witch chaotic country

Chapter 96 Confrontation

Chapter 96 Confrontation
After a good tea tasting party, swords are on the verge of breaking out!Dangerous!

Emperor Wei was stopped by Tuoba Pojun and guarded behind him.Seeing that both of them were about to move their hands on the boat, Yao Yu stood up unexpectedly at this time.

I saw her Shi Shiran walk to the white silk, pick out a thin wolf hair and slowly outline it on the painting.First, he drew a thatched cottage on Fuqi Ridge, and then drew a young woman in front of the house.The woman looked into the distance, as if she was hoping that her husband, who was in the army, would return home soon.The woman is painted vividly, and even the resentment between her brows is fully revealed.

Originally a picture of a battle where blades meet, the Rain God was invited to make a fortune, and it turned into a lovesick scroll full of love for children.When Liu Yilong and Tuoba Tao saw it from a distance, they were shocked.

Tuoba Pojun was the closest to Yaoyu, so he naturally saw it.I can't help admiring Yao Yu even more in my heart.What a courageous, knowledgeable, loving and righteous woman!
"Why are you still holding a knife?" Tuoba Pojun glanced at the guards of the Northern Wei Dynasty, "Such a shadow of a bow and a snake."

Tuoba broke the army's rule very strictly, he moved his eyes and the guards understood it, and all put away their weapons.Liu Yilong on the opposite side also waved his hand, signaling his guards to retreat as well.

Although the troops on both sides withdrew their weapons, they were still on guard against each other and did not relax at all.

Yao Yu laughed, held up the white silk to look left and right, and said, "General Tuoba, just take a look, does Ji draw like a girl?"

Tuoba Pojun didn't expect that Yao Yu would lead the conversation to him, and he paused before returning, "It's somewhat similar." Thinking of Jiao Niang, Tuoba Pojun's heart softened, and his tone eased a lot.

"Jiaoniang was married away by the general from Qiuchi. Just for the sake of my palace, we must treat her well. Don't let her be wronged. Don't be like the woman in this painting. You can only look forward to it day and night." .”

"Thank you, Xian Ji, for your suggestion."

Yao Yu nodded, "So, I want to give this painting to General Tuoba's concubine. I don't know what the Wei Emperor and Yidu King think?"

After hearing this, Emperor Wei hurriedly stepped forward to have a look, and teased, "I have long heard that Uncle Huang has brought a beautiful girl back from Qiuchi! But he has been hiding it from anyone to see! That's fine, it's my love congratulations!"

Zhao Yu looked at King Yidu again, and Liu Yilong acted as if he had nothing to do with him.

Tuoba Pojun took the canvas, and thanked the Emperor Wei, "Thank you for the reward from the emperor on behalf of the humble concubine."

Wei Huang waved his hand, and said to Yao Yu, "The talented girl lied to me just now, she should be punished with wine!"

Yao Yu pretended to be surprised, "What does Your Majesty say?"

Wei Huang pointed to the woman on the painting, "At first the girl said that she was not good at painting, but this woman painted lifelike, isn't it the girl who is lying?"

After hearing this, Zhao Yu laughed out loud, "This crime of deceiving the emperor, I can't afford it. It's true that I don't know poetry and painting. I just copied sword moves since I was a child, so I can barely draw a person."

"Oh?" Wei Huang seemed to be in disbelief, "It seems that with the girl's talent, if given time, the Six Dynasties and the Four Great Masters will probably be ashamed of themselves!"

"Emperor Wei praises it, I'm going to ruin my palace!"

The two made fun of each other back and forth, and then the atmosphere eased.The tit-for-tat confrontation just now seems to have turned into a passing cloud.

Everyone tasted tea for a while, and invited Yu to go back to his room to rest by saying that he was not used to taking a boat.The dinner was very uncomfortable, so I used the dinner in the cabin.During this period, Wei Huang sent people to invite several times, but they were blocked by two guards of the Tan family.

Such a big air, in the eyes of those Northern Wei court ladies who were sent to serve Yao Yu, was simply fatal.Yingyan, on the other hand, didn't take it too seriously, and prepared dishes for Yaoyu in a leisurely manner.There is only one palace lady named Lizhu, who can't help poking her head every time she hears the voices of the officials outside and inside, and she also looks very angry at Yaoyu.

In Yao Yu's eyes, he didn't say much.On the other hand, Yingyan couldn't see it, and murmured to Yaoyu in a low voice, "Even if she is a celebrity beside Emperor Wei, she is just a servant girl, how dare she raise her eyebrows and eyes at Xianji!"

Yao Yu glanced over coldly, Yingyan quickly stopped.

The sea boat is huge, and for the sake of comfort, it sails very slowly, and it takes a day and a night to reach Penglai.Yao Yu sleeps in the cabin, being carried by the waves, always sleeps restlessly.The sound of the breaking waves of the boat seemed to hit her heart, making Zhao Yu restless.

She got up and opened the window, lowered her head in the darkness and could only vaguely see the sea water sliding along the hull, with white edges.Looking up is a full moon, which illuminates the entire sea surface like a streamer.

There are many people and many things, she always thought there was still time, but now she can't find it anymore, only this endless sea is left, with no end to look forward to.

Yao Yu suddenly felt extremely bored, she had to act charming and soft during the day, and because there were people from the Northern Wei Dynasty in this cabin, she didn't dare to let go of her disguise.It was late at night, and everyone had already rested, but she was the only one whose thoughts were spinning and couldn't stop.

He simply jumped out of the porthole and climbed onto the deck with light work.The night watch guard was startled when he saw her, and just about to call for someone, he was invited to rain on the sleeping hole and collapsed on the ground.

Zhao Yu only wore the single clothes she wore when she went to bed, and even though she wore a fox fur over her body, she was still blown thoroughly by the sea breeze at night, she couldn't help shivering, but she didn't feel cold.Maybe her heart is colder now...

She leaned on the ship's side, looking up at the full moon and the starry sky, and all the past passed by like a revolving lantern.

Under the cover of the sea breeze, Yao Yu murmured, "Father, mother, two elder brothers, how are you doing now? Yu'er misses you very much."

She raised her hands and looked at it, sighing in her heart, I still can't fully control my inner strength, if I am with you, I may hurt you unintentionally.When I find my master and find out the way to control my internal force, I will be able to go back and reunite with you.

By the way, when I see the master, how can I tell him about my junior brother? "Bala..." Suddenly remembering that name, she whispered, but got no response except for the sea water beating against the ship's side.

Yao Yu touched the wound on his shoulder, "Little Junior Brother, I'm really sorry, I haven't been able to find your enemy yet..."

"Sandalwood girl?"

A call not far away awakened Yao Yu.She muran turned around, but saw Yingfeng standing not far away.

"Guard Wan?" Yao Yuliu frowned, she had always felt that this man was acting strangely, but she never thought that he was so close to her, she didn't even notice it, and immediately wanted to kill him.

"The dew is heavy late at night, and the sea breeze is strong. Why doesn't the girl rest in the cabin?" Ying Feng looked at Zhao Yu, confused and confused. Rain is here.

During the day, he acted out of character, fearing that Yao Yu would have doubts again, he didn't want to show up at first, but was confused by her calling "Bala".Yingfeng saw Yao Yu touching his shoulder, the wound was stabbed by Yao Yu himself with a hairpin when he was trying to save his fake body "Bala".

It is said that in order to cover up the wound, she had someone pretend to be an assassin to make up the wound.After that, she used various means to find the real culprit who killed Bala.Yingfeng knew all this.At that time, he was posing as an envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty, discussing the truce with the Emperor Wei in the Palace of Wei.

It was also because of this that when he heard Yao Yu calling Bala, he couldn't be moved.

Yao Yu listened to him asking why she came here, but she didn't answer, and the internal force in her hands slowly gathered.As long as there is anything strange about the ten thousand guards, she will directly throw them into the sea, and there will be no proof.

Yao Yu asked back, "Why did Guard Wan come here?"

Yingfeng's eyes were shining like stars, "I'm just greedy for the moonlight, and I don't want to miss it."

As he spoke, he took out a hand stove from his pocket, and slowly handed it over, "It's better for the sandalwood girl to put on the fox-fur hood as well, there are quite a few people who are blown by the sea wind and can't get sick."

———Character summary dividing line———

New characters in the latest twenty chapters:
Southern Song Dynasty - Yingfeng’s new identity: Qin Langjun, bodyguard: Wancheng; detailed work: Biyuan (Yingfeng’s fake identity is all made up by her face)
For the Xia Dynasty—the late prince: Helian Gui; the late second prince: Helian Lun; the new Xia king: Helianchang (spoiler Xia Dynasty is a very important country in the following article)

On the side of Qiu Chi——Son of the Yang clan: Yang Nandang (Yang Sheng’s cousin) Attendant: Gu Huan; Yuqian Weiwei: Liang Lu (Liang Wengsun); Shaofu: Liang Liang (the son of Liang Weng’s concubine)

———Characters who have appeared before———

Northern Wei: General: Tuoba Pojun; Emperor of the new Wei Dynasty: Tuoba Tao; Situ: Cui Hao; Tuoba Pojun's wife: Jiao Niang (pretending to be Mrs. Jiahe in the palace);

In the Southern Song Dynasty—the first emperor: Liu Yu;
Yingfeng (pretending to be Doctor Wang and Bala; currently the spy of Liu Yilong, the third prince of Liu Song Dynasty); detailed work: Xi Zhuer;

The four major auxiliary ministers of the Southern Song Dynasty: Xu Xianzhi; Xie Hui; Fu Liang; Tan Daoji (the heroine's father)
As for the heroine——Father: Tan Daoji; Brother: Tan Zhi; Tan Zhi; Mother: Xie (monk); Concubine: Jiang;

The Tan family’s eyeliner in the Northern Wei Dynasty: Master Meng
On the side of Qiu Chi——The fugitive lord: Yang Sheng; Yang Sheng's eldest son: Yang Xuan.Left: Liang Weng; Right: Qin Zhongzhi; General: Yao Zheng; Maid: Yingyan; Mission official: He Lu; Mission official: Yao Zhongjian (son of Yao Zheng); Wudu County Sheriff: Du Wen but
Xia Dynasty - King Xia: Helian Bobo
(End of this chapter)

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