Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 346 Defeat one by one

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Let's turn the book back here and talk about those people who failed to escape in time in Wanfa Hall... what happened to them during this time.

Besides, at that time, Fudoko rushed into the house first. When he saw that there was no one in the house, and there was still a smell of oil in the air, three words suddenly popped up in his mind—Xuan Jian mouse.

This mysterious mouse is the one with the strongest monster power but the weakest body among the thirteen dead animals. Its best method is to drag people into an illusory and weird space, and use illusions to destroy people step by step. will, and then devour people on the spiritual level; and because the Xuanzang mouse usually likes oily rice the most, so as long as it haunts, you can often see these two things.

At this moment, Fudoko immediately judged that they had stepped into the trap set by the "rat" after "detecting the elements", so she immediately shouted the word "back" to the people behind.

Of course, we all know the result, there were only two people who successfully slipped out of the house: one was Sun Yixie, the eldest son, and the other was Yu Jianli, who was taken away by his grandson because he stood at the back.

And the rest of the people, all stayed in the room at the moment when the Wanfa hall was "ignited".

So were they burned?

Obviously not.

In fact, from the perspective of everyone in the room, there was no fire at all; after Sun Yihe and Jianli escaped from the room, the "fire" they saw when they looked back was only something they could see in the space they were in.

Because the two of Sun and Yu escaped from the trap set by the other party in time when Xuan Jianshu did it, the space they broke into was "a layer shallower" than the place where others were sent.

Some people may ask here, how many floors are there in this place?
Here is the hidden table in our book - three layers.

The first floor is the Zhihua Temple in reality; although many strange things have happened here, it is basically relatively safe.

The second floor is the area where Sun Yixie, Yu Jianli, and Wang San are located at the moment, created by the four zodiac animals squatting in Zhihua Temple. The transformed Zhihua Temple"; this layer is between reality and fantasy. Although time and space are disordered, the scene is still in Zhihua Temple, and the abilities of the people who enter here are not affected.

As for the third floor, which is the deepest floor, it is a more illusory space constructed by Xuan Zongshu on the basis of the second floor.

This floor is the same as the "tower" that Han Yu entered on the night of his death. It is basically a dreamlike world. How much power the people who are dragged here can retain in reality depends on their spirit and willpower. Weakness; people like Han Yu who have done too many bad things in their lives will be played by the mysterious mouse, while those who are upright in life or have a firm heart can resist erosion.

After understanding the above situation, everyone should understand: everyone was in the Wanfa Hall on the first floor, and they were caught in an ambush set by Xuanzhushu. Therefore, except for Sun Yi who escaped from the trap at the moment the spell was activated Apart from harmony and gradual departure, everyone else was directly dragged into the third floor.

At that moment, from the perspective of the people in the room, they just blinked and came to different places.

Among them, Huang Donglai and Qin Feng came to a magnificent villa.

Linghuxiang, Lin Yuancheng, and Tai Ruier came to a wild mountain village.

Liang Jingshuo, Rencan and Yan Danzi appeared in front of a Taoist temple.

Only that Fuzi was alone, standing in a cemetery.

Of course, for them, this change of space and the disappearance of their companions are not enough to cause them to panic.

Take Fudozi as an example. He knows best that even if he is trapped, other people will not be killed collectively in a short time. As long as he can find the "gap" in this space as soon as possible, and come Go to the mouse and beat the guy to death with one punch, then the spell will be self-defeating, and other people will naturally be able to escape from the illusion created by the mouse.

In the other three groups of people, the combination of "one monk and two Taoists" is not a big problem, and they still have the ability to guarantee their own survival.

The more dangerous groups have to be Huang Donglai and Linghuxiang...

Let's talk about Huang Donglai and Qin Feng, after the initial surprise, calmly analyzed the situation, and decided to explore the villa for the time being, maybe they could find a way to leave this space.

The two walked into the villa, and the more they walked, the more they were amazed at the luxury and magnanimity of this place; the buildings in this villa, from the bottom to the top, from the beams to the columns, are all made of red lacquered mahogany, made of jade and stone, and even the furniture in the house The decorations are also gorgeous, it can be said that the inlays are gold, and the inlays are silver... Such a comparison, it seems that even the inner courtyard of the palace is a bit inferior to this place.

The two of them continued to walk in, and soon they found a treasure house full of treasures. In addition to piles of real gold and silver, there were also countless calligraphy, paintings and jewels...the amount was unbelievably large, and it felt like a treasure trove. Even if the carriage came to pull it, it would last for three days and three nights.

But these things are not attractive to Huang Donglai and Qin Feng at the moment, because their will will never be so weak that they will be shaken by this scene.

And as long as their will is unshakable, the rats will not be able to further corrode their spirits, that is, they will not be able to create illusions that make people lose their sanity even more.

However, the mouse finally found a way... It set up another house in the deeper part of the villa, which was full of magical weapons and martial arts secrets.

This time, a flaw appeared in the spirit of the two of them.

Huang Donglai was fine, after all he was considered a half Taoist priest, but Qin Feng was different.

Qin Feng, as a disciple of the Righteous School who once won the first prize at the Young Heroes Meeting and has a bright future, his wandering and frustration in the Jianghu these years is not only related to his lack of emotional intelligence in the early years, but also because of his own personality. His ability is limited; therefore, even if he is a good man with a chivalrous heart, he cannot be completely indifferent to the magic weapons and magic skills... Even if he keeps telling himself that these are all fake, it's the same.

And once there is a gap in a person's spirit, the rat can take advantage of it and let another person who is in the same space suffer the influence.

Seeing this, many people probably understand why the nine people in Zhongfu are divided into the current four groups...

First of all, in the eyes of the mouse, Qin Feng and Lin Yuancheng are the two easiest to break out of the nine people, so it first took Qin Feng out and arranged them with Huang Donglai, and wanted to use Qin Feng as a breakthrough to make Huang Donglai this "Half a Taoist priest" was taken together.

Then, it divided Linghuxiang, Lin Yuancheng, and Tyrell into three ordinary people. As long as there are no monks or priests around them, it only takes a certain amount of time to try. Any one of these three people may become a breakthrough.

Then, the third group, the monk and the Tao, are difficult to break through, and they may help ordinary people around them resist ideological erosion, so the mouse put them together and did not let them combine with ordinary people , just to trap them.

By the way, Master Nengming, who was missing before, and Zen Master Nengze, the abbot of Zhihua Temple who was supposed to be in Wanfa Hall, were also trapped in the "Taoist Temple" where this group was located at this time.

In the end, it's just not moving...

He is quite special, and even "trapping" him can only be temporary, so what the mouse has to do is to "hold" him as long as possible, and get rid of the first two groups of people as soon as possible before he escapes.

As long as the first two groups of people can be taken down, the mouse's task is considered complete, and then it can hand over Fudozi to the other three Xiaos, and it can go all out to clean up the third group of monks, Erdao, and Neng Ze. Can understand two masters.

Then, someone must ask again here, why didn't the rat simply divide these nine people into nine groups and defeat them one by one?Or keep the hard-to-break people in the third and fourth groups unchanged, and isolate and divide the first two groups. This should be able to deal with them faster, right?
In fact, the answer is very simple...it cannot operate with multiple lines.

As far as the four-line operation is concerned, the mouse is already struggling. It only maintains the space where the latter two groups are located, and the main operating energy is still on the first two groups; Nine-line operation, it is dizzy by itself.

Returning to the main story of the book, it also said that Qin Feng and Huang Dong came here, because the former's will was shaken, so the space they were in quickly changed accordingly.

Just a breath away, the warehouse full of weapons and secret books in front of the two of them suddenly went dark. In the darkness, it seemed that pairs of eyes appeared, staring at the two of them; there were whispers in their ears. , its content... In addition to pointing at Qin Feng's experience in Wujian Villa, there are also various ridicules about the decline of the Huangmen in the middle of Sichuan...

At the same time, Linghuxiang, Lin Yuancheng and Tyrell who lived in the "mountain wild village" also encountered their first crisis.

The three of them didn't see any money or treasures, but... they met someone.

That person looks exactly like Tyrell.

You must still remember that Tyrell, who went with Liang Jingshuo, Qin Feng, and Lin Yuancheng, disappeared in the dark for a period of time when the former document killed the "big beam chicken". Regarding the experience during this period, Tyrrell kept silent afterwards, only saying that it had nothing to do with the death incident, and he would explain it to everyone after the crisis was resolved.

In the spirit of trust and respect for his companions, since Tyrell had reached this point, everyone stopped asking questions.

But... this matter, more or less, is still a lump.

Even if they don't think that Tyrell will hide something that is not good for them or want to harm them, but what if Tyrell is threatened?Or is it controlled?

Before the truth is clear, these assumptions have to be guarded against.

Therefore, when the second Tyrael appeared in front of their eyes at this moment, they must have some reverie—since some unknown force can scatter them and bring them to this strange space, is there any possibility? Maybe... from the very beginning, Tyrael was teleported to another place, and the one beside them is a replica?
Such speculation is also reasonable.

And when this suspicion sprouts, even if they haven't done anything for the time being, the mouse's goal has been achieved; as long as Linghu Xiang and Lin Yuancheng's spirits are shaken, the mouse can create something more lethal to them. s things.

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