Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 752 The Eye of True Knowledge

Chapter 752 The Eye of True Knowledge
The "id" subconscious, full of desires, could be suppressed by self-management in the past, but when it changed from subconscious to a distinct consciousness that can be accurately felt by oneself, the id and ego began to fight.

One is the truest desire of oneself, and the other is the reality and rationality shaped by one's own cognition and external norms. When the self surpasses the self, the result can be imagined.

So there is an old saying that among the ten supernatural powers, one is crazy, two are stupid, and seven are struggling on the edge of good and evil.

One thought becomes a demon, and one thought becomes a Buddha.

Just like this, at the stage of supernatural powers, the most important thing is to educate the self and clarify the state of mind, so as to find the superego and enter the spiritual realm.

Zhan Changfeng "sees" his own self-consciousness. The strange thing is that the self-consciousness of creatures is generally survival, reproduction, self-interest, and pursuit of pleasure, but hers is sacrifice and creation.

"." Her complexion was a little weird, but creation was normal, and the fun she pursued came from it.

But what about sacrifice?

She thought of the gods who consumed herself to death, and felt a little scary. She respected the act of sacrifice, but did not admire it.

Just like she is the people of the gods, in the face of the living beings committing suicide and attracting immeasurable calamity, she can block part of them for them, and if she can't stop them, let them bear the evil consequences of themselves, and she will create some other living beings That's it, why sacrifice yourself.

She thought that in the self-consciousness of the gods and people, they must be more kind and soft-hearted than her, so they have come to this point.

Although the two words “sacrifice” and “creation” do not seem to be a big problem, they actually need to be restrained. Sacrifice is appropriate or excessive, and creation may also bring evil or good results.

She doesn't want to be a great sage who gives selflessly everywhere, nor does she want to lose morality and create things that shouldn't be allowed in the world.

After her rational and realistic self firmly controlled her id, she felt a bit of clarity.

Finally reached the third step.

The third step is to open the spirit point.

The spiritual acupoint is the foundation for all living beings to see the Dao, the channel to communicate with the consciousness of the universe, and the source of supernatural powers.

When the spiritual acupoint is opened, an invisible line seems to be connected between the living beings and the heaven and the earth. From the state of life and death, "the mountain is not a mountain, and the water is not water", and then returns to "the mountain is a mountain, and the water is water". See through the essence of all things.

At the same time, opening the spiritual acupoint is also the beginning of enlightenment!
Transcendence. Life and death realm is to teach people to step into the Dao, and supernatural powers and spiritual lessons belong to the stage of proving the Dao.

The spiritual acupoint plays a key role in proving the Tao.

In the realm of supernatural powers, cultivation bases are no longer divided into small successes, major successes, peaks, and completeness, but have become "proofs".

In the supernatural stage, the Tao seed will break out and grow a trunk. Taking the trunk as a reference, generally speaking, if it grows second, it means that it has not yet entered the stream; if it looks neither bad nor bad, it is a small perfection; Zhen.

And to judge whether it is good or bad, you have to look at the spiritual acupoint.

Taoists often say that there are nine levels of supernatural powers, and these nine levels refer to the nine great spiritual points.

The spiritual acupoint is used to receive revelations from heaven and earth, and to realize the laws of supernatural powers.And the laws of supernatural powers that have been comprehended are the nourishment for irrigating Dao seeds.

It can also be understood that the more spiritual acupoints, the more supernatural powers, and the better the growth of the trunk.

But not everyone can discover the nine spiritual acupoints. Ordinary Taoists can only open one or two acupoints, which is not considered influent.

Usually, monks who have opened three to six spiritual acupoints have a chance to achieve the Lesser Perfection, monks who have opened seven to eight spiritual acupoints can achieve the Great Perfection, and only when they have all nine spiritual acupoints can they realize the ultimate state.

And this small perfection, great perfection, and ultimate realm represent a threshold of potential after entering the realm of spiritual appreciation. What's more, monks who can't even reach the small perfection have no chance of achieving the true fruit of cultivation.

Zhan Changfeng is guarding the Lingtai, and the primordial spirit faintly feels out of his body. A thread connects her with the Dao of the Universe, and the first spiritual acupoint opens!

She was going to cultivate the eye of cause and effect into supernatural powers before, and she felt that she already had a certain understanding of cause and effect. However, at this time, she found that she still had only a half-knowledge of cause and effect, but she had a deeper understanding of perspective, hyperopia, and remote vision.

The apocalypse sensed in the cave is also about them.

Farsightedness represents distance, perspective represents space, and remote viewing represents time.

Zhan Changfeng Yuanshen sat in the spiritual acupoint and entered a mysterious realm of enlightenment.

The spiritual acupoint is an important way for you to communicate with the will of the universe. When you pass through the spiritual acupoint and realize a certain feeling to the extreme, you will be recognized by the heaven and the earth, thus producing supernatural powers.

In the final analysis, supernatural powers come from one's own understanding of the Tao, and are generally affected by three factors.

One is the Tao talent.

The second is that it is affected by the cultivation method, which is also easy to explain. Generally speaking, the cultivation method is in line with oneself, the artistic conception is relatively clear, and it is easier to realize it through. It will naturally become supernatural powers, and some even tell you directly How to cultivate supernatural powers, like her Nine Heavens Thunder.

The situation of three is more complicated and rare. It may be because of a sudden epiphany, a thought born out of thin air, or a lifetime obsession.Those who conform to the "Tao" have a chance to touch supernatural powers.

Let’s talk about the types of supernatural powers in detail. There is no doubt that supernatural powers will become stronger with their own strength, but in essence, there are still differences, just like apprentices and masters. In other words, it is the depth of interpretation of the truth.

Since ancient times, monks have believed that the supernatural powers naturally born in response to heaven and earth are more difficult to comprehend than their own. In this way, supernatural powers are divided into three more obvious categories.

One is the supernatural powers that act on the person himself, such as speed, strength, defense blessing, etc.

One type is supernatural powers that act on other people and things, such as marrying a dream, sending a staff, searching for things, and so on.

The most unpredictable is the last category, which is an extension of the first and second categories. It involves the original rules, and can be transformed into growth and promoted to a higher standard as the understanding deepens.It is not necessarily impossible to move mountains and fill seas. Reversing Yin and Yang, controlling the power of the source, and practicing the way of good fortune.

This kind of supernatural power is called Tianji supernatural power.Such as Jiuxiao Shenlei.

Dao talent is the most likely to cultivate supernatural powers.

But it is also the most difficult, and the difficulty lies in the word "self-enlightenment".

Zhan Changfeng's brows frowned subconsciously, and there was an extra vertical line. According to her deduction, it is better to let these three visions become one magical power instead of merging them into one.

The card is stuck on fusion.

Zhan Changfeng subconsciously conjured up a chessboard, looked up, and saw Yi Changsheng sitting opposite her.

"Alright, let's play a game of chess first, easy and relaxed." She picked up the sunspot, and when it landed, it was a piece of fighting iron horse. She seemed to be drawn into a real battle. , Set up, control, and break the game!
Zhan Changfeng's soul sea was spinning rapidly to maintain his brainpower, and the speed of the moves was so fast that he became a ghost.

At this time, not only the intelligence is tested, but also the strength of the soul. Without the support of a strong soul, who can persevere under such mental pressure!

Holding sunspots in her hand, she strategizes in battles and battles of mind every step of the way.

Conspiracy, conspiracy, treachery, deceit, unpredictable traps, and the thrill of turning the tide, the vicissitudes of life are full of vicissitudes in black and white.

She is also asking herself, why did the three-sight talent sprout, and what does she want the three-sightedness for?
It is her farsightedness that has spatial hyperopia, her prediction of unseen things has time remote vision, and her insight into people has clairvoyance!

Zhan Changfeng felt that his soul was a little empty, but he didn't have enough soul power, so he needed more energy!

Huang Ting stores essence, Crimson Palace stores Qi, and Zifu stores God. At this time, the energy and spirit are in full swing, and the harmony between body and soul has reached its peak!

Suddenly lightning pierced the sky and thunder rumbled.

The sky above the battlefield changed suddenly, the purple gold thunder leaped and swam, and the power of catastrophe suddenly suppressed.

The people of the Yaoguang Corps who were scattered all over the place were inexplicably surprised, "Is it the Patriarch's Thunder, or the Heavenly Tribulation? It seems, I can't tell the difference."

"It's a catastrophe in the realm of supernatural powers!"

"Who is crossing the catastrophe?"

At this time, there is no need to ask, this time, Zhan Changfeng entered the life and death realm.

She actually survived the tribulation here!

Everyone was in a mixed mood, should they exclaim that she had crossed the tribulation, or should they be terrified that she had crossed the tribulation with supernatural powers.

It is said that their patriarch has entered the realm of life and death for less than ten years. Doesn't it mean that it takes a century for a top genius in the standard sense to enter the realm of supernatural powers!
But soon, people's expressions changed again, "Is this really a catastrophe of supernatural powers?!"

The purple-gold lightning is like a huge tree branch map, shattering the sky, thunder rolls past, and the might of heaven is approaching.

Everyone withdrew from the edge of the battlefield and watched from afar.

Xu Yang, the deputy head of the regiment, froze his expression. There are also three, six or nine levels of thunder calamity. Generally, those who survive supernatural catastrophe are the common one-clear white thunder, and the more powerful ones are the three-clear golden thunder. But the color and power of this thunder calamity now, Rare.

"Curse Life and Death Thunder!" Someone shouted.

"A curse of life and death thunder, meet at the gate of ghosts, an extremely vicious catastrophe!"

Their faces turned pale, why did they attract such a catastrophe?
At this time, the dark place where Zhan Changfeng was located was overflowing with purple gold current, and the whole space was full of extremely terrifying Tianwei.

The seal of rebirth is printed on the side, the eyes of hell are opened, the qi of the crimson palace moves, and the five qi envelop the whole body.

The thunder of purple gold crashed down, the seal of reincarnation was suppressed, the eye of hell was controlled, and the five energies were refined!
Zhan Changfeng raised his right hand and made a move.

Thunder Tribulation is the gathering of energy from heaven and earth, and it is also an important part of the Dao of the Heavenly God.
Lei Yuan is integrated into the meridian Yuan Qi, the flesh and blood are being purified again, the momentum is being released, and the power of life and death is stepping through the threshold of supernatural powers.

Is this the end?

not yet.

Zhan Changfeng's consciousness has been immersed in the illusory chessboard, and even those defenses are laid unconsciously.

At this moment, with the support of Yuanli, her soul power is also recovering, her Lingtai is very clear, and the situation on the chessboard is clear at a glance.

Prediction, insight, breaking!

Supernatural powers, the eye of true knowledge!
She wants to use this ability to see through distance, space, and time, to penetrate time and space, to be omniscient and omnipotent, and to control reality!

Once settled, Bai Zi's momentum began to disintegrate.

Zhan Changfeng looked at Yi Changsheng on the opposite side with the powerful power of his early supernatural powers, piercing through time and space.

"No, this child is going to die, so I can't keep it."

"Ahem, don't, don't, send it to my brother's house."

In the flashing picture, Zhan Changfeng saw the old nanny take away the angry one from the two babies beside the mother.

Why Li Chonghua again? What she wanted to see was why Yi Changsheng fell into a deep sleep.

Entering supernatural powers, opening the first spiritual acupoint, and becoming supernatural powers, Zhan Changfeng's goal has been completed, his realm has been consolidated, he stands tall, his eyes are dim, should she go to find this blood brother?

(End of this chapter)

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