Chapter 429

Shouhe has become a war-torn area, Yin Wan changed the location and chose Yancheng, which is relatively safe in the rear, to conduct the transaction.

Zhan Changfeng took the things and met Yan Weishan on the road. His figure was still as straight as a sword, but his eyes were haggard.

He seemed to be here specially waiting for her, and asked, "Does this war have anything to do with me?"

"A drop of water can make waves in a lake. Everything in the world is related. If you want to compare pennies and pennies, you can think so."

Zhan Changfeng was quite dissatisfied with his question, "As a powerful cultivator and involved in power struggles, whether you intend to or not, you should understand that your every move may have many collateral consequences. You can't see your own position clearly, and you can't even predict the impact of every action, so you should not think about it at all, hold your sword with peace of mind, and obey your orders."

Yan Weishan asked, "Should I be manipulated and obey orders in a daze?"

"You've used the word 'at the mercy' wrongly, let alone the level of vision. The size of the layout, if you think you have been manipulated, you are questioning your previous actions. A swordsman will be shaken afterwards. Doubting this kind of mood shows that your state of mind is not at home."

Zhan Changfeng said coldly, "I ask you, every step you take, is it something you do voluntarily and in your heart?"

He was the one who tracked down the evil cultivators, he was the one who accidentally destroyed Haoyao Mountain, and he was the one who challenged Ghost Fang to block the Huangquan Road. If you look into the reasons behind it carefully, he will not be able to tell who made it under the guidance of who made it, or whether it was done on his own initiative.

Yan Weishan was not reconciled, "It was you who reminded me to study carefully, and it was you who told me not to study carefully. What is right and what is wrong."

"Within a certain range, it is feasible to judge the facts by right and wrong, but it is not absolute." Zhan Changfeng suddenly raised his hand, and a person who was punching and drinking in a tavern fell stiffly to the ground.

Yan Weishan naturally noticed her movements, and a look of anger appeared on his face, "Why did you hurt someone's life!"

"Do you think I'm wrong, but he is a robber in the mountains, and he has many lives on his hands." Zhan Changfeng's ears moved slightly, and he stopped the person next to him, "There are six people in your family, and a child was just added the day before yesterday.

"Hey, who are you, have you asked about me?" The short middle-aged man was wary.

"No, I'm a fortune teller."

The short middle-aged man couldn't believe it, but struggled in his eyes, "Come on, count my son, I'll believe you if I'm sure."

"Karma and effect are fair, if I tell you, what should you give in exchange?"

"Hey, I still have some money."

Zhan Changfeng took one hundred spirit stones from him, and said, "There is a big snake beside you."

The short middle-aged man was startled and angry, and sarcastically said, "Nonsense, my son is at home, with my parents and wife by his side, how could he be in danger."

After he finished speaking, he hurried home, but there was no adult in the house. He rushed into the house, scared out of his wits, a big snake was wrapped around the baby's cradle, its huge head was facing the baby!

Yan Weishan's divine consciousness also discovered this scene, and silently released a wisp of sword energy to kill the big snake.

Zhan Changfeng said, "Do you think you're right? It's a house snake. It just showed up to take care of the child because the adults were away."

Yan Weishan carefully sensed the aura of the big snake, and it was indeed very clean. His whole body was shaken, and his eyes were filled with sadness and anger, "Then why didn't you make it clear!"

"The middle-aged man can't hurt it. Even if it is seen, it can still leave safely. You are unnecessary."

"Nonsense, it's clear that you deliberately lured me into action!"

"Look, this is the difference between me and you. I know more, so I can guide you. You don't know anything, and you can only make choices according to your own nature. Do you think I am manipulating you? But Who is to blame, it's not that you are stupid."

Yan Weishan blushed, "You ignore good and evil and deliberately lead me to kill it. This is a big mistake!"

"Do you feel guilty about that snake, do you blame yourself, do you hate me?" Zhan Changfeng smiled, "But I don't care about your feelings, because your act of killing that snake is what I hope you will do. Do it."

"You don't know how to repent!"

"I calculated that it will eat people and fall into the evil way in order to cultivate in a year. If you don't kill it now, thousands of people will die because of it in the future."

"Even so, you can't kill it directly. It hasn't done any evil at the moment. You can choose to influence it and help it cultivate!"

Zhan Changfeng appreciated his emotions, and said, "This is my choice. I can choose to kill it now or wait for it to eat people in the future. I can choose to kill it myself, or Choose to lead you to kill it, or choose to ignore it and influence it, but the moment you see it, you can only choose to kill it, do you understand why?"

Yan Weishan's face was frozen into a block of ice, because... he was stupid, he believed in her evil, he had no choice? !
"Fate is generally like this. There are always unexpected accidents. You don't know whether you are living according to your own wishes or living on someone else's chessboard, but you can do everything with a clear conscience."

Zhan Changfeng folded his sleeves, turned and left, "I just lied to you, that big snake has already eaten the adults of his family, and was just about to eat the children."

Yan Weishan's induction changed, and blood appeared on the big snake with clean breath, and when he looked around the house, there were pools of blood!

It must have been covered by her, otherwise how could he not have noticed!
Yan Weishan's face twitched a few times, and gradually calmed down, as if he had realized something, admiration rose in his eyes, he clasped his fists in both hands, and bowed to the back of the retreating figure, "Thank you, but what should I do if I am deceived and guided? "

"If you can't find out, just hide and practice with peace of mind. If you can't hide, just follow the person you trust the most. If you can find out, then it's up to you."

Yan Weishan bowed solemnly again, "Exploration. Have a clear conscience." These two words have been hovering in his heart for a long time. He may not be able to complete the investigation, but he can think twice before acting, restrain his behavior, and have a clear conscience.

There was a war ahead, and Yancheng was panicking. Looking at this city that he hadn't returned for a long time, maybe he should do something to make up for the sudden war.

There are so many things going on in the world of mountains and seas, Zhao Shunde deeply feels that there are too many things going on in this world recently, and it seems that many monks from outside the world have come. Among the stars extending in all directions.

Jian Su looked out of the ship curiously, was shocked by the wonders of the universe, came back to his senses, and pestered Daoist Zhao to talk about the affairs of the sect.

Daoist Zhao's language is good, and he painted a brilliant scene of bright clouds, hazy blue fog, red bearded dragons, colorful feathers and luan cries, golden towers soaring to the sky, and thousands of Taoists. dream.

The sudden darkness woke him up, and just as Zhao Shunde was looking around warily, the spirit ship seemed to break into a certain cloud of black mist, and the terrifying force weighed on his heart.

"What's going on here?" Just as Jian Su finished speaking, a big hand came out to arrest him.

Before Zhao Shunde could use his kung fu, he was imprisoned by an inexplicable force, and he couldn't help being shocked.

In a critical moment, Jian Su was pushed by someone, fell a long way, raised his head, the black mist dissipated, and his big hand disappeared, he hurriedly looked around, panic climbed onto his face, "Where is Lin Han, where is my sister? !"

She was standing beside him just now!
Zhao Shunde's expression turned ugly, "Don't worry, wait for me to ask Master to investigate."

Jian Su lost his composure and yelled in pain, "Then when will we wait, why, who is going to make things difficult for us!"

The skill of the sneak attacker is far above that of Zhao Shunde, there is no trace when he comes and goes, and the star journey around him leads to many worlds, Zhao Shunde doesn't know what to do, so he needs to appease Jian Su first and bring him back to the sect , and then ask Master to find someone.

(End of this chapter)

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