Daddy Academy

Chapter 2044 Wang Xiaoyu regrets too much

Chapter 2044 Wang Xiaoyu regrets too much

Wang Xiaoyu felt that he was suitable to come to Little Red Horse Academy. What he admired most was his uncle, and what he liked most were Xiaobai and Xiaobai's friends.

Little Red Horse Academy is much more fun than grandma's house, and there are many friends here.

When he arrived tonight, he heard that Xiwawa was going to give a safety lecture, so he immediately moved a small stool. As soon as he sat down, people came from left and right. When he looked sideways, it was Liuliu and Dudu.

These two are his good friends, Wang Xiaoyu greeted them happily, and two big smiling faces responded to him.

Liuliu enthusiastically asked about his study, life and work, his words were full of concern, and he was more careful than his parents.

Dudu asked him when he came, and when he learned that he would arrive in the afternoon, he asked him how many days he planned to stay and whether he had brought homework.

Wang Xiaoyu didn't bring his homework, but he brought his baby and said he would show them later.

Liu Liududu looked at each other, a cunning little fox and the other stupid little fox with clear eyes both laughed secretly, thinking that this baby was what they thought.

During the lecture, Xiwawa’s talk was full of joy, and it was getting better and better. The audience at the scene listened less and less. It may be that there are too many knowledge points, and everyone needs to go back and digest it.

After finishing speaking, Dudu immediately stepped forward diligently and handed a water glass to Xiwawa.

Xiwawa unscrewed the lid, drank a few sips, oops a few times, full of aftertaste, it was a very contented state.

However, the audience at the scene walked a lot and became sparse.

However, Xiwawa didn't mind, because as soon as she finished speaking, there was applause at the scene, and Xiaobai took the lead in applauding. After realizing it, Wang Xiaoyu took the most enthusiastic shots, Duduliu was the most atmospheric, booed, and Dudu was the most caring, I am calling back the children who have left, even if they come back and applaud before leaving.Hiahia laughed and said happily, "Next, we're going to draw a lottery~"

Duliu was overjoyed, raised his hands and cheered, especially driving the atmosphere.

Xiaobai brought the prize, which was a big cardboard box. Liuliududu and Wang Xiaoyu looked inside, and saw four pink helmets.

That's right, tonight's prize is a pink helmet, sponsored by Godfather.

Xi'er began to yell, saying that as long as she always wears a pink helmet, she can live a long life, and it is not a problem to live to a hundred years old.

The list was quickly drawn out, one for Duliu, one for Xiaoli, one for Xiaonian, and one for Shi Baobao.

Children who leave early are not eligible for the lucky draw.

Wang Xiaoyu regretted not to be reconciled, why didn't he win the draw.

Seeing him so regretful, Xier told him thoughtfully: "You are not in the lottery list, hiahiahia~"

Surprise, not unexpected?
Liuliu was overjoyed, she actually won the lottery and got a pink helmet. She couldn't wait to put it on her head, but found that the helmet was too small to fit in.

"Liu Liu, then give it back to me." Xi'er said heartlessly.

Liuliu disagreed 1 times. This was won by her lottery, so how could she return it to her.

She couldn't wear it, but she could give it away, so she decided to give it to Dudu.

Dudu told her that he had a helmet.

When she skates, she wears a helmet and knee pads, which are already prepared at home.

Liuliu immediately ran to offer courtesies to Cheng Cheng, saying that she would give Cheng Cheng a long-lived baby.

The filial piety is commendable, and it can even be said to be earth-shattering, but Cheng Cheng glanced at the helmet, showing no interest.

She is a little fairy, and she doesn't wear such a hard helmet, unless she is given bunny ears or something.

Liuliu: "..."

In the end, Liuliu gave the helmet to a little girl in the academy. This little girl will leave after tonight and go back to her hometown for the Spring Festival.

It may be the last farewell. Liuliu unexpectedly gave the helmet to the other party, wishing the other party a smooth journey and healthy growth.

"Wang Xiaoyu, let's go see your baby."

Liuliu, who gave the helmet, was in high spirits, thinking about Wang Xiaoyu's baby.

Dudu came up calmly, and the three of them went upstairs like thieves, and came to Lao Zhang's house...

Not long after, a drone took off from the balcony on the third floor, buzzing and flying around in the yard, disturbing the parrots who were listening to the radio.

The parrot quacked loudly, not knowing what the hell it was, and threatened to kill him.

Suddenly, a sturdy little figure quickly ran down the corridor, dashed down the steps, jumped into the yard, slammed on the brakes under the bird cage, stood there, and looked up at the screaming parrot in the cage.

The parrot fell silent for a moment, turned its head, and pretended to look elsewhere.

It can't afford to mess with the children below.

"Miss Zhao, is this your drone?"

Lao Li, who was drinking tea, asked, staring at the drones flying above his head.

This is a bit provocative to him, it's not good to fly, if you insist on flying over his head, he is really worried that the drone will fall and hit his teapot.

"It's not mine, it's Wang Xiaoyu's baby. Does your parrot want to kill the plane?"

Although Dudu was asking Lao Li, his eyes were aimed at the parrot in the air. The parrot was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, and wanted to say "Don't dare".

The child stuck under it and stared at it, staring at it made him feel hairy.

Lao Li rescued the parrot, saying that it was just a strong talker.

Dudu nodded, and said to the parrot above his head, "You are a strong talker."

The parrot nodded, and Dudu left.

It was late at night, and Little Red Marie was quiet. The children had either returned home, or were going to sleep in the dormitory on the second floor.

There is only a lonely street lamp on in the yard, faintly.

In the old Zhang's house on the third floor, Wang Xiaoyu's wailing kept coming, and those who heard it wept, and those who heard it were sad.

The parrot was in the sentry box, staring at the direction of the window, looking in the direction of Xiao Zhang's house, listening carefully to the wails of humans, imagining that it was the human child at night.

Wang Xiaoyu's heart was broken, his regret was unbearable, and he couldn't breathe because of the heartache.

Xiaobai gloated.

"Oh, who asked you to give me the drone? It didn't steal you, but you gave it to me. Who is to blame? Who is to blame? I said don't give it, don't give it, you slammed Why don’t you listen? If you don’t listen, there’s nothing I can do.”

In this way, Wang Xiaoyu's heart ached so much that he almost had a myocardial infarction.

That's right, that's right, Xiaobai is right, he gave the drone to Liuliu on his own initiative!

He didn't know what he was thinking at the time, maybe he lost his mind and went crazy, he was blinded by lard, and he was tricked by Liu Liu's sweet words!

He actually lent his baby to Liuliu to play with.

It wasn't until Liuliu left that he realized that when he thought of giving his big baby to someone like Liuliu, the first thing he worried about was whether there would be debts that would not be repaid?The second worry is whether the drone will fall apart and only the parts will be returned to him?
The more I think about it, the more sad it becomes.

Wang Xiaoyu's heart was broken.

Xiao Bai, who was sent here to comfort him, repeatedly made sarcastic remarks, which magnified his remorse several times.

This night, for Wang Xiaoyu, was destined to be a sleepless night.

"Xiaobai, can you call Liuliu?"

Wang Xiaoyu asked.

"Where do you live?" Xiaobai asked.

"Let me ask Liuliu, is my drone okay?"

"Hey, don't ask, what if it's broken?"

Wang Xiaoyu's pain doubled instantly.

After Xiaobai teased him for a while, he still called him. Liuliu on the other end of the phone said that she was researching the drone and wanted to understand the principle.

Liuliu didn't study food, drink and play, but studied the principle of airplanes, which was very scary. Wang Xiaoyu was anxious, and repeatedly told her not to dismantle it.

After repeating her assurances, Liuliu hung up the phone amidst laughter.

Wang Xiaoyu, who should have been relieved, felt a little nervous, because Liuliu's last laugh really made him feel very insecure.

That kind of big Yanyan who is laughing is too unsteady, and people are too worried that it is the prelude soundtrack for her to do bad things.

(End of this chapter)

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