Emperor Shentongjian

Chapter 336 Tracking the Frontier Soldiers

Chapter 336 Tracking the Frontier Soldiers
Zhan Changfeng picked up the square and dark gray formation stones. He heard that the refining method of ordinary formation stones is not complicated, but even simple things become rare due to the rules that cannot be passed on to outsiders.

This formation stone needs 100 spirit stones, and if it is engraved into a high-quality first-grade diamond formation, it will cost a thousand or eight hundred to buy it outside.

It is not difficult to get started with formations. Daoist practitioners will basically know the five elements, eight trigrams, heavenly stems and earthly branches. It is easier to understand how to set up formations on this basis. However, it becomes more and more profound as it goes on, and it will take a lot of energy to study it deeply, which may affect the cultivation. , In addition, the profound formations are all in the hands of the formations, and others can't easily learn them, so they are as rare as alchemists and craftsmen. The price of formations and flags on the market can be sky-high.

It will not happen to her that her cultivation will be affected by the array practice. The Dragon Armor God Chapter she cultivated originally deals with the innate gossip and the heavenly stems and earthly branches. For her, the array method is to combine these numbers. rearrange it.

Zhan Changfeng moved the blank formation stone, with Huaguang flowing on it, she picked up a pen and drew the formation less than three inches away from the formation stone. , black lines appear on the surface of the formation stone, that is the formation pattern of the Diamond Formation.

The largest range of the First Grade Vajra Formation is nine feet in radius, no matter how it can cover a camp, it is of no use to her, but it is good to build a military camp temporarily.

She also drew a level of falling stone formation and a level of ground binding formation, the former is an attacking formation, and the latter is a trapping formation.

After carving fifty formation stones for each of the three formations overnight and distributing them to the recruits, she gave up this meaningless labor and planned to go back to Heyuan to teach them how to draw the three formations. People from the Ministry of Industry arranged for them to build a protective project for the barracks.

After another five days, she selected a few reliable public officials from Zhencheng to be in charge of town management, and she took the recruits to the north to deal with Hu Chonghuan.

Hu Chong likes chicken thieves, he will contact his allies every two days, so as not to lag behind his news and miss something.

During this period of time, he sent Pan Zhishan two sound transmission charms but did not receive a response. He immediately broke up his 600-man team and sneaked to Pengtoujiao in the east to join Zhu Shanmin.

And Zhan Changfeng, who watched all this with a letterhead, did not stop. When she arrived at the camp where Hu Chonghuan was stationed, she cast a spell to incorporate the energy of the camp into fifty compasses, "They left not long ago, and now there are ten people Yishi, take a compass to track, ordinary frontier soldiers count as 10 merit points, that is to say, if you catch an ordinary frontier soldier, ten people in Yishi can add 10 merit points, Hu Chonghuan counts as 100 merit points, seven of his Each confidant counts as 50 merit points, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The recruits were excited. The reward for this mission is that they can participate in one less competition, that is, one less risk of being eliminated. There are no merit points for them. Merit points can only be obtained after completing the training of the new barracks I earned it, I didn't expect a meritorious mission to appear now!

Zhan Changfeng asked Shi Chang to get the compass, and showed Hu Chonghuan and his seven confidants' portraits, and ordered to follow, and 500 people quickly scattered away.

These recruits would be naive if they really thought that they had lost a crisis of elimination. Competitions, military exercises, and military regulations are only assessments on the surface, and privately they will evaluate their character and character based on their performance in these matters.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are observant, there will be no disciples. It is not that every soldier is required to have a strong heart and a noble character, but to weed out bad people and cultivate those worthy of training.

Zhan Changfeng is able to know many things on the island because she has stamped a large number of letterheads with the soul seal of Qing Jian.

And there are basically one or two common letterheads in each area. They don't need them to track people specially, and she can find everyone's traces from the clues by changing her vision.

Less than an hour after the recruits set off, some ten-man teams had disagreements because the formations and compass were all in Shichang's hands, requiring them to keep the same, and some were lazy and slowed down the tracking speed.

Two hours later, a team had already found a side soldier, but one claimed to kill them directly, and the other said that the island owner didn't ask to kill them, but just arrested them.

However, if it is just arresting, how to hunt down the rest with one prisoner?
What should I do if I have less merit points?
Or who wants to stay and guard the captives?
When two teams meet, do you want to grab the head?
Half a day later, more and more problems broke out. The only difference was that some teams could not alleviate the conflicts, and the hearts of the people were scattered, while some teams negotiated and resolved them, and they became more tacit.

Zhan Changfeng wrote down those who have leadership ability and those who are relatively uncooperative and lack of cooperation. If the latter has good strength and is willing to work hard, he can develop in the direction of individual soldiers.

Many teams were thinking about Hu Chonghuan's 100 merit points, asking for clues from prisoners, passers-by, and shopkeepers. The two teams led by Kong Sanshui and Shan Haizhong arrived at the small town where Hu Chonghuan was resting almost at the same time.

Zhan Changfeng paid more attention and saw that they had reached a cooperation to deal with Hu Chonghuan together.

Hu Chonghuan is a master of foundation building, and the strongest among them is born with great perfection. If one or two rush forward, they will undoubtedly die.

First, Kong Sanshui pretended to be passing by, and dropped a ground-bound formation beside him, trapping him for three breaths. During these three breaths, twenty soldiers jumped out to attack in unison. The next two landing formations, and the last ground binding formation.

Although there were casualties, Hu Chonghuan was finally defeated.

Both Kong Sanshui and Shan Haizhong have good abilities, so they can be taken care of by the military camp.

The hunt spanned east and north, and lasted eight days. General Hu Chonghuan and his men either captured or killed nearly 400 people. Some of the remaining people were not tracked down because of the weakening of the compass camp, the distance was too far, and the rain washed away. arrive.

The leader has bowed his head, and the minions are nothing to be afraid of.

If Zhu Shanmin, Pan Zhishan, and Hu Chonghuan incite the masses in three places at the same time, and then use the name of snatching the Hinayana exercises, maybe a large group of monks will really gather to carry out the so-called crusade against the Island Lord's Mansion. Now Pan Hu It has been broken, and Zhu Shanmin is no longer a climate.

What's more, at present, it seems that Jin Yihou's people are not capable of killing her.

Qiu Wanzun would not disclose the news of his failure, so Zhan Changfeng decided to help him disclose it to Zhu Shanmin and his group, so that they could mess up first.

After the incident was over, Zhan Changfeng led five hundred recruits to wander around the island, checking the situation in each town and checking that the rest of the frontier soldiers had not been disbanded, and arrived at the long-known Qishan.

She probably knows which part of Qishan is special, because the letterheads she sent all died inexplicably when they flew over that place. If there is no special reason, someone must be strictly guarding it.

"Camp in place, don't scare the people in the village."

The team arrived at the foot of Mount Qi, and stopped when approaching a village. Looking to the narrow path on the right, the weeds on both sides were half as high as a person, covering the road. In the distance, there were low houses with thatched roofs in twos and threes, and some of them had already floated up. cooking smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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