The God of Rebirth

Chapter 37 Taken by Uncle's Lobby Brother

Chapter 37 Taken by Uncle's Lobby Brother
But Ji Qianzhu was willing to protect Gu Yunnian, so he was happy to see it succeed.

The Ji family, except for the third child of the Ji family, all have good personalities.

Mu Sichen couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her hair, the withered and yellow hair was unexpectedly soft, and the touch was surprisingly good.

He said with a smile: "Okay, if there is a chance, I will definitely ask you to give me a special meal."

After Mu Sichen finished speaking, Gu Yunnian rolled his eyes and realized something was wrong.

Obviously she was the one who saved him, so it was right for him to treat her to dinner, how could it be the other way around.

Seeing that Gu Yunnian finally realized something was wrong, Mu Sichen couldn't help but chuckle.

How can she be so cute?
He just watched Gu Yunnian stare, fearing that she would explode, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Just now I heard from my aunt that you almost..." Concerned that children of this age are more face-saving, Mu Sichen asked carefully, "It's not that your father is... You should have a place to study for free, before you reach adulthood There is still a living allowance every month, why... can you tell me what's going on?"

"It's convenient, there's nothing bad to say, it's not us who did the wrong thing!"

Gu Yunnian closed his eyes, the hatred in his eyes flashed, and his tone became cold, "My free study quota was given to my uncle's cousin by Mrs. Gu, and my uncle let Mrs. Gu take the child support."

Mu Sichen frowned slightly, "Your grandmother went to pick it up, not your mother?"

Gu Yunnian nodded with sarcasm in his eyes, "Mrs. Gu was afraid that my mother would swallow the money, so she didn't give my mother a chance to pass it on, so she just went to get it. Since I can remember, my family has never taken that money. "

Mu Sichen's face was slightly ugly, and with a hint of anger, he said in a deep voice, "Your mother is still there, so only your mother can receive the child support. How did your grandmother get it?"

Gu Yunnian was a little surprised by Mu Sichen's anger, but also understood.

Normal people would be angry and angry when they heard this, not to mention that she saw awe-inspiring righteousness under Mu Sichen's dignity and elegance.

Seeing that Mu Sichen was angry, Gu Yunnian calmed down and smiled slightly, "Because my uncle is the president of ERY Charity Foundation's Nanyun branch in Jiangcheng."

Mu Sichen raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

The ERY Charitable Foundation is one of the world-renowned foundations, but its members are less than a hundred.Not to mention the president of the Jiangcheng branch, even an ordinary member has a detached status and will be treated as a guest anywhere.

No wonder!
Mu Sichen patted her on the head, "Don't worry, everything is over! It will be fine in the future!"

Gu Yunnian blinked with a dazed look on his face.

They were still talking about her uncle just now, but Mu Sichen suddenly jumped somewhere.

But Mu Sichen didn't explain, just looked at his watch, and said with a smile: "It's already ten o'clock, don't you want to treat someone to dinner at noon?"

"Ah!" Gu Yunnian exclaimed, jumped up quickly, and ran downstairs quickly.

She even forgot to cook.

After preparing all the ingredients, Gu Yunnian saw that Yun Shuiyao and Ji Qianzhu hadn't come back yet, so he cooked two separate dishes for Mu Sichen.

There was no time, so she only stewed the pork rib soup, the pork rib soup cooked faster, and she also took a thermos bucket to fill Mu Sichen with some.

When she brought the food to Mu Sichen to the attic, she saw Yun Shuiyao and Ji Qianzhu from the window, and hurriedly went downstairs to cook.

The distance was too far just now, when the two came back, Gu Yunnian glanced at Yun Shui Yao first.

Seeing that Yun Shuiyao's face was fine except for the paleness from exhaustion and blood loss, he felt relieved and said, "Mom, Sister Qianzhu, it's just in time for you to come back, the dishes are all cooked, you can eat now."

 Gu Yong, changed his identity to the president of the ERY Charity Foundation Nanyun Branch in Jiangcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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