Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 412 The Ancient God of Wealth

Chapter 412 The Ancient God of Wealth
boat inn
"My lord." Jin Buhuan shaved his beard, tied his hair, and changed into a silk shirt with gold-rimmed moiré patterns. The savage transformed into a handsome middle-aged man with a rich and noble face when he smiled.

"Put out your hand."

Jin Buhuan stretched out his hand, and saw the lord whom he had just recognized was on his pulse. He felt that this person did not seem like a superior person who would fight for hegemony, because she had no desire for power in her body, but she was pure and clean, but this person should be superior , Looking at all living beings.

It was the first time he met such a person, and there was no sense of pressure from Shangfeng. It was like meeting a friend in the midst of turmoil, chatting and laughing, casual and comfortable, but he couldn't help but reflect on his dress, words and deeds, whether he would be offensive to the other party.

One sentence brought back his god.

"Shouyuan is approaching?"

Jin Buhuan was amazed at Zhan Changfeng's supernatural powers, he could even see this.Smiling frankly and without embarrassment, "I still have five or sixty years left, but I will do my best."

"A certain person's wish in life is to imitate a person and accomplish what she cannot achieve. I believe in the lord, and I also believe in myself."

Zhan Changfeng is also expected, if he hadn't died in the life and death realm soon, I am afraid he would not be willing to realize his value as a subordinate.Life and death can be walked sideways in most places.

Jin Buhuan was trying to let Zhan Changfeng not have to worry about him, but he heard her say, "If you want to live, you can get the elixir that prolongs life and the exercises that break through the realm."

Zhan Changfeng talked with him for an hour, the content focused on how to do business, and there were some gossips.Zhan Changfeng doesn't know much about business matters, but she can predict a person's behavior from his words and body.

After the conversation, Zhan Changfeng directly gave him [-] million, "I want to see what you can do with this [-] million."

"Ah?" Jin Buhuan was silent for a while, "My lord, tell the truth, you came out to play from which hidden wealthy family."

The generosity is simply frightening.

It took less than three hours for them to meet together!But the other party seems to think that this is a trivial matter.

That old half-immortal really found a good lord for himself.

Zhan Changfeng was noncommittal, "You just need to remember that you are mine."

She went to Ling Weichu's room and pulled out [-]% of the fire poison for him. Although Ling Weichu didn't say it clearly, he should have been in the realm of life and death or a true king of supernatural powers. After all, he said that his palm was hit by a true king of supernatural powers of.

Under the palm of the supernatural master, he was tortured by fire and poison day and night without dying, and his own strength is quite good.

After detoxifying him a few days ago, his cultivation base of Xiaocheng Foundation Establishment has risen to the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

Ling Weichu felt much better again, and asked, "How are those two children going?"

"Not found yet."

Ling Weichu seemed to understand the depression in her words, and said in relief, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, you should get it back, and you will definitely get it back."

He held out a bunch of talismans, "These are all drawn by me recently, and the other two above are Miaoyu Guanxiang talismans. When using it, you need to eliminate distracting thoughts, and only leave a question you want to know the answer to. I will give you guidance, you use it carefully, and remember that sincerity leads to wisdom.”

Zhan Changfeng thought that this talisman was made of blood essence. Thinking that Ling Weichu had spent a lot of effort, he solemnly thanked him, "Mr. Ling has taken care of it. If I hadn't let them participate in the small meeting to find a teacher, they would not have suffered like this." Sin, whether they are dead or alive, I will definitely bring them back, give them an explanation, and give myself an explanation."

Ling Weichu nodded gently, and went to draw the talisman again.

Zhan Changfeng hadn't rested since he left the city lord's mansion during the day until the middle of the night. After finishing everything, he finally went back to his room to take a medicinal bath to rest.

Before it was half soaked, she couldn't take it easy, so she knocked on the bronze lamp twice to talk to Lianwei inside.

Talk to her about Jinbuhuan's point of view and principles in business, and ask her to help evaluate Jinbuhuan's ability in business.

Lianwei leaned against the stone table under the dead tree, listened carefully, and said, "It's good in theory, you want to hand over the assets of the Zhou clan and Shangdinghui to him?"

"Don't even think about it for the time being. The Day Clan is a military organization. As long as there are people who can take care of the finances, Shang Dinghui is not for profit. It is not suitable for a shrewd businessman like him. If he is really capable, he can make money alone. line, to provide additional material support to the Day Clan and Shang Ding Association."

After talking with Jin Buhuan, she knew that he could become a profitable businessman, but he would not become Lianwei.

If you want to use a metaphor, Jin Buhuan can gather the most wool from a sheep, but Lianwei can decide how to distribute the sheep, so that those people get more and those people get less.

"Speaking of which, he has something to do with you. He knows your name and calls you the God of Wealth."

Lianwei couldn't help laughing, "Someone still remembers it, no wonder some of his concepts are familiar, he should have got my business experience."

Zhan Changfeng was a little surprised, "Are you really the ancient God of Wealth?"

"It's just an expired name." Lianwei recalled, "I was born in the Nine Heavens of Wealth, and then I fell in Xuantian and worshiped the master. At that time, the Spring River Pavilion was not only a holy place for the way of space, but also a place for business. I am also a good hand, in the Jun, Cang, Bian, and Xuan under the governance of the demon court, most of the wealth flows to it, maybe it is also to win over the master, so the Taihuang God gave me the title of God of Wealth."

"At that time, I didn't understand anything. The master said that since I had the title approved by God, I should show my signs to the four heavens and collect beliefs to assist in cultivation. Later, I compiled a business scripture and rewarded my fanatics. I seem to have only given it to three people, because within a few years, the war of destruction began."

"Using faith to assist cultivation?" The way of hell is also related to faith.

"Positive beliefs can enhance one's luck, and even cultivate merit." Lianwei reminded intentionally, "The battle between princes and emperors is also a battle of faith in a certain way. Qin is good at luck. I think he has a plan in mind. It may do things for you from the perspective of shaping your beliefs and strengthening your luck."

Zhan Changfeng was thoughtful, "I did ask him to go to Shenzhou to help me stabilize my luck. I don't know exactly what he will do."

In addition to one's own strength and influence, luck, belief, and merit are also needed.

How this emperor's road should go, really needs to be carefully planned.

Zhan Changfeng chatted with Lianwei for a while, and finally finished the medicinal bath. Before dawn, he waited for the city gate to open, and went to the city lord's mansion to inquire about the news.

Cui Rong said helplessly, "What are you in a hurry for? We will find out. You think that interrogating prisoners is like playing tricks. It's complicated inside. How can it be so fast? The second round of the conference is in a secret place by the Lengjiang River. You first Go to participate, and I will tell you after the competition."

"I hope the inspector won't break his promise." Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, Zhan Changfeng had to retreat temporarily.

In fact, Cui Rong was not an excuse. He wanted to investigate day and night, but the superior asked them to slow down and let them do a good job of monitoring the meeting first. After the meeting, let a special person investigate the matter.

The usual affairs of the Shanhai Alliance are managed by the deacons elected by various forces. These supervisors are not permanent officials of the Shanhai Alliance, but are temporarily sent by various families for this conference. It is really bad if there is no permission from the above. Torture Chang Bensheng.

(End of this chapter)

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