The God of Rebirth

Chapter 80 The most beautiful man is your little brother

Chapter 80 The most beautiful man is your little brother

The competition only has indefinite item choices, fill in the blanks and calculation questions.

If multiple-choice questions can be filled in with guesswork, filling in the blanks and calculation questions cannot.

The two invigilators looked at Gu Yunnian in astonishment, seeing that she didn't seem to think about it, she glanced at the question, picked up the pen and wrote it, and the calculation question was the same, without even a pause.

After an hour, Gu Yunnian had already slowed down his writing speed, and still finished the test paper.

Turning the first page over and buckling it on the table, she raised her head and asked, "Teacher, can I hand in the paper in advance?"

The invigilator came back to his senses, and said in a choked voice, "Aren't you going to check again?"

"No?" Gu Yunnian insisted, handed in the paper and left.

It's Saturday and it's empty for school holidays.

When Gu Yunnian came out of the classroom, the teachers who led teams from each school stood under the shade of the trees and looked in the direction of the examination room, and they saw her immediately.

Walking to Duan Xuewen, before Gu Yunnian opened his mouth, Li Shengyong sneered: "You can't do it, can't you stay in it? Or are you kicked out for cheating in the exam?"

Gu Yunnian was not annoyed, and waited for the results to come down before slapping her in the face.How proud Li Shengyong is now, how embarrassing he will be then.

Ignoring Li Shengyong's noise, Gu Yunnian greeted the other teachers politely, and then said to Duan Xuewen, "Teacher Duan, my brother was asked to pick me up from school, so I won't go back with you."

"I'll take you out!" Duan Xuewen also ignored Li Shengyong, nodded to the other teachers, and left with Gu Yunnian.

He came here to see off Gu Yunnian.

There are two leading teachers in each school. One of them is Li Shengyong, and the other is the head teacher of Class [-], Grade [-].

He was worried, so he sent Gu Yunnian alone.

As soon as he reached the school gate, Gu Yunnian saw a car parked on the side of the road beside the school gate.

Yao Lao had already called her in advance to tell her about the license plate and model.

She turned around and waved to Duan Xuewen, walked quickly to the car, and knocked on the window glass of the driver's cab.

When the car window was lowered, Gu Yunnian was stunned for a second by his exquisite and beautiful face.

Similarly, the people in the car were also stunned for a moment, looking at Gu Yunnian who looked less than ten years old, but the master clearly said that the younger sister was almost fifteen in the second year of junior high school, and asked uncertainly: "Little younger sister ?”

At the same time, Gu Yunnian also called out, "Little brother?"

Immediately, both of them burst out laughing, and the strange sense of alienation faded a lot in an instant.

Gu Yunnian shook his head and shook his head. No wonder, when she asked what the little senior brother looked like, Yao Lao said in an indescribable tone that he was the most beautiful man he saw.

The little senior brother is indeed pretty, and even she loses focus for a moment when she smiles.

Xiao Yuan confirmed that he did not identify the wrong person, pushed open the car door, and while protecting Gu Yunnian to open the co-pilot's door for her, he asked, "Didn't you say that the exam was two and a half hours long and ended at 11:30? It's only [-]:[-] now." Point, you can't do it, you were kicked out by the teacher!"

Gu Yunnian glared at him angrily, "You can't think of something better! Couldn't it be that I finished the paper and handed it in early?"

"My fault, I forgot to hand in the test in advance!" Xiao Yuan quickly confessed, from Yao Lao's fondness for talking about his junior sister on the phone, if he annoyed his junior sister and go to the master to sue him, He couldn't eat and walked away.

After repeatedly apologizing, he changed the topic, "Shall we go back to pick up Auntie now?"

(End of this chapter)

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