Datang's free and easy concubine

Chapter 481 deep meaning

Chapter 481 deep meaning

May I ask which man does not love BMW?

Although Li Zhi is still young, he has coveted BMW for a long time.

Looking at Li Zhi's happy face, Li Shimin smiled and said, "Pheasant slave, what if you lose?"

Li Zhi smiled and said: "Father, my son will not lose!"

"Since it's a bet, you have to set the rules. What will you pay if you lose? How about copying the Analects of Confucius fifty times!" Li Shimin laughed.

Fifty times the Analects?

Li Zhi shrank his neck in fright at first, and then became stiff again. He had full confidence in his brother-in-law.

"Okay, if the minister loses, the minister will copy the Analects fifty times!" Li Zhi nodded in agreement.

Li Shimin was in a good mood when he heard that, Su Cheng's horse racing proposal was really great, not only would it allow Princess Zhenzhu to have a blind date with the prince, but it would also allow the pheasant slave to study hard.

And he has already got the news that Princess Zhenzhu went to Sujiazhuang to fight Su Cheng.

After hearing the news, Li Shimin immediately laughed unkindly. Su Cheng's riding skills are so-so, and he doesn't have a BMW yet. It's hard to say whether he can outrun Princess Zhenzhu.

If Su Cheng lost to Princess Zhenzhu, he would definitely laugh for days. He was waiting for Su Cheng to come to ask for a horse, but Su Cheng didn't move at all.

Has this kid broken the jar?

After Li Zhi left, Li Shimin turned his head and said: "Go, call the king of Wu to meet him!"

Wu Wang Li Ke was preparing seriously, and he was suddenly called into the palace. He was also a little puzzled, after all, the emperor rarely summoned him alone.

"My son-in-law pays respects to his father!"

"Ke'er, how are you preparing for the horse race?" Li Shimin asked with a smile.

"My son is a little weaker in riding and shooting, but my son has been preparing seriously, and will never embarrass my father during the horse race!" Li Ke said quickly.

Li Shimin pondered: "Your riding skills are actually not bad, it's just that your mount is not good enough."

Li Ke's mount can barely be regarded as a BMW. Although he is a dignified prince, he is not very interested in riding and shooting, so he has nothing to pursue BMW.

He didn't expect to use it now, so he felt a little helpless.

"My son's horse is indeed a bit weak, but my son will definitely try his best!" Li Ke said seriously.

Li Shimin pondered: "Forget it, this time the horse race, you can ride my white-hoofed crow!"

If Su Cheng were here, he would definitely smile. Li Er is really picky. Can you be more generous and reward Li Ke directly, even lending it to Li Ke first?

Is this something a majestic emperor can say?

Li Ke couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. The white-hoofed crow is His Majesty's favorite horse, not only a first-class BMW in the world, but also accompanied His Majesty in battles, so His Majesty has a deep affection for the white-hoofed crow.

His Majesty actually asked him to ride a white-hoofed crow to participate in the horse race?

For a moment, Li Ke even wondered if he heard it wrong.

Because he is not the prince Li Chengqian, not the king of Wei Li Tai, not the son of the queen, since he was a child, his grandma did not love him or his uncle, he never thought that he would have such a holy family.

This is simply the treatment a prince should have!

"I thank the emperor for his kindness, and I will never humiliate the white-hoofed crow!" Li Ke said excitedly.

Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, let's try the horses first in the next two days, and strive to win the first prize in the horse race the day after tomorrow!"

When Li Ke walked out of the hall, he was still in a daze, his heart was full of surprises and doubts, he didn't know why his father was so kind to him.

Is it because neither the crown prince nor the king of Wei participated in the horse race, and he was the eldest among the princes who participated in the horse race, so he was allowed to ride a white-hoofed crow to show off the prince's demeanor?

Or does His Majesty have other meanings?

When he thought of this, his heart couldn't help jumping up. Which prince wouldn't have that tempting thought in his heart?

Even if you know that hope is lost, that ulterior thought will still hover in your heart when you dream back at midnight in the dead of night.

In any case, this horse race must perform well, show the level of the game, and show the style of the game.

Li Ke immediately made up his mind.

At the moment when he was holding the white-hoofed crow, Li Ke almost trembled with excitement.

"Your Highness, please mount your horse?" Eunuch Yao laughed.

"This, how is this possible?" Li Ke was at a loss for a while.

Eunuch Yao said with a smile: "Why not? Your Highness doesn't need to be so careful. The white-hoofed crow is not so expensive. It fought with His Majesty and was wounded and bled. If His Highness is so careful, how can it win in the horse race?" stand out?"

What he said made sense, Li Ke took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart, and got on the horse.

Li Ke rode on the horse and walked slowly towards the outside of the palace. The guards outside the palace were shocked when they saw this scene. Isn't that a white-hoofed crow?

That's a royal horse!

They often saw white-hoofed crows, but it was His Majesty who rode them.

But now it is Li Ke who is riding the white-hoofed crow!

If it was the prince, if it was the king of Wei, or even the king of Jin, they wouldn't be so surprised.

But the one riding the white-hoofed crow is indeed the king of Wu, Li Ke!

For a moment, a thought came to their minds, could it be that King Wu stole His Majesty's White-hoofed Wu?

No, not possible!

Who dares to steal His Majesty's white-hoofed crow?

Even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness the King of Wei would not dare!

Of course, some people would dare, such as a bold guy, such as Princess Jinyang who was born weak and sick...

But it definitely does not include King Wu, unless King Wu is crazy!

Even if King Wu is crazy, he can't steal the white-hoofed crow. What do the guards do for food?

So everyone watched Li Ke coming on a white-hoofed crow, and even forgot to salute.

"Your Highness, this..." The guards were all shocked and speechless.

At this moment, Li Ke felt like drinking a bowl of iced sour plum soup in June, not to mention how refreshing it was.

Just passing a horse, he felt a taste of that supreme taste.

If the white-hoofed crow was just a BMW, would he still have shocked the guards into foolishness?

Of course not, the reason why the guards were so shocked was because the white-hoofed crow was His Majesty's favorite BMW!

Even if the white-hoofed crow is just an ordinary horse, as long as it is loved by His Majesty, it has extraordinary meaning.

Li Ke smiled slightly: "Your Majesty asked me to ride a white-hoofed crow to participate in the horse race."

The guards suddenly realized that it was His Majesty who asked King Wu to ride a white-hoofed crow to participate in the horse race.

They naturally knew that the horse race that caused a sensation in Chang'an recently was organized by the Duke of Ankang, no wonder His Majesty attached so much importance to it.

"Your Highness, please!" The guards said respectfully.

After Li Ke nodded, he drove the horse out of the palace gate slowly.

Looking at Li Ke's back, the guards suddenly realized that His Majesty's move has other meanings, right?

Don't dare to think, dare not think!

(End of this chapter)

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