witch chaotic country

Chapter 36 Tricks

Chapter 36 Tricks
After Tuoba Pojun said that someone had leaked the military information, he deliberately paused.

Seeing that the three of them were puzzled and did not show any suspicious expressions, he said again, "After the court today, Your Majesty invited me into the secret room. He entrusted me with the task of conquering Qiu Chi.

This matter... I only talked to Brother Qin.But I don't know why the news spread when the lanterns were held. "

Qin Zhongzhi understood in his heart when he heard the words, but he was faintly disappointed.I have been a guest of the General's Mansion for three years.For a long time, it can be said that he has devoted himself to making suggestions for Tuoba Pojun, but in the end he still cannot escape the suspicion.

But he looked at Yao Yu and Zimo, he was indeed more suspicious than them who didn't know.

At this time, Zhao Yuhou gritted his molars, and said with a chill in his voice, "Since you only talked to this fox, you are wondering what we are doing?"

I and Zimo didn't know it at all. If one of the three of them was really a traitor, it could only be Qin Zhongzhi.

In the past few days Qin Zhongzhi went in and out of the palace, acting strangely and trying to cover it up, there must be something ulterior.

This person definitely has a fox face for nothing!
Qin Zhongzhi sensed Yao Yu's staring eyes, and said first, "General, there is a certain suspicion in this matter. Neither the girl nor Brother Zimo knew about it. Please, General, don't embarrass them."

Yao Yu was stunned, isn't this person the most perfidious, why rush out to be a good person at this time?
Tuoba Pojun also knew that Yao Yu and the others didn't know.But I also feel that the method of inviting rain is very good, and it is possible if I really hear something.

Zimo and Yaoyu are usually inseparable, but they have been out of the house frequently in the past few days. Something is strange, so we have to pay attention.

Probably realizing that he had lost his composure just now, Tuoba Pojun changed his tone and asked, "Anyway, I have to leave for the border tonight, what are the plans of the three of you?"

Yao Yu was anxious to go out of the city to Hulu to find his father, when he heard Tuoba Pojun's question, he immediately said, "We will go with you. When it comes to killing people, no one is my match."

Qin Zhongzhi cupped his hands and said, "Before the general leaves, I have a plan to offer."


Early in the morning two days later, at King Qiuchi's palace.

The military reporter trotted in from the palace gate.When he reached the door of the dormitory, he couldn't stop his feet, and fell into the mud like a dog.Regardless of the pain, he wiped his bleeding nose and immediately announced loudly, "My lord, there is an urgent report!"

Qiu Chi Gong Yang Sheng has not yet woken up from the gentleness.A concubine serving the bed lazily put her jade hand on his chest and pushed it away, another concubine pulled the silk robe by the bedside and put it loosely on her beautiful body, and ordered the maid to fetch the urgent report.

After a while, the court lady handed in a piece of parchment through the sleeping tent. Chou Chi read it sleepily, but he didn't seem to understand. He got up and relaxed his neck, held up the parchment and read it again. Before he finished reading, his face was pale!
"Quick! Quick...quick! Xuan Zuo and Prime Minister You will meet!"

Originally, Mr. Qiu Chi still did not listen to the government this morning, and the two prime ministers were planning to go back to the mansion, when they were about to leave the palace, they were hurriedly stopped by the palace staff and led back to the harem.

Yang Sheng was already in a state of anxiety at this time, and he couldn't care less about his disheveled clothes, just like ants on a hot pot spinning back and forth in front of the bed.Seeing the two prime ministers coming, Qiu Chigong hurried forward to meet them.

The two prime ministers obviously didn't expect Qiu Chi to declare so bare-chested.

Prime Minister Zuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.Prime Minister You sneaked a sideways glance into the bedroom, but regrettably saw nothing.

Seeing Mr. Qiu Chi's pale face and cold sweat on his forehead, the two immediately understood that something serious must have happened.

"Two prime ministers! How can this be good! Tuoba Pojun has his grave dug!"

Dig the grave!Just hearing these two words, the hearts of the two prime ministers sank suddenly.Something is wrong!

It has been ten days since Qin Zhongzhi left the General's Mansion, and he is now leading a group of soldiers from the General's Mansion to march towards Fulinling day and night.

This group of soldiers were not ordinary soldiers. Not only were they carrying weapons, but they were also carrying earthen pry and earthen pickaxes, rattling all the way along the border of Qiuchi country, so ostentatious!

Qin Zhongzhi pinched his fingers and made the calculations. Now the news should have spread, and the territory of Qiu Chi should be in chaos.I hope everything can be carried out according to my own calculations, so that I can clear my suspicions.

The people of Qiuchi place great emphasis on funeral customs.

If a person of good standing in the family passes away, the people of Qiuchi country often spend their entire family's strength to buy funeral objects for the deceased, in order to hope that the ancestors can bless the descendants and bless the descendants to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Most of the tombs of Qiuchi Middle School are located at the west end of Fulinling. It is said that there is a giant dragon with a pearl in it. It is a very rare geomantic treasure.

At first, only the royal family in Qiuchi Kingdom demanded funeral sacrifices, but later on, it gradually became a common practice in the kingdom.

As a result, no matter how rich or poor the family is in Qiuchi country, they spare no effort in funerals. Treasures are often piled up in the tombs, and grave robbers often come here in danger.

But in Qiuchi country, the crime of tomb robbery is like deceiving the emperor, and the three clans sit together, which shows that the people of the country attach great importance to the tombs of their ancestors.

Qin Zhongzhi was aiming at this grave this time.

"This, this, isn't the army of the Northern Wei Dynasty fighting with the Southern Song Dynasty? How did it involve us?" Prime Minister Right was so anxious that he was sweating layer by layer.

Prime Minister Zuo calmed down slightly. A month ago, Qiu Chi had just received the title of Wudu King of the Southern Song Dynasty. Now that the two countries are at war, the Wei army must be afraid that Qiu Chi would secretly help the Song army, so they came up with this plan.There is no need to divide troops to attack Qiu Chi, but it can also make Qiu Chi too busy to take care of himself.

Prime Minister Zuo hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, you must not act rashly at this time. The Wei army is not able to resist with our strength. If your Majesty sends troops to stop the Wei people from digging graves, it is a clear declaration that he wants to be an enemy of the Wei Dynasty. It gave Wei Jun an excuse to attack me, Qiu Chi."

"Attack Qiu Chi?!" Lord Qiu Chi fell to the ground with a "gudong", "Aren't they going to dig graves for military pay?"

Zuo Xiang secretly lamented in his heart, the ruler of the country is licentious, the traitor is in power, and the hatred is exhausted...

But he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only persuade him, "Wei Chaoxiong lives in the north and has a strong army, so why do we need to dig our graves? I think they must have some other purpose in doing this. The king must not go out of the city to hit stones with eggs."

"What about the ancestral grave?" Prime Minister Right asked tentatively. His own family's tomb is also there, and there are a lot of funerary objects in it.
He urged unwillingly, "If the lord of the country doesn't send troops to stop it, if the people find out, wouldn't he want to rebel?"

"This... this is an urgent report! If you don't tell me, the two prime ministers don't tell you, how would the common people know!"

"Your Majesty..." Prime Minister Zuo read the urgent report again and again, "I'm afraid this is a trick of the bandit Wei, even if I don't wait to tell you,"

It will be a matter of time before the people receive the news.This Wei thief doesn't intend to dig a grave, but wants me to avenge the civil strife in the Chi country..."

"So... so... Prime Minister Zuo said what to do!" Qiu Chigong lost his mind at the moment.

Alas... The left minister couldn't help feeling sorry for him, the majestic lord of the country, calling his own people pariahs, what can Qiu Chi country hope for!
Even if this helpless Ah Dou escapes today, it will only escape for a while, and the country of Qiu Chi will perish!

I'd better arrange early evacuation for the young and old at home...

Even though he thought so, Prime Minister Zuo really couldn't bear to see the Qiu Chi country destroyed like this. After thinking about it, there was only one way to do it.

"Your Majesty, for the current plan, we have to turn to the Southern Song Dynasty for help. It's just that the Song Dynasty is now at war with the Wei Dynasty. I heard that they have been knocked down by several counties. They themselves are tired of coping. I don't know if they still have the strength to help Qiu Chi!"

"Save, they will definitely save! Go alone and ask for help!"

Go in person? !The left and right prime ministers stared wide-eyed, looking at the king in disbelief.

Qiu Chigong ignored them, and immediately waved his hands and ordered his servants, "Hurry up, hurry up! What are you looking at! If you don't hurry up and pack your things, it is said that the wives of the palaces are also packing up, and bring all the calligraphy, paintings and jewelry that Gu treasured. !"

When Prime Minister Zuo saw this, he was heartbroken. Why is the king going to ask for help in person? He clearly abandoned the country and left!It's okay if the Wei army besieged the city, but the team came to dig the grave!

sad - sad -

 One more at 8pm.

(End of this chapter)

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