Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 277 Punching the Tiger

Chapter 277 Punching the Tiger
As we mentioned in the previous document, there are four "unfriendly people" on this green forest road today.

One drinks like water.

A single color can cover the sky.

One wants money but not life.

A combative as a mad dog.

Among them, we already know that the one who wants money but not life is Jiang Muchan.

And his so-called "money is not life" does not mean that he pursues money more than cherishing life, but that he, as a "righteous thief", dares to risk his life to go to places that other thieves dare not go to. , Take some property that others dare not take, in order to teach those who are rich and unkind.

However, unlike Jiang Muchan, the words describing the other three people are basically literal.

Right now, the "Wu Dai" who is fighting for the Cangdu Gang is one of those three.

Seeing this, someone must ask, which one?

I'm not going to play tricks on you here. The book here implies that he is the one who "drinks like water".

This person's real name is Chao Kang, he is in his late forties, and his martial arts are very high-end. He belongs to the level of "Sword Demon" on the Green Forest Road, and is even higher than the "Swordsman" like Zhao Yuanyao.

If this kind of person is placed in the Jianghu Dao, he is about equal to a first-class master; in terms of fighting alone, he is likely to be stronger than the heads of many sects.

Therefore, we can also clearly say that Chao Kang is the only one in this year's Leading Cup, and the strongest among the other players is also a level behind him.

So this created another question - how did Hao Jingyu invite someone like him?
The answer to this is actually very simple, you have to ask someone who loves wine to do things for you, just buy him off with wine.

Of course, ordinary wine is not acceptable, it has to be rare, and it has to be rare that this person can hardly get by himself, for example - imperial wine brewed in the palace.

With this kind of bargaining chip, Chao Kang was moved.

Why don't we just have a fight?Hit it.

This is not the kind of game that requires you to fight to the death. It only takes a long time... half a day, and you don't have to risk your life to get such a tempting reward. Why not do it?

As for why Chao Kang hid his real name and asked the Cangdu gang to help him with a certain degree of disguise, we will explain this later.

Let's talk about the moment, "Wu Dai", that is, Chao Kang, has already made it to the stage, cupping his fists and saluting his opponent.

And Yao Qiang, the "Shaking Tiger" who was facing him, also saluted and put on a stance.

"Okay, now that the two players are in place, what kind of contest will this be?" Sun Yixie in the commentary could not see the depth of the two, so he started to say, "Hey, Brother Huang, you What do you think?"

Unexpectedly, Huang Donglai replied at this time: "Oh, I suddenly have a stomachache. Brother Sun, you go ahead and I'll go to the toilet."

The conversation between the two of them was broadcast through the mic...

But the audience in the audience listened to it, so they couldn't say anything more. As the saying goes, people have three urgencies. Isn't it normal to go to the toilet?You can't say that Huang Dong is not allowed to take a shit until the game is over, so what if he can't help but run away during the commentary?The commentary seat where he is sitting is a bit higher than the auditorium where you are standing. He really pulled up his pants, and when a gust of wind blows over, will those people in the audience die?

And you have to say, because the commentator went to the bathroom, it is unreasonable to ask the players to wait for him to come back from the stage before playing, and it is unreasonable.

So, everyone just pretend you didn't hear it, and continue watching the game. Anyway, isn't there still one Sun Yixie left on the stage?He can explain it by himself.

However, the audience... and Sun Yixie, did not expect that 99% of the people present could not understand this game.

"Yao Qiang is the first to attack!" Although Sun Yixie's martial arts is not high, he is still very skilled in seeing pictures, talking and naming names, "This move... er... Heihu's heart is out, the shot is a bit fierce! Wu Dai also Not to be outdone, he resorted to an old tree twisting, waving his hands to block, the two fought back and forth..."

Accompanied by Brother Sun's nonsense, the two on the stage were indeed evenly matched.

Needless to say, Yao Qiang is a famous master of the green forest road invited by Zu Tingfeng with a lot of money. In the first few rounds, his performance was mediocre, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

As for Chao Kang...it wasn't easy either.

We all know that "swordsman-level" characters, such as Zhao Yuanyu and Yao Qiang, are "without weapons", and they fight with bare hands; while "sword demon-level" masters, people like Chao Kang, They used "fake weapons", such as embroidery needles, handkerchiefs, and medicine bowls.

Chao Kang's weapon was originally a big wine gourd, but now in order to conceal his identity, he didn't bring it on stage at all.

This is also a common problem for those masters with special weapons when they hide their identities - even if they don't recognize your face, they can still recognize your unique weapon.

Not to mention, it is possible for a master to guess the identity by observing other people's martial arts...

Therefore, when Chao Kang was fighting this match, not only could he not use his own weapons, but he also had to hide and change all his martial arts moves.

That's why, when he fought those weaker opponents in the first few games, he used some very common moves.

Of course, Yao Qiang is not those weak chickens before, if you want to use "black tiger digging out the heart", "old tree twisting roots" and other bad street moves to get him, then you have to be from the Green Forest Road" "Sword Immortal" or the top master of Jianghu Dao...

Chao Kang has not yet reached that level, and he may never reach that level in his life, so after he and Yao Qiang have gone through more than a dozen moves, he feels a little uncomfortable...

It is true that he can continue to use those ordinary moves to defend, and he can't lose in a short time, but this doesn't solve the problem.

If it continues like this, Yao Qiang will probably have doubts in a while, such as: this person's moves are so bad, why can't I win?Could it be that his cultivation is far above mine?Could it be that he is hiding his true identity?

When that time really came, Chao Kang still had to be exposed.

After silently settling the account, Chao Kang said in his heart: "Anyway, that 'commentary' kid is talking nonsense like he doesn't understand the situation. Even if I suddenly change my tactics, he won't be able to tell This is why... why not, I will show my true skills and fight, if the winner can be determined within three moves, Yao Qiang may not be able to guess my identity."

Thinking of this, he made up his mind to "show his true skills", and his eyes lit up.

It just so happened that at this time Yao Qiang was attacking him with a "lying on ice begging carp".

At that moment, the eyes of the two met, and Yao Qiang immediately felt that something was wrong... This is the instinctive intuition of a person with many years of actual combat experience when facing danger.

But Yao Qiang tried to stop the trick now, but he couldn't stop it anymore.

"Good time!" Chao Kang, who had been aggrieved for a long time, saw that the other party was frightened and his movements were slightly stagnant, so he knew that the time had come, and the loss would never come again.

In the next second, Chao Kang's counterattack was ready.

But see, his movements that were a little stiff and jerky until just now suddenly become smooth and smooth, with softness and firmness.

Facing Yao Qiang's attack, Chao Kang remained as still as a mountain, but stretched his arms forward, stretched his palms softly, swam around and circled, and kept one.

In the blink of an eye, Chao Kang used such a seemingly not very powerful movement to involve Yao Qiang's powerful tiger palms into his palm.

After one breath, just as Yao Qiang was stunned because he couldn't move his arms back, Chao Kang's back move has already been killed.


It was a shadowy palm.

At the beginning, it is slow and soft, but at the end, it is full of force.

From the perspective of a bystander, this palm didn't change much, and it wasn't too fast, but Yao Qiang just couldn't dodge it.

From a bystander's point of view, the slap on the chest didn't look too heavy, but in the end... Yao Qiang's eyes went dark from the beating, and he passed out quickly.

Chao Kang... After all, he underestimated Yao Qiang.

It's not that he underestimated his martial arts, but underestimated his insight.

Although he only suffered two moves, Yao Qiang already guessed the opponent's identity before losing consciousness.

There are quite a few people in this world who know Drunken Fist and Tai Chi, but there is only one person who knows "Drunken Tai Chi".

That is a person who "drinks like drinking water", his surname is Chao Mingkang, and his name is "Clumsy Boxing" in Lulin Road.

(End of this chapter)

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