The God of Rebirth

Chapter 3335 How Can You Not Work Hard

Chapter 3335 How Can You Not Work Hard
Master Jinyan and Sect Master Jianzong were overjoyed by Gu Yunnian's words, and then worried: "How long will the space talisman made by Miss Gu last?"

Gu Yunnian replied, "It depends on how big the things are, and whether the things are moved in and out frequently. The shortest is two months, and the longest is no more than three months before it will collapse."

Hearing the length of time, although Master Jinyan and Sect Master Jianzong were a little disappointed, they still nodded and said: "Enough. I will ask them to send back a batch of food first, so that the people will not be hungry before the food is delivered. "

"How to distribute this food, you have to discuss it." Gu Yunnian reminded.

Master Jinyan nodded, "I've already thought about it. It's not enough to just give it for free, and it can't make people develop the habit of getting something for nothing. Just in time, I saw a lot of materials in the secular world, such as repairing canals and building water tankers.

Although there are also in the ancient martial arts world, there are not many people who know it.Let those people do these food, or build roads, anyway, no matter what they do, they will not be given in vain. "

Seeing that Master Jinyan has a plan, Gu Yunnian smiled and said: "Then what information does Master Jinyan have that you can't find online, you can tell me. I'll ask someone to find it for you."

At this time, the Internet was not well-developed, and many materials were not available online.

"That's true!" Master Jinyan said.

Some tools related to agriculture, as well as farming and textiles, at most there is only one picture at night, introducing the usage.How these machines are used and how they are made is not described in detail.

People in the ancient martial arts world are all descendants of the immortal cultivators at that time. When they moved to the ancient martial arts world, they did not pay much attention to agricultural tools and textiles, and there were not so many talents, so that the agricultural development of the ancient martial arts world was slower than The secular world is much worse.

Many agricultural tools used in the secular world were not available in the ancient martial arts world.

Gu Yunnian nodded, "That's no problem." Turn around and tell Lu Yu that it's not difficult to ask a professor from the University's School of History to help sort out a piece of ancient agricultural information.

After a while, it was Duanmu Jingwu's rest time, Gu Yunnian asked the teacher about their study.

What is being taught is primary school knowledge, and Duanmu Jingwu and the others are learning at the same pace for the time being.

The teacher said regretfully: "They are very smart and work very hard, but they are old, which is a pity."

Gu Yunnian knew that the teacher meant that they went to school too late, Duanmu Jingming, the oldest, was almost twenty, and the youngest was thirteen.

She shook her head and retorted with a smile, "As long as you are willing to learn and work hard, no matter how old you are, it's not a pity."

The teacher was startled and nodded, "You're right, it's just a pity they took so much time."

Gu Yunnian smiled and said nothing.

She understood the reason why Duanmu Jingwu and the others, especially Xia Qiu's two attendants, studied so hard.

Before they were killers, their lives could be said to be precarious. They had to train desperately every day, and they might die at any time.

But now they can not only eat and dress warmly, but also allow them to study in class, especially the two girls Xia Qiu, who never thought that one day they would be able to read and write like boys.

How can they not cherish such days, how can they not work hard.

As for being smart, those who can survive the killer training in Yinyuelou will not be so stupid.

Smart and hard-working students, which teacher can not like.

Duanmu Jingwu pestered Gu Yunnian and asked, "Sister Gu, when will you take us to your school to play?"

(End of this chapter)

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