chapter 110

This is a long-awaited battle. Although he has strong confidence, he always feels that this will be a match that matches his opponent!

Prairie cavalry is indeed a tough nut to crack!

However, he never dreamed that this battle would be won so easily, which made him feel like he had accumulated strength but punched nothing.

It shouldn't be, the Turkic cavalry is by no means a paper tiger, how could it be defeated so suddenly?

Could it be that Jieli Khan led the army not only did not capture Xiangcheng, but suffered a big loss in Xiangcheng, so that the morale of the Turkic army plummeted?

But Xiangcheng has only [-] defenders, and it is difficult to defend the city. How can it be possible to repel the Turkic army and let the Turkic army suffer a lot?

This is impossible!

Not only Li Jing was thinking, even the other generals were also thinking after the excitement faded.

"Actually, I felt it long before the battle. The formation of the Turkic cavalry was a bit scattered, and they looked demoralized. I think this is why they were defeated so quickly."

"Did something happen to the Turkic army?"

"It's not impossible. Could it be that the Turkic army didn't capture Xiangcheng and was defeated in Xiangcheng?"

"Xiangcheng has only [-] defenders, how can it be possible to defeat the Turkic army? Even the commander-in-chief can't do it!"

All the generals nodded together and said: "That's true, that's true!"

A general wondered: "Could it be that Jieli Khan suddenly became seriously ill? So the morale of the Turkic army has plummeted and there is no fighting spirit."

"It's not impossible!" The generals nodded and said, they felt that the possibility of Jieli Khan's sudden serious illness was much greater than the possibility of Xiangcheng defenders defeating the Turkic army.

Li Jing pondered and said: "I suddenly remembered a person, and he is in Xiangcheng."

The generals were immediately aroused by their curiosity. Hearing the commander's tone, they thought that someone in Xiangcheng might defeat the Turkic army!

"Marshal, who is in Xiangcheng?" All the generals asked curiously.

"Bo Sucheng, Ankang." Li Jing said in a deep voice.

An Kang Bo Su Cheng?The generals couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this.

This name is like thunder, it can be said that everyone knows everyone, great poet, imperial celebrity, son-in-law, rich, able to toss...

But, can he still fight?

And can it be more powerful than the handsome?

Li Jing said in a deep voice: "Before, Su Cheng led only a hundred cavalry to defeat [-] Turkic cavalry and rescued Empress Xiao."

When they were in Xiangcheng, they had heard about it, but it was too mysterious, what kind of method caused the rain of arrows, it sounded like a fairy tale.

"Commander, how did An Kangbo defeat three thousand Turkic cavalry?" the generals asked curiously.

This matter is really difficult to explain, so Li Jing did not say much to others except that he wrote the memorial, so he could only vaguely say: "An Kangbo has some magical methods, well, everyone should rest early, and return to Xiangyang tomorrow morning." The city is being repaired, so be vigilant tonight."

In Xiangcheng, the excitement after the war has finally calmed down, but everyone is not idle, everyone is very busy.

After sending out scouts to confirm that the Turkic cavalry had gone, the soldiers of Xiangcheng began to go out to clean up the battlefield. Outside the city were mostly Turkic corpses, and some soldiers of Xiangcheng were shot and fell off the top of the city.

In any case, these must be cleaned up. The corpses of our own people must be transported back to the city, and the corpses of the Turkic people must be buried in pits, otherwise it will cause plague.

Only Su Cheng was free, lying lazily on the top of the city basking in the sun.

"Uncle, Uncle, the brothers came across the prey when they went out of the city, it's already roasted, try it!"

"Haha, thank you, thank you, the bird is almost fading out of my mouth!" This is Cheng Chumo's mantra, which was borrowed by Su Cheng.

Now Su Cheng's prestige in Xiangcheng is higher than that of the defender Ma Liyuan. The soldiers are both grateful and in awe of him, and he is the first thing that comes to mind when they get their prey.

Just after eating a mouthful of meat, Cheng Chumo appeared sneakily, followed by a somewhat helpless Xue Rengui.

Su Cheng laughed a little and said, "Cheng Chumo, what's your nose? You can smell the smell of barbecue from three miles away?"

"Damn, the prey within a hundred miles outside the city was wiped out by the Turkic people. Old Xue and I went out for a walk and didn't even see a rabbit fur. When we came back, we heard that someone had shot the prey. I I knew it would be delivered to you!"

While talking, Cheng Chumo furtively took out a wine gourd from his arms: "How can there be meat without wine?"

Su Cheng said helplessly: "Alcohol can really drink people to death!"

Cheng Chumo said: "I know, I mixed it with water! Let me tell you, if I can't drink a few more sips, I can't help but stab myself and go to the wounded barracks to mix some alcohol!"

While talking, Cheng Chumo took out the glass wine glass from his arms, poured three glasses, then grabbed the wine and drank a glass, then gnawed a mouthful of barbecue meat, sighed: "Drinking a lot, eating meat a lot, it's enjoyable! "

Thinking back on his life in Chang'an, which was full of luxury and wealth, Cheng Chumo suddenly felt a little sad, and thought about it: "I don't know the hardships of going out. When I return to Chang'an, I must go to Zuixiang Tower to get drunk for three days and three nights!"

Su Cheng shook his head and said, "Vulgar!"

Cheng Chumo rolled his eyes and said, "You're not bad? Last time you held Miss Mengyue's leather cup and drank it happily..."

Xue Rengui asked curiously while munching on the barbecue: "What is leather cup wine?"

Cheng Chumo put his arms around Xue Rengui and laughed loudly: "Oh, poor old Xue, you don't even know about wine in leather cups. You won't be in Chang'an until you get back. I'll take you to see it. You have to experience it yourself."

Su Cheng stood up very speechless, holding the wine in one hand and caressing the city wall with the other, and said in a loud voice: "The luminous cup of grape wine, if you want to drink the pipa, call immediately. Jun Moxiao, who is drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times?"

Even Cheng Chumo, who was chanting the leather cup, was stunned for a moment. Even though he was only proficient in writing, he was shocked by the boldness and unrestrainedness in this poem.

This poem was so appropriate to the occasion that it wiped away his longing for Chang'an. Instead, it gave him the urge to mount a horse and fight for three hundred rounds immediately after drinking the glass of wine!

"Nice poem!"

Su Cheng turned his head and saw Empress Xiao and servant girl Hong Ying walking around the corner, apparently they heard the voice from this side just as they climbed the city wall.

Cheng Chumo's face immediately turned into a pig's liver color. He had been yelling like a leather cup just now, and he didn't know if Empress Xiao could understand these nasty words.

"I've heard the title of Ankangbo's poem for a long time, but I didn't expect to hear Ankangbo's poem with my own ears today. This poem is bold and open-minded, rare in ancient and modern times, and Ankangbo is really talented!" Empress Xiao was full of praise.

Su Cheng hurriedly said: "While holding a burning knife in his hand, he said that the grape wine is fine, but he is just expressing his sorrow for the sake of writing new words. Madam praised it absurdly!"

(End of this chapter)

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