The God of Rebirth

Chapter 7 They Dare

Chapter 7 They Dare

Looking at Yun Shuiyao's face, first he couldn't believe it, and then he was angry and sad. He was still a little hesitant, but when he thought of the doctor's words, he sank down.

Although she couldn't believe it, she still asked, "Nian Nian, what else did you dream about?"

Gu Yunnian thought that Yun Shui Yao would soften the hearts of the Gu family and persuade her that those were her father's relatives, but Yun Shui Yao didn't say anything, but seemed to believe her dream.

Surprised for a moment, I changed my mind and thought that it should be the credit of what the doctor said just now.

She narrowed her eyes and continued aggrievedly: "I also dreamed that grandma and sister-in-law robbed our house, kicked me out, and sold the house to someone else. It's so cold outside at night."

Gu Yunnian was telling the truth, but all this was not a dream, but something that happened later.

Yun Shuiyao was trembling with anger, "How dare they dare?"

The Gu family can tolerate her no matter what, because they are her husband's relatives.But they treated her daughter so unfeelingly.

She didn't doubt the reality of Gu Yunnian's dream. If it didn't happen, how could Niannian come back from school in time to send her to the hospital.

Ji Qianzhu listening to it is also particularly amazing, but telepathy has always been said, and it has not been able to explain it clearly with science.

Gu Yunnian gently shook Yun Shuiyao's arm, and asked with red eyes: "Mom, who is the bad guy? Will the bad guy come again?"

Yun Shuiyao heard Gu Yunnian's fearful tone, and thought of what happened in Gu Yunnian's dream, his heart hardened, and he turned to the security policeman who was taking notes, and said, "It's my sister-in-law, Gu Baoer."

Now that he has spoken, Yun Shui Yao no longer hides it.

"She came to me to ask for money, and every month she would come to take part of my wages from part-time workers. My mother-in-law almost took away my monthly salary, and what was left was not enough for our mother and daughter to live on. I Had to get another job."

"But last month, Niannian fainted at school. The doctor said she was severely malnourished. I wanted to save this month's wages for Niannian to make up for her health. If I refused, she would pick up the fruit knife I was peeling garlic and stab me. , grabbed the money and ran away.”

Speaking of Gu Yunnian's fainting, Yun Shuiyao's eyes turned red.

Looking at Gu Yunnian with withered hair and skinny skin, Ji Qianzhu couldn't help feeling distressed.

At the end of the transcript, Yun Shuiyao once again thanked Ji Qianzhu and her colleagues.

Ji Qianzhu's perception of Yun Shuiyao is a little better, but she is still somewhat dissatisfied with her weakness, that she can't even protect her own daughter.

Waving his hands, he said bluntly: "You're welcome, I also feel that Xiao Nian is very close, like a younger sister. I'll go back first, and I'll come see you tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, she gave Gu Yunnian a look when she left.

Gu Yunnian said knowingly to send her off, and followed her out. Ji Qianzhu gave a note with a phone number on it, "This is a call from the bureau, and there are people answering it 24 hours a day. Call me if you need it. Not too young, think about it carefully, those relatives in your family..."

After a pause, Ji Qianzhu finally didn't explain, just touched her head, "If you need help, let me know."

She is not a person full of sympathy, but seeing the thin and small Gu Yunnian, she couldn't help caring a little more.

Yun Shuiyao was still in the hospital for three days of observation, Gu Yunnian let Yun Shuiyao sleep for a while, and she went home to prepare dinner.

As soon as I got home, I saw the neighbor's grandma Zhou sitting on a small bamboo stool outside the door. As soon as she saw her, she quickly stood up and asked, "Nian Nian, is your mother okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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