witch chaotic country

Chapter 7 Chunping has no roots

Chapter 7 Chunping has no roots
At this time, Tan Yaoyu was already ten years old.Normally, it should be to start looking for someone to betroth to, and wait until later to get married or enter the palace for draft.

But because Yao Yu lives in the underground palace all year round, she knows nothing about the world.Since living in the underground palace, Zimo and Uncle Tian are the only ones he can see, and he has nothing to do every day except practicing exercises.

Yao Yu was originally a prodigy in martial arts, coupled with seven years of hard training, now his martial arts can be said to be at the pinnacle, no one can match him.

Uncle Tian came to see her today and brought Dad's Art of War.Although it is not as attractive to her as martial arts cheats, it is quite interesting to read, and can even be integrated with martial arts moves.She was flipping through the pages when she saw a peach petal between the slips, she couldn't help asking Uncle Tian in a daze, "But it's spring?"

Uncle Tian didn't know why she asked this question, so he just nodded blankly.

Yao Yu twirled the petals in a trance, the underground palace was cold and humid all year round, dark and dull, and there was no sense of seasons, she had long forgotten the changing seasons.

She raised her hand and put the petals on the tip of her nose, and there was an extremely faint fragrance. Yao Yu sighed, "I remember...the Jue Lake in the mansion will produce Chunping every spring. At that time, my mother said that Chunping has no Gen, I can only go with the flow, and I don’t want to become a person like Chunping in the future. But now... I don’t even dare to go with the flow, I can only wait for old age and death in this pool of stagnant water..."

Uncle Tian's heart sank when he heard this, girls are used to messing around.Why do you feel this way today?He secretly sighed, after all, he grew up, and his daughter's family began to worry.

After seven years in the underground palace, it is rare for a girl to still be cheerful, thanks to Zimo's company.But now, the girl is no longer a child who can be perfunctory by coaxing casually, how can she change it in the future...

After Uncle Tian left, Yao Yu was still staring at the petals in a daze.Zimo didn't want to see her feel sad, so he deliberately changed the subject, "Master has sent someone to the Northern Wei Dynasty to find you new martial arts cheats. I think there will be new martial arts practice soon."

Yao Yu nodded and said, "Martial arts are second to none. I hope Dad can find out about Master. I still don't believe that Master intends to harm me."

Zimo also agreed, "Last time I heard that an old man with both feet on the left shoe appeared outside the Great Wall, and the master has been sending people to inquire. This time, taking the opportunity to find martial arts secrets, maybe there will be something to gain."

As he spoke, he patted Yao Yu's head comfortingly and said, "Master, before leaving, he specially passed on the mantra to comfort you, so that I can protect you. If he intends to harm you, there is no need to leave this mantra You are crazy. I believe that there must be a compelling reason for the master to leave that day. Before he left, he explained that only by diligently practicing your external skills can you slowly balance the internal skills you have mastered, and finally control your true energy Internal strength. In recent years, your martial arts have improved by leaps and bounds, and the number of times you lost control of your true energy has become less and less. The last time you lost control was two years ago. It can be seen that the master did not lie to us."

Zhao Yu seemed half-believing, Zimo said so much at once, although what he said was true, but after all, it was his master who taught her the inner strength that caused her to be imprisoned in the underground palace for seven years.

The more she thought about it, the more disturbed she felt, so she put down the letter and the petals, picked up a pair of copper rings, and started playing with herself.

The repeated days always make time fly by like a white horse, and three years have passed quickly.Yao Yu can only guess what season is outside or what happened from Uncle Tian's clothes.

In the past three years, Uncle Tian has worn happy clothes three times.Ask him what's the matter, he also hesitates to say.On the contrary, Uncle Tian came to the underground palace in mourning clothes three days ago, and really frightened Yao Yu.

She thought that something happened to her father on the battlefield, but when she asked, she found out that the emperor had died.It took only two years for the first emperor to ascend the throne, and the supreme power could not extend his life for a few more days.

"Who is the new emperor?" Zimo asked first.

"It's His Royal Highness!" Uncle Tian didn't mean to hide it this time, and even continued with some joy, "Before his death, the late emperor ordered the master to cooperate with the servant of the minister to shoot Fu Liang, Sikong Xu Xianzhi, and the leading general Xie Hui. Minister Gu Ming assists the government!"

Seeing Uncle Tian's words beaming with delight, Yao Yu didn't react for a moment, and suddenly said, "Prince? But Liu Yifu, the original son of the Liu family?"

Uncle Tian hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, "Yo! My girl, how can I call the new emperor by her name directly! But don't let others hear it, it will make things even more difficult!"

Seeing that Zhaoyu didn't understand what he said, Uncle Tian couldn't help but smiled and said, "Oh, our silly girl! Think about it, the master has become the Minister of Gu Ming, and he is holding the Jun Quan, tell me, who in this court dares to fight against our master! Letting the girl out is not a matter of one word! Even an old man like me understands something, why can’t the girl change her mind! Then It’s useless to read so many military books!”

Yao Yu's eyes are still blank, isn't it?Can I go out?She no longer dared to have expectations.

In the past ten years, she thought that she would be able to get out of this underground palace many times, but every time, she always ended up disappointed.Will it really work this time...,
She turned to look at Zimo and asked without confidence, "Zimo, what do you think?"

Zimo's face was unexpectedly not happy, he didn't want to pour cold water on Zhaoyu, but the loneliness after being full of hope would only make her more painful, so he said bluntly, "That time ten years ago, the emperor was the first to find out that you were really angry." Out of control. At that time, he was still the eldest son, and he was young, so he might not remember it. But if he remembered, I'm afraid things won't be so simple..."

Zimo remembered that Liu Yifu was scared out of his wits that day, and thought he would not forget about it so easily.

Hearing what he said, Yao Yu forced a wry smile, "Forget it. It's been ten years. No matter how bad it is, it won't be so bad."

Uncle Tian was also discouraged by Zimo's words, and left angrily.

Unexpectedly, half of what Zimo said was right, but he didn't expect the other half.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, the first imperial decree was to invite her to invite rain.


When Yao Yu got the imperial decree, she roared with an indescribable hostility, "I can kill that emperor, with my martial arts, I can kill whoever I want!"

Zimo looked at her, shook his head and said, "Master won't be sure."

"Why is this happening! Why do I have to be exiled? Once exiled, I will not be able to return to Beijing forever! How can I see my parents in the future?"

Yao Yu raised his palm and slapped the weapon rack beside him. After a loud noise, all the weapons on the rack were broken.

"What's wrong with that?" Zimo put his hands on her head and asked, "Don't Yu'er want to look at the sun?"

Zhao Yu was taken aback when he heard the words.


Think...why don't you want to?In the past ten years, how many times has she dreamed that in the garden, her mother stood in the sun and waved at her, but she was firmly pinned by the darkness, unable to move.

What about Zimo, doesn't he want to?In the past ten years, Yao Yu has cried, made trouble, protested, and even went on a hunger strike.But he has never heard Zimo complain about anything. Doesn't he want to leave this half-human, half-ghost life?

If she is exiled, Zimo will be free again, no longer need to be burdened by himself, and can live a normal life.Even for Zimo...

"Even if you are exiled, I will accompany you." As if knowing what she was thinking, Zimo lowered his head and looked at Shang Yaoyu's surprised eyes. Master. It can also get rid of the uncontrollable true energy in your body sooner."

Yao Yu heard the words before making up his mind.Although the formulas left by the master can control her when her zhenqi runs wild, there is always an uncontrolled zhenqi circulating in her body.And the longer the days, the greater the power of this true energy.If things go on like this, there will come a day when even Zimo can't help control his true energy.

(End of this chapter)

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