The God of Rebirth

Chapter 3214 The result of forced confession

Chapter 3214 The result of forced confession
After treating the wound, Gu Yunnian said: "The wound repaired by this ointment is not easy to leave scars. After the wound is healed, then ask me to get the medicine to remove scars to ensure that no scars are left."

Gong Xinyu breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, Master."

She quickly took the clean clothes from the space talisman and changed into them, and followed Gu Yunnian out of the tent.

Seeing that Mu Sichen was lighting a fire to boil water, he hurried to help.

Gu Yunnian checked the wound treated by Lu Er, and after confirming that there was no problem, he handed it over to him.

It was past noon, and Gu Yunian and the six of them hadn't eaten yet.

Originally, I planned to eat some food in the space at noon and heat it with a heating pack made of quicklime to save time.

Now that Gong Xinyu and the others are in a situation where they can't make it on their way, they simply stop to light a fire and cook, and then leave tomorrow depending on the situation.

After Lu Er took care of Lu Yi's injuries, Gu Yunnian took out the food and handed it to him to cook, while he and Mu Sichen took the still alive man in black to the side for interrogation.

Not wanting to waste time, Gu Yunnian directly fed them medicine, raised the pain to the highest level of nerve acuity medicine, and directly forced a confession for interrogation.

After a while, all the men in black were interrogated individually, and ended their suffering directly, wiped away the last traces with corpse water, and went back with a sinking face.

Gong Xinyu hurriedly asked: "Master, have you found out who they are and what are the disciples from each faction doing?"

Gu Yunnian shook his head with a sullen face, "These people just obey orders and don't know anything. They have been secretly cultivated, and the master behind them is unknown. They only know that there is a head, and any tasks are ordered by the head above. "

The results of the interrogation are useless, just like the man in black I met before.

But there are also subtle differences. Compared with the abandoned man in black, these people are more like dead soldiers. If it wasn't for her potion, they wouldn't be able to pry their mouths open.

"Then why are they arresting so many disciples from various sects? Is it to threaten various sects?"

Many of those who entered the exotic secret realm this time were direct descendants of various families with good talents and backs with the best talents of various sects.

If this group of disciples were all lost in the secret realm, the sect would still have a lot of strong elders to support them, and they could still cultivate some disciples.

But the major families have no successors, and it is very likely that they will decline and die.

"It shouldn't be that simple!"

Gu Yunnian shook his head, but he couldn't think of any reason.

The leopard came back at this time, dragging a bunch of pheasants whose wings had been broken and covered in vines, and took credit for Gu Yunnian's side.

Gong Xinyu was taken aback by the leopard's head that suddenly approached her. Seeing that the leopard gave her a disdainful look, she rubbed Gu Yunnian's hand flatteringly.

Gu Yunnian rubbed its smooth and smooth head, and said with a smile: "Hey, I'll cook something delicious for you later. Drink some water and rest for a while."

She took out a basin and filled the leopard with some water, but what was filled was the spiritual spring in the space.

Hua Leopard didn't even care about Gu Yunnian, and immediately approached happily.

Gu Yunnian thought about the eagles in the space, and wondered whether to let them out for a while, and also thought that the animals in the secret realm were all mutated, and even the birds were three times larger than the outside. It's dangerous, forget it.

The pheasants brought back by the leopards were the same as before, only wounded and not bitten.

Let Lu Er deal with it first, and she took one and stewed the soup first.

(End of this chapter)

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