Chapter 3136
Seeing a lot of rough jade and emerald, Gu Yunnian couldn't feel excited right now.

She and Mu Sichen went to the library, and after searching for a while, they found information about the records and formation diagrams of the foreign secret realm.

Gu Yunnian didn't take a closer look, they were all collected in the space, and seeing that the time was about the same, it would be dawn at any later time, so he left quickly.

Avoiding the stalkers from the inn, the two went back to their room to rest for a while.

When she went out in the morning and saw the prince outside the yard again, she didn't find it strange at all.

This time the prince learned to be smart, first he said that he woke up early and had already had breakfast.

"Uncle Wang, where are you going to play today? I haven't been to Wucheng yet, so I'll go with you."

Overnight, the crown prince had obviously prepared for it, and it was hard to get rid of this piece of brown candy.

Prince Qian said lightly: "Just take a stroll in the suburbs and see the scenery of Wucheng."

The prince looked very interested, "Then when shall we leave?"

"Let's go now, buy some food on the way and eat while walking."

While talking, Lu Yi and Prince Qian's people had asked Xiao Er to lead the carriage to the front of the inn.

The prince's carriage was also outside the door, knowing that Prince Qian and the others would not invite him to ride with him, and he didn't want to be uncomfortable being crowded all the way, so he quickly got into the carriage and let him follow.

When he didn't notice him turning around, Duanmu Jingwu gave a narrow look and moved his mouth: run faster.

The prince's carriage has not been modified, not only does it not run fast, but it also bumps badly.

Gu Yunnian nodded with a smile, gave Lu Yi Lu Er and Teng Liufeng a suggestive look, and then got into the carriage with Mu Sichen.

However, there are many people in the city, so the speed is temporarily suppressed.

There was no one else in the carriage, so Gu Yunnian took out the book he found yesterday and read it with Mu Sichen.

Regardless of whether it is related to the formation map or not, these are the experiences of the ancestors of the Yun family after they entered the foreign secret realm, and Gu Yunnian looked at them very carefully.

But no matter how careful she was, she was a fast reader, and the books written with a calligraphy brush didn't have much content, and she finished reading one book before leaving the city gate.

The carriage stopped at this moment, and it was already at the market, Teng Liufeng asked what he wanted for breakfast.

Gu Yunnian put down his book and thought for a while, "Yesterday's fried dough sticks are very good, and the soy milk is also sweet and delicious. You can make me a few more cans in bamboo tubes."

Mu Sichen and Gu Yunnian wanted the same thing.

Teng Liufeng quickly bought it together with the bamboo basket and delivered it.

"Eat first, and read the book later." Mu Sichen picked up the book she had just changed, picked up a deep-fried dough stick and stuffed one into her mouth.

Gu Yun couldn't read for a while, put down the book, picked up the chopsticks and bit it off by himself, and said vaguely: "Have you seen the content about the formation diagram?"

Mu Sichen frowned, "Don't talk for now, we'll talk after we finish eating." As he spoke, he inserted a bamboo tube into the bamboo tube containing soy milk and handed it to her.

Gu Yunnian nodded, swallowed it, and took another sip of soy milk.

Soon she finished eating, and she also ate two fried dough sticks and a tube of soy milk.

Mu Sichen ate twice as much as her, and finished eating at the same time as her.

After wiping his mouth and clearing the table, Mu Sichen saw Gu Yunnian obediently sitting beside him, and said, "No!"

Gu Yunnian stared at him in astonishment, froze for a second before saying, "You're kidding me!"

"I'm not teasing you, I'm teasing you!" Mu Sichen rubbed her head.

Gu Yunnian patted it away angrily, "Take it away, don't rub the oil on my head."

She snorted and stopped talking, changed the book and continued reading.

(End of this chapter)

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