Chapter 294 Worry

If Su Cheng is really dismissed from office, that's what he would like to see, maybe he can persuade Su Cheng to go to Tubo and work for Tubo.

What worries him is that Su Cheng will soon be reinstated, and the marriage will be messed up.

Thinking of this, Lu Dongzan suddenly stood up: "I must go to the palace!"

"Yes, the Prime Minister is going to the palace. If the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty doesn't punish Su Cheng severely, we will never let it go!" The Tubo warriors were furious.

"I want to enter the palace to intercede for Su Cheng!" Lu Dongzan said flatly.

The Tubo warriors couldn't help being dumbfounded, what?The prime minister wants to enter the palace to intercede for Su Cheng?The Prime Minister won't be beaten in the head by Su Cheng, will he?

In front of the palace gate, Cheng Yaojin turned his head to look at Lu Dongzan who was coming from behind, and narrowed his eyes: "Lu Dongzan, what are you doing here? Su Cheng has already been dismissed from office, aren't you satisfied? "

Lu Dongzan cupped his hands slightly and said: "Duke Lu, I entered the palace to plead for the Duke of Ankang County!"

"You? Pleading for Su Cheng?" Cheng Yaojin was very surprised. There must be something wrong with this old boy, and the devil believed that this old boy was so kind.

Seeing Lu Dongzan approaching, the eunuchs in the Hall of Liangyi couldn't help crying inwardly. Lu Dongzan must have come crying and complaining about being beaten by Su Cheng. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

"Foreign minister Lu Dongzan pays homage to Your Majesty!" Lu Dongzan bowed in salute.

Li Shimin said indifferently: "Su Cheng's eyes are lawless, and he brazenly committed murder at the palace gate. I have already dismissed his official position. How are you injured? Do you want to let the imperial doctor take a look?"

Lu Dongzan hurriedly said: "The foreign minister is fine, the Duke of Ankang is actually just impulsive, the foreign minister begs His Majesty to punish the Duke of Ankang lightly!"

"The Duke of Ankang made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty, and the government and the public praised him. His Majesty punished the Duke of Ankang so severely, the government and the public were shaken, and the foreign ministers were very frightened!"

"The foreign minister is willing to see the Duke of Ankang, and begs the forgiveness of the Duke of Ankang. As for the marriage, the minister also asks the permission of the Duke of Ankang, so that His Majesty will not be embarrassed!"

Li Shimin said lightly: "It's not your fault, why do you need to beg Su Cheng's forgiveness? As for getting married, I have my own calculations, you just go back and heal your wounds with peace of mind."

Su Cheng's long carriage team finally arrived at Sanquanzhuang. This Zhuangzi was not gifted by the emperor, but Su Cheng bought it with a lot of money. It was remodeled before and used as a vacation place. Now it just happens to live in.

The servants were busy arranging their belongings, and the road outside suddenly became lively, full of smoke and dust raised by war horses.

Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin, Li Zhen...

When these guys heard the news, they went straight to Zhuangzi outside the city. They knew this Zhuangzi very well, and they came to pick vegetables a lot last winter.

Everyone jumped off their horses and shouted anxiously: "Su Cheng! Su Cheng!"

Su Cheng lay on a deck chair under the shade of a tree, and said lazily, "What's your name?"

The sun is already a bit poisonous now, and it is very comfortable to lie in the shade of the trees.

Cheng Chumo and the others discovered Su Cheng only now, and they were a little confused, because this scene was not at all what they expected.

There was no look of frustration or anger on Su Cheng's face. Instead, he was lying very lazily on the recliner under the shade of the tree.

They almost wondered if the news that Su Cheng was dismissed from office was true!

"Su Cheng, what's the matter? What happened?"

"How did that old boy Lu Dongzan provoke you?"

"Why did you suddenly resign and confer the title?"

"Why did you even seal up the mansion?"


Everyone asked anxiously.

Su Cheng said angrily: "Why are there so many? I don't want to be an official if I don't like it. What's the big deal? Why am I a commoner now? What's the matter? You second-generation princes don't recognize me as a brother gone?"

"How can that be?"

"Su Cheng, what you said is meaningless!"

Li Zhen said sincerely: "I'm not talking about you, how much Your Majesty and the Empress love you, how much do you value you? You just go back and be soft, and if the Empress makes peace again, won't this matter be over?"

Qin Huaidao nodded again and again: "That's right, that's right, isn't it just that he hit the Prime Minister of Tubo, what else would he dare to do?"

Xiao Rui persuaded: "That is, if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Princess Changle. What about your marriage with her?"

Su Cheng couldn't help sighing after hearing this: "I'm really sorry for Princess Changle!"

Cheng Chumo nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, yes, you are sorry for Princess Changle, for Princess Changle's sake, go back and give in, at worst, apologize to Lu Dongzan, how dare Lu Dongzan fart?"

Su Cheng snorted, "What's the point of beating Lu Dongzan? I'm pointing at the emperor's nose!"

What the hell?Pointing at the emperor's nose and cursing?

Everyone couldn't help gasping, they thought that Su Cheng's crime of beating Lu Dongzan, the envoy of Tubo, was already big enough!

Unexpectedly, Su Cheng pointed at the emperor's nose and cursed!

Cheng Chumo stammered nervously and asked, "Curse, what are you scolding?"

"You really dare to listen?" Su Cheng asked with a playful smile.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing nervously when they heard this. To be honest, they didn't dare!

But I really want to hear it in my heart, it's so fucking exciting!

Curious, what exactly was Su Cheng scolding?

Thinking about how Su Cheng dared to scold, if they didn't even dare to listen, wouldn't they be too cowardly?

Everyone is on the go, who wants to be a softie?

Yuchi Baolin stammered: "Yes, what are you afraid to listen to?"

Su Cheng said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing. I just said that the name of the emperor Khan was maintained by sacrificing a little girl."


Everyone couldn't help gasping for air, they felt a bone-chilling chill even though they were standing under the scorching sun.

Now they just want to say a word to Su Cheng, just live!

"Okay, I scared you, am I okay? Don't mention this, we are still brothers, if you still want to mention it, please go out and turn left!" Su Cheng said seriously.

Just as he was talking, several fast horses galloped towards him, and it was Li Chongyi who came.

Li Chongyi jumped off the horse and looked at Su Cheng with tears in his eyes.

Su Cheng had goosebumps all over his body, and he said angrily: "Go away, don't look at me with such eyes!"

Li Chongyi said with tears in his eyes: "Su Cheng, you are really a brother, I just said a few words, you, alas, I am a brother, I am sorry for you!"

Su Cheng almost burst out laughing, Li Chongyi, you imagined your own face too big, right?

"Get out, you think I'm for you?" Su Cheng said angrily.

Li Chongyi asked suspiciously: "Ah? It's not for me?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Su Cheng suspiciously. Su Cheng beat Lu Dongzan and scolded the emperor, not because of brother Li Chongyi, but for whom?

Li Chongyi's eyes suddenly became strange.

Su Cheng said unhappily: "I'm doing it for my conscience! I really can't understand things like marriage from the bottom of my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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