The God of Rebirth

Chapter 3348 Raphael Arrived

Chapter 3348 Raphael Arrived

In general, for such a teleportation array, the teleportation distance is at most 45 degrees, a range of one kilometer.

Next, she looked at the contents of the book and tried to change the array to see the difference.

This point is much more difficult than imitating the pattern, and we can only explore slowly.

But as long as you succeed a few times, it will be easy in the future, but it will take time, and she is afraid that time will be too late.

At night, Gu Yunnian was about to go to bed when he suddenly received a call from Lu Yu.

"Nian Nian, Raphael is here, and the situation is not good, can you come and take a look." Lu Yu's voice was a little anxious.

Gu Yunnian immediately asked, "Where is he now? What's the situation?"

"The person is still on the road, and the car is still half an hour away. It's the news from the person escorting Raphael." Lu Yu said, giving the address.

"Okay, I'll come now." Gu Yunnian agreed, first called Mu Sichen, and prepared a medicine box in the pharmacy.

When Mu Sichen came over, she also tidied up, took the box over, and asked, "What's the situation?"

Gu Yunnian just said in a hurry that Raphael was not in good condition, and Lu Yu asked her to go there.

"I don't know either. The person hasn't arrived yet. The second brother Lu was told by the escort."

The two walked as they walked, but fortunately it was late at night and there were fewer cars on the road, so they arrived at the place Lu Yu said without any hindrance.

After waiting for a while, I saw an old Jinbei car coming.

Before the car came to a complete stop, a person jumped out of the co-pilot and rushed towards Gu Yunnian.

Mu Sichen pulled Gu Yunnian back, raised his foot and kicked him, kicking him back three steps in a row, knocking him down on the car door.

The other party covered the kicked chest, and said with a heartbroken voice: "Boss, you kicked me, but you didn't recognize me."

Mu Sichen said coldly: "You only took three steps back if you recognized him."

Otherwise, at least a few ribs would have to be broken.

Gu Yunnian heard the voice, poked his head out from behind Mu Sichen, and asked in surprise, "Little brother?"

At this moment, the man opposite had disheveled hair, cyan stubble all over his ears and his entire chin, his complexion was dark, he couldn't see Xiao Yuan's appearance at all.

When the night wind blew, Gu Yunnian could smell the salty smell of the sea breeze.

Xiao Yuan chuckled, first helped someone to lift the box from the compartment of the Jinbei car, and then transported it into the room before opening the box.

In a box measuring one meter long and wide, a skinny man curled up inside.

Only the faint ups and downs of the man's chest remained, proving that the man was still alive.

Xiao Yuan said uncertainly: "Little Junior Sister, he can still be saved if he looks like this."

Gu Yunnian rolled his eyes at him, "Of course."

The medicine she prescribed made her lose weight even though she did not eat, but her body functions were fine.

If she can hold back the feeling of hunger, her medicine will have a good weight loss effect.

"That's good!" Xiao Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, he was afraid that he would lose sight of people along the way.

According to Gu Yunnian's instructions, he put him on the bed and wiped Raphael's wrist before pushing him away.

Gu Yunnian felt for his pulse and withdrew his hand, "It's okay, I'm just hungry. When someone wakes up, he can recover after eating something. Moreover, he has internal energy to protect his body, and his health is much better than ordinary people."

Although that point of internal strength is not much.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "Then when will he wake up?"

"You can wake him up now." Gu Yunnian said, took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Xiao Yuan, "Give him one."

Xiao Yuan gave him the pill, and a few minutes later, Raphael's eyelids trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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