The God of Rebirth

Chapter 3289 Burning Ruan Dongyi

Chapter 3289 Burning Ruan Dongyi

Master Jinyan and his entourage stood in a circle around the blood pool, fighting against the blood training set off by Ruan Dongyi.

Gu Yunnian and Mu Sichen were not in a hurry to make a move, they just kept their eyes on the fighting situation, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

But it was solemnly discovered that with so many master Jinyan teaming up, Ruan Dongyi actually had the upper hand.

The blood streams stirred up in the blood pool seemed to be inexhaustible. Whenever the blood streams were scattered, they would be drawn back into the blood pool, forming a new stream of blood streams.

The blood in the blood pool didn't even stir up a wave other than boiling, and after beating for a while, it didn't decrease at all.

Suddenly, Gu Yunnian discovered the same problem.

No matter how fiercely Ruan Dongyi and Master Jinyan fought, the waist below the pool of blood did not move at all.

Turning her head to look at Mu Sichen, she saw that he was also staring at Ruan Dongyi's waist soaked in the pool of blood, felt his gaze, nodded indiscernibly, and guessed like her.

"Burning with fire!" Mu Sichen answered with a slight movement of his mouth.

Gu Yunnian's eyes lit up. If, as they guessed, Ruan Dongyi's power comes from the blood pool, it would be a good way to burn the blood pool to dryness with fire.

However, she did not act immediately, but carefully took out the jade talisman, and arranged a strongest defensive formation around their position.

After fighting with Master Jinyan and the others for so long, she still hasn't figured out the strength of Ruan Dongyi, and she is afraid that she and Mu Sichen will be unable to resist if he attacks with all his strength in a rage.

Seeing the jade talisman that appeared out of thin air in Gu Yunnian's hand, Ruan Dingtian was stunned for a moment, then stared at her angrily, "You!"

Unexpectedly, Yinyue Valley was found by Master Jinyan and the others, and the killers in Yinyuelou were inexplicably restless and unable to move, all because of Gu Yunnian.

"I recognized it!" Gu Yunnian chuckled, since he made the move, he didn't think he could hide it from him.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Dingtian's face turned red with anger, his blood pressure soared, his throat made a noise, and he was seriously injured, and he almost couldn't lift his breath, and suffocated to death.

Gu Yunnian quickly pressed a few acupuncture points on his chest, stuffed another medicine, and pressed the sleeping point to make people pass out, and he was relieved.

"Really, something big happened!"

She temporarily handed Ruan Dingtian to Xia Qiu and the two maids, "Keep an eye on him, protect his life, and don't let anything happen to him."

Then he clicked on Cen Xiaowen's sleeping point, and asked Xia Qiu and the others to watch it too, so as not to let him do bad things.

After everything was ready, Gu Yunnian took out a few barrels of gasoline and asked Mu Sichen to throw them on Ruan Dongyi's head.

Ruan Dongyi reflexively pumped his blood towards the gasoline barrel, and under the force of Mu Sichen's stay on the gasoline barrel, the plastic gasoline barrel burst suddenly, and the gasoline in the barrel drenched most of Ruan Dongyi's body, and the rest quickly spread in his blood spread on the face.

The pungent smell made Ruan Dongyi sneez several times, and looked at Gu Yunian and Mu Sichen angrily, "What is this?"

Master Jinyan and the others heard Gong Xinyu's reminder from outside the door after Gu Yunnian threw a petrol can on Ruan Dongyi's body.

"Go back!"

Gu Yunnian and the two didn't answer, and threw the lit lighter at Ruan Dongyi.

With a bang, the entire blood pool and Ruan Dongyi were engulfed in flames. Ruan Dongyi was wrapped in flames, screamed in pain, and said furiously, "You two ants hurt me, you're courting death."

While Ruan Dongyi was controlling the blood in the blood pool to extinguish the fire on his body, a wave of blood swept towards Gu Yunnian and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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