Datang's free and easy concubine

Chapter 628 The Su family has a daughter

Chapter 628 The Su family has a daughter

The bearded man was really grateful, because it was impossible for him to take all his brothers on a long voyage to prove that the world was a ball, and not all brothers were willing to take risks with him, so how to settle these brothers was also a problem.

The bearded man asked: "Did the Duke send people to follow me south, or should I let them go north to find the Duke?"

Su Cheng pondered: "Let them go north to Haizhou. I will send people to Haizhou after the new year, and the family's boat will also be sent to Haizhou."

The bearded man nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll let them go north to Shanghai Prefecture!"

After sending off the bearded guest, Su Cheng, who was in a good mood, happened to meet Princess Changle who came back from the palace.

Su Cheng looked Princess Changle up and down, and asked with a smile: "You seem to be in a good mood, what's the matter? Is there any happy event?"

Although the turmoil of that day has passed, the aftermath has not. Neither the emperor nor the eldest grandson empress is in a good mood. The maids and eunuchs in the palace dare not even smile, and the atmosphere in the whole palace is still a little stagnant.

Princess Changle's mood has not been very good these days, but today it seems to have suddenly improved, so something must have happened again.

Princess Changle said with a smile: "After Qin Tianjian's invitation, the prince's brother's wedding has been brought forward to the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month!"

Now people are spreading the news about the prince, which is a blow to both the prince's prestige and the royal family's prestige.

It turned out that the emperor and empress planned to advance the wedding to dilute the impact on Li Chengqian. I have to say that this method is really good.

Isn't it rumored that the prince loves beauties?Now that person has been beaten to death, the crown prince will marry the crown princess immediately, so naturally no one can say anything more.

This is also a good thing for the emperor and empress. In the future, there will be a hostess in the East Palace, so they will naturally be able to take care of the prince, so there will be no need to worry about similar things in the future.

The candidate for the crown princess is the eldest daughter of Secretary Cheng Su Tan, who was appointed by the eldest grandson empress, and the marriage has already been settled.

Although the Su family is not a high-ranking family, it is a family of officials and eunuchs, and can be appointed by Empress Zhangsun as the crown princess. The girl from the Su family must be the best choice regardless of appearance, character, and knowledge.

This incident also happened in the royal family, and it was said that an early wedding would be an early wedding. If this happened to an ordinary family, the girls would have regretted the divorce long ago.

Su Cheng also couldn't help muttering in his heart that Yuan Tiangang's master and apprentice were quite unscrupulous, and the auspicious day of the wedding could be changed as soon as it was said.

It's a pity that the girl from the Su family doesn't know how to deal with these rumors.

"The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, it's only a few days!" Su Cheng counted with his fingers.

Princess Changle smiled and said: "Fortunately, the Ministry of Rites and Zongzheng Temple have been making careful preparations. Although it was a bit hasty, it is still the same!"

But Su Cheng didn't have much joy on his face when he heard this. The auspicious day of the big wedding has been brought forward at this juncture, and I don't know what the girl from the Su family is thinking.

The Su family in Chang'an already had a somewhat festive atmosphere, but there was a hint of weirdness in the festive atmosphere.

The young lady had long been appointed by the empress to be the candidate for the crown princess. At that time, it was a sensational news for the entire Su family and even the relatives and friends of the Su family.

Although the Su family is a family of officials and eunuchs, they have never been considered rich and powerful. No one thought that the eldest lady would be elected as the crown princess!

The crown princess, if nothing else happens, she will be the empress of the Tang Dynasty in the future.

How noble is the queen of Tang Dynasty?

Just look at the eldest grandson queen today!

How noble is the mother family of the Empress of the Tang Dynasty?

Just look at the eldest grandson's family with power over the government and the public!

At that time, Miss Su's family knew that she had been chosen as the crown princess, and she was extremely happy in her heart. After all, who among the ladies in the entire Tang Dynasty did not dream of becoming a noble queen?

Moreover, Miss Su's family has also met the prince, and the prince is a handsome man, so Miss Su's family is naturally happy in her heart.

But for the past two days, Ms. Su was completely stunned by the rumors. The prince's scandal?And because of the beauty, he started a fight with His Majesty, and even wanted to exchange the prince's position for that person's life!

It was like a blow to the head, waking her up from her dream!

Originally, in her opinion, the prince was the perfect candidate for a husband. In Chang'an, only Su Cheng could compare, and Su Cheng had already been taken by Princess Changle.

Apparently, she suddenly became a little panicked. She had thought a lot, thought that there was a very beloved maid in the Crown Prince's East Palace, but how could she have thought that the Crown Prince would be so absurd!

If the prince has a maid whom he loves very much, then she has full confidence in capturing the prince's heart with her beauty and tenderness.

But when she knew about the prince's hobby, she was at a loss. It wasn't that she didn't want to work hard, it was just that she had a bad temper.

In the past, Miss Su's family even hoped that the big wedding would come sooner, but now that the big wedding really came sooner, she felt very uncomfortable.

Although Su Quan and his wife were very happy on the face, they were also a little heavy in their hearts.

Although Su Quan was surprised and disappointed by the absurdity of the prince, it was actually not a big deal.

Because the daughter is the concubine handpicked by the empress, no one can change this, even on the bright side, if the royal family does not allow this, it means that no one threatens the daughter's status.

Why is it impossible for the prince to be the queen in the future?

Of course, this is also a thought in desperation. Of course, he hopes that his daughter can be as honorable and favored as the current queen.

What makes Su Quan feel even more heavy now is that he doesn't know whether Li Chengqian's crown prince can be kept, whether it is stable or not!

So what he is most worried about now is not who Li Chengqian likes, but that Li Chengqian's crown prince will not be guaranteed.

If Li Chengqian is abolished in the future, then their Su family will really lose their daughter and lose their army.

Not only did she lose her daughter, but she also tied the Su family and Li Chengqian together, so now Su Quan felt a little reluctant.

Reluctant to unwilling, this big marriage is not something he can decide.

Mrs. Su walked into the boudoir and sat down beside her daughter.

"Don't listen to those gossips, liking beauty has been a good thing since ancient times, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, and with my daughter's beauty and tenderness, she will definitely be able to change the prince!" Mrs. Su advised gently.

Miss Su forced a smile: "Mother, you don't have to worry about me, I know that I am the crown princess handpicked by the empress, no one can change it, I can only accept it, and I will be a good crown princess!"

Mrs. Su comforted: "It's good if you understand, you are the concubine handpicked by the empress, everyone should respect you! After being taught a lesson by His Majesty and the empress, the prince has come to his senses!"

Miss Su lowered her head and said, "Mom, I know everything, and I understand it in my heart, you don't have to worry about me, I will definitely work hard to change him!"

(End of this chapter)

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