Chapter 388

Every achievement shocked the hearts of the two of them, and Chao Heng was better, after all, the Wa Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty were separated by an endless sea.

Yuan Gai Suwen was even more shocked. A high-yield grain would mean that Datang would be richer and able to prepare more military rations.

As for the firearms, he is still not sure how powerful they are. The envoys' descriptions are too exaggerated. He doubts the authenticity of them. Three people become tigers.

There was silence, the original atmosphere of anger had long since ceased to exist, and Yuan Gai Suwen and Chao Heng had also remained silent, both of them still thinking about what they had just heard.

Chao Heng was very contradictory. If he didn't seek justice for the dead subordinates, it would be unreasonable, and it would also affect the majesty of their country.

But when he thought of the Ankang County Duke he was about to face, he felt that it was really difficult for him.

Yuan Gai Suwen frowned and asked: "Since he has made so many contributions, why is he still only the Duke of the county?"

"Vice Envoy Yuan, you don't understand this, this is where the Great Tang Emperor is brilliant! His position as Duke of Jin is only a matter of time."

Yuan Gai Su Wen pondered after hearing this: "Listening to what you said, this Duke of Ankang County is really powerful! He has contributed too much to Datang! With him, Datang will become even stronger! "

"Haha, we are all vassals of the Great Tang, and the stronger the Great Tang, this is of course better!"

"Yes, yes, it's a good thing!"

Everyone laughed and catered, Yuan Gai Suwen looked around and couldn't help sneering in his heart, everyone was really hypocritical.

In fact, everyone wished that the Tang Dynasty would fall apart immediately, and the flames of war would rise everywhere.

"It is true that the Duke of Ankang has made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty, but he is arrogant because of his achievements. As the saying goes, arrogance kills people!" Yuan Gaisuwen looked around and pointed.

Since the Duke of Ankang is so important to Datang and can bring Datang's national power to a higher level, shouldn't he find a chance to kill him?

Why are you still afraid?

In fact, everyone also understood what Yuan Gai Suwen meant, didn't they just want to drive a wedge between the monarch and his ministers?

That's the miserable appearance that you haven't seen the Tubo Prime Minister being beaten.

Su Cheng scolded the emperor, took off his crown and walked away. At that time, they were so happy and stupid.

I feel that the sky has eyes and gave them a little hope for these vassals, but the empress turned her head and went to Sujiazhuang.

Their surprise disappeared in smoke, and that's right, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was not stupid!

You want to alienate the emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the Duke of Ankang, unless you can convince the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty that the Duke of Ankang is plotting a rebellion.

Nothing else works!

Having stayed in Chang'an for a long time, they already knew the Duke of Ankang very well, so they were completely uninterested in what Yuan Gai Suwen meant.

Chao Heng took a deep breath, looked around and said in a deep voice: "What Vice Envoy Yuan said is that the Duke of Ankang is so rampant, it's just contempt for us, so I want to express my protest to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Then wish Chaozheng all the best!"

"Correct envoys are sad and obedient!"

"I think it's getting late."

"Yeah, it's getting late, everyone is tired all day!"

"Farewell, farewell, condolences!"

"Farewell, farewell, condolences!"

They all patted their butts and left!

Looking at the departing envoys, Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help feeling in his heart, what a mess!

Chao Heng was very disappointed. At first they saw that all the envoys were indignant, and they all expressed their intention to follow the table. He was very excited and felt that the matter was settled.

With so many envoys expressing condemnation together, even if the emperor wants to favor the Duke of Ankang, he has to think about it, right?

But I didn't expect that all the envoys would be cowarded after only hearing the name. It's so disappointing!

In fact, Chao Heng also felt the pressure on his face. Fortunately, not all the people left, but one person stayed.

That is Yuan Gai Su Wen.

"Hearing what they said, the Duke of Ankang is indeed very powerful, and his family members are very powerful, so I don't blame them for shrinking. However, with the envoys of Goguryeo and Wa, I think His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will be cautious. Yes!" Chao Heng said expectantly.

What the hell?On the table?Yuan Gai Suwen said with some embarrassment: "Chaozheng envoy, I am only a deputy envoy, I am not qualified to be on the list."

Chao Heng almost vomited blood when he heard that, that's right, you are a f---ing deputy envoy, and you are not qualified to appear on the list, so why are you beeping here?

"Then you are envoys?" Chao Heng asked with the last trace of expectation.

Yuan Gai Suwen said with a sincere face: "Let's do it, he's a bit pedantic and stubborn, but don't worry, I will try my best to persuade him!"

Chao Heng was speechless after hearing this, and he no longer had any hope in his heart. You kid looks young, but you have a very bad heart!

Looking at Yuan Gai Su Wenyuan's back, Chao Heng returned to his yard helplessly. The yard was full of excitement. Obviously, everyone already knew what happened today.

Seeing Chao Heng's return, everyone immediately surrounded him with righteous indignation.

"My lord, my lord!"

"Ida-kun is dead?"

"My lord, what did the yamen of the Tang Dynasty say?"

"Where is the person who killed Ida-kun? Has he been arrested?"

Chao Heng yelled: "Everyone be quiet! Listen to me, Mr. Jing Tian was killed in the street, and I was also very shocked, so I went to the Yamen immediately and asked the truth."

"Jing Tian-kun was on the street, for some reason, he had an argument with an old man from Chang'an. The old man fell to the ground and died because of his old age and illness!"

"It just so happened that a Tang Dynasty was passing by the county road. He saw Mr. Jing Tian beating someone to death, so he shot Mr. Jing Tian to death."

Chao Heng talked about what was going to happen, and everyone became even more aggrieved after hearing this.

"The old man was old and sick. He died when he died. How can you blame Ida-kun?"

"That's right, he's just a pariah, and Ida-kun is a noble warrior, even if he kills a lowly life, he will only pay some money!"

"Yes, how can the life of a pariah compare with that of a noble warrior? The murderer must be severely punished!"

"This is an insult to our Yamato nation!"

Chao Heng said in a deep voice: "The person who killed Mr. Jing Tian was the Duke of Ankang County of the Tang Dynasty, named Su Cheng. He is about to become the emperor's consort and has a very high status in the Tang Dynasty. It may be difficult to punish him severely."

"However, no matter how difficult it is, we must face it! We are not only seeking justice for Mr. Ida! We are also seeking justice for our dignity!"

"Yes! Face the difficulties!"

"Get justice for Ida-kun!"

"For our dignity!"

All the people in the yard shouted angrily.

"I remember that some of our clansmen are studying in the Tang Dynasty. You can go for a walk and see if they can start a relationship. This Ankang County official murdering people in the street must violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty. This is an abuse of lynching!" Chao Heng said solemnly .

(End of this chapter)

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