook her head.

Zhang Tan didn't say anything else, and continued to burn firewood.

He spends most of the day burning fires and can run for the Burning Boy.

Tan Jiner's Dengying Beef was ready and put it in a pot to keep warm. Xiaobai stepped forward anxiously, saying that it was time to make their loach tofu.

Of course, relying on her and Xi'er, it is definitely not possible to cook this dish. Teacher Jiang is needed as a technical consultant and Tan Jiner as a technical guide.

Zhang Tan's duties remained unchanged, and he continued to light the fire.

"Old man, don't put out your fire." Xiao Bai repeatedly urged.

"Don't worry about that, you don't know my ability to cook fire, but your grandma and sister Jin'er know that I cook all the food you eat these days." Zhang Tan was full of confidence.

Xiaobai and Xi'er started making loach tofu.

Xiao Xiaobai, who had been scolding outside for a long time, finally called it a day, and ran into the kitchen, stood by the stove, and craned his neck to look into the pot curiously.

The doll finally lost her temper.

"Don't put chili in loach drilled tofu, this one doesn't put chili in it." Tan Jiner said.

"It won't taste good if you don't let it go." Xiaobai raised a question about the technical guidance for the first time.

"This dish is mainly light, how can you put chili in tofu." Tan Jiner said.

Xi'er interjected, "Then put some sugar, hiahia~"

In the morning, I ate the tofu flower from Dunzi’s house. It was also tofu, with sugar added, it was delicious.

These two children are also very inquisitive.

It's a pity that sugar can't be added. What does Qiuguaizi with sugar taste like?unimaginable!

Finally, the loach and tofu came out of the pot. Looking at the steaming hot dish, Xiaobai and Xier felt a sense of accomplishment, their faces glowed, and they wanted to taste it immediately.

"Grandma eats first." Xiaobai said.

If there are good things, give priority to grandma.

Teacher Jiang didn't refuse, picked up a small piece of tofu with chopsticks, and praised the taste as delicious.

Tan Jin'er also took a sip, Zhang Tan, Xiao Bai and Xi'er praised the taste as incomparable.

After the sense of ceremony was over, Xiaobai wanted to put loach and tofu in a pot to keep warm. At this time, Xi'er reminded her that there was still Xiaobai who hadn't tasted it yet.

Xiaobai looked back, only to see Xiaobai crying, about to cry.

"Aha, we all only took a small bite and saved it all for Xiaobai. Xiaobai, do you want to eat?" Xiaobai said.

Mr. Meng is very good at talking. One sentence dispelled the dark clouds that Xiao Xiaobai said, and the sun came out.

"I'll give Xiaobai a piece of autumn guaizi to eat."

Xiaobai took a deep-fried loach for Xiaobai to taste, and wished her to grow up quickly and become Shuo's second child.

Xiao Xiaobai ate happily, gave a thumbs up, and was very good at cheering.

Seeing that everyone put the food in the pot to keep warm, she also held up her own chicken and asked to put it in the pot together.

Xiao Bai looked at this bowl of sticky chicken made of wood, stones, sand, and soil, and felt embarrassed.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but if she puts this in the pot and puts it side by side with her loach and tofu, the old man's vinegared mandarin fish, and Jin'er's sister's Dengying beef, will these dishes think so?What would the loach think?What would tofu think?What would mandarin fish think?What would the cow think?What would the lamp think?
However, Xiao Xiaobai was very stubborn, holding his Bangbang chicken and insisting on putting it in the pot to keep it warm.

Her Chicken Bangbang is also cold, it doesn't taste good when it's cold.

Why treat her dick differently?

Xiaobai and Xi'er persuaded her, and finally Xiaobai reluctantly handed the Bangbangji to old man Zhang.

Zhang Tan was speechless.

"Is it appropriate to give it to me?"

Xiaobai and Xi'er nodded together: "It's suitable~"

Xiao Xiaobai also nodded, looking at his uncle expectantly, as if he had given his uncle a sacred mission.

Zhang Tan had no choice but to make do with it. While lighting the fire, he held the bowl of so-called Bang Bang Chicken to keep warm artificially.

Just now, Xiao Xiaobai was still worried that he would steal food, so she stood by his side and guarded against him for a long time.

Zhang Tanxin said, if you look at me with this defensive look for another second, I will return the Bang Bang chicken to you, and I will not take this job.

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to have heard his heart, and left.

However, Zhang Tan found that this little guy was standing at the kitchen door watching him and monitoring him.Her small body was outside, with half of her head protruding from the door.

As if no one would find her! ! !

Zhang Tan almost let go of his burden, but it was Tan Jiner who comforted him and gave him psychological training, so he passed the test in his heart.

At ten past eleven o'clock in the morning, Ma Lanhua called and asked them if the food was ready, and if it was done, they would send it to the square. Now every family was heading to the square.

Zhang Tan and everyone immediately put the prepared meals into two large bamboo cages and carried them to the square.

Zhang Tan lifted one by himself, Teacher Jiang and Tan Jin'er jointly lifted one, Xiao Bai and Xi'er joined hands, Xiao Xiaobai was holding her own chicken, a little unhappy, she wanted to put her chicken in it several times In the big cage, but repeatedly rejected.

Behind them, Dunzi's family also came.

So Xiao Xiaobai wanted to rub the cage at Dunzi's house, but Xiaobai held his little hand and refused to let him go.

After entering the village, I met more people on the road. When I saw Zhang Tan and the others, I greeted them warmly.

"It's done! So many dishes!"

"Come and taste my house!"


Xiaobai and Xi'er enthusiastically responded to everyone and extended invitations to everyone, already canvassing for votes.

When we walked to the square, there were already many people in the square, especially many children and dogs.

As soon as the village head saw Zhang Tan, he immediately greeted him, and his seat had already been reserved.

Next to the seat is the family of Ma Lanhua, and the food is still in the steamer.

"You little guy, you won't go home after going out early in the morning, will you?" Ma Lanhua saw Xiao Xiaobai appearing beside her, and called her over angrily, and looked at her to see if there were any missing arms or legs. of.

Xiao Xiaobai's mother, Yang Yi, also couldn't laugh or cry. After returning to Baijia Village, Xiao Xiaobai became much more lively, but she was too lively, so she didn't go home when she was only 2 years old. It's hard to see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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