The God of Rebirth

Chapter 3238 Blood Sacrifice Altar

Chapter 3238 Blood Sacrifice Altar

Gu Yunnian nodded slightly, and also replied with his mobile phone, "Yes, the array arranged with the power of merit does have the effect of subduing evil and exterminating demons."It's just that I'm not sure if I can kill that blood demon. '

Mu Sichen's fingers paused, he thought for a while, and said, "Then, let's see if there are other things for self-defense and restraining blood demons. Prepare some first, just in case."It's better if you can't use it. '

'have!There are a few runes that may be useful. '

Seeing that Master Jinyan and the others still had a while, Gu Yunnian took out the jade tablet and used his internal energy to make a jade talisman.

A little merit power was mixed into it, because Gu Yunnian didn't dare to use it more because he didn't know how much merit power would be needed in the end.

After she has made a lot of jade talismans, master Jinyan and the others will be able to practice well.

Gu Yunnian gave half of the jade talisman he had just made to Mu Sichen, and began to draw the talisman in emptiness.

When the formation map on the ground lit up, the eight people also began to use their merits to activate the formation according to their respective positions.

It collapsed from the beginning, and then the array persisted for longer and longer.

As everyone tried again and again and failed countless times, Gu Yunnian didn't know how long they practiced, and finally successfully activated the formation.

The formation map took the initiative to extract the power of their merits, the golden light became stronger, and a strong wind blew up in the formation, and a storm appeared.

Just after half of the power of merit from them was drawn, the storm stopped suddenly, and the formation was shattered again, turning into power of merit and returning to them.

A group of people were a little dumbfounded, and asked uncertainly: "Did we succeed or fail just now?"

"It should be successful." Gu Yunnian said after thinking about it.

"Let's try again." Master Jinyan suggested.

Everyone nodded, and it was still Gu Yunnian who first drew talismans to form the formation, and then they activated the formation.

Three times in a row, they all failed at the same point. Before reflection, they did not find any problems before they dared to make a successful judgment.

At this time, the dim patterns on the ground lit up again, flowing like mercury, and finally converged into two.

'Array into'.

Several people were overjoyed immediately, but the joy hadn't surfaced yet, suddenly the space began to distort, and after a while, they stood still and found that they had arrived in an underground palace, and the people who had disappeared before also appeared in the underground palace.

As if frozen in space, Gu Yunnian noticed that some people he had seen before were still maintaining the posture when they disappeared.

The strong smell of blood filled the air, and those who woke up were immediately attracted attention.

They all went in the direction of the bloody smell, and arrived at a stone room after a while.

The ground is carved with mysterious runes, and the golden lines have become dull.

At the corner of the rune, a small altar was newly placed. Six people hung upside down on the altar, with their arms hanging down, and the blood on their wrists dripped into the lines outlined on the ground.

The flowing blood had already filled the pattern, and the strange red blood made the golden runes on the ground even more dim.

These six people were all wearing the clothes of the sect, and immediately a fellow sect called their names and rushed over, and took down the six people who were hanging upside down.

He touched his neck, showing a look of grief.

The six of them had no pulse, and even their bodies had turned cold.

Among the remaining people, there was also a look of sadness.

Although these six people have no relatives or friends of their own, but seeing their death at the moment, it is not difficult to guess what happened to their companions, and they can't help feeling anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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