Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 190 Do you think you have seen through the mirror?

Chapter 190 Do you think you have seen through the mirror?

The mountain road is winding and winding, laughing and walking alone silently.

His mood at this moment is similar to the road in front of him, a little complicated.

A few days ago, the fight between him and Hai Cangfeng did not result in a decisive victory, but... there was a "competition".

He originally thought that most of those so-called heroes were exaggerated, so he didn't pay much attention to people like Hai Cangfeng at first.

However, as soon as they confronted each other, he realized that he could not win.

At least...not with a knife.

It didn't take long for Hai Cangfeng to see through the secrets of Xiao Wuji's saber technique, knowing that it would be meaningless to continue fighting, so he stopped in time, said "Your martial arts are good." and walked away.

After the other party left, Xiao Wuji stood alone in the bamboo forest for a long time, until the sweat on his hands dried up, and then put the knife back into the sheath.

"Is it just 'not bad'..." At that moment, he couldn't help looking up at the sky and talking to himself.

Xiao Wuji has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he is extremely talented. It can be said that he has been surrounded by evaluations such as "the genius of the sky" and "the past and the present" all the year round-"not bad", for him in the past, Almost like swearing.

But now it sounds like he can accept it.

Because he would rather be a "good" swordsman than a "genius" swordsman.

He would rather be his bandit Xiao Wuji than admit that he is the son of Xiao Zhun, the young master of Wujian Villa and the sword master, Xiao Xuan.


After walking the long mountain road, Xiao Wuji finally returned to his cottage.

"Open the door quickly! The boss is back!"

Still far away, he heard the minions in charge of the watch shouting towards the village.

This shout also brought Xiao Wuji back to reality from his wild imagination about the past.

"Yeah...I'm just a bandit leader now, isn't this kind of martial arts enough?"

As he thought about it, he had already walked into the gate of the cottage.

However, as soon as he entered the village, Xiao Wuji felt something was wrong.

He glanced over and found that all the gangsters under him were listless, yawning in broad daylight; there were a lot of improvised shields placed in the courtyard for no reason, and dozens of them were piled up Sandbags, and a dozen tanks full of water.

"Hey, what's going on?" Xiao Wuji looked at one of the minions who came forward to greet him, pointed to the things in the yard, and asked casually.

"Oh! You don't know, the head of the family. During the days when you were away, something serious happened. Go and talk to the second and third heads." look.

Xiao Wuji looked at it, and felt a little happy in his heart. He said in his heart, "Just break the stronghold, what big things can happen?"

Obviously, Xiao Wuji didn't really care about the situation in this cottage, so after seeing the situation, he was more curious than nervous.

To make a long story short, after a while, the "second sister" and "third child" also heard the news of Xiao Wuji's return, and they both came out to greet him; Xiao Wuji didn't put on any airs, and ran away with the two back hall.

After the three of them sat down and said a few clichés, the second sister started to get down to business: "Brother, to tell you the truth, something has happened in the past few days."

The third child also added: "Oh... we have a big deal this time!"

"What's the matter? Scared you two like this?" Xiao Wuji wondered.

Here the book implicitly states that the "second sister" and "third child", one named Yuanzhan'er and the other named Guisan, were originally the number one and turtle slaves in a not-so-famous brothel in Jinling.

One day four years ago, on a whim, Xiao Wuji redeemed the two of them with some money, taught them some martial arts, and became sworn brothers and sisters with them. thief.

For Xiao Wuji, this is just a "play". He originally wanted to degenerate, so he kept doing these ridiculous things.

However, for Yuan Zhan'er and Gui San, this is a major turning point in their lives. They regard Xiao Wuji as a reborn parent, and they cherish the promising job of bandit leader very much.

On weekdays, Yuan Zhan'er and Gui San practice very hard, and their master is Xiao Wuji, a master who has only practiced high-quality martial arts since childhood, so in just a few years, the two have already touched the second-rate martial arts. threshold.

Of course, compared with Liu Wusheng and Zou Baiqiu who came up the mountain a few days ago, they are still inferior.

"Brother, this matter has to be started seven days ago." Yuan Zhan'er used to be the top card anyway, even if she was not the famous one, but her style of conversation must be much better than that of Gui San, she said a few words , so he told the story of how he killed Liu Wusheng and Zou Baiqiu with a plan.

"Oh..." After listening to Xiao Wuji, he pondered for a while, and then continued, "Could it be that you have received news about the current battle...someone wants to go up the mountain to seek revenge for these two people?"

"Bad! Isn't that right!" Gui San couldn't help but reply at this time, "Who would have thought that we just killed 'Tiger Arm Ming Wang' and 'Yi Dao Zhen Guanzhong', and it came again within two days. The two called it 'East Harmony, West Poison'."

"Huh?" Ershu's Ying'er, the person's name, as soon as he uttered these four words, his expression changed slightly, "The names of these two people... I seem to have a little impression."

Just as Xiao Wuji was scratching his head, wondering why he had a strong impression of these two people...

"There is a legend in the rivers and lakes that there is a young hero who likes to kill people in a cesspit...you know that?" Gui San took advantage of the opportunity to reveal the source of his greatest fear of double harmonies, "It's about the 'Western Poison' Huang Donglai. "

"Oh!" Hearing that keyword, Xiao Wuji remembered it, "Yes, no wonder it sounds familiar to me." He paused for half a second, "What? These two people are going up the mountain to avenge that Liu Zou? "

"They don't just want revenge, they can threaten... our whole village will die, and our ashes will be thrown away." Yuan Zhan'er said this in a tone of anger and fear , with a look of resentment on his face.

"Heh..." Xiao Wuji was not afraid, he still smiled easily, "Then when will they come, do you know?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of Yuanzhan'er and Guisan were distorted with anger.

"Oh... don't mention it." Guisan said, "These two grandsons have said that they will come every day since five days ago, but they haven't come every day, which makes us worry all day long, Ye... Ye Na what come? with?"

"Can't sleep at night!" Yuan Zhan'er answered with a look of disgust.

"That's right, I can't sleep at night." Gui San's culture is still poor, and he often needs his second sister to remind him before he can use idioms neatly.

Xiao Wuji heard the words, but still didn't understand: "Isn't there our eyeliner in the village? Why is this matter still unsure?"

"Brother, you don't know something..." Yuan Zhan'er replied at this time, "The earliest time was five days ago, at about dusk, our spies sent news that these two people were in a few villages below the mountain. They bought a lot of saltpeter, sulfur, saponins, and messy medicinal materials like iron, and even bought the whole blacksmith shop in Gengjia Village. What 'flying fire meteor'... He also said that this thing can be made in one night, and they will use it to raze our village to the ground the next morning.

"At that time, I thought, the reputation of this East Harmony and West Poison is far higher than that of Liu Wusheng and Zou Baiqiu. I am afraid that his martial arts will not be lower than those two people. Going down the mountain and attacking the village may not be able to get any cheap. It's better to stay in the village and set up a clever game like last time... This way the chances of winning are greater.

"Then I thought about it again. Judging from the name and materials, the 'Flying Fire Meteor' is probably something like fire arrow gunpowder, so I ordered the brothers to prepare sandbags overnight, and put all the water tanks in the village. I moved it out and filled it with water, and found all kinds of objects, or punctured or nailed them, and made them into shields to prepare for the next day."

Let me make a digression here, why do these people make shields and not armor?

Both shields and armor can resist arrows and fire, but shields are basically not used when robbing, but armor can be used at any time in the future. It stands to reason that the cottage should always be stocked.

Here I will explain a thing that may also be used in the later documents by the way-in ancient times, whether you raised doormen or collected weapons, even if you had hundreds or thousands, you could get away with it...but "private armor" "This matter, absolutely not.

In large-scale battles in the era of cold weapons, the role of armor is extremely great. Three hundred "armored soldiers" can kill more than 1000 unarmored people, and five thousand armored soldiers can disperse tens of thousands of unarmored soldiers. .

You hide your weapons privately, keep your followers, and the imperial court is not afraid. If you don’t believe me, you will be pulled out to fight the regular army. If you want to win, Guo Jing and Huang Rong will worship you as your teacher; but if you make armor privately, it must be regarded as treason. There is no other explanation, and once discovered, it will be killed in the cradle.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Sun Ge's "body armor" is a soft armor. There is only one piece in total. He wears it himself, so no one will pursue it; "General" addiction, wearing a set of full-coverage armor and pretending to be awesome, no one takes it seriously.

But for ordinary people, if your family does not have any soldiers, but hides armor, even if it is just one set, it is also a crime of treason; let alone sect organizations on Green Forest Road or Jianghu Road. Dozens or twenty sets of armor are directly regarded as "rebels" and should be wiped out with all their strength.

To sum up, in those years, it was impossible for ordinary bandit villages to consider such things as armor, which was more sinful and risky than their robbery and murder.

"Then..." The book returned to the subject, and Xiao Wuji listened to Yuan Zhan'er's countermeasure, and nodded, as if to indicate that the latter's response was quite correct: "The result?"

"As a result...the next day we waited until noon, but they didn't come." Gui San interjected angrily.

Yuan Zhan'er also continued: "So we sent spies to investigate... After an hour, the spies reported that the two of them slept until noon and told the villagers, 'Last night, I was working as an organ. I’m too tired, I overslept, so I might as well wait until after dinner, and I can just take advantage of the cover of the night’.” She curled her lips viciously, “Brother, when we received the report, it was already Shen Shi, brother We have not closed our eyes for almost two days and one night, we can only take advantage of the two hours before the sun goes down to rest and close our eyes for a while, and then get up on guard again..." Speaking of this, she frowned again He frowned, "I didn't expect...they didn't come the next night either."

Xiao Wuji said: "Then why this time?"

"We waited all night in vain, and the spies went to investigate at dawn the next day..." Gui San continued in good time, "The spies reported that Huang Donglai ate something unclean for dinner, and he had loose bowels. When I got better, I took a rest and decided to come back in the afternoon.”

"Ah?" At this moment, Xiao Wuji suddenly thought of a possibility, "These two are not liars, right? Why does it feel like they are deliberately making excuses to procrastinate."

"We also began to suspect at that time... whether these two came out under the banner of 'East Harmony and West Poison'." Yuan Zhan'er said, "I didn't expect that the third day was not in the afternoon yet. , they came all of a sudden."

"Oh?" Xiao Wuji became more and more interested the more he listened, "Have you fought against them?"

"What are you going to do?" Gui San looked depressed, "We stayed up all night with our brothers and wanted to sleep a little longer before the afternoon, but after lying down for a while, these two guys ran to the gate of the village Several 'flying fire meteors' were thrown into our village."

"What the hell is that?" Xiao Wuji asked.

"We don't know." Gui San replied, "Before it hit the ground, it looked like a small black ball. It exploded when it hit the ground, and it exploded after it hit the ground. When it hit the ground, it was a puddle of kerosene, accompanied by some The iron fragments that exploded in all directions; at that time, the brothers in the village were all sleepy and tired, and they were relatively lax, so only a few flew in, and seven or eight of us were killed or injured."

"Then what happened afterwards?" Xiao Wuji said.

"Of course we got up to meet the enemy later." Yuan Zhan'er said, "But after all the brothers in our village got up and extinguished the fire, the two killers didn't come in, they just shouted outside, saying what's the matter now I just took a few flying fire meteor shells to test their power. When they returned to the village and pushed the 'fort' up, they didn't throw a few in by hand, but 'seventeen rounds per second' into our village. boom."

"What is 'second'?" Xiao Wuji asked again.

"Who knows, but listening to what they say, it's probably just a blink of an eye." Gui San said.

When asked here, Xiao Wuji basically guessed what Shuangxie was up to, so his next sentence was: "If there is no accident, you didn't sleep in the afternoon and night of the third day, right?"

"No." Guisan said, "By the daytime of the fourth day, we felt that this was not an option, so the second sister came up with an idea to divide the brothers into two shifts and take turns to sleep; In addition to guarding the village and standing guard, he was also responsible for fetching water from the well in the back mountain, trying to save as much water as possible in the water tank for later use, and another team was assigned to go down the mountain to find ways to make sandbags and shields Material."

After hearing this arrangement, Xiao Wuji couldn't help sneering inwardly: "Huh... If these gangsters in the village are not lazy, why are they considered thieves? Now you let them do this in reverse? If they can work hard When it’s over, will you come to be a bandit again? Wouldn’t it be better to be a soldier?”

Yuan Zhan'er's next words were also in line with Xiao Wuji's thoughts, she continued: "Oh, it's a pity that all the trash in our village are lazy and slippery, and there are still a bunch of lazy people in front of this great enemy." , I scolded them a few times after I found out, and even dared to talk back to me, saying that I was exhausted a few days ago, and I haven't recovered yet, and I really can't work anymore.

"This made me angry. I thought that none of these bastard grandsons were tired when they were lying on top of a woman. When it was their turn to do something serious, it was as if they hadn't been given food... I was so angry , I killed a few of them on the spot, and it was right to kill chickens for monkeys to see.

"Brother, guess what happened? That night, twenty or so of these grandsons escaped in one go. What the hell..."

"Oh... So, remove those who were killed by the 'Flying Fire Meteor', those who were killed by you, and those who escaped by themselves... Now there are only about 30 brothers left in the village." Laughing Wuji made an estimate and asked.

"Isn't it?" Yuan Zhan'er replied in a helpless tone, but when she said the next sentence, her face showed a bit of expression again, "However, now that you are back, big brother, then we have nothing to fear , we don’t have to hide in the village so tremblingly anymore, as long as you give an order, the two of us can immediately follow you to attack down the mountain, skin the two children of Sun Huang, cramp up, and tear them apart!”

"Yeah, big brother, I'm just waiting for your words!" Gui San also echoed, "You've been away for ten days, just in time for some things, brothers haven't gone down the mountain to hunt for food for more than ten days, The women captured in the stockade are all dead, you see..."

"I see? Heh..." Xiao Wuji laughed, although his face was always smiling, but at this moment he really found it ridiculous, and laughed out loud, "I see... you two are dead It's coming to an end, if I come back one day later, I'm afraid I'll only have time to collect your corpses."

Yuanzhan'er and Guisan looked at each other when they heard the words.

Gui San's brain is dull, so he can't think of any reason.

Although Yuan Zhan'er was smarter than Gui San, he couldn't see the whole situation clearly, so he asked, "Brother, how do you say that?"

"You have fallen into the trap of others..." Xiao Wuji replied, "If I'm not mistaken, that so-called 'Flying Fire Meteor' is simply a bluff, and they only did those seven or eight from the beginning to the end. It’s just a fireball; from the very beginning, they thought of using our eyeliners and spies to create all kinds of false appearances for you, and deceive you again and again, making you overwhelmed and exhausted..."

"This... can't be..." Yuan Zhan'er said, "Even if they know to use our spies to deceive us, how can they be sure that we will stay in the village and not go down the mountain?"

"That's right." Gui San also asked, "They don't know that Liu and Zou were killed by our tricks. Could it be that they think... even if they are led by someone with higher martial arts than those two? If the large group of people kills them, they will definitely be able to retreat completely?"

"Heh..." Xiao Wuji chuckled again, "If their martial arts are really that high, why are they still doing this? They would have already entered the village." He paused, "Those two I have tormented you for so many days, one is because they are not fully sure about the strong attack; the other is because they probably deduced that Liu and Zou may not have died because of insufficient martial arts... you guys The two are also relying on tricks, and their hearts are also very empty, so the tricks of suspicion can achieve miraculous results."

Xiao Wuji came to this point, raised his eyes and pointed towards the door: "Think about it, seven days ago, you took down people like Liu Wusheng and Zou Baiqiu without a single soldier, and the brothers all knew , they can immediately go down the mountain to make a fortune under the pretext of 'finding the villagers to settle accounts'. At that time, the village was strong and the morale was high; but after these few days, nearly half of the brothers in the village lost, The rest of the people are also tired and sleepy, and their morale is low... And what did the two Sun and Huang do? They just lived in the village at the foot of the mountain, ate, slept and slew, spewing fake news and threatening words from time to time. You, the only time you really went up the mountain, you didn't even dare to enter the gate of the village, you just threw a few kerosene bombs in, and after throwing them in, you went back like a stroll... Heh, their method of attacking the heart is not to be called no Smart."

Yuanzhan'er and Guisan were very annoyed when they heard this, and they also blamed their elder brother to some extent, how could they laugh at them in such a relaxed tone.

Just then, suddenly...

A minion rushed to the door, stood there and shouted loudly: "It's not good! Village owner! That Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai have killed at the gate of the village, and they are shouting outside, telling us to open the door and surrender."

When Yuanzhan'er and Guisan heard this, they immediately became angry from their hearts, and the evil came to the gallbladder.

The two of them said in their hearts, "Okay, there is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to hell, so you come and vote!"A few days ago, our eldest brother was away, so you two made us play around, and today the eldest brother just came back, let's see what tricks you can play!Today we want you to die without a place to bury you!
As for Xiao Wuji, he stood up calmly and said, "Oh, good time, I was also planning to meet these two people."

(End of this chapter)

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